Seven Dwarfs Loading - Bizarre Things

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I don't think that odd at all! The child obviously is not shy and must have a good sense of people she can trust. I'm sure her parents taught her well. .... side note.... please don't get into a huge discussion about who she can "trust".... my comment is not intended for that. Just simply stating that I did not think it was odd. And My DD would have done the same thing. She simply wanted to share the experience with someone.....
I once rode EE at AK with a young boy.... I think he said he was 11. He was at AK with his dad, but dad had back issues and could not ride. So he just wanted to share the ride with someone he found that loved it as much as him. (it was first thing in the morning and no lines!) We rode 3 times... once in front, once in back once in the middle! His dad was at the exit and thanked me for riding with him!!! It was fun for both of us!!

I can see it better now that you've said that. I don't have kids and I don't have too much experience being around them, my nieces and nephews live very far away.

That would be a nice thing, if she just saw us as looking nice or fun.
I just don't understand why people have their child sit with a stranger when there are an odd number of family members. I would put my children together and sit with the stranger myself. My kids are grown, but I would do the same with my grandchildren.
I just don't understand why people have their child sit with a stranger when there are an odd number of family members. I would put my children together and sit with the stranger myself. My kids are grown, but I would do the same with my grandchildren.

There are reports earlier in the thread of them making one parent sit with one of the kids, and a stranger with the other kid. Not allowing the two kids to sit together
I just don't understand why people have their child sit with a stranger when there are an odd number of family members. I would put my children together and sit with the stranger myself. My kids are grown, but I would do the same with my grandchildren.
Children under 7 are not allowed to ride without an adult. So if one of the kids is under 7 they would not be allowed to ride together on some attractions.

I once rode EE at AK with a young boy.... I think he said he was 11. He was at AK with his dad, but dad had back issues and could not ride. So he just wanted to share the ride with someone he found that loved it as much as him. (it was first thing in the morning and no lines!) We rode 3 times... once in front, once in back once in the middle! His dad was at the exit and thanked me for riding with him!!! It was fun for both of us!!

My DS would be like this if a family member couldn't ride with him. Last trip, he kept offering to ride alone (or with single riders) so DH and I could sit together. I thought it was a very sweet gesture since he knew that in 10 years of visiting Disney, DH and I had never had the opportunity to ride together because we always split the kids between us.
Children under 7 are not allowed to ride without an adult. So if one of the kids is under 7 they would not be allowed to ride together on some attractions.

I don't understand that line of thinking on Disney's part. I thought the "no kids alone under 7" thing is because small kids wouldn't be able to be responsible for themselves in the event of a ride breakdown, etc.

Seating a child under 7 next to a stranger isn't seating that child next to someone who would be responsible for them in that type of situation.

I don't mind being seated next to an unfamiliar child, but I'm not claiming any responsibility for that child.
As 50 something male solo traveler who children are now grown and on their own, I tried to stay on the sidelines for this discussion but enough is enough. The statements made by many in this thread are nothing short of absolute discrimination and prejudice. I find many of the statements about solo travelers to be absolutely hateful and hurtful.

Are there bad people out there? Yes, absolutely there are. But to assume every adult solo traveler is out to molest your child is shameful. Is it really your intention to teach your children that everyone else is bad and cannot be trusted? What’s next, laundromats with signs in the window “No single adults?” As a solo traveler, should I not be able to sit in certain seats on the bus? Do I need to find the water fountain for solo travelers only?

As a parent I completely understand wanting to protect your children. Frankly, if you didn’t want to protect them I would be concerned. There are far more good people out there than bad. I for one refuse to give in to your stereotype that all of us singles are out to get pleasure by inappropriately groping your children in public.
As 50 something male solo traveler who children are now grown and on their own, I tried to stay on the sidelines for this discussion but enough is enough. The statements made by many in this thread are nothing short of absolute discrimination and prejudice. I find many of the statements about solo travelers to be absolutely hateful and hurtful.

Are there bad people out there? Yes, absolutely there are. But to assume every adult solo traveler is out to molest your child is shameful. Is it really your intention to teach your children that everyone else is bad and cannot be trusted? What’s next, laundromats with signs in the window “No single adults?” As a solo traveler, should I not be able to sit in certain seats on the bus? Do I need to find the water fountain for solo travelers only?

As a parent I completely understand wanting to protect your children. Frankly, if you didn’t want to protect them I would be concerned. There are far more good people out there than bad. I for one refuse to give in to your stereotype that all of us singles are out to get pleasure by inappropriately groping your children in public.

I would suggest never opening any of the threads about not allowing sons to use the men's restroom.
Our last trip was just DS12, DD8 and me. They love coasters and for most of them they sat together and I sat with a stranger. On Expedition Everest I noticed they were about to seat me with a young boy - I quickly changed my seat with my son. The two boys had a ball chit chatting the whole time about anything and everything while I screamed my head off. The same trip at 7DMT I was about to be seated with a girl about the same age as my daughter. I switched this time so my daughter would be with her. The girls parents were very appreciative - their daughter was petrified and my child was able to calm her nerves a bit.
As 50 something male solo traveler who children are now grown and on their own, I tried to stay on the sidelines for this discussion but enough is enough. The statements made by many in this thread are nothing short of absolute discrimination and prejudice. I find many of the statements about solo travelers to be absolutely hateful and hurtful.

Are there bad people out there? Yes, absolutely there are. But to assume every adult solo traveler is out to molest your child is shameful. Is it really your intention to teach your children that everyone else is bad and cannot be trusted? What’s next, laundromats with signs in the window “No single adults?” As a solo traveler, should I not be able to sit in certain seats on the bus? Do I need to find the water fountain for solo travelers only?

As a parent I completely understand wanting to protect your children. Frankly, if you didn’t want to protect them I would be concerned. There are far more good people out there than bad. I for one refuse to give in to your stereotype that all of us singles are out to get pleasure by inappropriately groping your children in public.
Can you quote these blanket statements that were made about ALL solo adults? I read the entire thread this morning and didn't see any.

Unless, of course, you were referring to my post, in which I mentioned a single man who was walking around the park with a doll and asking to take photos of other people's children. If that describes you, then you are a weirdo. If it doesn't, don't make it about you.
Can you quote these blanket statements that were made about ALL solo adults? I read the entire thread this morning and didn't see any.

Unless, of course, you were referring to my post, in which I mentioned a single man who was walking around the park with a doll and asking to take photos of other people's children. If that describes you, then you are a weirdo. If it doesn't, don't make it about you.

Well, here's one (though I guess it's a blanket statement about all solo adult males, rather than all solo adults):

One of the things I specifically brought up was that it did not feel right sitting her with a male. The CM on the phone said that was definitely not supposed to be policy, not on SDMT or any other ride.
As 50 something male solo traveler who children are now grown and on their own, I tried to stay on the sidelines for this discussion but enough is enough. The statements made by many in this thread are nothing short of absolute discrimination and prejudice. I find many of the statements about solo travelers to be absolutely hateful and hurtful

Well said. I will be a solo traveler at WDW this fall. I am a fifty-some man who happens to be widowed. If you have never been through the pain this causes personally, you just do NOT understand. I will not be able to ride ANYTHING with the person I would like to ride with. I don't have any choice as to who I ride with or even IF I ride with anyone. That is determined by the CMs. TSMM is certainly more fun when you ride with someone, even a stranger.

Furthermore, the CMs are hard-working people who are trying their best to make the best possible experience for EVERYONE. Believe me, I always try to do the best I can to follow their instructions because I know that this is the best thing for everyone. If a CM tells me to take a particular seat on a ride--ANY ride--I am following that instruction. I am in Disney to have a good time, and will tend to be in a good mood. When I am seated next to someone, I will tend to be friendly. Certainly someone who gives the impression they want to be left alone, I will do so.

If you don't like me sitting beside your child, that is YOUR problem, not mine. I am doing what the CM said to do and trying to have a good time. It is NOT my responsibility to sit out because you don't like where the CM put me. I am not trying to be a downer to anyone's time at Disney, but if you act so entitled, I will not budge.
Well said. I will be a solo traveler at WDW this fall. I am a fifty-some man who happens to be widowed. If you have never been through the pain this causes personally, you just do NOT understand. I will not be able to ride ANYTHING with the person I would like to ride with. I don't have any choice as to who I ride with or even IF I ride with anyone. That is determined by the CMs. TSMM is certainly more fun when you ride with someone, even a stranger.

Furthermore, the CMs are hard-working people who are trying their best to make the best possible experience for EVERYONE. Believe me, I always try to do the best I can to follow their instructions because I know that this is the best thing for everyone. If a CM tells me to take a particular seat on a ride--ANY ride--I am following that instruction. I am in Disney to have a good time, and will tend to be in a good mood. When I am seated next to someone, I will tend to be friendly. Certainly someone who gives the impression they want to be left alone, I will do so.

If you don't like me sitting beside your child, that is YOUR problem, not mine. I am doing what the CM said to do and trying to have a good time. It is NOT my responsibility to sit out because you don't like where the CM put me. I am not trying to be a downer to anyone's time at Disney, but if you act so entitled, I will not budge.

Well said.

I'm hoping maybe there is an end in sight for this thread... pixiedust:
Children under 7 are not allowed to ride without an adult. So if one of the kids is under 7 they would not be allowed to ride together on some attractions.

"The NEW policy is that if a child is UNDER SEVEN, someone FOURTEEN OR OLDER be in the SAME ROW or in the row behind them in the SAME VEHICLE."

So put the kids in the row together, parent rides in row behind them. Problem solved.
Well said. I will be a solo traveler at WDW this fall. I am a fifty-some man who happens to be widowed. If you have never been through the pain this causes personally, you just do NOT understand. I will not be able to ride ANYTHING with the person I would like to ride with.

Reading these words made me so sad. I am so very sorry for your loss. I always tell my husband that I hope he outlives me...I have no idea how I'd go on without him.

I really, truly hope you have a fun trip. My heart goes out to you.
"The NEW policy is that if a child is UNDER SEVEN, someone FOURTEEN OR OLDER be in the SAME ROW or in the row behind them in the SAME VEHICLE."

So put the kids in the row together, parent rides in row behind them. Problem solved.

Issue is, you still have a problem if both kids are under 7.
Can you quote these blanket statements that were made about ALL solo adults? I read the entire thread this morning and didn't see any.

Are these enough?

I don't think they should place strangers together at 7DMT or Splash. Those rides are too kid specific and the seats are too tight.

But if it were up to me, I'd get rid of single-rider all together. The amount of line loss wouldn't be significant, and it does create awkward situations. We're a family of five, so it's usually wife with one twin, older daughter with the other and me solo. But I'm pretty big, so whoever gets stuck with me can have an unpleasant time. Plus, if it's a young girl, I feel creepy. So I wish they'd just get rid of it all together.

We had a bit of a delay pulling out. Sat for a minute or two and then SHE strikes up a conversation. Very pleasant, generic stuff and she was quite the nice kid.

When the ride ends as we head out and the girl and I say farewell, the guy in front of me, about my age and who had been able to hear our entire conversation, is giving me looks of incredulity. Like, "I can't believe you were hitting on that young girl, you creep."

Yep, had a family (or at least the wife/mom) extremely angry when they put me with her husband, behind her and her child. She was downright irate about it. "Where did you come from?" "Why are you sitting with my husband?" The entire ride she kept looking back and giving me the stink eye. Keep in mind, I'm an old, fat grandmother.

As a father of two girls I would never let my kid ride with a stranger, but that being said,everyone is different.

child was sexually assaulted on a full airplane while sitting in their seat. This actual ride caught fire a few years ago. Things happen that aren't good. I understand that you need you take risks in life - but taking a risk like that to ride a roller coaster in a certain configuration that you like seems like a really poor choice to me. To me, a good parent would trade off, ride later, or tell the kid they can't ride that ride on that day.

So take that chance with your kid so that they can ride a roller coaster. I choose to not.

And the abuser was sitting in the seat next to the child. And I realize that the roller coaster ride is shorter in duration than probably all flights. But thanks for reminding me.

I request at every ride to have my child ride alone, no one to rode with them. Never had any issues until this trip. We had issues at many rides where the CM tried to put a single rider with my child, even after I requested my child to ride alone. I had a daughter inappropriately touched on a ride in the past at Disney. Never even crossed my mind this could happen there. (Stupid of me I know) As a parent I have every right to request no one is to ride with my child. I did speak with a manager this trip after we rode expedition everest just to express my concern. I had to fight for my child to ride alone, which should not even be an issue. I think this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. The manager of EE was extremely understanding and said it was a training issue that needed to he corrected. I just dont think you should have to ride with a stranger if you don't want to, especially if the child is a minor.

I had a child that was inappropriately touched on the stitch ride several years ago. I know its hard to believe, it was extremely devastating to our entire family. Yes, its a short time in the dark on that ride. Yes it was enough time to cause life long trama to my child. No, I didn't sue or blame Disney. I blame the pervert who used Disney and its magical elements to take advantage of a family who never thought that could happen on a ride in such a short time. It happens. Its sad and sick. In my opinion, no child should be forced to ride with a stranger ever no matter how busy it is without permission.

As a parent you have the ultimate decision on if your child rides with a stranger or not. If you see they are putting singles in, then you can skip the ride. No one is forcing any child to sit next to a stranger, except for the parent if they choose to let them be seated.

I alowd someone to ride next to my child because I lived in a Disney magical bubble and thought the same as others here. The chances are zero, won't happen in the most magical place on earth. But it did happen. Allowing a stranger to sit with a child in an an empty seat is opening yourself up for issues. I learned the hard way. I will never allow anyone to ride with any of my children again. So if you see a Mom causing a fuss at a ride, it may be me. I have the right for my minor child to ride alone. Im guessing my situation is rare. And my oneseat

I asked for my child to be seated alone and last minute they added someone. I did not allow my child to ride the ride with this single rider. Never again will I make that mistake, and I do take partical blame. It is a dangerous situation on either side beacause someone can falsely accuse someone. It's sad this discussion is even necessary. I understand my situation is unique with me being the mother of six kids. It happens. Even in Disney. ;(

Disney accommodates so many different needs. I think if a solo rider says they don't want to ride with a child, that should be honored. And if a parent says they don't want their solo child paired up with an unknown adult, that should be honored too. Lots of things increase wait times including rider switch. Why is this any different?

I agree with this. And if anything, I certainly think that if someone asks to be solo, they should be accommodated (adult or child)

I don't see how it's ok that a 5 year old be seated with a stranger. Or a 7 or 8 year old. There's no way I'd let my 8 year old daughter ride a tight quarter ride like that with a stranger. I'm sorry but no way. Even in the short amount of time those rides are something bad could happen.

When my oldest DD was in the "I want to ride alone" phase, we would decide whether or not the stranger they wanted to put in the car with her was acceptable to us.

If it was another mom, etc, we didn't have an issue with it.

We did unfortunately encounter a few weird men that were a hard NO from me and DH. "We would prefer our child not ride with a stranger." Disney never had a problem with this, ever.

I'd have skipped a ride rather than have my 3-5 yo next to an adult stranger.

Yeah, I agree. I wouldn't ever leave my child unattended with any stranger, male or female.

Can you quote these blanket statements that were made about ALL solo adults? I read the entire thread this morning and didn't see any.
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