Seven Dwarfs Loading - Bizarre Things

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without being discriminating it is a statistic thing. although both genders can create the same crimes look a the statistics. they don't know your husband.
you can say what you want but face it if you were (and I don't suspect or suppose you would)leave a your child in a room unattended with a stranger which gender would you honestly feel more comfortable with?
not saying its right but lets be honest ...maybe we trust women more ,expecting them to be motherly ?
without being discriminating it is a statistic thing. although both genders can create the same crimes look a the statistics. they don't know your husband.
you can say what you want but face it if you were (and I don't suspect or suppose you would)leave a your child in a room unattended with a stranger which gender would you honestly feel more comfortable with?
not saying its right but lets be honest ...maybe we trust women more ,expecting them to be motherly ?
What? This is not the same as that at all. A ride with the parent right behind them is not in a room unattended, so it doesn't matter. Would I get to meet these two random adults before I decide? There are plenty of women I wouldn't want my child near.
What? This is not the same as that at all. A ride with the parent right behind them is not in a room unattended, so it doesn't matter. Would I get to meet these two random adults before I decide? There are plenty of women I wouldn't want my child near.

Yeah, I agree. I wouldn't ever leave my child unattended with any stranger, male or female.
(and I don't suspect or suppose you would) believe that was in my statement
and I know it isn't the same just commenting on the comfortability level that some may have.
I'm a single rider alot and have many times been put next to a child. I always ask if that child is alone! Most of the time they are and will tell me that the rest of the family is waiting. But a few times when they say no, they are with the family.... I always acknowledge the parents in some way! Most of the times I will ask the parents a casual question like "is it his first time to ride?" Or "does he like riding alone?". That usually starts a conversations that sometimes leads to me offering to switch seats .... or even sit it out.... if the child really wanted to be alone, but I think I only did that once. And sometimes there just isn't enough time to have that quick conversation. So you try to get a feel for the situation.
There have been times I've gotten weird looks from parents.... like they are surprised I sat down.
So I really don't think it was a choice for the parents to "allow" the child to sit with "strangers". But more that the child wanted the thrill of sitting alone!
What they have to realize is.... Disney has to get people through the lines quickly... so there will be no empty seats.
When I went to Disney World for the first time at the ripe old age of 27 in 2015, I was doing a solo trip. The only ride I rode with a random kid with was expedition everest and I assume he was between the ages of 9-11. He was talking to me in line (he was behind me) and he ended up sitting beside me on the ride. From what I could tell he was alone no parents or other family on the ride which I found strange. So needless to say, I didn't get confronted by his parents or anything and no one assumed I was some creeper ha. I was just being friendly to the kid as he was clearly excited about being in Disney. I feel sorry for those that have had encounters with parents and stuff though.
without being discriminating it is a statistic thing. although both genders can create the same crimes look a the statistics. they don't know your husband.
you can say what you want but face it if you were (and I don't suspect or suppose you would)leave a your child in a room unattended with a stranger which gender would you honestly feel more comfortable with?
not saying its right but lets be honest ...maybe we trust women more ,expecting them to be motherly ?
To be fair, there is no ride at Disney World that involves leaving a child alone in a room with a stranger. It isn't something most families think about before they come to the parks.

Both men & women rode next to our child at times. Our decisions were made based not on gender but on instinct. Yes, we were seated in the same car but we did not want our daughter to be subjected to someone that made her/us feel uncomfortable, and a lone creepy man carrying a toy & asking to take photos of other people's children is not on the list of people we want near our DD.

However, if we were to use a babysitting service - you'd better believe we'd request a woman. I have no problem admitting that.
I took my five year old son and ten year old daughter on SDMT back in May and we had a very bizarre experience. This was the first time in our extensive travels to Disney they ever sat one of my kids with a stranger. They wanted to put my daughter in a car with a stranger (female). I asked her if she was ok with it and she said yes. Then the family they were putting her with switched themsevles (it was an older woman, a younger woman, and a young man) and put the male in the car with her. I asked her again if she was ok with it and she said yes. All while the CM's are screaming at me to get in and sit down. It would've saved them time in my case to just let her ride alone. Then we get off the ride and the guy she was sitting with gave me an earful about how rude my child was because she didn't speak to him. Sorry buddy, she's hearing impaired and primarily communicates with ASL. But how rude are you for ASSuming she was just ignoring you? My daughter was molested by a teacher when she was much younger. The statistics and our experience say you should be more worried about the familiar people, not strangers. It still did not make me comfortable with them sitting her with a stranger. It still did not make HER (most important!) comfortable, because when we went to ride SDMT later in the trip she said she did not want to go back on it if they were going to make her sit, "with a strange guy who won't quit bugging me." That whole trip was a nightmare from beginning to end, actually. So much so that I wrote to guest services and got a phone call a few days later and we were compensated very VERY generously for the unbelievable number of very un-Disneylike things that happened. One of the things I specifically brought up was that it did not feel right sitting her with a male. The CM on the phone said that was definitely not supposed to be policy, not on SDMT or any other ride.

Not the point and I get that but if your quiet you are considered rude?
To be fair, there is no ride at Disney World that involves leaving a child alone in a room with a stranger. It isn't something most families think about before they come to the parks.

Both men & women rode next to our child at times. Our decisions were made based not on gender but on instinct. Yes, we were seated in the same car but we did not want our daughter to be subjected to someone that made her/us feel uncomfortable, and a lone creepy man carrying a toy & asking to take photos of other people's children is not on the list of people we want near our DD.

However, if we were to use a babysitting service - you'd better believe we'd request a woman. I have no problem admitting that.
well there it is folks
Yes, a parent can sit on each end. But I have six kids. And at this time I had 5 on the ride with one parent. And I can assure you, I never even thought this would ever happen on a ride at Disney. I have always (and still do) make my kids always have a partner. We just got back from Disney and always have my kids have a partner. I do realize my family is unique because we have a larger family and they are close in age. But none of this matters. None of this changes the facts. IT CAN HAPPEN ANYWHERE!!! If my story helps save a child from what my daughter went through, then it's worth telling my story.

As long as it is only your wait time (the person who makes the request) and not anyone else's, sure. But if you don't want your kid to sit next to a stranger, then bring enough adults with you so this doesn't happen. Personal responsibility is a good thing.

I do, as it's a personal preference, not a logistics issue.

Actually, the size of your family does matter - so many kids, not enough adults to be with them. If you had had more adults with you, I bet your daughter would have been seated next to one of them. That might not have stopped the assault, but I'm thinking the perv might have thought twice about it. There's no way you could have possibly known this though, and it is not your daughter's fault, or your fault she was assaulted - no victim blaming, just pointing out that it did matter that you had so many kids and few adults. Something others who have a large family might think about before they travel to WDW or any other hot touristy place for kids.
I thought about this also and the fact that your daughter was 2 seats away from you which means another of your children were sat 3 seats on the other side from you meaning you let 2 of your children sit next to strangers.
Same as above, you would not have known this at the time but definitely more adults are required if 6 children are to have an adult next to them on a fair amount of rides.
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I took my five year old son and ten year old daughter on SDMT back in May and we had a very bizarre experience. This was the first time in our extensive travels to Disney they ever sat one of my kids with a stranger. They wanted to put my daughter in a car with a stranger (female). I asked her if she was ok with it and she said yes. Then the family they were putting her with switched themsevles (it was an older woman, a younger woman, and a young man) and put the male in the car with her. I asked her again if she was ok with it and she said yes. All while the CM's are screaming at me to get in and sit down. It would've saved them time in my case to just let her ride alone. Then we get off the ride and the guy she was sitting with gave me an earful about how rude my child was because she didn't speak to him. Sorry buddy, she's hearing impaired and primarily communicates with ASL. But how rude are you for ASSuming she was just ignoring you? My daughter was molested by a teacher when she was much younger. The statistics and our experience say you should be more worried about the familiar people, not strangers. It still did not make me comfortable with them sitting her with a stranger. It still did not make HER (most important!) comfortable, because when we went to ride SDMT later in the trip she said she did not want to go back on it if they were going to make her sit, "with a strange guy who won't quit bugging me." That whole trip was a nightmare from beginning to end, actually. So much so that I wrote to guest services and got a phone call a few days later and we were compensated very VERY generously for the unbelievable number of very un-Disneylike things that happened. One of the things I specifically brought up was that it did not feel right sitting her with a male. The CM on the phone said that was definitely not supposed to be policy, not on SDMT or any other ride.
CM that work on the phones or in customer service often have never worked in the parks and don't know the policies and procedures of the parks. So even though a phone CM said that was not supposed to happen, doesn't mean that it was not supposed to happen.
I would personally skip the ride. But I think it's reasonable for someone to ask. Again: Disney accommodates all sorts of requests -- needs and desires -- all the time. They don't HAVE TO, but it's good business to. Which is why they do.

How many do they accommodate that has an immediate negative affect on other guests?

Asking is one thing. Being mad when your request is denied is another. At that point it is a demand not a request.
A little bit off topic but this reminded me of an odd story. My boyfriend and I were walking up to get in line for TOT. A little girl...I dunno, maybe somewhere from 9-12? I'm not good with ages. She came up to us and asked if she could ride TOT with us. Said her mom didn't want to go so she was going by herself but didn't want to go 'by herself'. I said of course she could ride it with us, so we waited in line together and chatted with her. It was all just very odd.
How many do they accommodate that has an immediate negative affect on other guests?

Asking is one thing. Being mad when your request is denied is another. At that point it is a demand not a request.
I don't recall saying I'd demand and get angry.
A little bit off topic but this reminded me of an odd story. My boyfriend and I were walking up to get in line for TOT. A little girl...I dunno, maybe somewhere from 9-12? I'm not good with ages. She came up to us and asked if she could ride TOT with us. Said her mom didn't want to go so she was going by herself but didn't want to go 'by herself'. I said of course she could ride it with us, so we waited in line together and chatted with her. It was all just very odd.
I don't think that odd at all! The child obviously is not shy and must have a good sense of people she can trust. I'm sure her parents taught her well. .... side note.... please don't get into a huge discussion about who she can "trust".... my comment is not intended for that. Just simply stating that I did not think it was odd. And My DD would have done the same thing. She simply wanted to share the experience with someone.....
I once rode EE at AK with a young boy.... I think he said he was 11. He was at AK with his dad, but dad had back issues and could not ride. So he just wanted to share the ride with someone he found that loved it as much as him. (it was first thing in the morning and no lines!) We rode 3 times... once in front, once in back once in the middle! His dad was at the exit and thanked me for riding with him!!! It was fun for both of us!!
This whole thread made me a can of sad.

I always felt like Disney World was the one place where we put our differences away and we had fun in a magical place. I ride solo all the time (my wife is not much for some of these rides) and I will strike conversations with everyone that I sit with. Maybe it's just because I am a 37 year old that has the "always get carded" baby face, but I just thought it was because people were at Disney World to have fun! And not be freaked out by "strangers". The ratio on strangers to non-strangers at WDW is like 130,000-1.

The stories about women getting mad that their husbands were sitting next to a strange woman might have been the most ludicrous and hilarious stories. I wonder what happens on subways and buses. Or WHAT HAS happened in the past for this type of paranoia. Just not healthy.
This past week, I was at Magic Kingdom with my 4-year old son and my 3-year old niece, both who wanted to ride SDMT. I had to choose one to ride with, so I rode with my niece and had my son sit ahead of me with a single rider. My son never stops talking and chattered away to this poor man for the entire ride - he was probably ready to rip his ears off by the end. I did try to apologize as we disembarked, but this man was practically running for the exit.

I literally opened this thread just to see if the gentleman had posted on here about the us.

That's a loud ride. I doubt the man could even hear your son. I wouldn't be able to. I couldn't even hear my cousin. Let alone a higher pitched child's voice.

It disheartens me a little that people say they'd put their kid in a ride vehicle with a woman and not a man. We are, and always will be, a family of 3. Someone is always going to be the "odd man out" on rides that seat 2 across. I always thought we would trade off, but now I'm concerned that someone is going to take offense to being seated next to my husband. He is a kind, gentle man, and really is much nicer than I am. He is an amazing father to our son. I'd rather sit next to him on a ride than me.

Eh it's jut statistics. Gavin debecker's "the gift of fear" is a book everyone should read.

Ds dances at the ymca and until this year's recital dad's weren't allowed to volunteer backstage. They finally realized that they could stop assigning the boys to certain changing rooms and in that way allow the dad's to volunteer with them. (Thereby getting rid of MY job)

So for the last 6 years ds's dad wasn't allowed to volunteer with ds. It's just statistics.
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