September W.I.S.H. - Back to Basics



Since we generally post in the morning, let's try doing this exercise for yesterday.

A great way to bring things that you’re grateful for to the forefront of your mind is by asking yourself the following questions.

  • What touched me today?
  • Who or what inspired me today?
  • What made me smile today?
  • What’s the best thing that happened today?
1) A close neighbor’s dad passed away last week. After attending the viewing tonight with some other close neighbors, we got home to find our sump pump basin filled to the top with water and our French drain filled with water as well. We’ve never had this happen. Knowing everyone was exhausted, I was touched that 3 neighbors came rushing over with extra pumps and the neighbor who’s father-in-law just passed called to check on us. I am so touched by how supportive our neighbors and friends are!!!

2. I was inspired by the love the neighbor’s family showed through the loss of their father/grandfather. It can be very interesting to sit back and watch people at a viewing. Amd I just watched them shower each other with love and support. And they had so many wonderful pictures that truly showed the timeline of this mans life! I was honored to know him and will try to shower my family with as much love as he did his!

3. My students made me smile today. I have a gallon size water bottle and one student referred to it as a “really big sippy cup!” Also, I put my hair into a ponytail while the students were in art because I was getting hot. When I got them back to my classroom, one student raised his hand and asked what happened is teacher. “Where did she go?”.
They didn’t recognize me because I change my hairstyle.

4. After getting our sump pump under control and just narrowly saving our finished basement from flooding, I found out there is no school tomorrow. Our whole county is closed due to flooding. I’m exhausted and excited to have off tomorrow after all of that!
  • What touched me today?
  • It was actually a couple days ago but has stuck with me and I keep replaying it in my mind - a meme I saw with a "fat" girl in a sexy dress saying "Girl wear the dress. You know you're fat, they know you're fat, even in the baggy oversized tee-shirt they know you're fat. Wear the dress." There's so much about fat-phobia and cultural pressures that force us to lose ourselves packed in there. I'm going to make a sign for here in my office that says "wear the dress" as a daily reminder to always just be myself.
  • Who or what inspired me today?
  • I'm going to say I inspired myself. There was a cross team meeting where a partner I work with kind of threw me, and me team, under the preverbal bus. Like within the same sentence said "I've been working with Lizanne's team on this... Tech keeps telling me this isn't priority work, so I can't get it done". First I didn't over react and second I got back to her right after the meeting and called it out... speaking up is something I've been working on, so I'm rather proud of myself and inspired to do it more often.
  • What made me smile today?
  • The Girls, always the Girls. They are so silly and cuddly and bring such joy.
  • What’s the best thing that happened today?
  • We had kind of a meet-and-greet no-agenda call with the entire team yesterday morning, and several folks from off-shore dialed in and actually turned on their video, so we could see their faces. It was nice to talk about random stuff, like the cars we drove growing up, and to hear about everyday life in India.
What touched me today?
the kids making presents for their new teachers - who they haven't even met yet :love:

Who or what inspired me today?
DH - offering to handle something even though he was tired, because he knew I was even more tired

What made me smile today?
Coffee. Coffee made me smile.

What’s the best thing that happened today?
Twin A scored 24/25 on her sight words!
Well, I’ll go with I survived (although I guess I need to get through today first before I can really say that). The week has had ups and downs…school started, some teenager drama, attended a viewing, 9 inches of rain from Ida, but avoided a basement flood. I had my lunches & snacks prepped for the week and I got up early enough to fit in a workout before getting ready for school. So those are wins. However, there was definitely stress eating happening this week! But I did get myself to bed early enough, so I got decent sleep this week!
Healthful plans for the weekend? Not really at least not physically healthy. Going to a family get together which will likely be good for my mental health. Been stress eating a lot but picked up some mini ice cream bars (60 calories yay portion control) and yogurt covered almonds so there's that.
Still waiting for a buyer to "stick" after making an offer on my parent's house. We dropped the price so hoping the new audience will speed things up a bit. Between that and working with the Medicaid lawyer least I am making notes of things that need to happen before I get to that age. Spruce up the house and get all the financial affairs in order! I was so frustrated with the situation yesterday I almost booked last year vaca without finishing my research!
Oh well got to get the kids breakfast. Still working on our back to school routine.
No huge weekend plans. Might have the fam over for one last swim before closing the pool. Health-wise, I'd like to get a nice long walk in.

I also need to get back into a decent grocery routine. I got lazy this summer, for a variety of reasons, just running to the store when I needed something specific and grabbing the scribbled list off the fridge to get as well. I do better when I have a set day to go and plan ahead with an organized list. I think I'll try to go with Tuesdays.
This has been such an odd week, everyday someone has come to me with a problem to solve and gash darn I did it. Yesterday it was a biggie, trying to figure out how to move over a million units of goods from the Midwest to S Cal, not using our established transportation network which would take it thru two intermediary facilities that can't handle the volume. Plus the sending and receiving buildings are on different warehouse management systems and we've never done this before. And it needs to happen now so the inventory is repositioned before holiday. Phew... but I came up with something that doesn't require any tech changes (woohoo) and now we're working out the details.

Health wise I dropped my first pound for September and have kept my step count up, yesterday I got back up to 10,000. Both of my pairs of true jeans are now too big, so I'm thinking of going jeans shopping over the weekend, or I may wait and continue to wear my stretchy pants for a while longer, I don't know. All of the jackets and sweatshirts I ordered have arrived, so I'm all set there.

Heard on the news last night that the ferry workers are planning a sick-out for Labor Day to protest the mandatory vaccine policy (they are state workers). This angers me on so many levels, but all I can really do is get to the dock in time for the boat before the one I really want, in case one of them gets canceled. Both boats are early in the morning, so there won't be a lot of other people waiting, and it's vacation so I'm not going to stress over it too much. Just a little bit... tee hee.
Really enjoyed reading everyone's response to the Disney questions last week, so let's do a few more.


What is you favorite ride at WDW or DL?
What is you favorite show or event?
What is you favorite restaurant?
What is you favorite thing to eat at the parks? (Snack or meal)
What do you miss the most when you are back home from your trip?



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What is you favorite ride at WDW or DL?
after this last trip tie between FOP and Kilaminjaro Safari
What is you favorite show or event?
fireworks cruise!!!!
What is you favorite restaurant?

California grille
What is you favorite thing to eat at the parks? (Snack or meal)

I don't feel like I have had enough of either to really decide...watched a bunch of DFB videos before vaca but didn't really try anything new
What do you miss the most when you are back home from your trip?

being able to tune out the real world for at least a few hours a day
What is you favorite ride at WDW or DL?
Tower of Terror
What is you favorite show or event?
Festival of the Lion King (gives me goosebumps every time!) Second favorite was Wishes!
What is you favorite restaurant?
This is a hard one for me. I usually book the food part for my husband as he’s the real foodie of the family. We always say Ohana, but for me that one is about being at the Polynesian and the memories. But I just really like trying new restaurants every time we go.
What is you favorite thing to eat at the parks? (Snack or meal)
Again, I like trying new things. Last trip my favorite new things were the Nutella fruit waffle and the cheeseburger spring rolls. But I always have a Dole Whip and something caramel from Germany!
What do you miss the most when you are back home from your trip?
I miss the magical feeling that I have when I am in Disney. I feel carefree. I don’t drive anywhere, I don’t have to cook, and I get to have fun all day! Everything about the place just makes me happy. I guess it’s the attention to detail and customer service that I miss most!
What is your favorite ride at WDW or DL?
It used to be Soarin', but I liked the old version way better than the new one. So probably Kilimanjaro Safaris. 🐅🐗🦓🐘🦒

What is your favorite show or event?
I don't really have one favorite. I love wandering through Epcot and just catching the performers in each country.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Last trip, my favorite was Skipper Canteen (Kungalooosh!!!)

What is your favorite thing to eat at the parks? (Snack or meal)
Mickey Waffles!

What do you miss the most when you are back home from your trip?
Another vote for "the bubble" - no news, no chores, no clutter, no responsibilities. It's just pure vacation mode.
Summer, 56, in Connecticut, one hour outside NYC
Living with...DH, 62, DD, 23
Working as...a Kindergarten Teacher in an inner city public school. Just returned to the hardest, most chaotic first week of school EVER.
Favorite place...seashore
Hobbies...Art, swimming, singing, reading
Continue to lose vacation weight; walk daily; high protein, low carb; keep my eye on the prize; manage stress better.
Talk about being out of the loop! I have so much to catch up on.

Good news:
1. I have lost 7 pounds of my 15 pound summer weight gain! It only took one week of being so busy that I actually forgot to eat much of the time; guzzling water in my hot classroom; and doubling my step count.
2. We liberated DD's car from the dealership last night...the international part came in after 4 & battery had to be replaced because it sat for so long. Now I won't have to drive her back and forth to work.
3. I have FOUR DAYS OFF from the gates of hell.

Bad news:
1. Our basement flooded from Ida. When Henri came through, we got no water at all, and we spent the day waiting for this nightmare of a hurricane to obliterate us...and it didn't. Ida got very little coverage on the news for our area, but it caused WAY more damage and deaths.
2. I was supposed to be assigned a half-time paraprofessional. It didn't happen, and it's not looking like it will. I am alone with 24 - 4 & 5 year olds from 8:40 AM until 3:10 PM with only two 15 minute breaks, by the time I physically transition them...God forbid I have to pee. The two new teachers are sharing my para from last year, and I borrow her for short spurts. The two newbies and the other kindergarten teacher have all sorts of help from special education paras because they have no behavioral management skills. So, I'm alone because I do my job well.:mad:
3. Assessments begin early this year...these kids are NOT ready. A week or two of establishing routines and adjusting to being away from Mommy (most were home because of Covid) is NOT enough time.
4. Administration's expectations for academic rigor are unrealistic.
5. The two new teachers and my other grade partner (who shouldn't be allowed near children) are all floundering in spite of my ongoing support, donations of materials, and advice. One newbie is fresh out of college, and the other one came from a small community preschool.
6. I have gotten one or two new students every day this week because parents can't register their kids ahead of time. This is tough on a perfectionist like me who personalizes everything for each student.
7. I am getting a student who has leukemia, epilepsy, and is wheelchair bound. After crying over this child I have never met...I couldn't stand the idea of a little person suffering so much...I told myself to put on a "happy face" and stop being so emotional. He will need me to treat him like any other student and be strong. I can do this. Also, I was assured that he would have a one-on-one para. After a meeting on Friday that I missed because they had NOBODY TO COVER MY CLASSROOM, I was unable to ask any questions, and I found out that he will NOT HAVE A PARA. I will have to call the office when he needs to be
toileted. Otherwise, I am ON MY OWN.

I am trying to remain positive. This little person about to enter my life and the lives of my students will no doubt change us forever. He will give us perspective on what really matters. He will teach us empathy, patience, understanding, and humanity.

I know that all of my challenges of this crazy school year in an underserved inner city district will be handled if I have faith and don't give up. I am so grateful that I am experienced, and I earn enough money to be able to purchase supplies for my students and provide them with a comfortable classroom and happy environment.

I made it through a hot mess of a week. I survived. It can only get better from here...🙏
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Talk about being out of the loop! I have so much to catch up on.

Good news:
1. I have lost 7 pounds of my 15 pound summer weight gain! It only took one week of being so busy that I actually forgot to eat much of the time; guzzling water in my hot classroom; and doubling my step count.
2. We liberated DD's car from the dealership last night...the international part came in after 4 & battery had to be replaced because it sat for so long. Now I won't have to drive her back and forth to work.
3. I have FOUR DAYS OFF from the gates of hell.

Bad news:
1. Our basement flooded from Ida. When Henri came through, we got no water at all, and we spent the day waiting for this nightmare of a hurricane to obliterate us...and it didn't. Ida got very little coverage on the news for our area, but it caused WAY more damage and deaths.
2. I was supposed to be assigned a half-time paraprofessional. It didn't happen, and it's not looking like it will. I am alone with 24 - 4 & 5 year olds from 8:40 AM until 3:10 PM with only two 15 minute breaks, by the time I physically transition them...God forbid I have to pee. The two new teachers are sharing my para from last year, and I borrow her for short spurts. The two newbies and the other kindergarten teacher have all sorts of help from special education paras because they have no behavioral management skills. So, I'm alone because I do my job well.:mad:
3. Assessments begin early this year...these kids are NOT ready. A week or two of establishing routines and adjusting to being away from Mommy (most were home because of Covid) is NOT enough time.
4. Administration's expectations for academic rigor are unrealistic.
5. The two new teachers and my other grade partner (who shouldn't be allowed near children) are all floundering in spite of my ongoing support, donations of materials, and advice. One newbie is fresh out of college, and the other one came from a small community preschool.
6. I have gotten one or two new students every day this week because parents can't register their kids ahead of time. This is tough on a perfectionist like me who personalizes everything for each student.
7. I am getting a student who has leukemia, epilepsy, and is wheelchair bound. After crying over this child I have never met...I couldn't stand the idea of a little person suffering so much...I told myself to put on a "happy face" and stop being so emotional. He will need me to treat him like any other student and be strong. I can do this. Also, I was assured that he would have a one-on-one para. After a meeting on Friday that I missed because they had NOBODY TO COVER MY CLASSROOM, I was unable to ask any questions, and I found out that he will NOT HAVE A PARA. I will have to call the office when he needs to be
toileted. Otherwise, I am ON MY OWN.

I am trying to remain positive. This little person about to enter my life and the lives of my students will no doubt change us forever. He will give us perspective on what really matters. He will teach us empathy, patience, understanding, and humanity.

I know that all of my challenges of this crazy school year in an underserved inner city district will be handled if I have faith and don't give up. I am so grateful that I am experienced, and I earn enough money to be able to purchase supplies for my students and provide them with a comfortable classroom and happy environment.

I made it through a hot mess of a week. I survived. It can only get better from here...🙏
It breaks my heart to hear what it is really like at school and what you teachers are with. Did the newbies ever make Amazon wish lists? Do you have one? Would be happy to contribute.
It breaks my heart to hear what it is really like at school and what you teachers are with. Did the newbies ever make Amazon wish lists? Do you have one? Would be happy to contribute.
I suggested both Amazon and Donors Choose to them. I just think that they are SO overwhelmed. One stays every day until 6:00 PM, and by the looks of her room, it doesn’t look like she is making a lot of progress…working hard, not smart. The other works part time nights and weekends as a home health aide. Neither of them have received their first paychecks and they are both struggling to pay rent. Hopefully things get better for them over time. I am modeling good teaching for them every day, and doing whatever I can to help.
After that it’s either sink or swim.
What is you favorite ride at WDW or DL?
Hmmm... there are several that I like for different reasons. I have a strong emotional attachment to Spaceship Earth, Pirates cracks me up
because it is so inappropriate, Everest is just so well done. But I guess my favorite favorite might be Peter Pan? Such simple technology but when else do you ever get the chance to ride in a flying boat?
What is your favorite show or event?

Love Lion King, loved Nemo when I did it for the first time in forever my last trip. There was one trip where I did an afterhours thing at MK and they had Maleficent rolling thru the park and it was so cool to see her out on her own. I don't generally love the parades or the fireworks, but one year I went to a special All Ears dinner and then we had reserved viewing for Illuminations. It was Christmas time so there was a special add-on, and I don't know what it was but it brought me to tears.
What is you favorite restaurant?
Oh Flying Fish all the way. I dream about their fresh baked bread with nori in it and house made butter.
What is you favorite thing to eat at the parks? (Snack or meal)

I like the Brie and Apple Baguette at Les Halles quite a bit. And one year during F&W I had a Spicy Hotdog with pineapple salsa that was so good I had it twice. And I'm a dole whip girl, preferably with rum.
What do you miss the most when you are back home from your trip?
I agree, it is being in the bubble. Tuning everything else out and just being there.
What is you favorite ride at WDW or DL?
At WDW, Peter Pan. At DL, Pirates of the Caribbean & Haunted Mansion.
What is you favorite show or event?
Fireworks Cruise
What is you favorite restaurant?
A tie between Cali Grill and Narcoossees
What is you favorite thing to eat at the parks? (Snack or meal)
I don’t do snacks in the parks…so much food during meals. I love the caramel apple-stuffed french toast at Cinderella’s Royal Table in the castle.
What do you miss the most when you are back home from your trip?



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