Sell and still use points ?


Earning My Ears
May 4, 2002
A question for the experts................

Is it possible to make a reservation with DVC points, then sell the contract, but then still use the resevation even though the contract is now owned by someone else?
My understanding is that Disney cancels all reservations when a contract is sold, so no, that wouldn't work. However, I suppose you could make a deal with the new owner (as a condition of the sale) to make the reservation for you after closing, but you could run into availaibility problems. You'd probably be better off selling after the trip or renting points for the trip and using the proceeds of the sale to help pay for the rental.
Carol is right on target.
You could always make it a little more clean and rent the point you need off of the rent/trade board ( a very wonderful option offerred by this site), and then negociate a clean sale. Just another option.
It's better to rent the points than it would be to strip your contract before you sell it. Depending on the size of the contract, stripping the contract could have a big financial impact on the price you could ask for the contract. You could conceivably lower the price to $60 per point or even less, if you are borrowing next year's points too.

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