sb: (sort of) new here - hi!


Earning My Ears
Aug 19, 1999
Hi scrapbookers!
I said (sort of) new here, because when the board first started with scrapbooking, I did post here some, but then with all the other scrap-only sites I visit, I guess I kind of forgot about this board. Anyway, I put it under my favorites so now I'll check in often!
Some of you will know me from the Community Board - that's where I spend most of my DIS time. I'm Kathleen, age 28, married since 1999, no kids yet (but dying to have a family), no pets, live in Massachusetts, currently job searching (got laid off the day before Thanksgiving last Nov.) -- current scrap projects are my own album pages, a wedding gift album (sent out letters to the families, friends, waiting for stuff from them still.......), and a 25th anniversary gift album for my sister and BIL (not started yet). That's all I can think of.........
I'd love it if you guys could sort of introduce yourselves so I can "meet" you again......and are any of you from Massachusetts - I know SplashMtn is.....anyone else?
Well, I'll see you around this board! Kathleen :)
Hi Kathleen, welcome to the scrappin boards. I too frequent the CB most often and love it there. This board moves slow sometimes (especially compared to the CB, but we try to keep it moving). I'm Lisa, mother of an almost 5 year old DD. Current scrapbooking projects are our two most recent trips to WDW and keeping up Emily's regular album. My sister just found out she is pregnant with baby #2 and as soon as we know the sex I'll start it's first year album with some predecorated stuff. I did the first year for her first DD so now she says I'm committed to keeping this going - :eek: ! Welcome again and post often.

Welcome back to the recipe and scrapbooking board Kathleen! I love this board for all the tips and ideas-everyone is so friendly and helpful! I like to hang out on this board and of course the Canadian Board, and I mainly "lurk" at the other ones! I am also 28, been with my hubby almost 11 years and we have a 9 yr DS! I love to scrapbook when I have time, I have completed our 2000 disney trip album, a gift album for my mom and am nearly done my own 2000 family album. I enjoy the boards as I do not know anyone else who scraps! I wish that I could attend crops and conventions-sounds like fun but none offered around here!!

Grover in Winnipeg
:D :smooth: :D
Hi there. Glad you came back! I'm from Oklahoma (originally from Kansas) and I love scrapbooking. I usually spend way too much on supplies that I can't resist. Guess you could say I am an addict, but I have trouble finding time to get my pages done.

I usually work on family albums or Disney trip albums. I recently made an album for each of my kids (so they'd each have an album of their life). I'm currently scrapbooking photos from a 1980 trip to Europe with the scouts. I recently came across the old album and the photos were getting dark, so I knew I had to take a break and get them in a new one.

I love paper piecing. My favorite ones are Disney characters. I often use coloring books as patterns. They add a lot to your page without costing a fortune.
Welcome back, Kathleen. :)

I know we have lots of competition from the big scrapbook sites, but we're still plugging along here. Actually, I do think things are starting to pick up. :)

I haven't had time to sb lately, but I've decided I'm going to make it a priority. I really want to get back to it. :)

Good to see you here. :)
Hi Kathleen-

My name is Candi (thus the Yummy nickname) I live in Oklahoma! I'm 29 (30 in about a month UGH!) Married to a DH, one precious DD she's 8. I have been scrapbooking seriously for probably 5 years, but always doing something crafty my entire life (art major) I have my own scrapbooking-related business making paper piecings, other than that I am a SAHM, volunteer tons at school, and love to cook. I try to check in on the board as often as I can. There are lots of great scrapbooking ideas and tips here as well as great recipes.

Take Care,
Pam, 31, single, living in Mass. I pop on here and other boards on occasion. I understand your job situation. Been out myself since May. Hoping to change that this week, big interview. Glad to hear from others in the area.
Hi, SplshMtn99 here from MA like Kathleen said. I'm 37. Married for 13 yrs - no kids. We have a 13 yr old cat (and another passed away last yr at 13 yrs old). I recently changed my hours from full time at work to part time (30 hrs/wk) to give myself more ME time.

I don't scrapbook too much. Currently only working on Disney 2000 trip. Will probably only scrap special events after that. But the scrapping isn't high on my priority list - so it never gets done. Oh well -- I'm not agonizing over it.

I also hang mostly on the CB since no Disney trips planned currently.
Hi there..thought I would check in too and say Welcome Back !!

Let's name is Heidi, married with 2 DSs ages 10 and 5 and I am addicted to scrapping! I "collected" supplies for about 1.5 years and have been scrapping for about 2.5 to 3 years.
I am a registered nurse in an ICU..but I only work 2-13 hour shifts a I get my "scrapping time" in....:D Plus Buffalo winters keep me inside and "make" me scrap!
Welcome back, Kathleen - I'm pretty new to the board myself - and have been into scrapping for a bit less than a year - I was given a lot of supplies for my wedding shower from my friend who is a Creative Memories consultant. Smart gift, it got me hooked in and buying more stuff from her. :)

I'm almost done with my wedding album!!!!! I just need to do some journaling, and then voila! :) Next major product is my Disney Honeymoon album.. I'm starting that this month!
I live in Natick, MA - so probably not that far away from you... :)
Welcome back, Kathleen - I'm pretty new to the board myself - and have been into scrapping for a bit less than a year - I was given a lot of supplies for my wedding shower from my friend who is a Creative Memories consultant. Smart gift, it got me hooked in and buying more stuff from her. :)

I'm almost done with my wedding album!!!!! I just need to do some journaling, and then voila! :) Next major product is my Disney Honeymoon album.. I'm starting that this month!
I live in Natick, MA - so probably not that far away from you... :)
Hi Kathleen!

My name is Lisa and I'm a scrapaholic! hahaha! Actually, by day I've got a nine to fiver and I'm a Creative Memories Consultant during all other breathing moments! I've been scrapping for six years and a consultant for three. I'm married three years with three stepkids and one dog. My current album projects? Well, there's too many to mention. I've got about six albums going and I'm planning on starting a couple more. I am currently getting back to focusing on my albums after taking a break for a while. I scrapped over 150 pages last year and my goal is 200 this year. This past weekend I managed to scrap 30 pages to make my total so far 36. Welcome back to the board!

Welcome back Kathleen, I found my way to the DIS while planning a Disney cruise in may of 2000. I decide I would scrap the cruise but just couldn't get started. I collected everything under the sun while I was there but I was afraid to make my first crop. My son, his wife and his friends took me with them the following September. I decided I would make a gift album for them. It kind of took the pressure off me while I learned. The album turned out well. Since then I have been off and running.

We weren't big photo takers when my children were growing up, but there is not a lack of documentation of my 2 year old grandson.

I vowed I would not collect more tools then would fit in the crop in style over the shoulder bag. I am approaching maximum capacity.

About a year ago a scrapbook store open near my home. I hang out there at least once a week. I have met some really neat ladies through scrapping. Including the ladies on this board.

Hi Kathleen!
Just as my name says, I'm Ellen, 33 years old with two DD's, one 12 and one 9. I keep children in my home (nickname - Snow White) I have been scrappin' about 3 years. I just finished my cousins wedding and about to tackle my daughters dancing activites.
My sister has just started working at AC Moores (big craft store here) so I love going shopping with her and getting a discount for my addiction.:D Welcome aboard!
Hi Kathleen! I've been off the board for a while too. And good grief, I must be the oldest person that uses it! I am 42. Been married almost 10 years to my second husband. I have 2 sons (15 and 2) and three step daughters (16, 21, 22). Also, I'm a cancer survivor. I give God all the glory for that! I LOVE TO SCRAP! I've completed 5 albums, 3 were gifts. Baby albums will be my next project and include all my kids, siblings, and myself. Mom has all our pictures in magnetic albums and I need to rescue them quickly!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone,
d4disney :)
d4disney, you aren't much older than me. I just turned 41, yesterday. I also am a cancer survivor (breast cancer).

Anyone else out there want to tell us about yourself?
Another Massachusettesite here. Hope you don't mind me jumping in as i don't scrap(?) just put the pictures in a box. However, have decided to make a pillow quilt from photos. Now I just have to get started. you're not the oldest one here and I'll leave it at that.

I like many of the recipes found on this board. As a matter of fact, making one tonight.
Hi, everyone! I also have a hard time remembering to check this board. Seems I'm spending most of my time here on the boards related to planning my trip!

Anyway, my name is Amy, and I've been scrapping for the past 7 years. My dh and I have an 8.5 yo dd and a 5.5 yo ds plus 4 cats. I am also a Scrap in a Snap scrapbooking consultant and instructor (new direct sales company similar to Creative Memories).

I am working on our ongoing family album, a family recipes album, an album of dh's business trip to Japan, a 9/11 album, and about to start work on putting together supplies for my sister who is about to go to China to pick up the baby they are adopting.

Happy scrapping everyone!
I just want to say that Kathleen is the one who got me over here to the Scrapbook Board from one of her posts on the Community Board last year. Thanks, Kathleen! I know that you scrap a lot of your niece's activities.

I am Pam (of course) and I'm 40. I am an editor for a monthly, national newspaper for the trucking industry. I've been scrapping since October 1999. I have 5 albums for my 13 yr. old DS that chronicle his Cub and Boy Scout activities. I have 3 albums for my 16 yr. old DD for her dance, cheerleading and HS social/dating life. I misplaced a HUGE box of her early dance photos, so if I ever turn those up I will fill at least 2 more albums.

I've been trying to scrap, as you all know, our 2000 WDW trip and cruise to no avail. I do have the photos out, so that's a start! I also aspire to do the children's birth to now albums and then do all of our vacations over theyears. My DS & DH are campaigning for a hunting/fishing album as well.

I am kind of new around here too ! But the people are great !! So Welcome !!!! And hey.... we may be neighbors !! I am in Western Mass !!!!

So.... Hi... My name is Debbie and I am a scrapbooking addict !!! I started about 1.5 years ago with our Oct 2000 WDW vacation.... since then have STARTED many many more.... my current project.... our WDW trip that I sadly just got home from on the 16th :(

Happy Scrapping !!!


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