SB idea to share!


<font color=coral>I posted around Woo Hooty time<b
Sep 2, 2000
My DH's cousin scrapbooks and I looked at her book on Saturday after the DIS Meet. She brought it to my in-law's 50th anniversary party, so I could see her new pages.

She has started liking 2-page spreads, but thinks patterned paper can be too busy if you do both pages. I agree. She had taken patterned paper and had a color copy made on acid-free paper, blowing up an element of the paper that she liked. For example, if the paper had fall leaves and acorns, she blew up a leaf and an acorn and cut them out. Then on the facing page she used a complimenting color of paper and the home-made "die cut" that matched. The layouts were SO cute and she said they took no time at all. She had also copied elements of wrapping paper, fabric and a Christmas tablecloth. I got to thinking about cute Chrismas cards I've seen. Gets the wheels turning, doesn't it?

Now, why didn't I think of that? :) Can you think of other ideas?
I love this idea and will definitely have to try it.

I haven't done anything that creative but I am working on our WDW trip album and I bought the mickey ears punch. On almost every page I have tiny ear punches as accents in some form that the viewer can search for like hidden mickeys! For example the knob on the top of a flag pole or the center of a letter O. My kids especially like this and the grownups do too.

MerryPoppins it is nice to see I am not the only one on the computer at this early hour!
What a cute idea, pas2. I'll have to remember that when I do my next Disney album. It'd be fun.
These are great ideas! Now with my new color copier it will be even easier too!

What a great idea. I suppose it would work with a scanner and printer as well. :)
I get some of the cutest ideas for scrapbooking from gift bags. They have some really fun ones out there! Coloring books make great inspiration too. Pas2- We have hidden Mickeys in our album too. Of course we've looked at it so many times, they aren't really hidden anymore!
Ok... I was surfing to get some ideas for my WDW trip in which I am leaving for in 2 days and I came upon a website that had specific disney pages..... I loved an idea I saw!! Each page was a letter of the alphabet with that letter large in the corner of the page and all the pictures pertaining to those letters ! They showed M for Mikey and all pictures of things with Mickey in them...... I thought I could use the letters as emotions too.... such as.... F for Fun... and pictures of my kids smiling and having fun ! Each letter could easily become a double page layout for those who take too many pictures like I do !! I think on the plane I may even get a notebook with a letter on each page and every night before bed, jot down a few ideas for those letter pages and which pictures to include from the day ! I can't wait to do this.... it will be my first out of the ordinary scrapbook !!!!!



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