Sarasota Springs


Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2001
I have heard that Sarasota Springs is opening in 2004 and that will have accomodations for a family of 5 (with one over the age of three) in the one bedroom. That would be nice since I now have to get a 2 bedroom.

Does anyone know if this is true? Does anyone know the actual date that it is supposed to open?
Originally posted by alwechsler
I have heard that Sarasota Springs is opening in 2004 and that will have accomodations for a family of 5 (with one over the age of three) in the one bedroom. That would be nice since I now have to get a 2 bedroom.

Does anyone know if this is true? Does anyone know the actual date that it is supposed to open?
I don't belleive stated occupancy or basic setup is any different than the current resorts.
There is just no way around five people being too many for one bathroom. The two bedroom is really the perfect option for families of four or more.

I sure hope they don't change the occupancy limits and it would be nice if they would start enforcing them consistantly.
Sarasota Springs

FYI -- It's Saratoga Springs (like in New York). ;)

On the web site under the room descriptions it is the same as for all the other DVC resorts. 4/4/8/12.
Actually, BWV is sold (rack rate) as a 5 person studio!!!! Personally, I do not see how.

As for SSR opening, they are staggering in 5 phases. First phase is coming along. The construction crew works about 12 hours a day, and works on Saturday. They will be moving along.
Yes, the infamous "studio plus" at BWV. ;) Only very short children/people can fit on the "daybed".
Originally posted by Richyams
There is just no way around five people being too many for one bathroom. The two bedroom is really the perfect option for families of four or more.

I sure hope they don't change the occupancy limits and it would be nice if they would start enforcing them consistantly.

I just have to ask. How does the room occupancy effect you? Does it somehow alter your vacation experience if someone puts more than 4 people in a one bedroom? Just curious.

Along that same line of thought, can you have five bodies in a 1BR or say 9 in a 2BR? We are booked in a 2BR BWV 2/04. (I told them 8 when I booked) But we are two couples, 5 kids, ages 6, 4, 3, 2, and 1 year. Is this "illegal"?

Another John
Originally posted by jdpk
Along that same line of thought, can you have five bodies in a 1BR or say 9 in a 2BR? We are booked in a 2BR BWV 2/04. (I told them 8 when I booked) But we are two couples, 5 kids, ages 6, 4, 3, 2, and 1 year. Is this "illegal"?

Another John
The stated occupancy limits include an extra child if under 3, so you would be within the rules.

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