Running Renaissance: WDW Marathon 2025

Being on the road messes with everything from how fatigued my legs feel to my guts. I cannot imagine trying to do all of those workout AND spending 6+hrs/day in the car. Kudos to you for putting in the work you felt like you were able to. Something is always > Nothing.
Being on the road messes with everything from how fatigued my legs feel to my guts. I cannot imagine trying to do all of those workout AND spending 6+hrs/day in the car. Kudos to you for putting in the work you felt like you were able to. Something is always > Nothing.
Thank you for the encouragement! It's been a bumpy few weeks and I'm expecting some turbulence for the rest of the month so my mindset has shifted to exactly what you said: "something is better than nothing." I'll fit in my workouts when I'm able and forget the rest.
Run to Exile 10K Training - Week 13/20
Well, between 22 hrs of work training, 6 more hours in the car, and 20 hours of travel, my training wasn't quite what I wanted. But, it was more than the week prior so I'm counting it as a victory. 🏁Plus, I finally did some strength training again. I hadn't really done anything in a month or so because travel was making it difficult for the program I was following. A few weeks ago, I sketched out a body weight circuit that I could theoretically do anywhere but hadn't actually done it until yesterday 🤫

I didn't really have a plan for the week. I had the official scheduled plan, but I knew that I wasn't quite ready for that so my goal was to run easy on every day that I normally run.

Monday - off
Tuesday - Easy 3 - I still wasn't feeling real great so I kept it nice and easy. I was kind of surprised how good the run felt.
Wednesday - off
Thursday - off - I should have run this day but with our 5am departure, I certainly wasn't waking up early to run. By the time we arrived at our destination for the night it was hot and I was tired 😔
Friday - Easy 5 - I knew I had to get this run in or I was quickly going down a slippery slope of skipping runs. I was pretty worn out by mile 3.5 (in part due to an uphill) but next thing I knew I was at mine 4.5 and nearly done. 😁
Saturday - off - officially scheduled for a run but with the two airplanes plus a bus plus not really sleeping, it wasn't going to happen.
Sunday - easy 5 - another case of if I don't run, it's going to start a bad precedent. Still a little bit jet lagged,I headed out the door. The run felt pretty good, still not wanting to do anything speedy but easy was perfectly fine. Our accomodations are up a steep hill so I decided to walk to a flattish section before starting and definitely walked the uphill at the end. I took a picture but it really doesn't do it justice. Google tells me it's 80ft incline over 0.1 miles. 🧗‍♀️I typically run in flatland USA and don't see that kind of elevation change in 10 miles... So yeah, definitely walking that.

I don't travel again until Friday and I'm feeling much better so hoping for more running this week. 🤞

Happy running my friends!
Run to Exile 10K Training - Week 15?!?/20
My travels this week are making running a bit more difficult than expected. I'm glad that my current training is "only" for a 10K and as long as I don't lose any fitness, I should be able to handle my goal of a new PR. My current PR is 50:15 and my hm finish of 1:48 in April is "equivalent" to a 49 min finish. Last year this same race was held in June and I was not in near the shape I am in now but still finished in 53:29. Hopefully the late September date will provide better weather too 🤞. Last year I saw a serious fade in the back half which I think was mostly due to the heat and lack of water on the course.

Also, I just realized that my week counts were off. The race is September 24 which is 5 weeks away. I'm not sure at what point the count got messed up, but I'll try to keep it accurate for the next few weeks at least 😝.

Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3x1
Wednesday - Easy 6
Thursday - off
Friday - I 4x1k
Saturday - Easy 7
Sunday - Easy 9

Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3x1 Easy 6 - I still wasn't quite sure if my body was ready to push but I thought I'd at least try and see what happened. I could not seem to get up to speed so I just went for easy miles instead. Also snuck in some strength exercises 💪
Wednesday - Easy 6 - it was my first time running back to back days in a few weeks but felt really good. I also found a nice little loop by the river that was much less crowded than the beachfront.
Thursday - off
Friday - I 4x1k - last day in San Sebastian so I headed back out to the beach since it was my last chance to photograph this tunnel 😁
The run felt good, even the intervals. The only issue was the sidewalks were still very wet so I had to slow down in a few slick spots.
Saturday - Easy 7 off - I had every intention to complete this run. However, we didn't arrive until late Friday night and I hadn't scoped out a safe place to run yet. I thought I might find sometime in the afternoon but that's very difficult to do on vacation.
Sunday - Easy 9 off - similar to the day before, our rental just didn't have anywhere nearby that I felt safe to run alone.

Not exactly a stellar week, but still better than the week before and I'll take progress every time.

Happy running folks!
Run to Exile 10K Training - Week 16/20
Whoa, how has another week already passed? Time moves differently on vacation. I'm currently on my way home with mixed emotions, not quite ready to return to reality but also ready for my own bed and more time relaxing. Vacations are exhausting... Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

This week was another case of far from perfect but better than than the week prior. I should be able to get back on track this week and I don't have any travel planned for 2 weeks 🤪. Why did I do this to myself? Oh well, the real goal is still the WDW marathon so I'll continue to focus on prepping myself for that training and taking it easy for now if that's what my body needs.

Speaking of wdw marathon, how dare they reveal the medals while I'm on an 8 hour flight without contact to the outside world 😧. Honestly, I didn't even have the medal reveal on my mind so it was a pleasant surprise. Like many others, I wish they would have gone with a more classic look. The medals last year were absolutely gorgeous and still had a cohesive theme so it definitely could have been done. I even really like the outrageous 80s/90s theme and think it will look excellent on the race shirts. I'm also hoping for an outlandish Mickey ear hat when I cross that finish line 🙏. I just want my medals to look like medals. Oh well, in reality, my medals just hide in the basement after the race so it's really not a big deal.

Alright, enough blabbing, on with the training!

Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3mi
Wednesday - Easy 6
Thursday - off
Friday - I 4x1k
Saturday - Easy 6
Sunday - Easy 10

Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3mi Easy 5 - I was happy to be in a new place where there were nearby places to run. This also meant new places to explore so I scrapped the T in favor of enjoying this view 🤩.
Wednesday - Easy 6 - I headed for the river instead of the cliffs. This meant a much flatter and easier run but it was a bit boring so I ran the last couple of miles back towards the cliffs.
Thursday - off
Friday - I 34x1k - This run was going well until I had to wait at a crosswalk after the 3rd interval. I started feeling a bit nauseous so I decided to head back. In hindsight, I think it was just bus fumes but it was a bit scary in the moment.
Saturday - Easy 6 5 - I was pretty worn down from all the travel and sightseeing at this point and nearly skipped. However, I started googling places to run nearby and a few mentioned basically right where I was staying but running to the east instead of west as I had the day before. I had to go see what all the fuss was about. I'm glad I got most of my run in but I was pressed for time at the end. Also, it was mostly just shipyard so not that interesting. I think it would have been better had I made it a bit further as things started getting more populated. The highlight of the run was watching this club kick everyone out when they closed at 8am! I'm way too old for that life.
Sunday - Easy 10 - blegh, just overall run down. I should have gone for a few miles but I couldn't muster up the energy to get out of bed.

Happy running folks!
I'm also hoping for an outlandish Mickey ear hat when I cross that finish line 🙏.
YESSSSSSSSSS. 2 different color ears? Orange, green, and purple? Please let them be fantastically tacky. I am 100% going to wear mine home on the plane just like I did last (this) year. :rotfl2:
YESSSSSSSSSS. 2 different color ears? Orange, green, and purple? Please let them be fantastically tacky. I am 100% going to wear mine home on the plane just like I did last (this) year. :rotfl2:
I had outrageous patterns on my mind like hot pink zebra stripes on one ear and orange/green checkerboard on the other. I better be careful what I wish for 🤪
Run to Exile 10K Training - Week 17/20
Whoooof, remember last week when I was optimistic that this would be the week I got my life back together? Ha, funny jokes. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m surprised. This follows a rather predictable pattern where I’m able to keep up my training pretty well on vacation but then absolutely wiped out upon return. Someday I’ll learn…I hope.

Anyway, I finished the week strong so planning to use that momentum this week. Just under 3 weeks until my 10K and I’m optimistic but the primary goal remains marathon training which I’ll officially begin Sept 29th. My mileage hasn’t been what I had planned which makes me a bit nervous 😬. I should still have a solid enough base from the 30 mpw I was doing in July but we keep getting further and further from that. Anyway, not much I can do about it now. I’ll do my best to follow the rest of my 10K plan and as long as I can keep stringing together these 20 mpw, like I have been the last few weeks that should be good enough.

Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3x1mi
Wednesday - Easy 6
Thursday - off
Friday - I 4x1k
Saturday - Easy 7
Sunday - Easy 9

Monday - off - this day was spent making the 6 hour drive home and wondering when my suitcase would arrive so not exactly restful. 😵‍💫
Tuesday - T 3x1mi - I don’t even remember. I would guess that I didn’t sleep well and then thought that I would run in the afternoon but was too tired then as well. I’m pretty sure I took a nap this day which is not something that I usually do during the week.
Wednesday - Easy 6 - this day I do remember, my body was walking up 3:30a still despite not going to bed early enough to warrant that. Garmin says I got 4.5 hours and for someone that usually gets 8-10 that simply isn’t enough. I couldn’t muster the energy to run before or after work. In my mind I was going to just delay the easy miles until Thursday but once Thursday arrived, I decided I’d be better off just getting back on schedule.
Thursday - off
Friday - I 4x1k Easy 3 - my body still wasn’t sleeping right so I delayed my morning run to lunch when I usually have more energy. This was a really bad idea since it was full sun, no wind, 80+ degrees and 70 dew point. I pretty much knew the second I stepped out the door the intervals weren’t happening but I needed to get some running in and 3 easy miles is what I could muster. 🫠
Saturday - Easy 7 - the weather was much better and I actually left in the morning so the run was good all around. I had some internal dialog about whether I should shorten the run to save something for Sunday but decided to stick to the plan and just see what Sunday brought.
Sunday - Easy 9 - this was another slow start morning but I checked the weather and knew I’d be okay to delay until mid morning. Sometime around 9:45 my husband asked me if we were meeting a friend for lunch at 11:30 and I still needed to get my miles in. I quickly told him that I could make noon and dashed out the door. With the added time pressure, I took this run at more of a long run than easy pace but everything felt really good the entire run and it was a good mental boost. Happy to know that I hadn’t lost all of my endurance in the last several weeks. 😊. Hopefully that doesn't come back to haunt me this week but I feel perfectly fine today... Well, running wise. I actually have a pounding headache because I walked full speed into a pole this morning, but let's not talk about that 🤦‍♀️

Happy running my friends! (Or as autocorrect wanted : "harry rubbing my fruitcake" 🤣)
Hope your head is okay...
It seems to be fine now. I was still a bit off this morning and my nose is slightly swollen. At this point,I just hope it doesn't bruise because I do not want to explain this to my coworkers 😳
So....I just signed up for a 5K on Sunday 😲. It had been tentatively in my plan for a few weeks but I hadn't actually registered. In fact, just yesterday I updated my training schedule to remove the 5K and add back in the interval workout.

The thing is, I really hate 5Ks. They're HARD. Anyone who tells you differently is a liar. 🤥 I also thought it would be good for me just to get back to training since I've had a rocky August. Ultimately, that rocky August is exactly why I signed up though. I'm going to use this race to see how well prepared I am to break 50 min in the 10K in two weeks 😬.

On the plus side, the weather is predicted to be practically perfect. Honestly, I don't think it could get much better for early September: High 50s & cloudy. 🤞AND the race starts 1 mile from my home which will be a nice warmup/cooldown.

Anyone got any last minute tips for how to race a 5K? It's been nearly 5 years since I've raced one. 😳
Embrace the suck. Know mentally it is going to be challenging. Force the rhythmic breathing early even when you don’t need it.
So....I just signed up for a 5K on Sunday 😲. It had been tentatively in my plan for a few weeks but I hadn't actually registered. In fact, just yesterday I updated my training schedule to remove the 5K and add back in the interval workout.

The thing is, I really hate 5Ks. They're HARD. Anyone who tells you differently is a liar. 🤥 I also thought it would be good for me just to get back to training since I've had a rocky August. Ultimately, that rocky August is exactly why I signed up though. I'm going to use this race to see how well prepared I am to break 50 min in the 10K in two weeks 😬.

On the plus side, the weather is predicted to be practically perfect. Honestly, I don't think it could get much better for early September: High 50s & cloudy. 🤞AND the race starts 1 mile from my home which will be a nice warmup/cooldown.

Anyone got any last minute tips for how to race a 5K? It's been nearly 5 years since I've raced one. 😳
There's nothing that I can post to give you any semblance of advice, but I wish you the best of luck! The only tip that I can give you is to try to enjoy the experience.
Run to Exile 10K Training - Week 18/20
I've been debating if I should write a race report and if it makes sense to do that before or after the weekly training recap. Obviously there's no right answer and it's not something that really matters so I was stuck in decision limbo. Hence the delay. However, the delay is not an indication of how the training week went because, all in all, things went quite well.

I'm feeling confident that my PR goal is in reach but also questioning on if I can do it. I seem to find my place in this exact head space before every big race. Does the self doubt ever go away?


Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3x1mi
Wednesday - Easy 6
Thursday - off
Friday - Easy
Saturday - Easy
Sunday - 5K race

Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3x1mi - These T paced runs always make me nervous. Obviously, they're way more difficult than easy running and I'm always doubting if I can run at pace for so long. R & I are faster & shorter intervals and don't fill me with near as much doubt. It's just something about holding a pace for more than a few minutes. You might think that I'd have them figured out by now, but I don't. This time around those first two intervals felt easy but that last one was a killer and I ended up a bit slower than desired.
Wednesday - Easy 6 - we went to a concert on Tuesday and I didn't sleep particularly well. This made it very difficult to get out of bed, especially for a run. I ended up waiting until after work. It was a bit warm but was fine for an easy run.
Thursday - off
Friday - Easy 4.75 - I really wasn't sure how far to run since my schedule all of a sudden had a race on Sunday so I just headed out the door and ran whatever felt right. It was warm again but it was the first run since I started doing warm ups that my quads weren't tight 🥳. I guess my strength training & warm ups are helping after all.
Saturday - Easy 3.75 - this run was on the treadmill and I disliked it a lot. I'm going to need to find something to watch to distract me before winter hits.
Sunday - 5K race - first of all, thank you for the advice. I did my best to heed all of it but was only mildly successful. In fact, the race could be summarized as:

Run fast.

Embrace the suck.

enjoy the experience

But not too fast.

Embrace the suck.

I started the race waaaay too fast. It was a small field and I underestimated how fast they would start so I started with them. I knew I was going fast but was having trouble finding the lap pace on my Garmin to really know how bad it was. Luckily, I realized it was unsustainable at about 3/4 mile and made an effort to slow down a bit. First mile was 7:21. I tried to settle in to the second mile while still being uncomfortable and finished that mile in 7:49. After that, I knew there was only a mile left and it was time to empty the tank, unfortunately, the tank was already running low and the last mile was my slowest at 7:53. In the end, I finished in 23:39 per the race results. I was hoping for a smidge faster, but I learned some things and will use those when I tackle the 10K in 10 days.
Run to Exile 10K Training - Week 18/20
I've been debating if I should write a race report and if it makes sense to do that before or after the weekly training recap. Obviously there's no right answer and it's not something that really matters so I was stuck in decision limbo. Hence the delay. However, the delay is not an indication of how the training week went because, all in all, things went quite well.

I'm feeling confident that my PR goal is in reach but also questioning on if I can do it. I seem to find my place in this exact head space before every big race. Does the self doubt ever go away?


Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3x1mi
Wednesday - Easy 6
Thursday - off
Friday - Easy
Saturday - Easy
Sunday - 5K race

Monday - off
Tuesday - T 3x1mi - These T paced runs always make me nervous. Obviously, they're way more difficult than easy running and I'm always doubting if I can run at pace for so long. R & I are faster & shorter intervals and don't fill me with near as much doubt. It's just something about holding a pace for more than a few minutes. You might think that I'd have them figured out by now, but I don't. This time around those first two intervals felt easy but that last one was a killer and I ended up a bit slower than desired.
Wednesday - Easy 6 - we went to a concert on Tuesday and I didn't sleep particularly well. This made it very difficult to get out of bed, especially for a run. I ended up waiting until after work. It was a bit warm but was fine for an easy run.
Thursday - off
Friday - Easy 4.75 - I really wasn't sure how far to run since my schedule all of a sudden had a race on Sunday so I just headed out the door and ran whatever felt right. It was warm again but it was the first run since I started doing warm ups that my quads weren't tight 🥳. I guess my strength training & warm ups are helping after all.
Saturday - Easy 3.75 - this run was on the treadmill and I disliked it a lot. I'm going to need to find something to watch to distract me before winter hits.
Sunday - 5K race - first of all, thank you for the advice. I did my best to heed all of it but was only mildly successful. In fact, the race could be summarized as:

I started the race waaaay too fast. It was a small field and I underestimated how fast they would start so I started with them. I knew I was going fast but was having trouble finding the lap pace on my Garmin to really know how bad it was. Luckily, I realized it was unsustainable at about 3/4 mile and made an effort to slow down a bit. First mile was 7:21. I tried to settle in to the second mile while still being uncomfortable and finished that mile in 7:49. After that, I knew there was only a mile left and it was time to empty the tank, unfortunately, the tank was already running low and the last mile was my slowest at 7:53. In the end, I finished in 23:39 per the race results. I was hoping for a smidge faster, but I learned some things and will use those when I tackle the 10K in 10 days.
You quoted @DopeyBadger twice about embracing the suck. Did it really suck that much? LOL

Seriously though, you did an amazing job! 23.39 for a 5K is NOTHING to sneeze at.
You quoted @DopeyBadger twice about embracing the suck. Did it really suck that much? LOL

Seriously though, you did an amazing job! 23.39 for a 5K is NOTHING to sneeze at.
Yes it did. I should have quoted him at least 10 more times! This is why I don't typically race that many 5Ks.

I understand why 5Ks are so popular since it's an approachable distance for many but it is by far my least favorite distance to race. The percentage of time I spend being uncomfortable is way higher for a 5K vs the longer distances. I want more time actually enjoying the race day experience instead of reminding myself that this is supposed to be fun.

Since I know there's a lot of data nerds here, these two charts sum it up pretty well. In both charts, I spend ~9 minutes in my maximum hr zone which is not a particularly fun place to be. However, for the 5K, that's 40% of my time spent in the suck zone. For the half that I ran in April, less than 10%! That means I was enjoying myself for at least 90% of that race (or at least not questioning all my life's decisions)!!
In summary, 5Ks are hard.
Great work! I can’t remember the last time I actually raced a 5k because I really dislike racing that distance. Short distances are sooooo hard! The whole thing sucks. At least with a 10k it’s usually ok for the first 4 miles or so. By the time the suck starts, you‘re almost there!


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