Room Selection at HRH - Want Good Location


Jan 19, 2001
We are leaving soon for the HRH. I am told that we will have pool view rooms 6118 and 6120. Does anyone know if you can see the parks from this location. Also, would I be better off with a ground level room. For example, are there pool side rooms where you can walk out the sliding door to the room and be at the pool.

Finally, is there anywhere that I can download a copy of the resort map for this hotel that has room numbers or locations on it?
I had 5126 and could see Fear Fall, and the coassters, as well as USF enterance. You probably will be at an even better angle if 6120 is closer to the middle. The higer the better. No balconies, no 1st floor rooms.
I called the hotel and asked them to assign my rooms. Hotels typically do this by computer for all guests 3-5 days prior to a guest's arrival. I just called to see what room we had been assigned to. The rooms were not assigned yet, but a nice hotel clerk "blocked" my room early.
There are at least 7 floors (the Club level is the seventh floor).

Does anyone know if you can see the parks from the pool view rooms?


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