roll call for April - May


Mar 20, 2002
Anyone else at the WORLD in APRIL-MAY 2003

DW and I at Por on May 1-2 then HOME TO BWV 3-9:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
OKW 5/19-24, Hard Rock Hotel night of 24th, then BCV 5/25-30. Our longest trip yet, and most involved (just me and the kids for a few days, then DH arrives, then a couple of days later we're joined by my sister and her family.)

We know and love OKW but this will be our first trip to the Beach Club Villas. Very excited, to say the least!
BCVs April 17 - 24

remember the magic
DVC/BCVs 2002
DH and I will be at the BCV April 30-May 4 for an adult only trip:bounce: :Pinkbounc .
My husband and I will be at BCV May 10th-15th. Then we are off to a 3 night cruise through DCL. It looks like we will be missing everyone by a day or two. If anyone will be at WDW the 10th - 14th we might be able to organize a meet. We are planning on the 10th for dinner at the Flying Fish and a visit to Jellyrolls afterwards. Anyone interested in joining us?
April 20 - 25th for Easter! We know it will be crowded, but we are not planning a lot of park time, just pool, dining, etc.
WLV April 11-21. It is getting close I was doing the happy dance yesterday! This is the first time we are bringing people with us (my parents) and I'm just so excited!!!!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Our First Trip Home - BCV - April 29 - May 3 then on to AKL-Concierge til the 7th!!!
BWV from March 29 to April 4th...Spring Break in our neck of the woods.

We just bought into the DVC during our Nov. trip.
We will be going home for the first time to BWV April 27-May4

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
(Jupiter 4/20-23)
All Star Movies 4/23 -27
Have never been there during this peak time. Won't expect too much - dinining, pool, relaxing. (Hoping for codes so that I can try out CBR).
:Pinkbounc Very excited....................first trip home to BCV 13 - 26 May after 3 nights at VB!!

Yeeee-haaaaaa (as my DD2 favourite character Jessie would say!!!!
Yup! Going back for our anniversary and taking my dad, step-mom, niece (4) and nephew (10) to BWV from 5/26-5/31!

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