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Lorana---$188-$9883.10-50-CCV@WL-Sep-62/21, 50/22, 50/23-seller pays MF '21- sent 11/9

I know I'm paying a premium for small contracts, but I want the flexibility to sell off small amounts in the future if needed, and this was also almost loaded with seller paying 2021 dues. We want to build up our CCV points, as we are thinking of maybe selling our BRV within 10 years to get some return on those contracts (though who knows, maybe in 10 years we decide to ride it out), but still want to stay at the Wilderness Lodge. We also figure that unless we have grandkids by then that we're taking, we likely will be beyond the point we're trying to squeeze us plus our kids into studios and so we won't need the fifth sleeper and can be fine in the CCV Studios/1BRs/2BRs. And if we decide then we DO want to ride BRV out, then small CCV contracts allow us to sell off some CCV contracts, if that's what we decide to do. For me, it's combining savings from direct with flexibility against future needs. :)

I admire your contract collection, Lorana. Totally get your thought process. Honestly, I expect to grow my points portfolio similarly.
Mon Dieu! The market price for AKV contracts has gone up 8% just in the time I've been waiting for a ROFR decision.

Perhaps at this point, waiting is on your side. If it's in that pile over there being ignored for the time being while they are taking all those other contracts, yours might be safer tucked away.

I know you've got the funds tied up, but if you think of it as getting a bargain in the long run, maybe the waiting will be worth it. Really hoping for you.
Sorry for the separate question - there is A LOT of stuff in this post! Are you saying Disney has been grabbing some of the CCV and AKL during the ROFR process lately? Thanks.....
I've been following this thread for most of this year and I've never seen Disney take so many CCV and AKV on ROFR before. And at a much higher price. It seems that there is a new interest on these resorts from direct buyers lately.
aaaaand it’s gone again. I have no idea why my signature keeps disappearing. :-(
Oh, huh, apparently it doesn't display when viewing on my phone. But I jumped to my computer, and it shows there. Well, good, at least it means I don't need to add it back in again! :) Don't know why it disappeared the first time, but glad it didn't disappear again, lol. Learned something new today.
Sorry for the separate question - there is A LOT of stuff in this post! Are you saying Disney has been grabbing some of the CCV and AKL during the ROFR process lately? Thanks.....
Yes! Disney has been exercising a lot of ROFR against AKV and CCV lately, at increasingly higher costs (up to $165 I believe for CCV. I need to check up to what amount for AKV lately).
Oh, huh, apparently it doesn't display when viewing on my phone. But I jumped to my computer, and it shows there. Well, good, at least it means I don't need to add it back in again! :) Don't know why it disappeared the first time, but glad it didn't disappear again, lol. Learned something new today.
If you turn your phone to landscape signatures will also show up (otherwise they don't on mobile devices).
So given the info that Disney wants at least 30 days to review but can take up to closing, I asked my broker to close 30 days after it went to ROFR. Otherwise it’s 10weeks. It seems more beneficial to the broker and client to have a shorter closing time. Do brokers make commission either way? Is there no incentive for them to get the sale closed sooner?
So given the info that Disney wants at least 30 days to review but can take up to closing, I asked my broker to close 30 days after it went to ROFR. Otherwise it’s 10weeks. It seems more beneficial to the broker and client to have a shorter closing time. Do brokers make commission either way? Is there no incentive for them to get the sale closed sooner?
The broker's commission is paid by the seller regardless of ROFR.
So given the info that Disney wants at least 30 days to review but can take up to closing, I asked my broker to close 30 days after it went to ROFR. Otherwise it’s 10weeks. It seems more beneficial to the broker and client to have a shorter closing time. Do brokers make commission either way? Is there no incentive for them to get the sale closed sooner?

Same for brokers but the issue can be that a very short closing date..meaning 31 days. is not a benefit for the seller.

They can’t issue closing documents until they get estoppel..which does come with ROFR now it seems..which means sellers have very little time to get papers done.

Once closing passes, buyer can walk.
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