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Cubbiefan1734---$125-$19400-150-CCV@WL-Jun-0/19, 0/20, 45/21- sent 4/25, passed 6/9

Delayed closing, so still waiting. But it's good to hear it went through!
How delayed is your closing? I'm asking as ours is in Oct. & we have not heard yet from ROFR.
How delayed is your closing? I'm asking as ours is in Oct. & we have not heard yet from ROFR.
Also interested in this as we have an October closing date and our contract went to ROFR on 5/7. I'm hoping the contracts with delayed closing don't get put to the bottom of the pile. 🤞
FYI this is the response I received when I contacted DVC Resale Market about our contract that was sent to ROFR 5/5:

Thank you for checking in. We are still waiting to receive Disney's notification of waiver. Since the furlough of most cast in April, they have slowed down quite a bit and are now over their normal 30 day timeline. In fact, we have not received any waivers yet for contracts we have sent them in the month of May. Judging by their current pace, I would expect an answer next week at the earliest. We will let you know as soon as we hear.

And so we wait.
How delayed is your closing? I'm asking as ours is in Oct. & we have not heard yet from ROFR.
Also interested in this as we have an October closing date and our contract went to ROFR on 5/7. I'm hoping the contracts with delayed closing don't get put to the bottom of the pile. 🤞

Our closing is in December. I don't think the delayed closing affected the ROFR timeline, as I have another non-delayed closing still waiting over 35 days now.
IndyToThere---$102-$24480-240-AKV-Mar-20/19, 0/20, 240/21- sent 6/10

First contract after reading about DVC since a disney trip in 2014. At the time, I wasn't convinced we were ready to take a trip to disney every year and figured we would just do point rentals. COVID19 lockdown and some extra cash finally convinced me we'd be happy with relaxing at a disney resort, even if we're not going into the parks every day.
Well, today is Day 30 for me, for my pending SSR contract. Of course, I know reading these threads that I still have a long way to wait...
We passed, sent 4/28, I believe.... Yay

Your ROFR string is below. Copy and paste all of the text in the box for posting.
It will paste as one line even if it shows up as multiple lines in the box.

Albee---$91-$12914-130-AUL-Jun-0/19, 0/20, 130/21, 130/22- sent 4/27, passed 6/10
Sorry if reposted,🧐🙃
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Good Deal - I've tried to get BWV at ~$100/Pt., but no sellers would accept that.
I think I may have missed my WOO :earboy2:
If you were willing to go for a 200-250 point contract you might've found that price.The 150 was more points than we were looking for but at that price I couldn't resist. Thank you.
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