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Kind of quite this week. Hoping next week(tommorrow) brings good news. The suspense is getting the better of me
Hi Pangyal!

I am re-posting this string since I may not have posted it correctly earlier. Good luck to everyone waiting to pass ROFR!!

Disneydreams01---$134-$14491-100-VGF-Apr-0/16, 3/17, 100/18, 100/19- sent 4/1, passed 4/18
Wow seen some great deals posted. Wishing you all great luck as you wait for ROFR. What resale sites are people using? I've never seen prices this low anywhere I've looked. Maybe there is a disboard secret I don't know about lol:hyper2:
Wow... great price and June need the prayers so fingers and toes are crossed for you.

Mine went to ROFR 2 weeks ago. Should hear any day.

Mine went to ROFR on the 11th still waiting

I'm right there with y'all on waiting. I hope you both get good news this week!!!

I told my husband, my head wants our BLT contract to be taken because it's a lot of money, but my heart doesn't. I will be ok either way which is a great position to be in. ;) He, on the other hand, is praying that it gets taken so we can stop sending checks to Disney. Haha. :rotfl2:
Wow seen some great deals posted. Wishing you all great luck as you wait for ROFR. What resale sites are people using? I've never seen prices this low anywhere I've looked. Maybe there is a disboard secret I don't know about lol:hyper2:
We are going through Fidelity Resales. They were great about getting back to us quickly!
Congrats! :banana: Well, at least you didn't have to wait on estoppel!

You've more or less confirmed that mine is being taken. My husband is pretty happy. :upsidedow:worried:

Don't fret you've got lots of points already right? Always time to add on...take a break from buying for a bit you'll enjoy it!

Yay! Congrats!! How funny, we had almost identical experiences. Hopefully you close faster than we're on track to close... Still waiting to close, no end in sight...

I'll race you to the finish!
Now mine is 16 days though some have been taking 19-20, so I am thinking I should hear by Friday or it's getting taken too.
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