Rock "References" at HRH


Jul 31, 2000
We are planning another trip to US/IOA in August. We stayed at PB last year. Loved the FOTL. Anyway, I know one HRH restaurant is the "Sunset Grill" from the Don Henley song. What are other restaurants, rooms, etc. named? I tried a search on HRH restaurants, but I couldn't find names. I was just curious about what rock "references" they use. I'd like to introduce my kids to the songs so that they will "get it" when we stay there and they see these names. I have been reading these boards for a year now and you all have been so helpful. Thanks for the great pictures, Barry.
Hi Nan,
The other restaurant at HRH is "The Palm". An upscale place that has an excellent reputation. We did not eat there, we did hit the Sunset Grill. It was very good. We also got food "to go" from the Sunset Grill, nice and convenient for breakfast.

I don't think the rooms have names. We were there last week and I didn't notice. They have exhibits of rocker's clothing, boots, hats, etc. all over, on every floor. Patti
The best rock reference at HRH is Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones floating face down in the pool.

(Just kidding.)

Actually, the rock references are played down. There is the Graceland Suite, but it's not a homage to The King, just a very classy hotel suite for rich folk. There are b&w phots in the rooms that are untitled, so you may have your rock history knowledge tested a bit.

There is memorabilia on the walls here and there but nowhere near as much as you'll find in your average Hard Rock Cafe. There are also some very striking and very large paintings over the reception desks.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Orlando: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"
<img height=100 src=> <img height=100 src=>>
there are seveeeral items in glass cases..Hats and shoes from Elton John come to mind now. The shoes are in the lobby. The Hats are on the 4th floor (near the elevators I think). Gene simmons gutar is there along with others.

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>


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