Returning to IOA, if only to ride Spiderman & eat at Dagwoods!


May 27, 2001
Hi everyone

I was at IOA and Universal with hubby in December, and unfortunately, I was not able to enjoy the spiderman adventure ride, due to technical difficulties it was having that day...My hubby enjoyed it very much the day before, but I was taking pictures of the Marvel Comic Characters so I did not ride with him, now I wished I had...

Fortunately, we will be returning to Orlando in June, and I told my hubby we are returning to IOA if only to ride Spiderman and eat a Dagwood sandwich and eat at MargaritavilleS.

So how is the Spiderman ride now, is it working okay???

See you in June!!!!!:bounce:
Like any technological ride they are having some technical problems. You have about a 5% chance of something going wrong. We went during MG Con and we stopped at one point and started right back up. I think they had a backup of cars on the track.

If anything happens it is real quick and then right back up. They have most of the bugs worked out of the system and when they show up they can get rid of the quickly.
Louise, glad to have you coming back this way. you will have a hard time adding a picture to your album, of your husband eating a dagwood since it is closed just like thunder falls terrace. sorry:smooth:
That really sucks! No Dagwood sandwiches! Oh well, maybe it will be up and running when we return in June...

Hey MIB, I still plan to visit disney, however, we will not be able to resist visiting IOA and of course CityWalk!!!!!

But we will not do Citywalk in the evening only visit Margaritaville for Lunch or early dinner.....

See you in June!!!!:bounce:
Isn't Margaritaville great? We've been there three times. It has become a tradition in our family. We fly into Orlando in the afternoon, check into the hotel and then off to Margartaville for dinner. It's a fun kickoff to our vacation. Even this year, while we are planning on Disney instead of IOA, we will check into our Disney hotel and then hop over to Margaritaville for dinner.
I like it best when the live band gets on stage later in the evening. One of these days I'm going to get in that conga line (it will take at least 2 Long Island Iced Teas). I'm afraid we've become big old fat parrotheads!!:jester:
Originally posted by louise1928
That really sucks! No Dagwood sandwiches! See you in June!!!!:bounce:

No Louise, do not hold back. tell us what you really think!!!!:D
Actually, MIB, Blondie's reopened on Friday, as far as I know. It's kind of sad to see the place I started at in Universal reduced to a seasonal restaraunt, but oh well. When we got busy there, we really cranked out those sandwiches!

Louise-I don't see why it won't be open in june, since that's in the heart of our busy season.
Louise: If you're on Spiderman and there are problems, the ride operator will usually let you ride again. Of course, if the ride totally stops and is inop that isn't possible. They used to give you a "ride again" pass so you could come back but not wait in line.
Originally posted by nhrenee
Louise: If you're on Spiderman and there are problems, the ride operator will usually let you ride again. Of course, if the ride totally stops and is inop that isn't possible. They used to give you a "ride again" pass so you could come back but not wait in line.

Louise, i just got back and had to tell you that The HOme Of The DAGWOOD was open today. We who live close will keep you aware of what is going on and lobby strongly for it to open when you arrive!!!!

BTW if CPM is on the Spiderman ride when it stalls, you have the advantage of a whole new show starting up right in front of your very eyes. :D
take everything in the fridge and pile it on bread with your favorite accesory items and that is a Dagwood:smooth:
I will have to look at the menu and write it down to know for sure. I can do that 2/23 and let you know. just make sure you bump this up so i see it as a reminder. :smooth:
I doubt the ingredients have changed since my time, but here's what was on it when i was there: ham, turkey, salami, bologne, american, swiss, lettuce, tomatoes, italian dressing and marinated onions on a double decker pullman loaf (white bread). The tootsie's favorite was my personal choice, stacked high w/ turkey, swiss tomatoes and a dijon mayonaise, on a multigrain peasant loaf. Their cream of tomato soup is awesome, too.
the Dagwood shop was closed on Sunday. could not verify sandwich contents:smooth:


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