Resale: Seller outside US an issue?


Earning My Ears
Jan 5, 2002
I'm considering a resale from a seller in England via a broker. (

Has anyone bought from a foreign seller?

Any complications from doing so?
As long as you are buying through a broker you should have not problems with the seller. All the money will go into an escrow account and not be passed to the seller until everything is finalized and filed by the attorney.

One key with Disney sales is that they are all treated as Florida sales for WDW resorts, meaning the contracts and deeds are recorded there and the closing takes place there. Thus, you will sign a contract that is effective in Florida, the closing will be there, and the transaction will subject to Florida law. Atimeshare uses a reputable law firm for its sales, Holland & Knight, who will likely assure that any possible UK issues are dealt with before the closing (such as any special UK taxes the seller might have to pay) so you get clear title.
We bought a BWV contract via Jaki at from a seller in England. No problem. As mentioned, all monies were held in escrow in Florida.

Good Luck
We bought a resale from England as well. We had no problems at all. There was only a very slight delay when the seller had to get something notarized. I was told it wasn't as easy to get something notarized in England as it is here and the seller had been given the run-around trying to get one. The delay was only a couple of days. Everything else was great. (By the way, I used Jaki at for that transaction and she was very good.)

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