Regarding the Coded Rate I Got on Wednesday...


Proud Mom of a United States Marine
Feb 16, 2000
Just to let you know - since I continue to read how people are nervous about having to show or prove something at check-in using one of the codes discussed earlier this week. I can't speak for all of them, but the one I used (email me at for details)has no stipulations and nothing to prove residency at obviously it's not a state discount. I called back today, gave them my confirmation number and asked to have a specific building request added to my reservation. The CM told he would be glad to add that for me and when he finished, I told him that I had obtained a great rate earlier this week, and I wanted to double check whether or not there were any stipulations. He told me all I had to show at check-in was a picture ID and a copy of my confirmation letter.
Again, I got the $89 beginning August 9th at the Caribbean Beach using a now "infamous" code which I will not repeat. Email me and I'll be glad to share! ;)

<marquee><font size=4><font color=blue>"It's Time to Remember the Magic"</font></marquee></font>

<font size=3><font color=blue>Patty</font>

<font size=1><font color=red>
Dixie Landings - 9/96
Dixie Landings - 9/97
Dixie Landings - 9/99
Yacht Club - 9/00
Caribbean Beach - 8/01


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