Reallocating points question


DIS Veteran
Jun 24, 2010
I’m looking to make a reservation for November. Not sure if the trip will come to fruition just yet, but need to secure something. In the event that I need to cancel, will I be able to pull the borrowed points I use for the November reservation and apply them to another reservation I have for earlier in the year? I could then bank the freed up points? Is my thinking sound?
While both reservations exist, you cannot take points from one and swap them for points in another reservation. Once you cancel the November reservation, you will be able to modify the prior reservation, without losing it, by adding borrowed points from the canceled Nov reservation to it, while taking out an equal number of current use year points, as long as there is no 11-month issue -- if that earlier reservation was made with home resort points during the 11 month window, you will only be able to swap same-resort points without first cancelling that reservation. If it was made at 7 months out, you can swap with any resort points.
As long as you cancel November before the other reservation happens, then yes, you can do that.

Another strategy I have used, is to book a dummy reservation with the borrowed points. Then I cancel the reservation and it frees up the borrowed points.

I modify the reservation I know is a definite. It picks up the borrowed points and frees me up to book the iffy one without borrowed points,

So, it can be done before as well, Of course, may be just as easy to book, and then reallocate if cancelled.
While both reservations exist, you cannot take points from one and swap them for points in another reservation. Once you cancel the November reservation, you will be able to modify the prior reservation, without losing it, by adding borrowed points from the canceled Nov reservation to it, while taking out an equal number of current use year points, as long as there is no 11-month issue -- if that earlier reservation was made with home resort points during the 11 month window, you will only be able to swap same-resort points without first cancelling that reservation. If it was made at 7 months out, you can swap with any resort points.
Does this work if you are working with more than one Membership?
No. If reservations are in different memberships, then the borrowed points will be stuck there.
So another reason not to buy separate use years if there will ever be a time that one needs to combine points for the same reservation.
Does this work if you are working with more than one Membership?

If you made a reservation using points from one member number, you cannot modify that reservation by simply taking points out while putting in points from another member number. To modify that first reservation using points from another member number would require first transferring points from that other member number to the one used to make the first reservation. In the OP's example, that would be impossible to accomplish the desired result after cancelling the November reservation, because you cannot transfer borrowed points.

As I have noted before, the only two ways you can combine points from different member numbers for the same trip is to either first transfer points from one member number to the other or make two separate reservations using the different member numbers, one for the first part of the trip and the other for the second part, and then have those reservations linked.
So another reason not to buy separate use years if there will ever be a time that one needs to combine points for the same reservation.

Yes. I have had to borrow points from one UY when I had points in the other.

But I went in knowing that and would rather than deal with the transfer part. I change things too much to be stuck having to call!

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