Reality Disney: But I Don't Want to Go Among Mad People (NEW 4/25 SEE YOU AT BREAKFAST)

Hello! I am finally here!
Totally noticed your visor in the intro picture! I don't see those very much here in WDW, or the Minnie Mouse hats. Maybe it's more of a Disneyland thing? I love that your nieces got them though, especially after we spent so much time talking about them! :D

Have you made the photobook mentioned in the Legoland post? I love photobooks, they make such great gifts, and yeah, probably less delicate than a scrapbook.

I'm the same way about photos, especially when people are visiting from out of town. Like, we have to commemorate with the fact that we were at Disney together with a photo! Otherwise, did it really happen?

That story about Violet and Cinderella is the sweetest. If I ever get tired of seeing or hearing stories like, that'll be my cue to leave Florida. Or when I graduate (December 2017, probably!). Whatever comes first.

That ECV accident is terrifying. So glad Dash was okay! Poor kid!

Add me to the list of kids that thought there was drop at the end of Pirates after the lift. Actually, add me to the list of kids that thought there was drop at the end of Pirates after the lift even after they had been on it multiple times.

I seriously love that Dr. Facilier was their first character. Of course. The pictures of them are adorable.

Looking forward to more!!
Oh no! Dad's gone? So many cliffhangers! Can't wait to read more!

Ha! Yes! And believe it or not, that wasn't the only time he completely disappeared!

Hello! I am finally here!
Totally noticed your visor in the intro picture! I don't see those very much here in WDW, or the Minnie Mouse hats. Maybe it's more of a Disneyland thing? I love that your nieces got them though, especially after we spent so much time talking about them! :D

Yay you've arrived! I know, I didn't see any more Minnie visors for sale or being worn in the parks! If we hadn't met up that day, then I wouldn't have my beloved Minnie visor!

Have you made the photobook mentioned in the Legoland post? I love photobooks, they make such great gifts, and yeah, probably less delicate than a scrapbook.

I actually did! They turned out SO super cutely! I should post photos of them before I mail them to Violet and Dash. I think I'm going to ditch the scrapbooking thing b/c the photo books look so great.

Add me to the list of kids that thought there was drop at the end of Pirates after the lift. Actually, add me to the list of kids that thought there was drop at the end of Pirates after the lift even after they had been on it multiple times.

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delayed post- I was consumed with cleaning out my parents’ garage. I see a pile of junk and it’s like gravity- I just can’t stay away!

DAY 1.4: Splashed & Afraid

We left off with my family dithering about what to do next after BTMR had shut down for the second time. After we made tentative plans to enjoy Fantasy Land for a short while before heading to SplashM to redeem our 2:10pm FP's, the girls had an impromptu meet 'n' greet with Dr. Facilier. Once we were ready to get going again, someone asked where Dad was.

Everyone paused. He was nowhere to be found. The last time I had seen him was when he was heading to the BTMR FP distribution corral where he had parked the ECV. Mom turned to me, extremely agitated: "He doesn't have his phone." Apparently when we had left the house that morning, Mom saw Dad's phone sitting in its usual spot and told him not to forget it. For some reason he was adamant about leaving it at home because he didn't want to carry it and thought it was dead weight (he's a retired Marine so he's got this thing about traveling light). Mom and I stewed about this for a minute. Dad actually has sort of a history of getting lost and separated from the group when we go places. We've hypothesized that a human's supply of directional sense is finite and that Dad used up all of his in Vietnam and the Gulf War. We had no way of contacting him.

We decided to carry on and hopefully, since we had been talking about going to Fantasy Land before he disappeared, he would just meet us there. We gathered the girls and proceeded to the hub through the Frontier Land portal.

We had reached the castle and were just about to cross the moat when suddenly Bob, who was carrying Dash since she didn't have the ECV to hitch a ride with as usual, stopped in his tracks. He declared that he wanted to turn around and walk back to SplashM. WHAT?! WHY?? He claimed that since we only had 25 min until we had to use our FP's, we should get into position. I was perplexed because we had already walked all the way to Fantasy Land, it was hot, crowded, and there was a marching band approaching which added to the chaos. Neither Helen nor Mom said anything, but I was flabbergasted. Finally come to find out that Bob thought that we had to use the FP at 2:10pm on the dot. I explained that our FP return window was 2:10-3:10pm with a 15min grace period. So we really had around 1hr 40min before it expired. Since we're already here, why not see some attractions that the girls had specifically requested, like Small World, the teacups, carousel, or Casey Jr. which, according to the Disney App, had a 10 min wait?

After a quick debate in the middle of the marching band, we finally get going again and walk through the castle into Fantasy Land proper. We headed to Casey Jr. and got in line. The line looked pretty short. But we kept waiting. And waiting. We were constantly scanning the crowd below and looking for any ECV's. Mom was getting pretty stressed about finding Dad. The train appeared to be moving particularly slowly and kept stopping. Additionally, the CM's I think were having difficulties properly counting the guests, because there was at least 1 empty row in most of the trains we saw go by. What seemed to make the line even more stagnant was that the family in front of us kept stopping whenever they reached a shady patch in the queue, leaving huge gaps between them and the family ahead of them. They would stand there for quite some time, hogging the tiny bit of shade the queue had to offer. The rest of us were stuck exposed in direct sunlight.

After over 30 minutes, we were almost there and would get on not the next train, but the one after. Suddenly, the train, which was heading into its home stretch towards the station, powered down. The CM's called a ride mechanic who eventually coaxed the train back into the station, allowing its passengers to disembark. But then it powered down again. They continued tinkering with it but the CM's did not update the guests for the longest time. If I had been with just Mom or a friend, we probably would've jumped the railing and just accepted the loss and moved on. Unfortunately, there was no easy way to jump the railing from our particular location in the queue. The only place to jump would've led us to the station platform and then through the ride exit, which the CM's definitely would not have liked. It was possible to jump another part of the railing but there was a tree and some bushes and then another railing. I was considering it.

Suddenly, the Fairy Godmother came walking from the direction of the castle and floated underneath a shady overhang behind Dumbo. Some guests immediately followed and began queuing up. Now THIS was the perfect DL character meet for the girls I had been envisioning! I really wanted the Fairy Godmother to be in the girls' autograph books. I started whining to Mom that we were going to miss our chance to meet her. The Casey Jr. self-torture went on and on. I started getting extremely irritated because I just wanted to move on, but all of the other guests in the queue were blocking my way. I wanted to jump into the bushes and escape. It was SO hot and we had been standing in that line for at least 30 min in direct sunlight. TO THE BUSHES!!!!

I was just DONE. Dad had scootered away with all of our waters and snacks in his basket and I needed something to drink and just needed to get out of that claustrophobic oven. I announced my intention to jump into the bushes. For some reason, Mom was angry at my restlessness and actually put both hands out and grabbed the railing on both sides, blocking my path. We snapped at each other a little and I claimed that everyone was just victimizing themselves by continuing to burn in that endless line for a ride that was obviously having technical glitches. Mom claimed that the girls would throw a fit if I ran away and then they would insist upon going into the bushes, too. I said that was fine and the more the merrier. I am actually cracking up just writing this because the entire situation was just so ridiculous and hopeless.

FINALLY, a CM announced that the train was having technical difficulties and that they didn't know when it would be fixed. Guests were welcome to leave or remain in line. I immediately raised by hand and called out: "How do we get out of here??" He just said: "The way you came in." I was about to literally ring his little neck. Obviously we were penned in by guests ahead of us and guests behind us in our particular place in line. There was no way that we could reverse out of the queue and squeeze past all of the other guests behind us because we had already gone through the turnstile and the queue was too narrow anyway. The CM added that there was an exit gate up at the head of the line, which we could not see, so at least he wasn't entirely flippant. However he was just standing there doing nothing and I thought that he could at least make some effort to help us navigate to the exit. The family in front of us was still hogging the shade and would not move, blocking our path. I just did not have the energy to explain to them the situation because they were just standing there vacantly and I didn't even know if they were paying attention to the CM's announcement and were aware of the situation. Thankfully, the woman behind me was also getting irritated and had to lean over the railing, poke one of the shade-hoggers, and repeat to them at least 2-3 times that we all needed to get out and they needed to move and go through the second turnstile.

I ran out of the exit and dashed to the Fairy Godmother, who was still behind Dumbo. I was afraid that someone would cut the line off again, which happened to us constantly throughout this trip. The girls were not far behind me and whipped out their autograph books (they got really good at that). We only had to wait a few moments:

Helen had left to go buy some cold bottles of water. While we waited for her to return, I instructed the girls to climb aboard purple Dumbo so that we could have a photoshoot.

The funny part about that photo is the upper left corner, where you can see a couple arguing about something. Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear what was going on!

Disappointedly, no one seemed interested enough to actually request a ride on Dumbo, which is a classic and is, to me, spectacular. I had told Dash about it earlier in the day and explained that there were many different Dumbos to choose from: purple Dumbo, green Dumbo, yellow Dumbo… Dash declared that she wanted to ride pink Dumbo! But alas, no one got to ride Dumbo, because once Helen returned with the waters, where did Bob insist upon going but right back to the infernal Casey Jr. queue!!

Much to our chagrin, Bob was actually quite adamant about completing our mission with Casey Jr.! I looked over at Mom who was still standing in the shade by purple Dumbo. She was sort of frozen in time and had her hands up and head back in an agonized state like: "Nooooo! Not Casey Jr.!!!" Bob was already storming back into the queue and pointing and exclaiming: "Look! The line's short now!" But it wasn't. The line had cleared out after the technical glitch announcement, but the second the ride reopened, the queue filled up again, so by the time we all got back over there, we were basically where we started the first time.

I think that people were just done repeating themselves, arguing, and debating by that point so we all just shuffled behind Bob and didn't say much. If I had been at full power, I would've declared that Bob could ride Casey Jr. by himself and rebelliously strode to the Dumbo queue.

While waiting again in line, I saw Helen & Bob speaking with another father about the weather. "Isn't it terribly hot today?" "Yes, it's even hotter than it was yesterday. Amy and I just don't know what to do with the kids…” As Kimmy Gibbler would say: "Borrrrring." I surveyed the carousel. Oh there's Jingles! “…You know, we got them this really great fan that sprays water, too, and the kids just love it." NOO!!! I swiveled my head just in time to see the father graciously misting Dash with one of those blasted $20 misting fans. The mist seemed to swirl around in slow motion and enveloped Dash and Violet in an enchanting haze. I saw Violet staring contentedly at the fan. Gosh darn it! I had been working all day to prevent the girls from coming into contact with the fans because that’s just a tourist trap.

At some point, Dash declared that she had to go the bathroom. She started doing the potty dance and crying a little bit. Unfortunately, we had returned to that same segment of the line in which we were sort of penned in. Helen explained to Dash that she would just have to wait. Mom and I were both pretty worried, because Dash was getting quite upset (we didn't blame her).

Here's Bob texting on his work phone. Helen claimed that he was stressed about something going on at work so perhaps that explains some of his persnicketiness. I guess he needed both hands to text freely so he put Dash's Minnie hat he had been holding on top of his head for storage. Problem solved:

If you look closely at that picture, you can see a father holding his son and his shirt is half drenched in sweat. It was so terribly hot. I looked down and Dash was standing there with her legs crossed.

After about 20 or so minutes, we were ready to board Casey Jr.. We were the last group to board the train. The pink sleigh at the front seemed to be our only option. The CM told us that we'd have to seat 2 adults and 1 child in each row or else we would not all fit. Bob & Helen sat in the back row and Mom sat in the front. Of course, Violet and Dash both clambered into the front row with her. I could not fit in either row; one of the girls was going to have to move to the back row. Neither one of them wanted to move, so Bob & Helen called for Violet to suck it up and sit with them. Violet darted out of the first row and absolutely threw herself in the back, then covered her face, leaned over, and started sobbing and convulsing violently into her lap. I had already sat down in the front row and shut the little door behind me by the time I realized that Violet was throwing a fit, otherwise I probably would've just escorted her off of the ride and exited. One of the CM's said that actually, there was an entirely empty sleigh further back in the train and that Violet could sit there if she wanted. Bob & Helen asked Violet if she wanted to sit there with me. Violet immediately stopped crying and we hurried to the aqua sleigh where Violet chose the front row.

Violet didn't say much during our little jaunt through the "countryside." I tried to point out the various miniature settings: Cinderella's castle, Agrabah, Prince Eric's castle, etc.

The only semi spark of emotion I got out of her was when we passed Arendale, which was adorable. We spotted Elsa's ice castle nestled into the mountains and I loved the little ships sailing into the harbor for the big coronation ceremony.

The grand finale (Violet wasn’t looking!):

Once we all finally exited Casey Jr., I think some of us started running. Retreeeeeat!!!!

First stop was the bathrooms adjacent to Pinocchio's Village Haus. I wasn't sure if they were still open during Star Wars Land construction, because that back pathway was blocked off, but the bathrooms were still accessible. Mom, Helen, Dash, and Violet went to the loo. I went into Pinocchio's Village Haus to grab a free cup of ice water. When Violet returned from the loo, she was all too happy to investigate the nearby souvenir cart while she waited. I braced myself. There was a huge display of misting fans and she was drawing closer to them.

Helen reappeared and commented on how she never knew that Disney provided free ice water. Then, we heard a little voice behind us: "Mom, can I use my money to get one of these?" We turned around and sure enough, there was Violet holding a misting fan. Dang it! Helen and I immediately initiated evasive maneuvers. We told her that it was overpriced and that she would blow her entire $20 bill on it. Additionally she'd probably only use it today and tomorrow and would most likely never use it again. Furthermore, didn't she want to wait and see all of the other fun souvenirs DL had to offer and then make her decision? Violet put back the mister. Boom. Problem solved. Helen and I looked at each other in triumph. We're good. We’re real good.

After everyone was ready to move on, we decided to make our way to SplashM. Mom and I were hoping that Dad would be there waiting for us, since he knew that we had SplashM FP's. We took the secret pathway behind BBB so that we could cut through the Mexican restaurant to Frontier Land, then continue on towards Critter Country.

We arrived at the Fantasy Land extension and there was Village Belle! She was walking with her handler towards the corridor where the actors slip away to take their breaks, so it was obvious that her meet 'n' greet was over. It was so cute that she was walking with her hands clasped behind her back like the character does in the film. I love those kinds of little details. The girls were ecstatic. "Belle! Belle!" they called, running after her with their autograph books.

Another little girl ran with them. Belle turned around and said something nice but didn't engage because she needed to go on break. Her handler explained that Belle would return at 4pm. Noted.

We continued towards Critter Country and I checked my Disney App. Lily had been chattering about HM for some reason so I thought that perhaps we could squeeze that in on our way back from SplashM. We were probably already a little after the grace period for our FP's, so we needed to do Splash first. HM standby was 30 min but the FP return time was listed as 3:40pm. It was probably already around 3:30pm by that point so we'd be able to jump on HM immediately after finishing Splash. Perfect! And maybe we could even get to the 4pm Belle meet 'n' greet if we hustled. I told everyone to wait in some shade while I did the FP run. Mom looked stressed (probably about Dad) and hot and I was worried that she wasn't feeling well.

I power walked to the HM FP distribution center which is tucked away in a quiet area back near the New Orleans train station. It was quite empty and I realized why the FP's were so readily available: no one knew that HM even HAD FP's. You would never know that it was back there unless you were either familiar with the park or had noticed on the park map or Disney App that HM was a FP ride. Fine with me. I got 6 FP's for 3:50pm. I noticed that if I checked the Disney App, noted the FP return time for a ride, and then walked there to get the FP's, the actual FP return window I obtained was usually 10-25 min later than the return time displayed in the app.

I returned to where I had left my family and Bob & Helen told me that Mom had forged ahead to look for Dad. We pressed on and met back up with Mom who had unfortunately still not found Dad. We then approached the SplashM FP return queue and practically walked onto the ride. We got an entire log to ourselves, which I found exciting. Violet wound up sitting in front somehow, which in retrospect was probably not the wisest choice.

During the ride, Violet was constantly pressing me for information about the number of drops, "Is this the big one??", etc. She was actually whimpering a little and seemed to have a substantial amount of anxiety, which I was surprised at. I kept thinking back to when I was 7-8 and using that as my barometer for which rides we could expect Violet to tolerate, which I later realized was flawed logic. By the time I was 8 I had visited DL several times and was already pretty experienced with/immunized against all of the big ticket rides. However, Violet had never had those types of experiences, so consequently she was very nervous. When it was finally time to climb the hill for the "big one," I told Violet that this was it and pumped her shoulder excitedly. She was flipping out and cried: "Don't do that!" I felt bad that I had scared her, and felt bad that I didn't really know what to say to calm her down. I also regretted allowing her to sit in the front. But hey, it would all be over in a matter of seconds. Problem solved.

We shot down the mountain and strangely enough, Violet and I didn't get as soaked as I expected. I think it was because our log was relatively light since Bob was the only heavy passenger and we had 2 kids with us. Thankfully I was carrying the huge Disney bag with all of the BBB stuff in it, so I stuffed my bag, Minnie visor, and Violet's Minnie hat in there which kept everything nice and dry. After the drop, Violet turned around and was laughing, her face dripping with water. Phew! Glad it didn't turn out to be a traumatic experience. When we stepped out of our log and exited the unloading zone, I heard Mom ask Dash what she thought of the ride. Dash exclaimed: "I was surprised!" which was perfectly adorable. Dear little Dash was being such a trooper that day.

When we checked out our ride photo, we all doubled over with laughter. It was such a great photo that I purchased a digital copy for $12.95, which Bob actually paid for because he loved it, too (and I NEVER buy ride photos). Allow me to share with you one of my favorite Disney photos of all time:

Yup, Violet and Dash had absolutely NO idea what was going on. Dash was concerned. Violet was TERRIFIED. Thankfully, Violet thought that her expression in the photo was funny, too.

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UPDATE: A Very Shutterfly Thanksgiving

Hello everyone! The next post is coming right up, but in the meantime just a quick update. I thought that I would post a few snapshots of the Shutterfly photo books I ordered for Violet and Dash. We sent them as Thanksgiving presents. Apparently, Violet and Dash were super DUPER excited to receive these books and immediately ran outside to show all of their neighborhood friends. I was so pleased that the books made them feel so special!

I compiled all of the photos taken during their entire trip out to CA and also had Helen take a few photos of them at home packing their little suitcases, etc. I wanted to document every aspect of their “California Adventure.” These books were actually the first Shutterfly books I ever made. It took me a little while to get used to the editing tools, but eventually I got the hang of it. We received coupons at Legoland for free Shutterfly 8”x8” books, so I decided to use them and give it a shot. The books turned out so fantastically that I surely will make more in the future!

But once again, very few photos of me! The constant plague of every family photographer!

Mom and I asked Violet and Dash over the phone which photo was their favorite. Both said the SplashM photo! Avery responded with: “Splash Mountain! My face!” I was so relieved that they could see the humor in that situation hehe.

PS: That last photo of Violet and Dash with Luna just cracks me up. Luna looks like she's sputtering: "Good God UNHAND me!!"

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DAY 1.5: Damage Control

Last time we talked, I regaled you with how we rode SplashM and that glorious mountain snapped what became one of my favorite DL photos of all time. Since it’s that good, here it is again!

Now, back to DAY 1.5. We proceeded back to New Orleans Square to use our HM FP’s. On the way, Lily zeroed in on a souvenir cart that sold… $20 misting fans. Since Helen and I had just recently foiled her last attempt to obtain a fan back in Fantasy Land, Violet did what any self-respecting child would do, she targeted Bob instead. I told Bob to be strong. As Admiral Ackbar would say, “It’s a TRAP!!”


I was convinced that I was going to wind up carrying that darn thing (spoiler alert: I most certainly did!). It also wound up leaking obnoxiously. A $20 leak.

As we strode out of Critter Country and headed to HM, I checked my phone and saw that I had 2 missed calls. Dad had left a voicemail explaining that he was calling from the GCR front desk and to reach him there. Mom and I were relieved that Dad was at least in some A/C and not still scootering around the infernal park looking for us. I asked Mom if she could call while I fished the HM FP's out of my bag, but she just really didn't want to deal with it. I stopped to make the call, using the number I had Googled earlier when attempting to get the luggage delivered. I told the CM what was going on and she asked for Dad's name and a physical description, then left to search the lobby for him. She came back to the phone and told me that she could not find him. Of course.

We decided to carry on. Still with no idea where Dad was, but at least knowing that he was fine, we entered the HM FP return queue and instantaneously walked into the elevator room. Walking through the HM with kids is such a pain because other guests cut you off, mercilessly separating you from the other members of your family. I think that the darkness and anonymity gives people power to behave poorly. We got situated in the elevator room and made our way towards the back. We serendipitously wound up directly in front of the camouflaged interior door that slides open after the elevator segment and spits you out into the queue to board the doom buggies. Prime real estate. Some guests obviously knew where the secret door was and were jockeying for position. When a woman tried to cut Violet and me off by practically slithering up against the wall about an inch away from my face, I shut her down. Access DENIED!!

The elevator segment over, we herded into the corridor leading to the buggies. I told Violet to look out the windows- look at the huge storm that just rolled in! Violet was surprised and had to think about it. "Is it really raining outside??" she wondered aloud. “What do you think?” I asked. Hehe.

There was then more completely atrocious behavior (mostly on the part of the adults of course). The dark corridor turned into an absolute free for all. We were the first guests to step into the corridor but probably some of the last to finally board the buggies. Violet chattered during the whole ride that "those aren't real ghosts, right?" and "yeah, all this stuff is fake." I'm not a HM fan and I basically just tolerate it whenever I'm with someone who wants to ride it. I can appreciate it from an artistic perspective certainly; the lyrics to "Grim Grinning Ghosts" are amazing and the ballroom scene is beautiful. But I'm definitely more of a Fantasy Land person. Speaking of which, we were late! For a very important date!

I checked my phone and it was 4:04pm. Run!

I shooed everyone out of the HM and we all hotfooted it back over to New Fantasy Land in search of Belle. We rushed through the tunnel and there was Village Belle!! Violet and I launched ourselves towards the end of the queue. But…it had been just cut off!

Again our plans were foiled. I mentioned that if we just left at that very moment, we could probably get back to the GCR in time to enjoy the pool a little before our 6:10pm dinner ADR at Storyteller’s Cafe. Poor Violet had literally been asking ALL day when we were going swimming. Bob graciously decided to inform everyone in the 11th hour that we weren’t going to the pool at all. I was totally annoyed. The other day I had gone over our itinerary with Bob & Helen before I typed it up and printed copies. I also had forgone several sets of available FP’s during the day since I anticipated that we would not be in the park after 3:30pm or so. If Bob & Helen had never wanted to go to the pool, then why didn’t they say so from the beginning so we could have planned for that? We also could have avoided getting the girls’ expectations up. Additionally, it was a zillion degrees Fahrenheit that day, all of the queues were 30 minutes or higher, we had no FP’s for anything, and the luggage was still untended to. There was no time to deal with the luggage between dinner and the fireworks, so it was either get the luggage before dinner or after the fireworks at like 10pm, which would have been a disaster with two little sunburned kids who had been trashed at the beach the day before and awake for 14 hrs straight. I mean good god! DL was a seething, crowded, under-construction, pit of insanity that day. Not the best time to play it by ear. And why was everyone just following Bob around like he was some anointed Disney dictator for the day? Yes, the logical/OCD/planning center of my brain was getting really agitated.

After we accepted defeat once again, there was MORE dithering until Violet finally mentioned Autopia. It was finally decided that we would head towards Tomorrowland. We passed through the hub and the Tomorrowland portal. For some reason, Bob sprang at the Astro Orbiters queue and pointed for everyone to follow because "Look! The line's short!" Helen didn't want to ride because she doesn't do "spinny" rides. I didn't know why we were bothering because neither of the girls had expressed interest in it while there were a bunch of other attractions that they had specifically requested. I absentmindedly followed Violet and Mom into the queue. I was worried about whether or not Dad knew where we had our ADR that evening. I asked Mom and she had no idea. It was quite stressful.

I thought about the things that I could do to address the problem. I decided to redial the front desk and leave a message for Dad with the hope that maybe he would inquire there again at some point. I told the CM that I would like to leave a message for a registered guest. She asked for Dad's name and room number. I gave her one of the room numbers (by then both rooms were available and had been texted to my phone). I was intending to dictate a message to the CM that would be left at the front desk for Dad, but she actually wound up immediately connecting me to the voicemail for that room. I left a voicemail explaining that we had a 6:10pm ADR at Storyteller’s Cafe.

I hung up and was still worried. I didn’t know if Dad had even gone up to the rooms, since I was the only one who had the room numbers and the rooms were reserved under Mom’s name. Additionally, if he had managed to acquire a room key on his own, which one of the two rooms was he in? Maybe the room I had just messaged was the one he wasn't in. By that time Dad's disappearance had been going on for several hours. It was very stressful. I looked up at Astro Orbiters and the spinning rockets. There were only 2 people to a rocket; if Dash went with Bob and Violet went with Mom then my presence was unnecessary. I told Mom that she should take Violet and I would go and get us some free ice water.

I walked to Pizza Port and got as many cups of ice water as I could carry: 3 big cups. I returned to Astro Orbiters and found Helen waiting in the shade. I gave her one of the cups and downed my own. I was thinking about how it was getting quite late and it was looking more like we would have to go straight to our Storyteller's Cafe ADR; we wouldn't even have time beforehand to go to the rooms, freshen up, and arrange for our luggage to be delivered. Our ADR was at 6:10pm and we really needed to get going directly after dinner in order to snag a reasonable viewing location for "Paint the Night." If, after dinner, we also had to acquire room keys and wait for the luggage, we could easily be late returning to DL. Also, I don't think that anyone wanted to deal with those kinds of logistics after dinner, and certainly not after the fireworks at 10pm. I was disappointed by our situation considering that we had planned to be back at GCR by 4pm at the latest for the pool. And now since we were checking out tomorrow, we wouldn't even get to enjoy the pool at all.

I was crushed that my clipboard of fun had exploded so quickly. I had put a lot of thought into our park touring strategy and what would be the most fun for Violet and Dash. We had seen the GCR pool slide that morning after checking in and the girls were so excited to try it. Violet had been asking all day when we were going to go swimming. I also thought that not allowing the girls to rest before the fireworks was going to make them overtired, especially since they had been up since 6:30am.

I especially wanted everything to run smoothly for Bob, Helen, and the girls. This was the girls’ first big trip to Disney (they were too young to remember their very first trip) and I wanted it to be special. By the time everyone returned to GCR, I envisioned having the rooms set up, the luggage ready and waiting, and Dad located. I didn’t want any unnecessary stress for Mom or Bob & Helen. I decided to head back to GCR, track down Dad, and get the rooms set up. I asked Helen to give the third cup of ice water to Mom for me, and filled her in on my new mission. I could just see it now: everyone waiting, bleary eyed, for the luggage to be delivered at 11pm. I had to take control of the situation!

I exited DL and hustled through DTD towards the GCR portal. Just as I entered the portal, the sight of Anna & Elsa’s Boutique made me think of Violet. OH NO. I looked down and gasped. Violet's autograph book was still in my crossbody bag!!!!!

I was completely HORRIFIED because what if the girls randomly encountered a character they wanted to meet with and Violet's autograph book was missing?! Meltdown city and a HUGE heartbreaker for Violet. Violet had also expressed high interest in trying for the 5pm Belle meet 'n' greet back in Fantasy Land. I texted Sarah and Mom to give them the red alert and instructed them to keep the girls away from any characters for goodness sakes until I could get back with the autograph book.

But first thing's first: I had to find Dad. He had been missing since around 1:30pm. I made it to the GCR lobby and went on the prowl, looking in every nook and cranny. Suddenly, Dad spontaneously manifested near the gift shop. He told me that he had been in the room most of the time. He had been able to acquire a key card at the front desk for one of the rooms, since his name was on the guest list, but they wouldn't give him the key card to the other room since the reservations were under Mom's name and Bob, Helen, and the girls were the only ones on the guest list for the second room. I asked Dad if he had had the luggage delivered yet. He said no and looked at me like: "Why ever on earth would I have done that?" Seriously.

We went up to the room and I called bell services to request our luggage. The CM asked for the number on the luggage tag. I thought good God, where in the heck that darn thing is at this point who even knows. Neither Dad nor I had the ticket (that’s one of the hard things about traveling with a large group- it’s difficult to keep track of who has what. I think Bob may have had the ticket). The CM told me that in that case I would have to request the luggage from the front desk in person. SOOO Dad and I trekked BACK down to the front desk and told the bell services guy that we wanted our stuff but had lost the luggage tag. After I gave my name and ID, he asked me to describe a piece of our luggage that stood out by eye. I described my hot pink Adidas duffel bag. I didn't know if that was unique enough, so I started describing a second piece of luggage so that bell services would be certain they had identified the correct trolley. The bell services guy cut me off abruptly and said "NO, NO, NO" without making eye contact. He muttered something about how he only needed one description and that I was making things more complicated than necessary. I can't remember exactly how he worded it but it was something like: "It doesn't need to be more complicated." Anyway, his tone was pretty rude. I had been perfectly nice to him and was just trying to be helpful and to answer his question in full. I wasn't annoyed that we had to walk back down there because I mean, we HAD lost the luggage ticket and it only took like 2 min to go from the room to the lobby anyway. Plus I was happy to be in A/C! So I was perfectly pleasant. I didn't pay much mind to this guy but I feel like it would have been easier for him to just listen to the extra 10 seconds of my spiel and then just say "Thank you. That's everything I need."

I sent Dad back up to the room to wait for the luggage. Then, I approached the front desk and requested one key card for each room. The CM initially would not give me the key card for Bob & Helen's room, but after I showed her my phone with the "Your room is ready" texts for both of the rooms and she saw that my phone number was attached to both reservations, she went ahead and gave me the key card. Seriously by this time I was smack dab in anxiety city. I went back upstairs, opened up the second room, and opened the connecting door (we had connecting rooms). Dad got the A/C in the second room running.

The room:

Open vanity area. Only the shower and toilet could be closed off:

Mom and I both independently noticed how adorable the shower curtain was. We both want to buy it!

Mirrored closet doors:

More of the room:

We were facing West towards the DLH:

I got out an extra copy of the itinerary and told Dad to put it in his wallet. I pointed out the dinner ADR and told him to meet us at Storyteller's Cafe at 6:10pm. I was planning on heading back out to DL in order to get the autograph book back to Violet. I set down the big BBB bag I had been carrying and absentmindedly inventoried its contents. I thought that it just had the girls' outfits in it so I was going to leave it behind. But Dash's autograph book was in here, TOO! I was so relieved that I had somehow happened upon it. I couldn’t imagine racing back into the park to return Violet’s autograph book and then realizing that I had unknowingly also been transporting Dash’s book and left it back in the room. I grabbed the book and headed back out. Anxiety city.

Here is the view of the lobby from the 3rd floor. I liked the 3rd floor because we could still access it via the main staircase so didn't have to take the elevator. The main staircase only goes up to the 3rd floor and then I guess if you want to take the stairs to a higher floor you have to use the emergency stairwell. Down in the lobby there was a big diamond "D" hung over the massive fireplace and there was usually a live pianist playing.

I texted Mom and Sarah and asked for a location update. Apparently they were just about to board Autopia and would then possibly continue to Small World. Then I got another text that they would just head back to GCR directly after Autopia and they would meet me at security. I continued on and there was no line to get through security so I decided to go through. Then there was no line at the DL turnstiles so I decided to just go through that, too. When I got to Main Street, I caught the tail end of the flag lowering ceremony. The band was playing the Marine Corps color march. It was actually pleasant and quiet in that part of the park. I like it when they invite guests who are active/retired military to stand with their families around the flag pole. Usually there's at least one guest for each branch of the military except the Coast Guard.

After the band marched away, I continued on down Main Street and ran right into my family near the Plaza Inn (breakfast tomorrow! Yay!). The girls had apparently just convinced someone to buy them one of those bouquets of Mickey lollipops because they were devouring two of them. I laughed to myself because the last time we had visited DL with the girls, Violet, who was 3 at the time, had begged for a bouquet. Bob purchased one for her and leaned down so he could separate the bouquet and give Violet one of the lollipops. She grabbed it and sort of shook it in front of her (it was on a very long stick) in excitement. She wound up accidentally cracking Bob over the head with it and it sort of ricocheted off of his skull with a loud PHWACK!! It was towards the end of the day and Bob was tired and just DONE. Violet and I of course snickered at the accident but Bob didn't even smile. He got up and just walked away. Anyway, I noticed the lollipops and did what any self-respecting little sister would do: I told Bob: "Oh wow that's the same kind of lollipop Violet cracked you over the head with 4 years ago. Almost exactly to the day. And it's the same flavor and everything! Isn't that funny?"

Once we got back to the flagpole area, Bob called out to the girls and me that Pluto was doing a meet 'n' greet nearby! We sprinted to the end of the line and surprisingly, for the first time that day, the line actually hadn't been cut off! While waiting in line, Dash realized that she had sticky lollipop juice all over her face and she was worried about looking good for her picture with Pluto. Thankfully I had another "Wet Ones" single pack in my bag and she was able to address the problem before it was our turn to meet Pluto. More anxiety. Can’t anything just be simple? WITHOUT KIDS, no problem- it’s: Wait in line. Enjoy the scenery. Meet Pluto. WITH KIDS, it’s: stand in line. OMG your face is covered in lollipop juice. How do I clean your face? Desperately rummage through my bag. Oh thank god I have a baby wipe. Clean face. Hurry up, we’re almost to the front of the line! Where’s a trash can? Dispose of trash. Get the camera out! Hi Pluto!

Pluto was lovely and we delighted in how he signed his autographs by resting the books on his nose in front of his eyes:

After we had met Pluto, Mom exclaimed: "There's MICKEY!!!" Mickey had JUST come out. We got in line and there were only about 3 families ahead of us. Violet was beyond thrilled. "WOW!" she exclaimed. "I can't believe that we were lucky enough to find the best character out of them all!!" There was an adult couple ahead of us in line and the woman insisted upon getting a picture and autograph. The man was like um seriously?? But he thought it was amusing and was a good sport about it. The wife had Mickey sign her autograph book (I LOVED that these people had purchased an autograph book for themselves) but her pen was running out of ink. Mickey was having trouble completing his autograph and had to keep handing the pen to his handler who would shake it vigorously for him. I really admired how determined Mickey was to complete his signature. If it had been me I would’ve been like oh well, the pen’s dead. Bob suggested that Violet lend the woman her Minnie pen, which she did and which everyone, including Mickey, appreciated very much. He flipped to a fresh page and signed it with a flourish.

Violet and Dash were ecstatic to meet Mickey and requested that I be in the picture with them since we all had our matching Minnie hats on. I initially had no idea what to do with myself because I was SO much taller than everyone. I first attempted to lean over a little and felt like a huge dork because I got tangled up in my cross body bag and I was certain that I looked ridiculous. The PP guy told me that I should probably just stand up straight. The picture turned out okay but I still think that I look a little odd just standing there off to the side. No idea what to do in those situations!

Anyway, Mickey was fabulous and after we were finished meeting with him, we spied Minnie on the other side of the square under a tree by the flagpole! "MINNIEEEE!!!!!" yelled the girls as we desperately sprinted towards her. Very unfortunately, the line had just been cut off. I told Violet and Dash that it was okay because we would probably meet Minnie tomorrow during breakfast. They were used to the lines getting cut off by that time so they had a healthy "you win some, you lose some" attitude about it and we moved on. It was time for dinner! But geez, would Dad actually manage to show up?? Would we get to the fireworks in time??

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DAY 1.6: Like Herding Cats

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season and not at Target like 90% of the local population. Mom and I are plotting that one of these Thanksgivings or Christmases we’re just going to disappear hehe.

Last time, I was having a panic attack because I realized that I had accidentally absconded with Violet’s & Dash’s autograph books to GCR on my quest to get the luggage delivered, so I raced back into DL just in time for the girls to meet Pluto and Mickey. As we walked back to GCR after the meet ’n’ greets, I told everyone the whole story about how I had finally solved the cold case of Dad's disappearance (kind of like Nancy Drew: ‘The Mystery of Dad’). There was just enough time for everyone to stop at the GCR restroom before proceeding directly to the Storyteller's Cafe. Thankfully/magically, Dad had successfully navigated to the cafe and was waiting for us:

More of the entrance area:

We were seated at a large round table which was nice so everyone could see each other. Here's a photo that Violet took of the table after she stole my camera:

I sat next to Violet and everyone admired her Millennium Falcon activity page:

Everyone chose to participate in the buffet. You can order individual plates there but no one could resist the sight of a beautiful dinner buffet. Mom and I had randomly ended up eating dinner here when we had last visited DL in April. We had intended to dine at the Trattoria in DCA but it was raining and the outdoor seating area was closed. Most of the seating at the Trattoria is outside, so they only had room to seat guests with ADR's. And they weren't even allowing guests to make ADR's at the podium. When they turned us away, I wailed: "It's impossible to be spontaneous at Disney anymore!!" I mean, I understand that WDW requires ADRs 6 months in advance. I'm used to that. But DL usually is not on that level of crazy. Anyway, we had some trouble finding a sit-down restaurant that had room for us. We finally showed up at Storyteller's Cafe looking like wet rats and we feebly inquired: "Please! Do you have availability for 2?!” They did and we were seated at a nice quiet booth and promptly loaded up at the buffet. Mom settled in with a glass of wine and for dessert I had about 10 pina colada cupcakes. It was simply delightful, especially with it being so damp outside. We knew that Storyteller's would be the perfect place to bring Violet and Dash for dinner. We heard from Bob & Helen that they LOVE buffets, plus Storyteller's is very family friendly.

Our waiter, Errol, took our drink orders and informed Violet that he had a chef-friend named Thomas who was hiding ice cream in the back. He told Violet to track down Thomas and request some of this secret ice cream. "Tell him Errol sent you," he instructed. Violet was so excited about the secret ice cream that she talked about it constantly until it was time for dessert. The other thing she talked about was… the pool. "When are we going swimming?" she asked nicely. "Dad, can we go swimming after the fireworks? I can't wait to go down the water slide!" Poor child.

Everyone enjoyed their food very much. Errol delivered a bread basket to the table from which I snagged quite a few mini cornbread muffins. I encouraged the others to try the muffins and they were a big hit. From the buffet, I took lots of pasta and a side of chicken. I also tried a small slice of flatbread pizza as an appetizer. Violet also tried the pizza but picked off all of the toppings. The girls primarily ate mac ’n’ cheese, chicken nuggets, and sliced fruit. I don’t know how much of their plates they actually ate though, because before I knew it it was time to start the Lauren comedy hour. The comedy hour begins promptly after the girls have taken some finite number of bites, always arbitrarily predetermined by them, after which they will request to be either escorted to the restroom or taken outside to play. Depending on their mood, they may also find it entertaining to engage in conversation regarding the number of additional bites of dinner they must consume in order to be eligible for dessert.

Violet “finished” her dinner first and immediately thereafter requested to be escorted to Thomas in order to obtain a serving of the long awaited secret ice cream. We found Thomas but Violet shrunk backwards in a nervous backpedal. I insisted several times that she make the request herself, which she finally did after mustering up the courage and puffing herself up a little. She tiptoed up to Thomas and I couldn’t hear everything because she was speaking so softly but distinctly heard the words “secret ice cream” and “Errol.” Thomas was delighted to oblige and he even had secret Mickey sprinkles to go with the secret ice cream. Violet was pleased with herself and her two secret scoops of secret vanilla ice cream.

I sent Violet back to our table (it was quite close to the buffet near one of the front windows, which is really a lifesaver when you’re dining with small children) and made myself a sampler dish including a few of the dessert options. I was enjoying my desserts when I noticed that Violet was starting to absentmindedly swirl her secret ice cream around in her secret dish. As the DL Railroad would say, “UH-OHHHH.” I knew I didn’t have much time, so I hurried back to the buffet and loaded up with as many tiny pina colada cupcakes as I could see myself eating in 90 seconds.

Meanwhile, Dash was also gearing up for comedy hour. I tried to surreptitiously obtain photographic evidence of this:

Yup. Eating secret strawberry ice cream with her hands. Unfortunately, I wasn’t clandestine enough during my surveillance and I made the prime mistake of accidentally making eye contact with a 4 year old during dinner. Let the comedy hour begin.

Dash toodled over and her face and hands were covered with secret ice cream residue and sticky crumbs of an unidentified consistency. I offered her a napkin but what was I thinking, it was now comedy hour and napkins were just too boring. Dash started wiping her hands and face all over my clothes and I said: “Now Dash, please use your napkin because I don’t like it when you get my clothes dirty.” Nope. By this time, clothes were passe and she took my beloved MINNIE VISOR that was hanging on the edge of my chair and began attempting to wipe her face on it. I was already in the midst of an OCD attack because yeah, I had food particles stuck all over me with spit adhesive. We had a tug of war with the visor and by the time I regained control it had already been contaminated. Even while waving it around vigorously in the air to keep it away from Dash, who was still lunging for it as if she was doing a tribal dance, I could see a few pretty big spitty CRUMBS on the brim. I brushed them off with a napkin, which also had to be accomplished with my arms extended above my head. I then tried to hand off the visor to Mom across the table. Dash sprinted over to Mom and actually tried to snag it from her, too. I think that Mom was able to fit the visor inside her crossbody bag.

At that point, I was feeling SO GROSS. I was just sitting there, hyperventilating, with my arms held slightly out to my sides like a bird does when it is wet and trying to dry off. Violet declared that she needed to go to the restroom, so Violet, Dash, and I headed on over there. While Dash and I waited for Violet, I used a wet paper towel to at least attempt to decontaminate myself. I also made Dash wash her hands and wipe off her face. After everyone had “freshened up” (which Mom likes to say and which the girls humorously began copying instead of announcing “I have to go potty”) we rejoined our table. Dash started climbing all over me and hitting me. “Dash,” I implored. “Let’s sing ‘Small World.’” Dash had really gotten into “Small World” after seeing it on the Disney Parks DL documentary and we had been singing the song back at home. We got through a few cycles and Dash was really into it. Meanwhile, I was stressed because Violet had once again stolen my camera while I was occupied soothing the savage beast. However she did get this cute photo of us singing:

After about two minutes, the singing was no longer sufficient. Dash started bouncing around on my lap and climbing on me again. She started trying to stand up in my lap and was stomping on my clothes. The others at the table had moved on to coffee and were leisurely conversing amongst themselves. Somehow nobody noticed that I was in the middle of getting beat up by a preschooler. I think that Dash was overtired. Well, I certainly wasn’t going to keep sitting there getting pummeled. I told everyone that I was taking the girls up to the rooms so that they could start changing into their BBB outfits. They had decided earlier that they wanted to wear their BBB outfits to DL that evening to watch the fireworks in style.

I then explained to everyone that “Paint the Night” was at 8:45pm and that we really needed to get back to DL 45min to an hour early so that we could find good spots. Otherwise the girls wouldn’t be able to see.

The girls and I mobilized and exited the restaurant. As we passed the buffet, I looked forlornly over my shoulder at the desserts. I hadn’t even been able to try the bread pudding or the cookies ’n’ cream pudding shots. I wished that I had had a doggie bag in order to pack away at least 10 more pina colada cupcakes!

When we walked outside, the entrance to the pool was directly in front of us. The girls put their hands up to the bars like they were in jail. We watched some kids go down the pool slide. “Do you think we can go swimming after the fireworks?” Violet asked. At that point, I was exasperated with Bob. I didn’t understand why he kept telling Violet “maybe later” every time she asked about the pool. I mean, we obviously weren’t going at that point, he was the one who refused to go to the pool, and Violet was really getting her hopes up. The girls were too young to tour the parks commando style without taking a break. It was 90-something degrees out, they didn’t really seem all that into the rides anyway, and they definitely would’ve had more fun at the pool for 45 min than trudging through the merciless crowds at DL.

We climbed the stairs to the 3rd floor and I used my key card to access the first room. The BBB bag was not where I had left it. I assumed that Dad had for some reason put it in the second room with the rest of Bob & Helen’s luggage. No problem; I had unlocked the connecting doors so… NO! Dad had locked the connecting door! UGH. I got out the second key card, the girls and I exited the first room, and I attempted to access the second room. OF COURSE. The second key card wasn’t working. I was pretty annoyed. If either 1) Dad had left the BBB bag where it was, 2) Dad had not re-locked the connecting door, or 3) the second key card had worked, there would have been no problem. But OF COURSE- all THREE of those things had to go wrong and now we couldn’t start changing into the BBB outfits, which we needed to accomplish quickly so that we could get back to DL ASAP.

We made our way back downstairs to the front desk so that they could reprogram the key card. Dash was playing this game in which she would ask you to hold her hand and then she would proceed to go limp without warning. In response, you would have to swing her upwards so that she wouldn’t hit the ground and bump her head. She was doing this while we were going down the stairs, which was very stressful. Meanwhile, poor Violet was still chattering about the pool and something or other. By the time we got to the front desk, I was frazzled and had forgotten which room number was mine and which one was Bob & Helen’s. The CM had to then reprogram both key cards.

We went back upstairs, accessed the second room, found the BBB bag, and reopened the connecting doors. The girls were pretty excited to change into their BBB outfits so they whipped on their dresses pretty quickly. At this point, the others returned to the rooms. Everyone oohed and aahed at the girls in their BBB finery. Violet really liked her Minnie dress and said that it was very soft and comfortable. Dash thought that her Aurora dress was itchy and demanded that Helen rub some aloe on her sunburns. Violet couldn’t be left out and so she demanded some aloe as well. The application of the aloe must have taken at least 20min, otherwise we must have time traveled through some time wormhole. Then it took another 20min to realize that Dash needed a shirt on underneath her Aurora dress because she was still itchy. I suggested that Helen bring some flip-flops for Dash to change into just in case she eventually found the costume shoes to be uncomfortable.

I think that Violet was ready to go by 8pm. Mom and I were planning on wearing our Maleficent Mickey ears so we got those out. I made sure not to forget the dollar store glow-in-the-dark wands I had packed for the girls. I had brought them so that 1) the girls had something to keep them entertained while we were waiting for the fireworks to start and 2) neither of the girls were inclined to beg for any $20 light up stuff they sell from those rolling carts they bring out at night.

Violet and I checked ourselves out in the mirror a couple of times. Unfortunately, Dash was in the other room fussing over herself. She couldn’t get her tiara to stay straight and she wanted Helen to fix it. By 8:05pm I was definitely worried. :earseek: I kept trying to shoo everyone along but it seemed like everything was in slow motion. It was hopeless like HERDING CATS. Bob was horizontal on one of the beds watching television in his room. Dad was watching television in our room. They were practically mirror images of each other for goodness sakes. I kept floating between the rooms, trying to be nice but informing these people that it was 8:05pm, 8:15pm, 8:25pm, and we REEEALLY needed to get going or we were going to miss “Paint the Night.” We still had to walk through DTD, get through security, get through the turnstiles, and somehow find an acceptable viewing location. That would all take at least 10-15 min. At 8:25pm, I stalked into Bob & Helen’s room. Dash had been fussing over her outfit for over 30min. Helen was sitting in a chair, brushing Dash’s hair verrrrrry slowwwwwwwllllyyyy. This was after I had already been in there like 5 times explaining for the zillionth time that it was crowded and you really just can’t sidle up at the last moment and expect to see anything. Plus Dash’s hair is short and straight to begin with so I didn’t know what the big deal was. I know, I know I’m either crazy or desperately punctual. I’m like Angelica Schuyler from “Hamilton”:

I’ve been reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine
So men say that I’m intense or I’m insane
You want a revolution? I want a revelation
So listen to my declaration

HA! Gotta love that Lin-Manuel Miranda. Has anyone seen “Moana” yet? I’m obsessed with his song, “You’re Welcome.”
“Also I harness the breeze! To fill your sails and shake your trees! YOU’RE WELCOME!” That’s what I should’ve said to my family for planning such a beautiful itinerary that they were busy blowing up. :laughing:

By 8:30pm I was just DONE and I was sick of repeating myself 50 times. I said that if we didn’t leave ASAP, then we would miss the fireworks. Violet and I said that we would meet everyone by the elevators.

Shortly thereafter, the others followed suit and I got this picture of Violet and Dash looking amazing in their BBB outfits!

It’s a good thing that I took this picture because it wound up being the only one of them in their BBB outfits. We got to the elevators and Dash got upset because she couldn’t find her autograph book. Bob went back to the room to find it. Meanwhile, Dad and Violet took an elevator down to the lobby. I thought oh, good- Dad can go ahead and request his ECV from bell services which will save us time. Bob returned with the autograph book and we took another elevator to the lobby. When we met back up with Dad and Violet, I asked Dad if he had requested the ECV. He whined that he had not, and why would he have thought to do that. So he walks to bell services and requests that the ECV be brought out. I was going crazy by this time. We were an HOUR late leaving GCR. And I had no idea why. Did it really take us an hour to apply some aloe?

It took about 5 min for bell services to bring out the ECV and we were on the move. Here are Dad and Dash racing through DTD towards security. I was really shooing everyone along at that point, and you can tell from the wind blowing in Dash’s hair that the ECV was not dilly-dallying. Herding cats I tell you.

We went through security and the CM requested to look inside Violet’s little Minnie purse at the bag check. The CM got SUCH a kick out of it when she saw the lone $20 bill inside the Minnie purse. She absolutely loved it and we all had a good laugh. She instructed Violet to keep a close eye on it and to spend it wisely.

Thankfully, we got through security and the turnstiles pretty quickly. I led everyone through the Eastern tunnel and we wound up in front of Abraham Lincoln and off to the side of the train station. I had originally wanted to get further up Main Street so that we could at least see the fireworks over the castle. Ideally, I wanted to be in the hub so that we could see the Nemo segment when the Matterhorn is transformed into Mt. Wannaahockaloogie, which is pretty amazing. I checked my phone and it was 8:42pm. I knew that at that point, this was as good as it was gonna get.

Violet walked up to the crowd lining the street and turned to me, defeated: “I can’t see anything.” We were at approximately the 4 o’clock position around the flagpole, on the side of the street closest to the tunnel. This area was the least crowded, which was a relief because Dad was able to easily park the ECV near a tree, but we were already the 4th row back. The family in front of us was so kind and suggested that Violet and Dash stand in front near their own kids. There was another family sitting on the curb in the front row, but Violet and Dash would be able to see over/between them. We thanked them profusely. I got the glow-in-the-dark wands out and gave a blue one to Violet and a pink one to Dash. They were pleased with the wands and went up to the curb to stand with the other family.

While we waited for the parade to reach us, the marching band came out and played an exciting rendition of the theme to “Star Wars: Phantom Menace.” It was fun!

Not soon after, Dash emerged from the crowd and complained about her shoes. I sent her to Helen who swapped out the Aurora shoes for some flip-flops. Bob & Helen were sitting a few yards behind Mom and me, leaning on the railing encircling some trees. They did not come up any closer for some reason. Must be crowd aversion. Dash returned to her spot next to Violet. Then Violet stuck her blue wand through the crowd for Mom to hold. A minute or two later, Violet reappeared. She mumbled something about wanting one of the light-up toys being sold from the rolling carts. I said that the toys on the cart were too expensive and besides, that was why we brought the wands. The poor thing looked too tired to make a case for herself, so she returned to the curb. Mom and I laughed. You just can’t win sometimes.

Right before the parade arrived, a CM came over and told the people sitting on the curb that they were going to have to stand up. Everyone was perplexed and asked why? I couldn’t really hear, but people were frustrated because if the front row stood up, then no one behind them would be able to see, especially all of the kids. I’ve never seen a CM tell guests that they couldn’t sit on the curb during a parade, so I don’t know what was going on. Perhaps she was new or had never worked a parade before. Regardless, after she left no one stood up and no other CM’s came over to enforce her directive.

Once the parade reached us, everyone was ecstatic. I was practically bouncing up and down to the music (it’s hard not to!). I tried to take a few pictures, but my point-and-shoot isn’t great at night, so they didn’t turn out very well. Actually, I’m ASHAMED of my pictures. My dream is to acquire a lovely camera someday. We really liked the leading float which featured Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. Tinkerbell sort of flies out in front of the float on a big mechanical arm:

Next was the Beauty & the Beast segment. Belle’s humongous light-up dress was impressive. My favorite was Lumiere!

I really liked the robot guys who were marching behind the Cars float. They had a fun robot dance they did in an aggressive hip-hop style.

After a few floats, Dash stuck her pink wand out for us to hold. Mom and I looked at each other. If Violet and Dash didn’t want to use the wands, then we would be all too happy to appropriate them. We waved the glowing wands in time to the music like we were holding lighters up at a rock concert. We are definitely Disney people.

We LOVED the Little Mermaid float! We especially loved the dancers dressed up as pieces of coral.

During the parade, I had been leaning over every few minutes to check that the girls were still there. It was easy to pick them out when they were holding the wands, but now that they had discarded the wands, it was harder to find them. I saw Violet, but couldn’t see Dash. I decided to try and look for her again in maybe 30 seconds. Perhaps the crowd had just shifted. Suddenly, the grandfather from the nice family in front of us turned back and pointed over his shoulder: “Hey, isn’t that your little girl there?” I leaned down and there was Dash, standing in the middle of a bunch of people looking confused. I took her hand and led her back over to us. She was tired of standing and wanted to be held. I picked her up and boosted her as high as I could so that she could see over the guests in front of us. Mom and I thanked the man profusely again for noticing Dash.

After a few moments, Dash wanted to take off her dress because it was itchy. I sent her to Helen who helped her take off the dress. She was just wearing her regular clothes underneath so it was pretty simple. Dash returned and I boosted her up again. We bounced up and down to the catchy beat and I pointed out various things. Dash seemed really tired so didn’t really comment much on the parade. Suddenly, she came to life and pointed forcefully at something across the square, just coming into view. It was Anna & Elsa on the Frozen float!!

I gave Dash the blue wand to wave at Anna & Elsa. I told her that Elsa would definitely like the blue. When the float reached us, we bounced up and down and Dash waved the blue wand vigorously. She was SO excited. I was glad to finally see her light up at something. It had been so hot that day, we had had bad luck with rides breaking down, and the girls had really seemed muted.

I think that the Frozen float was the second to last of the parade. After “Paint the Night” was finished, Helen came over and told us that they had decided not to stay for the fireworks because the girls were too tired. She didn’t think that the fireworks could possibly top “Paint the Night” anyway. Everyone started to walk away and I guess they assumed that Mom and I would just follow them. Mom and I looked at each other- no way were WE missing the fireworks. We yelled after them that we would be staying behind. Dad also decided to return to GCR and scootered off.

Suddenly I kicked myself: I had forgotten to collect Bob’s, Helen’s, and the girls’ tickets from Bob. I texted Helen and asked that she slip their tickets under our door before they went to sleep. I was going to run into DCA early the next morning before we left for breakfast so that I could get us FP’s for RSR and the Frozen show. Helen texted back thank you and that she would do just that.

Mom and I decided to try and walk up Main Street a little so that we could at least see the castle during the show. I really, really wanted to get up far enough so that we could also see the Matterhorn, but once we passed the Penny Arcade, the crowds became denser and denser and we worried that if we pushed it too far, we would get stuck and then wouldn’t have anywhere to stand at all. We found a random patch of reasonably open space parallel to the Penny Arcade and stood on the curb right next to the rope.

The fireworks began shortly and we were soon immersed in glorious pyrotechnics and special effects. We LOVED how the inflatable coral reef rose up from the roofs along Main Street during the “Little Mermaid” segment. We were still really too far back to see most of the detailed projections on the castle facade, but similar/complementary effects were projected onto the building facades surrounding us on Main Street so we could still enjoy those. We got through the “Lion King” segment and the “Finding Nemo” segment. Once Nemo had completed his flight, “Let It Go” came on. Everyone cheered and started singing along. There were icicles and snowflakes being projected all around us in an icy blue, electric haze. A flurry of bubbles began raining down upon us. It felt like we had reached the zenith of the entire show. Suddenly…


The lights came on! No more bubbles. No more Idina Menzel. A prerecorded announcement informed us that the show had been cancelled due to high winds. It was over.

The weird thing was that Mom and I didn’t notice any wind at all. We were standing on Main Street in the middle of hordes of people and surrounded closely by buildings, so I guess there could’ve been wind somewhere, but we suspected that there had been some sort of power outage or glitch based on what had been going on in the park that day. It had been hot, sticky, and breezeless all day so the wind thing really didn’t make sense. Mom and I looked at each other. The fireworks being cancelled was just the rotten cherry on top of our frustrating day that had been mired with glitches, heat, crowds, accidents, and disappearances. We had wanted to end the day on a positive note with the fireworks, but it was surprisingly SUCH a let down.

Mom and I sidled up to a nearby tree and stood there, trying to wait out the crowds. There was a massive, endless stampede of guests exiting the park and we wanted no part of that. We waited with our tree-shield for perhaps 10 min or so and then we made it down to the end of Main Street and leaned against a railing off to the side, sort of near the Plaza Inn.

I wanted to do one more thing before we left so that we could force the day to end on a positive note. Mom was very tired, but amenable to this plan. We decided to do something low-key, and settled on the Enchanted Tiki Room since it was close by. I was pretty excited about getting a Dole whip. Usually the Dole whip line at DL is untenable, so the only place I can get a Dole whip is from the soft serve machine in the Poly at WDW (I prefer to get a Dole whip/vanilla swirl).

We waited a few more minutes until the herd of people stalking towards Main Street thinned out enough and then we made our move. We had to make a run for it, but we made it across Main Street and headed towards Adventure Land. When we got to the Dole whip hut, the regular line was STILL pretty long, but thankfully the line inside the Enchanted Tiki Room waiting area was doable. Unfortunately just as I received my Dole whip, the Tiki Room’s doors closed. Mom was too tired to wait for the next show, so we decided that we would head back to GCR after I finished eating. Of course, right as we exited the Dole whip line, someone sat down on the last open bench in the Tiki Room waiting area so we had to stand. Perfect. I told Mom that we should pretend we were in the Magic Kingdom instead.

That Dole whip REALLY hit the spot after that weird day. While I was finishing it up, I suggested that we stop by City Hall on our way out of the park to speak with guest services. I thought that perhaps if we told them our sad sob story, they could give us some comp FP’s or something- anything to help us make up the rides we missed today due to the time-consuming BTMR and Casey Jr. glitches. The Enchanted Tiki Room was very soothing with the tiki torches and Polynesian music. I didn’t want to leave and face Main Street again!

Thankfully Main Street was still crowded but had cleared out to a manageable level. Mom and I arrived at City Hall and by golly, there was a line to get in at 10:30pm! Mom didn’t want to deal with it and was just DONE. I told her that I could deal with guest services and she could go ahead to GCR, but she stayed. While we waited, we tried to come up with a spiel that was nice and respectful but also illustrated the full extent of our frustrations for the day.

We waited for a little over 10 min and were then ushered inside to speak with CM Eileen. I performed my spiel and tried to look like a victim. Yes! Success! We received three sets of re-ride passes. Eileen scanned them directly onto our tickets. Re-ride passes are even better than FP’s because you can even use them on rides that don’t have FP’s. I know what all of you are thinking. PETER PAN all the way. Seriously the only way I ever get to see Peter at DL is with a re-ride pass.

I was SO relieved. Mom and I staggered out of DL and headed back to the room. Maybe with our pity passes, we’d be able to have a better day tomorrow. My goal was to make up for the day’s weirdness with the next day. Powers of positivity and potential energy activate!!

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That Splash Mountain photo is amazing!

The photo books look great! It's adorable that Violet and Dash were so excited to show their friends the books.

I really want my cousins to bring their daughter to come visit me sometime, but your TR is making me think that trip should wait a few years until she's a little older. I think I'm like you with all the planning I would do, and I would probably be similarly stressed about making sure everything is going according to plan AND making sure everyone is following the plan! :scared: I can totally relate to the scene you describe with trying to get everyone ready to go to the parade.
It's good you all made it to Paint the Night and were able to find a spot! That's such a fun parade. I saw it twice in July. The music is so infectiously happy, and the floats are amazing.:love:

I agree, the Dole whip/vanilla swirls are better. I was at the Poly last night and wanted one, but it was in the 50's and windy and I was way too cold to eat a frozen dessert. Next time.

Speaking of the Poly and cold weather, that's where I saw Moana! They had this cool outdoor screening on the beach there through the Disney Parks Blog! And it was also freezing cold that night, by Florida standards. I think it was in the low 50's? It was probably the coldest evening this fall so far, although last night was similarly cold. I was bundled up in a sweater, a down coat, and wrapped in a blanket, and I was still shivering the entire time. Of course, a few days later, it was like in the low 70's or so at night, which would have been perfect for an outdoor screening.
Weather aside, Moana was so good! As is Hamilton. :love:
So I have just been reading your trip report (not commenting - sorry!! I will try to be better about it) and I just have to say that you have the patience of a saint. If I had been in your situation, I would have either screamed or would have just walked away and left everyone else to figure out what they want to do, especially during your time back at GCH before PTN. I have had frustrating trips before where I have planned and been told I was in charge of directing the group and then no one follows what I have planned out, won't get going, etc. On one trip it got to the point that I told people I was going here and if they wanted, they could come along and if not, call me when you want to get dinner. I try to go with the flow as much as possible and accommodate people's needs and desires but when they just stand around, talking about what they want to do or holding up the group, I'm done. :scared1::mad: There's no sin in saying, I just want to chill at a spot, but you have to say it and let everyone else move on.

I can't wait to see what else happened on your trip. I'm sorry that what had the makings of a fantastic time quickly went off the rails. :sad1:
That Splash Mountain photo is amazing!

The photo books look great! It's adorable that Violet and Dash were so excited to show their friends the books.

Yes I am obsessed w/ those books! It was the sweetest thing: when we went to TX over Christmas to visit my bro's family, I saw that Lily had her book in a place of honor on her nightstand. So cute!

I really want my cousins to bring their daughter to come visit me sometime, but your TR is making me think that trip should wait a few years until she's a little older. I think I'm like you with all the planning I would do, and I would probably be similarly stressed about making sure everything is going according to plan AND making sure everyone is following the plan! :scared: I can totally relate to the scene you describe with trying to get everyone ready to go to the parade.

Seriously! I feel like my cutoff for WDW would be 5-8 yrs, depending on the child. I have no idea how parents navigate WDW w/ multiple small children.

Speaking of the Poly and cold weather, that's where I saw Moana! They had this cool outdoor screening on the beach there through the Disney Parks Blog!

O-M-G that sounds so fabulous!!! I wonder if they'll add Moana and Maui to the cast of characters for the Best Friends Breakfast at 'Ohana?? That would be so thrilling!!

So I have just been reading your trip report (not commenting - sorry!! I will try to be better about it) and I just have to say that you have the patience of a saint. If I had been in your situation, I would have either screamed or would have just walked away and left everyone else to figure out what they want to do, especially during your time back at GCH before PTN.

HAHA when I told Mom that someone on the DIS thinks I have the patience of a saint, she rolled her eyes. I was definitely not saintly about the whole thing. I think that after a certain point, I had lost my mind so was kind of immune to the madness.

I try to go with the flow as much as possible and accommodate people's needs and desires but when they just stand around, talking about what they want to do or holding up the group, I'm done. :scared1::mad: There's no sin in saying, I just want to chill at a spot, but you have to say it and let everyone else move on.

I definitely agree. For example, the endless Casey Jr. debacle. I would've just jumped into the bushes, bailed from that situation, and been done with it, thereby saving myself 45 minutes of unnecessary suffering. But it's hard to do those things when there are kids involved haha. Plus Mom would've been irate with me. But as I said, I lost my mind along the way, and it was super hot, so I just didn't have the energy to throw a temper tantrum. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks my family is insane. I was beginning to think that I was turning into a fanatical, oversensitive, overplanned, Disney snob!
Hello everyone- I am so sorry for the delay! I hope you all are having a wonderful New Year! I kept meaning to finish this post, but this one was particularly grueling. I couldn’t decide whether or not to include the email I sent to Disney regarding the extremely disappointing customer service (or lack thereof) I received from DCA on the morning of Day 2. I decided to include it just because the whole situation was so horrible and I didn’t want to have to re-write a summary of the incident and spend more time stirring the pot of negativity. Until July, I had never had anything but pleasant encounters with Disney Cast Members and in my opinion Disney’s wonderful customer service is part of what makes it so special.

Anyway, without further delay…

DAY 2.1: How Rude!

Last time we left off with the conclusion of Day 1. To recap, it was a doozy. We kicked off the day with a fun shopping spree at WOD and BBB, where we bought Violet and Dash Minnie hats and special costumes, however immediately thereafter Dad ran over Dash with the ECV. We tried and failed to ride BTMR twice (never did get on that), Dad became lost for hours, we were trapped in the Casey Jr. queue for eons, we never made it to the pool, my family was an hour late leaving GCR for Paint the Night, and the fireworks were cancelled (in the middle of the show!). It was also hot and very crowded. Not to be exclusively negative, we met four characters, got the best Splash Mtn ride photo ever, had a wonderful dinner at Storyteller’s Cafe, and everyone loved Paint the Night!

After Mom and I picked up our pity FP’s from City Hall, we returned to the room where Dad was already snoring away. I updated my TR notes, hoping that eventually the snoring would die down, but it seemed to get even louder. At home I always sleep w/ a fan, so it’s usually hard for me to fall asleep in hotels (I really need to look into getting a portable white noise machine). Anyway, where I’m going w/ this is: I did not sleep a WINK that night. The snoring was too powerful of a force. It would stop for a few minutes, but whenever I would be on the verge of drifting off, the room would explode into reverberations of madness.

By 5:30 or 6am, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I got up and got the heck out of there. To remind you of our plan for the day, once again may I present the clipboard of fun:

We had a very simple set of goals for Day 2. We had a 9am ADR at the Plaza Inn in DL. Directly after, we would park hop to DCA and do Cars Land (specifically RSR of course) and the new Frozen show in the Hyperion (the 11:30am or 1:35pm showing). Time permitting, we would also do an Anna/Elsa meet ’n’ greet, a class at the Animation Academy, Ariel’s Undersea Adventure, Redwood Creek Challenge Trail, and the new Soarin’!

The plan was that I would head out to DCA, obtain FP’s for RSR and Frozen Live, meet back up w/ everyone at GCR, and then we would all walk straight to the Plaza Inn in DL. I was in position at the GCR DCA portal by 7:15am. I think I psyched out the security team down there b/c I was interrogating them about what time they started letting people in and what time the line started forming. They were like: “Line? What line?” Apparently it’s generally pretty chilled out over there which is why they were confused. I guess I’ve been to WDW enough times that I’m always preparing for a high level of intensity. If that had been WDW then I feel like the line at the DCA portal would have been a mile long by 7:30am!

I think they opened the portal around 7:45am. There was only one other family using the portal at the time. I approached the turnstile and got out everyone’s tickets, but the CMs would not scan them! Since the tickets had not been activated for the day yet, I needed to get them scanned at the portal in order to obtain FP’s in DCA. I explained my situation to the CMs but they still would not scan the tickets. I went back to the GCR front desk and asked the CMs if they could help. One CM was very nice and went to the back room to speak with a manager, but she told me that the hotel could not help with anything related to the parks.

I returned to the DCA portal and asked the CMs if DCA Guest Services would be able to help. The CMS thought that that was a possibility so they scanned my ticket, I entered DCA, and walked to Guest Services near the front gate. I approached the counter and introduced myself to CMX (Cast Member “X”), who rapidly revealed himself to be entirely unfit for a position in Guest Services. In fact, CMX would be better served driving a submarine or unfolding strollers. I explained that I was just trying to make the day easier for my family, since we had had a rough go of it the day before and our party consisted of seven people including two children and one adult w/ mobility issues on an ECV. Not to mention we were all guests of GCR. The encounter was so bad that I actually wrote a letter to Disney, which I have copied below:

Dear Disneyland,

My parents, brother and his family (visiting from Texas), and I recently spent two days at the Disneyland Resort on Wednesday, July 27th and Thursday, July 28th. We stayed at the Grand Californian Resort on the night of the 27th. We had a frustrating two days in the parks. Our party of seven included two little girls (ages four and seven) and my father, who has mobility issues and was riding an electric convenience vehicle (ECV). It was difficult for us to navigate through the heavy crowds in the heat with the ECV and young children, but what ultimately made our time touring the parks very stressful and disappointing were the endless technical glitches, ride breakdowns, and an extremely upsetting and unhelpful encounter with a cast member in the California Adventure guest services center.

All but one of the cast members we encountered in the parks were very nice, especially Eileen at the Disneyland guest services center. Unfortunately, I have never had such an unpleasant experience at Disneyland as I had with CMX (Cast Member “X”) on the morning of July 28th at the California Adventure guest services center.

On Thursday morning (7/28), my family had a 9am reservation at the Plaza Inn for the Minnie & Friends Character Breakfast. Our plan was that I would gather all of the tickets, get up early, and acquire Fastpasses (FP’s) from California Adventure for Radiator Springs Racers and the Frozen musical. I would meet my family back at the hotel, we would travel together to the Plaza Inn for breakfast, and then park-hop to California Adventure to use our FP’s for Radiator Springs and Frozen. I wanted to make things as easy as possible for my family by limiting walking and park-hopping. It can be difficult to navigate the parks with a group of seven, including two little girls and my father riding the ECV. Other guests can unthinkingly cut or stand in front of the ECV and do not allow it to pass or turn. On Wednesday afternoon, we became separated from my father for several hours because we lost sight of each other in the crowds; my father had forgotten his cell phone at home so we could not contact him. I did not want this to happen again. Unfortunately it did, despite my best efforts and as a direct result of my unpleasant, unhelpful experience with California Adventure guest services.

At 7:30am, I arrived at the Grand Californian private portal to California Adventure. I explained to the cast members at the turnstile that I needed my family’s tickets scanned so that I could get our FP’s. They confirmed that I could not acquire FP’s unless the tickets were scanned but would not scan my family’s tickets. I went back into the hotel and inquired at the front desk to see if they could be of any help, but they said there was nothing they could do. I returned to the California Adventure portal and asked a cast member if guest services could help. They said that it was a possibility so I entered the park and walked to the guest services center.

At guest services, I was greeted by CMX. I explained to CMX that I hoped he could help me scan my tickets so that I could obtain FP’s for my family. I explained that we had a large group with two little girls and my father on an ECV and I was just trying to make things easier for them. I showed CMX my seven park-hopper tickets. CMX said that he could not scan the tickets. He explained that since my family was not present, the “tickets aren’t really here” and he made air-quotes with both hands to emphasize his point. I told CMX that the other day I had seen a cast member at the Disneyland turnstile scan an extra ticket for a man directly in front of me because he wanted to get a FP for his daughter. CMX said: “I wasn’t there and I didn’t hear the conversation between that cast member and that particular guest.” CMX’s tone and choice of words made me feel as if he was suggesting that I had made up that story.

I said that I did not understand what the issue was since all of the tickets already had names and photographs associated with them and my family members were registered guests at the Grand Californian. At this point, CMX actually paused, stepped back from the counter, and exchanged a glance with his co-worker. He acted like he was exasperated with me and I felt like he was trying to subtly roll his eyes at me with his co-worker.

I explained that, the day prior, we had had a frustrating day in Disneyland. I outlined all of the technical glitches and ride breakdowns we had experienced and described how navigating the park had been challenging. CMX did not make eye contact with me, stifled a laugh under his breath, and said in an almost amused tone of voice: “Well, I’m sorry that you had such a bad day yesterday.” This did not sound sincere at all. He then said that he could do nothing to help me.

I tried a fourth time to explain my situation to CMX. I told CMX that my family was next door in the hotel and that we had a 9am breakfast reservation in Disneyland. I said that if I did not get the FP’s for Radiator Springs Racers before breakfast, then the FP’s would surely run out. CMX stiffened and said that the park could not guarantee a FP for any ride. His tone and demeanor made me feel like he thought I had no right to ask for such help, like I was trying to “cheat” the system. CMX said that the FP’s for Radiator Springs Racers usually run out around noon and did not offer any other information. The way CMX delivered this remark made me feel like he was saying: “Well, that’s your problem.” I thought his remark was careless because obviously if there were any FP’s still available by eleven or twelve o’clock, then they would surely be for late at night. This was unrealistic for us because we had two little girls who would not last that long. That day was also our departure day, and we would be leaving the parks by 5pm. Further, my father, a retired Marine with 33 years of service and a veteran of the Vietnam and Iraq Wars, believes in reserving the handicapped line for “people who really need it.” As a result, the only other option was the stand-by line, which was unrealistic for us because the girls and my father would have been very distressed waiting in a 90 minute line in 90 degree weather.

I told CMX that I wanted to fill out a feedback card and explain to Disneyland that I would like the opportunity to obtain FP’s for my family without making them walk into the park. CMX said that usually guests only fill out feedback cards to give positive feedback about a particular cast member or feedback regarding a ride. CMX then stopped and just looked at me, making no attempt to get out a feedback card. I repeated a second time that I wanted to leave feedback. CMX slowly got out a feedback card and slowly began writing. He asked no clarifying questions about my feedback. While he was writing, I conversationally mentioned that the park should have exceptions to the FP policy especially when all family members are staying at the hotel. CMX stopped writing, again exasperated, and said: “But you DO understand that your family members’ tickets really ‘aren’t here’ right?” He used the air-quotes for at least the third time. His tone and body language made me feel like CMX thought that I was deficient and unable to understand this concept. I told CMX sternly that “I understand.” I told CMX that he came across as rude. CMX apologized but his apology was insincere and he made no eye contact with me. He continued to write on the feedback card. I have no idea what he wrote. I had to lean over the counter just to make sure that CMX was actually writing something on the card at all.

After he finished writing, CMX asked if there was anything else he could help me with. CMX’s tone and facial expression indicated to me that even though my problem had not been resolved, he wanted me to leave. I felt like CMX dismissed my problem as illegitimate and also felt like CMX dismissed me personally.

I was extremely stressed at that point because I was going to have to hurry back to the hotel to get my family mobilized earlier than planned, since now we would have to stop at California Adventure before our breakfast reservation to acquire the FP’s. After we checked out of the hotel, I led my family through the Grand Californian portal to California Adventure and told them to meet me at the park exit. I obtained the FP’s and met my family at the exit, only to find that my father had gotten lost on the ECV again. He had lost sight of everyone while they traversed through a thick crowd and he had apparently taken a wrong turn. He had left his cellphone at home so no one could contact him. Also, he did not have his park ticket since I had collected all of the tickets when I went on my FP run.

At that point my family was very upset since without his ticket, my father would not be able to get into Disneyland for our 9am reservation at the Plaza Inn. After attempting to find my father, we had to proceed to Disneyland without him. By the time we arrived at the Plaza Inn, we were fifteen minutes late and incredibly stressed. We felt awful that my father would miss the character breakfast because we had all been looking forward to it so much. Thankfully, my father was eventually able to join us. After going out of their way and taking the time to call the Plaza Inn in order to confirm that we had checked in, the amazing cast members at the Disneyland entrance allowed my father to enter the park and facilitated his being able to join us for the character breakfast.

In spite of my major attempt earlier that morning to alleviate stress for my family, and as a direct result of the poor customer service I experienced from CMX, my family endured an extremely stressful situation that could have been easily avoided. When I sought help from the California Adventure guest services center to obtain valid FP’s with my valid tickets, CMX stonewalled me and offered no assistance or alternative strategies to alleviate my family’s mobility issues. He was misleading by stating that he had absolutely no capabilities with which to help me and also by claiming that I could not leave guest feedback. I believed that I came forward with a legitimate issue that could have been very easily addressed. I felt like CMX did not listen to my problem, was dismissive of me personally, and was insulting to my intelligence by assuming that if I had a problem, I must not understand how Disneyland works. Cast members were extremely respectful and accommodating of my father, but when I approached CMX for a customer service problem, he was dismissive, misleading, and condescending. I don’t believe that CMX would have repeatedly used the air-quotes on my father, for example, but his disrespectful and dismissive treatment of me as a young woman alone verged on an example of gender discrimination.

I have been visiting Disneyland with my family for over thirty years, and was an annual pass holder for several years, including one year during which I was a Premier Passport holder for both Disneyland and Walt Disney World. I have never had anything but pleasant and helpful encounters with Disney cast members. My experience in July was one of the worst customer service encounters I have ever had. What I needed in order to facilitate my family’s needs was straightforward and easily acquired. Not only did I not receive any help whatsoever, but I actually felt demeaned and dismissed.

My family’s much anticipated trip to Disneyland was very disappointing. My brother’s family and my two small nieces were traveling to California for the first time in four years. My mother and I love Disney, and we wanted to give my nieces a special, magical experience. Unfortunately, the trip turned out to be very stressful and frustrating, and not what we had envisioned giving the girls as their first trip to Disney.


And here is the response I received from Disney:

Dear Lauren:

Thank you for your e-mail to the DISNEYLAND® Resort.

The service from CMX that you described is certainly not indicative
of our usual high standards, as we consider Guest courtesy to be one of
the most important elements of our operation. Please accept our sincere
apologies and be assured that the Guest Relations management team will
be notified of your experience.

While his service were less than magical, the Cast Member was correct in
the assessment of your request. For any Guest to take advantage of
Disney's FASTPASS service, for either attractions or entertainment, that
Guest must be physically present in the park. As was explained to you
at Guest Relations, as well as at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel &
Spa, you could not acquire FASTPASS tickets for your family unless your
family's tickets were scanned for entry; as they were not physically
present at the gate, they would not scan them. We apologize for any
disappointment as a result of this policy.

If you have any questions, or additional comments you wish to share, you
may reach me directly at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.

Again, thank you for contacting us. We hope you will have the
opportunity to visit the DISNEYLAND® Resort again soon and that your
visit is an enjoyable one in every respect.


Representative “X”
Guest Experience Services

I was excessively disappointed w/ DL after this experience. I also thought that the email I received in response to my grievance was pretty weak. The fact that CMX actually stifled a laugh at me was absurdly depressing and made me feel just gross. I’d like to make a few points:

  1. It would have sincerely saved me and my family a tremendous amount of stress if Customer Service had JUST scanned the tickets.
  2. Each 3-day park hopper ticket had already been activated with a name and photograph. Each guest was a registered guest at the GCR next door. Our party consisted of two children and one adult with mobility issues. I went to DCA Customer Service before the park opened to explain my situation and ask for assistance. I think that they should have scanned the tickets.
  3. Is DL so big and impersonal now that they can’t accommodate guests on an individual basis? Don’t try to mislead me as to your ticket-scanning capabilities. You obviously have the capability! So just scan the tickets!
  4. CMX could have handled the encounter differently. He could have said: “Look, I understand your problem, but we have a really strict policy because of X, Y, and Z. Let me try and help you in some other way.” For example, he could have suggested alternative attractions in DCA that would have been appropriate or had FP’s that didn’t run out as quickly as RSR’s did.

Lastly and most upsetting was the fact that Disney made me feel really crummy. If I had been a VIP guest or a celebrity then by all means, what do you need? Right away, ma’am. But wait, you’re just some regular goofy girl? Just who do you think you are? Keep the change, ya filthy animal!

As I walked back to GCR, I dreaded the prospect of dragging my family back through DCA, once again collecting the tickets, sprinting to acquire the FP’s, dragging everyone to DL, and dragging them down Main Street in time for our Plaza Inn ADR. I had a huge knot of anxiety churning in the pit of my stomach. As I walked, I thought to myself: “I wonder why CMX treated me like such an insignificant fly?” My mind was all too ready to come up w/ plenty of things: You look too bedraggled to be of any importance. Your hair looks awful today and you should’ve packed your hair straightener. Your squeaky voice makes you sound like a bad cartoon. Get your ugly, yella, no-good keister out of my customer service kiosk.

I think that everyone should be shown respect, even if they have bad hair. And even if you truly believe for whatever reason that they are an insignificant fly.

I met back up w/ my parents in our room and explained the situation. They were surprised that I had not been able to acquire the FP’s. We decided that on our way to our Plaza Inn ADR, we would go through the DCA portal, everyone would walk to the main gate, and I would split off and do a FP run for RSR and Frozen. Then I would meet back up w/ everyone and we would proceed together to DL.

Suddenly, there arose a storm of knocking against the connecting door. Violet and Dash were ready to start their day! Day 2 had officially begun!

As we headed out the door, I noticed that the pocket itinerary I had given Dad the other day was lying on the table by the television. I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Especially after Dad’s disappearance the day before and also since he didn’t have his phone on him, I didn’t want to take any chances. If we got separated again, at least he’d know where our ADRs were. I demanded that Dad take the itinerary and put it in his wallet. He sighed and complained and rolled his eyes. But my foot was DOWN. He finally- peeved, vexed, and exasperated- put the darn thing in his wallet. Thank you. Good God.

Everyone went through the DCA portal without any issues. The line was still pretty nonexistent. When we passed Soarin’ and Clarabella’s Ice Cream Shop, it was time for me to branch off towards the RSR FP distribution area. Dash jumped off of the ECV, on which she had been hitching a ride again, and demanded to come w/ me. So we were off! I took Dash by the hand and we power-walked to Bug’s Land, where we obtained RSR FP’s for 11:45am-12:45pm. Then we raced through Bug’s Land, past ToT, and arrived at the Frozen FP distribution center (it’s outside the Hollywood Land restrooms, between Hyperion Theater and the Monster’s Inc. ride). The FP’s for the 11:30am show were the only ones available since it was still early; you’re not able to just select which show you want- you had to take whatever they were giving out at the time. I was concerned that if we went to the 11:30am show, we might miss our RSR FP window, but I knew that the show was about 45 min, so taking the FP 15 min grace period into account, we would most likely be safe. We snagged the 11:30am Frozen FP’s. The CM told us to be sure to be at the FP return queue 20 min early- apparently this was an absolute necessity. The FP itself also says to return by 11:10am.

Dash and I dashed out of Hollywood Land and met back up w/ everyone at the turnstiles. Mom was agitated, so I asked what was wrong. Yup, Dad was nowhere to be found. He had disappeared!!

“How did this happen??!” I exclaimed. And then it dawned on me: I had Dad’s ticket! How was he going to get into DL without it? And did he even remember the name of the restaurant we were heading to? “Exactly!” Mom wailed.

We decided to head to the DL turnstiles and hopefully we would find Dad there. We turned to exit the park and suddenly we spied, standing all alone, Oswald!! No line at all. Violet and Dash, you guessed it, whipped out their autograph books and sprinted over. They were sure on top of things at that early hour!

We had an excellent mini photo shoot and the girls were absolutely thrilled:

After the photo shoot, Mom ran a little ways back into DCA to try and spy Dad. The rest of us pressed on through the exit and towards DL. It was now past 9am and we were already late for our ADR. I knew that we had a 15 min grace period, but by the time we got to the DL turnstiles it was already almost 9:10am, so I was freaking out a little bit. We didn’t want to get charged a cancellation fee and lose our reservation! Suddenly Mom appeared and said that she hadn’t been able to find Dad back in DCA. We went up and down the DL turnstiles but… he was nowhere to be found. Dad was gone.

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You trip has been a real wild ride so far! I'm sorry for all the inconveniences you experienced. And I'm so sorry about how that CM treated you, that really was unacceptable. I didn't know you had to physically be in the parks for you to get DH did it all the time for my sister and I. He'd cross back from DL to DCA to get FPs with our tickets all the time. I am not sure if you had to at least scan it once during the day first. We did a lot of park hopping so that could be why he was able to do it. It kinda sucks about the whole system. And DLR's response seemed to be a bit dismissive. I'm glad that you guys were able to see Paint the Night and those character pics are priceless. Great pic on Splash Mountain! I'd have bought that picture too. I hope the rest of your trip gets better! I can't wait to hear about breakfast. I hope your dad was able to make it!
UGH!! I don't envy you on this trip at all! I too am a planner and it drives me mental when my family just doesn't do as I say! Especially after I have told them what we're doing and when.

When we went in 2015, I had asked them what THEY wanted to do. I put their desires into the plan... and then we didn't get to do what I wanted to do!

We go back in June and this time around I've planned the first three days (outside the park) and one thing for DCA. The rest of the time, if they want to see the parade but don't get moving in time, well I guess we miss the parade. Actions have consequences, especially at DLR!!

It's been really hard for me to let go of my desire for the plan to go to plan, but I'm working really hard on it.

You DO have the patience of a saint - if everyone was just lying around I would have left after 10 minutes and told them to catch up when they can. Actions = Consequences.
I am so sorry that your morning was so awful and stressful. I have to admit, when I was reading your original plan I had a feeling of dread at your plan on taking everyone's tickets to get FPs since I knew that they had to be scanned and activated at the park for that day. That being said, CMX's behavior was unacceptable! No one should be dismissive that way - definitely not part of the Disney way of customer service and a poor business practice in general. I'm sorry that you lost your dad again! I think the next time he goes to DLR, make sure he has his cell phone with him before he leaves the house. :lmao: It does sound like you got a little Disney magic when it came to breakfast at Plaza Inn (per your email). I hope the rest of the day goes well for you - I'm kind of scared to read what happens next now. :scared1:

@chunkymonkey - you guys must have been in each of the parks at least once during the day while you were there for your DH to get FPs in the other park. The tickets must be activated each day in each park and then you can have free range on grabbing FPs in either park.
HAHA when I told Mom that someone on the DIS thinks I have the patience of a saint, she rolled her eyes. I was definitely not saintly about the whole thing. I think that after a certain point, I had lost my mind so was kind of immune to the madness.

I definitely agree. For example, the endless Casey Jr. debacle. I would've just jumped into the bushes, bailed from that situation, and been done with it, thereby saving myself 45 minutes of unnecessary suffering. But it's hard to do those things when there are kids involved haha. Plus Mom would've been irate with me. But as I said, I lost my mind along the way, and it was super hot, so I just didn't have the energy to throw a temper tantrum. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks my family is insane. I was beginning to think that I was turning into a fanatical, oversensitive, overplanned, Disney snob!

I totally get it - kids are the priority in this situation; you want the experience to be as magical as possible for them in every respect. And the heat is funny - totally destroys people's mood, makes them incredibly cranky, and little things that don't usually cause problems will set off people in the worst ways. I've experienced it at DLR and when I was in Egypt. My family and friends always laugh at me but I always try to keep everyone's blood sugar and fluids up during trips because that truly contributes to it, especially the blood sugar and electrolytes. You always think that you are doing fine if you are just drinking water but if you don't eat something to counteract the salts and sugars you have sweated out - you are in a bad way.

You are not a fanatical, oversensitive, overplanned, Disney snob!!!! DLR is such that with a group you have to have a plan, even it is just a loose one. Especially if everyone has different things they want to see and experience - if you don't, it doesn't happen or get done. You tried your best to plan a good, EASY trip and as the saying goes - "The best laid plans of mice and men, often go astray." I have to imagine that without your plan, it would have been much worse and the girls wouldn't have had as nice of time as it looks like they did.
That's awful that the CM at DCA treated you so rudely. Unfortunately, it is their policy to not scan anyone's ticket who isn't there, likewise you can't get a FP without a scanned ticket. This was a huge problem for me when they had the Anna and Else M&G at DL where you had to have a FP for everyone in the party to meet them and they had to be with you to get it (you couldn't even do a normal FP which scanned tickets). It's rough but I do understand it; there would be so many people who could be using up all those FPs who aren't even in the parks. I'm sure this is why WDW has changed their system with the reservation FPs as it is a HUGE timesaver but I also understand wanting to make things more available to people in the park. It's definitely a double edged sword, regardless, no reason for the CM to be so rude.
You trip has been a real wild ride so far!
Haha yes! It really was. If only we had stuck to the original itinerary! :sad: And maybe if it were about 10 degrees cooler!

I didn't know you had to physically be in the parks for you to get FP...
Yup once you "activate" your ticket for the day by entering either park, your ticket will work for any FP machine even if you're not physically in that park. So that's what I wanted guest services to do: scan (i.e. "activate") the tickets. I don't know why it was such a big deal!

And DLR's response seemed to be a bit dismissive.
I definitely agree- I was very put off by the response.

UGH!! I don't envy you on this trip at all! I too am a planner and it drives me mental when my family just doesn't do as I say! Especially after I have told them what we're doing and when.
Haha yes isn't it mind boggling?? It's really necessary to have some sort of plan, especially on a crowded summer day when all of the lines are insane. But what really got me was that if they had just told me what they wanted to do at any point, then I would have recalculated the itinerary and planned for that. But the mindless wandering and loitering just went on endlessly!

We go back in June and this time around I've planned the first three days (outside the park) and one thing for DCA.
How very exciting!!!

No one should be dismissive that way - definitely not part of the Disney way of customer service and a poor business practice in general.
I definitely agree and thank you for saying that. I couldn't believe that guest services was giving me attitude (as if I was trying to game the FP system) when I arrived before the park opened w/ a legitimate issue.

I'm sorry that you lost your dad again! I think the next time he goes to DLR, make sure he has his cell phone with him before he leaves the house.
My mom apparently told him several times before he left the house to take his phone and he outright refused and stormed out to the car. I guess next time we will have to just bring the darn phone and harass him about it. It's like a child who refuses to wear a jacket when it's cold.

I hope the rest of the day goes well for you - I'm kind of scared to read what happens next now. :scared1:

I totally get it - kids are the priority in this situation; you want the experience to be as magical as possible for them in every respect. And the heat is funny - totally destroys people's mood, makes them incredibly cranky, and little things that don't usually cause problems will set off people in the worst ways. I've experienced it at DLR and when I was in Egypt.
Wow Egypt!!! What a special place to visit! :drinking1

"The best laid plans of mice and men, often go astray." I have to imagine that without your plan, it would have been much worse and the girls wouldn't have had as nice of time as it looks like they did.
Very very well said. And thank you. At least we had the character breakfast- that was a slam dunk! That part of the itinerary remained intact- no one wanted to skip breakfast haha.

This was a huge problem for me when they had the Anna and Else M&G at DL where you had to have a FP for everyone in the party to meet them and they had to be with you to get it (you couldn't even do a normal FP which scanned tickets).
Oh wow that's intense! I've never seen FP distribution for which everyone had to be there. I wanted to try and meet Anna & Elsa in DCA (air conditioning!!) but Bob was going nuts about returning to DL for some reason! Maybe it's good we didn't try and navigate through such madness.

It's rough but I do understand it; there would be so many people who could be using up all those FPs who aren't even in the parks. I'm sure this is why WDW has changed their system with the reservation FPs as it is a HUGE timesaver but I also understand wanting to make things more available to people in the park.
I definitely agree. However there are always certain exceptions to policies, which was what I was hoping to get due to the fact that we were guests at the hotel, the constant ride breakdowns, and our mobility issues. I hate it when companies hide behind policies and don't allow for reassessments for guests on individual bases (e.g. United!!!). I haven't been to WDW since they launched FP+ and I'm nervous about getting the hang of it but also excited to try it out!

DL is also apparently launching a new online FP system but will be charging an additional $10 per day for it!
Disneyland to add a digital Fastness option for $10 a day - LA Times
Hello everyone- I am so sorry for the delay! I have been embroiled in the middle of a really really rough job search. There’s something about writing cover letters and navigating phone interviews that really zaps my energy in a particular kind of way!! Hope you enjoy this post- our Plaza Inn character breakfast was a highlight of the trip! The full TR should be wrapped up soon in just another few posts!

DAY 2.2: See You At Breakfast

Last time we left off with a kind of unpleasant Day 1 and the very non-Disney beginning of Day 2. At that point, the way I was feeling was: thank goodness I’m going home today! I’ve never ever felt that way at Disney.

It was Day 2 and we were rushing to DL for our 9am ADR at The Plaza Inn. I had attempted to acquire DCA FPs beforehand in an attempt at saving us (primarily MYSELF ha!) from the stress of making an extra stop at DCA along the way. My plan went horribly wrong, and I had a bad taste in my mouth after a totally frustrating encounter w/ Guest Services.

If we didn’t make a DCA FP run before breakfast, then we straight up weren’t getting on RSR period. Neither the girls nor Dad would be able to endure the 90 min standby line. We had all walked through the GCR portal to DCA at which point Dash and I ran off to grab FPs for RSR and the Frozen show at the Hyperion. When we returned to the DCA turnstiles to meet back up w/ everyone and head to DL, we discovered that Dad had somehow DISAPPEARED (for the second time this trip). Since I had everyone’s tickets, Dad wouldn’t be able to get into DL for breakfast.

At this point, I was tangry (angry due to being tired) and hangry (angry due to being hungry). I considered our 9am Minnie & Friends character breakfast ADR at The Plaza Inn to be quite possibly the only thing that could “save” the trip. By this time it was 9:10am and I was afraid that we were going to lose our 9am ADR. Mom had gone back into DCA to look for Dad but met back up w/ us while we were standing in line at the DL turnstiles. It was pretty funny bc when Mom reappeared I was like “Good God you didn’t find him?? What are we going to do??” Mom said “Well I’m not missing breakfast! He can take care of himself!!” Mom and I take our Mickey waffles VERY seriously. We’ve never met a Disney breakfast buffet that we didn’t like.

This photo is one of my favorites of Violet. A new day and ready to hit the parks!

I straight up SHOOED everyone down Main Street. It was 9:13am. Mom whispered from behind me: “Oh no, Minnie’s over there!” Minnie Mouse (whom the girls had been trying to meet all day yesterday) was having a meet ’n’ greet over by the hat shop. We hoped that the girls didn’t see Minnie bc we had no time to lose and couldn’t afford to get sidetracked. A nanosecond later, Violet and Dash had expertly whipped out their autograph books and started running and screaming “IT’S MINNIE!!!” “NOOOO!” I yelled, flailing my arms as they ran away. “NOOOO!!!”

I yelled at the girls that Minnie was going to see us at breakfast. I wasn’t 100% sure that she would be there, since the Plaza Inn just has a hodgepodge of characters and doesn’t guarantee any one character in particular. But I was 90% sure.

We FINALLY arrived at the Plaza Inn:

We checked in and I caught a glimpse of Minnie visiting one of the tables outside. I exhaled. Thank God.

We were escorted to our table:

We wound up w/ a long table on the front porch to the left of the main entrance. It wound up being a great table. The porch had an overhang and railing overlooking the other tables below and the castle. We were at the end so we had lots of space for the girls to have photo shoots w/ the characters. Initially I was annoyed that we hadn’t been seated inside in the A/C (it was just a little sticky and warm that morning) but the porch wound up being great.

We all headed inside to load up our trays and get ready for the characters! Mom and I immediately ascertained where the Mickey waffles were, grabbed some trays, and got in line. Suddenly I sensed something, turned around, and I found myself face to face w/ Dad! It was kind of funny bc instead of reacting like “Oh my gosh, thank goodness you made it!” I was almost accusatory and asked “How did YOU get in?!” Mom and I rolled w/ laughter about it later bc we both had the same reaction. We had no idea how he had even made it into the park without his ticket?? Dad looked at us like he was James Bond and scoffed haughtily, “I talked my way in.”

Remember when earlier that morning I absolutely insisted that Dad put his itinerary in his wallet, just in case we got separated again? Well apparently after he got lost, he remembered that we had been on our way to DL so he sped to the DL turnstiles. Once there, he explained the situation to the CM who called over the gate manager. Dad couldn’t remember where our ADR was so he handed the itinerary to the gate manager, kind of like circumstantial evidence. The manager took the itinerary and called the Plaza Inn to confirm the ADR, then let Dad through the gate. We really appreciated the CMs helping him out bc otherwise Dad would’ve had to call the restaurant, have them page us, and then one of us would’ve had to walk down to the gate with his ticket. Definitely would’ve taken 15 min or so.

Mom and I just looked at each other. Mom was like: seriously? She had to put her tray back and leave the Mickey waffle line to take Dad to the cashier and pay for him, since she had only paid for the six of us. Did I mention that we take our Mickey waffles extremely seriously??

I loaded my tray w/ strawberries, Mickey waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and an assortment of pastries. Personally, I think that Disney needs to upgrade the pastries in their buffets. Everyone hustled back to the table and I tried to stuff my face with as many Mickey waffles as possible before the characters started streaming in!

Our first visitor: Captain Hook!!

I implored Dash to strike a “Captain Hook” pose in this photo and I must say, she did an excellent job!!

Next was Chip! Chip was particularly bubbly (though they ALL were amazingly bubbly and fun):

This was a really cute random photo I took of Dash. I loved how INTO the whole character thing she and Violet were. They were totally enthralled with the logistics of tracking down characters to sign their autograph books.

And finally…MINNIE MOUSE!!!! The excitement level pretty much went through the roof when Minnie arrived:

Winnie the Pooh!!!!


Chip was really on a roll that morning and just as Helen was about to snap a photo of Violet and Dash with Rafiki, Chip absolutely exploded through the door behind them and yes, PHOTOBOMBED the photo shoot!! Mom and I feel like he has probably done that before haha.


Chip came back around a third time for some goodbye hugs:

At this point let me emphasize that I reminded everyone at least 3 or 4 times during breakfast that we needed to be at the Hyperion Theater in DCA by 11:10am in order to activate our FPs for the new Frozen show. Violet and Dash and I had been chatting about it earlier and Mom, Dad, and I were ready for some A/C. Let me also remind you how I practically drove myself batty trying to acquire these FPs that morning. I got up at 6am, hustled into DCA upon park opening, had a harrowing encounter with a bratty CM in guest services, had to drag everyone through DCA, Dad became lost, we were 15 min late to our Plaza Inn ADR… Let me also remind you that I had an entire conversation w/ Bob and Helen about the Frozen show the night before we left for Disney. I explained how it would be great for Dash since she was obsessed w/ Elsa, we could all sit in the A/C and have a breather, etc. Bob and Helen agreed, I added it to the itinerary, Bob and Helen approved of the itinerary, I printed out copies of the itinerary, I passed out these copies to all. Keep this in mind.

As we all got up to leave, I noticed that Violet and Dash had eaten absolutely NOTHING. Not one bite out of their Mickey waffles. If Violet ate anything at all it may have been one bite of a strawberry. I don’t understand how those children keep growing- photosynthesis??? But I guess that’s what happens at character breakfasts! Mom and I were a little bummed that we weren’t able to consume more Mickey waffles than we did (haha). We definitely would have gone back to the buffet and loaded up another tray if we had had the opportunity!

Overall I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Minnie’s Character breakfast at the Plaza Inn!! It was a lifesaver for us, especially since Violet and Dash were so into the character meet ’n’ greets. It was such a relief to not have to run around like a maniac and then have the character’s queue cut off literally 2 seconds before you get there.

So we streamed out of the Plaza Inn and arrived on Main Street. I get out the Frozen FPs and let everyone know that it’s time to head to DCA. Helen turns to me and says: “You know, I don’t think we want to do the Frozen show.” I look down at the 7 Frozen FPs in my hand and I’m like wha-? Helen turns to Bob and asks him if he wants to do the show; he scowls and shakes his head like he can’t be bothered. Helen turns to the girls and asks them if they want to do the show. They copy Bob and scowl. I was flabbergasted. Are you KIDDING me???!



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