Questions on Entertainment Book

DW mouser

DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2000
I took ya all's advice and purchased the entertainment book. I purchased the Orlando book since there is not a book for my area. My question is, I am taking my son and his family along on this trip to US and IOA sometime in 2001. Will I need to purchase a book for them also in their name or can I get a discount on 2 rooms with my card if I am paying for them with my credit card? Also which hotel would you choose, PBor HRH? There will be 3 children ages 2, 9, and 13. Thanks!
I just made reservations yesterday at HRH and recieved the Entertainment rate on 2 rooms (requested they be connecting), garden view at a rate of 117.50 + tax per room, for Thanksgiving 2001. :)


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