Questions about IOA and US with small kids


DIS Veteran
Jan 4, 2001
Hi! We are going to Orlando in June and I have a couple of questions. My boys will be ages 6 and 3 when we go, and I was wondering if US is really worth visiting when their that young? We are planning on at least one day at IOA, mostly for the Jurrasic Park and Dr. Suess attractions. Will they be able to ride anything at either park? Actually, DH and I both would love to go to US too, but if the kids won't be able to do much then it's not really worth the hassle of dragging them around! Also, and I know this is mostly just preference, but is IOA do-able in one day, or do you need two? TIA for any advice!

Hi Stephanie :)
Welcome to the Universal Boards! I recently returned from Universal and IOA. I have a 3 and a 7 year old that really enjoyed both parks and have not missed a day in asking "when can we go back?" We happened to have beautiful weather, it was quite warm and we were able to take advantage of all water rides and all water attractions for the kids as well. This helped a lot! It gave them much more to do than if it were cooler. They loved Curious George at Universal. (I did too!) :D At Universal they were able to ride Funtastic world of Hanna-Barbera, Twister (some kids may be frightened) Kongfrontation, everything in Woody Woodpeckers Kidzone. Including Barney and Fievels playland, E.T the ride and the animals actors stage. We all also did Men In Black. The rides they couldnt do and only the 3 year old couldnt do it, we used baby swap. At IOA there was much more the kids could not ride. For the coasters we used baby swap. They loved Jurassic Park and Seuss Landing and were also able to enjoy a few things in Lost continent. We were in the parks 3 days. One day for each and the third to do our favorites again and catch a few things we missed the first time around. Since it will be warm...I say go for it! There is enough at both parks to keep them and you happy! IOA is doable in one day if crowds are light or if you are staying onsite and have FOTL benefits. One final thought...everyone knows their kids best. So what was good for me may not be good for all families with small kids. My 2 are boys and just loved the Superhero concept. Have fun whatever you decide :D

Thanks so much for the advice. I think my boys would enjoy both parks too! I'm glad to know there is plenty for them to do at US, since I've wanted to go there since it opened. I've not been to Florida since 1982, so I'm just as excited as the kids are! Thanks again :)

We've got 2 small kids, ages 2 and 3 at the time, and when we visited the old Universal park, all they wanted to do was stay in the Barney play area. They could have literally stayed there all day long.

We finally dragged them out of there after a few hours, and got all the way to Fivel's Playground. So, we were stuck again! Sheesh!

Seriously, though, both Universal parks are wonderful for both adults and small kids.


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