Questions About Busch Gardens

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Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2001
I know you are all great universal fans, but can anyone tell me any tips about Busch Gardens. My boyfriend and I are going there for a one day visit in July and want to know what to ride and the best order to do it in. Also let me know if there is anything that shouldn't be missed.

[This message was edited by blueyes97 on 03-04-01 at 10:07 PM.]

[This message was edited by blueyes97 on 03-04-01 at 10:11 PM.]
I'm not a BG expert, so I can't tell you everything or what order to do it in. But we have visited there on our last two trips and I can tell you this: Do not miss Montu or Kumba! These are great coasters, and I imagine Dueling Dragons is also, but I have never had the opportunity to ride it. It had just opened on our last trip, but was down with technical difficulties the day we were there. :(


Disneyland 1982
Aug. 1983, May 1985, May 1987, Oct. 1996
Polynesian July 1999
March 2001--Buena Vista Suites
I've been to BG numerous times.

If you like coasters, Kumba, Montu and Gwazi are the best. Python and Scorpion are small left-over coasters from the early days of steel, but I still like Scorpion for a quick and easy thrill.

Hopefully, by the time you go, they are opening a new adventure ride called Rhino Rally where you board a LandRover and race through the Serengeti Plain, and see wildlife, and other exciting things happen...will be a must see from what I've heard.

Other than that, there's a lot of small carnival type rides, and a LOT of animal areas and exhibits, a few stage shows, free beer at the Hospitality House, water rides, and generally plenty of things to do there.

If you want a food reccomendation, go to the Crown Colony Restaurant. They have all-you-can-eat Fried chicken with a TON of side items, vegetables, stuffing, cranberries, potatoes, cole slaw, etc. etc., for about $7-8 :D
we haven't got our final reservation dates yet, but i am hoping on being there july 6th. will the new thing be there then? how are the lines on a friday? do you think we will have any problem getting down there from orlando. you have to take I-4, don't you? isn't that the one that has been closed because of those fires? let me know about that if you can.
Being that I live in Tampa, and relatively close to BG, I've got most of your answers!
There are a variety of things you shouldn't miss at BG. Montu, Kumba, Gwazi, Congo River Rapids, Taynganika Tidle Wave are the rides not to miss. The dolphin show and seeing the koalas shouldn't be missed. Getting your free beer samples, shouldn't be missed. Also worth the price of admission are those water spray jets that cost a quarter, but gives you a chance to get people on the Congo River Rapids soaked. That's fun in itself. Go, and if something strikes you as interesting, do it, ride it, or see it. It takes half a day to see Busch Gardens, so you will be able to see/do everything they have. Have fun!!


I miss my Christi-bear. :(
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