Standard Room views generally include the bus areas, parking lots or hotel service areas... as opposed to Pool or Savanna views.
There are really only a small number of standard view rooms compared to the pool and savanna views - so quite often guests recieve a much better view than they paid for. It really depends on when you are travelling/how full the hotel is.. etc...
If I were you I would request "Best Possible View" and see what happens...
If you request a specific trail/area/or room number ~ they will try to accommodate your requests and keep you in a standard room - if you just say "best view possible" they maybe more likely to assign the best standard view area, pool or even savanna if you are really lucky
As for prices.. there was just a big promotion "Fairytale" package where you stayed for 7 nights and paid for 4. It is over for now, but who knows what is coming... there are discount codes released occasionally.
Keep checking at for discounts... you could always book the AAA rate and add a discount code later.
Last but not least - if you really want the savanna view and it is very imortant to have one, the best bet is to book it.
If you do recieve a standard view room that you are unhappy with you can always ask to be relocated - sometimes they do it at no charge, they may also charge for a better view.
Good Luck!