question about lanyards


DVC members since 2002
Jun 21, 2000
Everyone talks about using the lanyards for the room key. I thought they would be great especially for the kids, but how do you attatch them? All of the ones I have found have a ring or a hook, how do you attatch them to the card? I have only looked at Walmart are there a different kind that work better?
The lanyards you get on the ship have a clear pastic holder that is the perfect size for your Key to the World card and photo ID. You just slip them in the pocket. :)
What I like much better is the LL Bean Traveler. Goes around your neck and has pockets for money as well as KTTW card. It was a lifesaver on our last cruise... no purse needed for excursions and no chance of being robbed (unless they take you with them!)
I picked up a lanyard with a plastic "envelope" to put your KTTW card in and a plastic zipper pouch on it at Walmart for $0.99
They have some really cute ones at Wal-mart for kids round 2.95 or something. Then you can get a fishing liscense holder for it. Either that or take a paper punch holder to the boat with you and punch a hole in the corner of the KTTW card and attach it that way. I think attaching it to the KTTW card would prevent it from gettting lost.
What department? I really would like to go looking for them... maybe even get one for everyone in our group 15 of us!!!
I think our lanyards were $7 or $8. They were our first purchase at Mickey's Mates.

Both of our boys wore their lanyards the entire cruise. We never had to worry about if they had their KTTW card and they LOVED that it was a DCL one and they are both now hanging in their rooms. For a Disney souvineer that isn't too costly

Another nice feature is that it is a 'breakaway' design. It comes apart at the back of the neck if some one grabs the lanyard and tuggs. The wide strap is quite comfortable (DH and I have one too) :)


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