Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning! 🌸 (I started this earlier but got distracted!)

I hope those celebrating had a nice Mother’s Day! Had a nice one here, and a first in a long time was to have young children here to celebrate with. DS is dating a woman with children! It was fun watching him interact with them and doing a nice job, including having great patience! The card he gave me made me tear up a bit. It played Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Hawaiian version, and he wrote, “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me”. I know that’s kind of cliche, but in his case, as many of you know, he’s had several crossroads in the past few years with work (and a relationship), and I’ve thankfully been able to help him work through a lot of that, and he appreciates it. I feel like he’s moving toward living with this new family of his, he’s there most of the time now. So that was sweet. The younger child is pretty attached already.

DS is flying today. Winter/spring was tough weather-wise, he had seven cancellations because of it. But he’s almost to the end. Today he’ll be flying in and out of the airport we always fly to FL from, so he’s very excited about that!

We were going to do steaks on the grill but since there were going to be kids we decided to go with burgers, dogs, corn on the cob, Nathan’s fries ;) and DH made me a lemon-blueberry Bundt cake. They brought fruit and the kids ate that and a good sampling of other things which was nice. We played games in the yard, including waffle ball, and blew bubbles. They brought their puppy who gets along well with our two. So nice day. Kids are looking forward to going in the pool this summer once it’s officially open.

We have been busy around the house and I think it’s looking good. We painted it and cleaned up some things around the yard. I’m happy with the color of the house. We were debating about the shutters, which we always had, but I kind of like it without. We’ve been looking around our area and many who’ve painted have left them off. So we’ll see. (I think they’re staying off.) DH and I have been getting our financial house in order, too, as he, especially, would like to retire in the next year or two. We have a long list of to-dos with that, including updating our wills and putting a file together for if something happens to us. Work in progress. Have started some work on the in-law apt, where DD will move in. Our vacation next month will be spent either getting a dumpster or truck to get rid of a lot over there. That will be tough but it has to be done.

DD is doing well. She took up crocheting after she finished her master’s, I think she just needed to reset her brain with something quiet and easy. She’s applied for a new job, and is waiting to hear. And she’s in a good relationship. It’s nice to see her happy.

I really should’ve kept notes as i was reading here, cause now I forget what I was going to say! 😂

Lynn, sorry to hear about your cat’s passing. 🥲 Good review on Chewy. I don’t, surprisingly, use their services. Mostly I order from Amazon and we get dog supplies locally. They love the Aldi’s salmon canned food, but not the dry as much, so we’ll be going back to their old dry food and maybe donating the big bag we bought recently. Toto will be 11 this year. He’s slowing down a bit but is still as sweet as ever. I’ve devoted quite a bit of time and energy to his skin and it’s all recovered except one of his lips, which we’re still working on. Grady is doing really well, he looks great, coat is very shiny and he’s strong. We took him for a DIY bath recently and he did a great job. He was a little nervous with the commotion yesterday, DS hit him with a waffle ball by accident and he didn’t know what happened, and a little fearful, so he rested up on our bed but was still able to hear all that was going on. We’ve found with him, baby steps work best. Btw Lynn, your house sounds great and it’s so nice that Summer came by over the weekend and they brought you some gifts. 🥰

Mona, I hope you had a nice birthday, and that your foot/feet is feeling better. I was actually thinking about you last week when my patient had one of those boots on! 🤣 The question came up of whether she needed to keep it on for sleep so I called over to orthopedics and they said no, she could take it off in bed, it’s just for weight bearing. It was, indeed, heavy and tricky to get on and off. She had slept with it one night but was relieved to hear she could take it off after that. (And with diabetes, they said, it’s especially important to get it off for circulation and pain/neuropathy issues.) I hope you can find a PT to come to the apt. Hello to Dad! And I hope you can get out soon, especially for your Disney trip. :hug:

Snowysmom, wishing you a wonderful trip! :goodvibes I’m glad things are improving at the condo. Funny about your old neighbor! We were invited to go to WDW in the fall w friends who have DVC. All we’d need is airfare and we already have tickets leftover. But we decided we really want to keep going w the house w our fall vacation so we’ll be in a good place for retirement. It was tempting, though! We enjoyed being at Vero Beach last winter so we might keep an eye toward that again. Not sure if DS will be playing ball down there again while he’s in flight school but we’ll see.

Wishing all the Quackers well, both new and old. @Donald we have a lot in common. People here know my mom lived with us for 25 yrs and we took care of her through hospice at home, where she passed at 94. I agree, it was a privelege to do that for her. We had a give and take relationship forever. I was missing her yesterday. DD and I are nurses so that made it a little easier, I think, but physically and emotionally it was still really hard work. Bless you all.

Enjoy this beautiful Monday! 🐥
Good morning.

@Pea-n-Me Your post made me smile, especially about Grady and the wiffle ball.

Going to be sunny and 80. It got to 66 yesterday and it was so windy that it dried out the soaking wet grass and I was able to mow and weedwack the whole yard. Today I'm going to till the garden so I can plant the next nice day.

I had a nice surprise yesterday when I answered the door, and found Lily and her friend Camden there. They came to say Happy Mothers Day and brought me a long stem red rose.

I watched Idol last night and was very happy with the final 3. All 3 of them were some of my favorites from the first audition and I think it was well past time for the 2 who went home. It was Disney night, so I enjoyed the show.

Off to get dressed so I can get to work on the garden before it gets too warm outside

Have a lovely Monday everyone.

Good morning.

@Pea-n-Me Your post made me smile, especially about Grady and the wiffle ball.

Going to be sunny and 80. It got to 66 yesterday and it was so windy that it dried out the soaking wet grass and I was able to mow and weedwack the whole yard. Today I'm going to till the garden so I can plant the next nice day.

I had a nice surprise yesterday when I answered the door, and found Lily and her friend Camden there. They came to say Happy Mothers Day and brought me a long stem red rose.

I watched Idol last night and was very happy with the final 3. All 3 of them were some of my favorites from the first audition and I think it was well past time for the 2 who went home. It was Disney night, so I enjoyed the show.

Off to get dressed so I can get to work on the garden before it gets too warm outside

Have a lovely Monday everyone.
That’s so nice that they came by yesterday, Lynn!

And funny, with darn autocorrect, I just noticed that twice I said waffle ball. Lol. Glad you knew what I meant. DS just came by before his flight and was telling Grady he was so sorry he hit him by accident. Still acting a little off. I think it’s because he was so attached to DS, but now DS comes by with not only new people (and young people at that, which I don’t even know if he ever had exposure to), but a new dog! Overall G is doing good, though, and was happy to see him. They cuddled for a while. G (which we tend to call him now) has been doing a lot of things w DH out in the yard, has Toto and the new dog next door to play with, and I take him out all the time, so he’s fine. I think he just misses DS a bit. We got him because his owner died, so he’s had a lot of change and losses, poor thing. (He still has a great life now, though!)



Woo-ing for a siren


Thank you dear Footballmouse so much. Grandpa had a black poodle named Gigi. She was a very quiet dog. I was heartbroken when she died at 18. I was 6. Champ came into our lives 8 years later forever imprinting our hearts with his love.

Lynn, hug, I'm so glad Summer positively surprised dear you, yay!

Pea, hugs and beautiful post. It is so good to hear from you. Thank you for all the love you give your kids, human and canine, and all ofvus too. God Bless dear Toto and Grady. Prayers extra to your oatuent. PM me if you think she might like to email me as someone who recently had a boot. I left it on at night, not fun at all. I did so because initially especially there was no way it was going on and off especially over night. What an amazing blessing to finally be rid of it. Be sure your patient gets her own boot off asap. What you also said about circulation is so true. Same with swelling. I am blessed to not have diabetes or heart issues. Long time feet issue and not much movement has caused some swelling and heavier feeling, circulation kinks I need to work out. Limited movenent does both very fast. I learned from Caroline, the PT who did my evaluation, that it only takes 3 days of sudden very limited activity for your feet and legs to begin to weaken. For me they had been doing so for over 3 years! Extra testimony to God's healing love to be where I am today. Please take care of yourselves friends!
I love seeing pictures of Grady!!! :lovestruc

Jacob's German Shepard's name is Gigi 😒 (not a good name for a dog that size) so I always call her G. I've noticed Jacob calls her that too now.
That’s so funny! I guess it’s the easy way to do it when you’re saying the name so many times! How are your pets doing? One of them was sick, was it the cat? Did you have a work change?
Thank you dear Footballmouse so much. Grandpa had a black poodle named Gigi. She was a very quiet dog. I was heartbroken when she died at 18. I was 6. Champ came into our lives 8 years later forever imprinting our hearts with his love.

Lynn, hug, I'm so glad Summer positively surprised dear you, yay!

Pea, hugs and beautiful post. It is so good to hear from you. Thank you for all the love you give your kids, human and canine, and all ofvus too. God Bless dear Toto and Grady. Prayers extra to your oatuent. PM me if you think she might like to email me as someone who recently had a boot. I left it on at night, not fun at all. I did so because initially especially there was no way it was going on and off especially over night. What an amazing blessing to finally be rid of it. Be sure your patient gets her own boot off asap. What you also said about circulation is so true. Same with swelling. I am blessed to not have diabetes or heart issues. Long time feet issue and not much movement has caused some swelling and heavier feeling, circulation kinks I need to work out. Limited movenent does both very fast. I learned from Caroline, the PT who did my evaluation, that it only takes 3 days of sudden very limited activity for your feet and legs to begin to weaken. For me they had been doing so for over 3 years! Extra testimony to God's healing love to be where I am today. Please take care of yourselves friends!
Thanks for the offer, Mona! She just had it on for the weekend and then was getting re-casted yesterday. I tell that to my patients, too, that even ONE day of not moving can cause weakness, that’s why we try to get people out of bed and keep them moving. In the old days people stayed in bed for days, or weeks, even, but we came to learn there are hazards associated with immobility - blood clots, pressure injuries, pneumonias, etc. It’s always best to try to keep moving!

Busy day today, just a quick hello. Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday! 🐥
Happy Tuesday!🌧️

Busy day at work yesterday. After I left work I headed to Napa to take the old part from my car back since I bought the new part there, refunded me $100 for returning the old one 💵. Then I ran over to Lowe's and grabbed more topsoil for the rest of my flowers. Next stop was Dollar Tree for some flower pots 🪻. Got home a lot later than usual and the animals were not happy! Got everyone fed and then planted the rest of the flowers. Happy it rained during the night so they got a good watering.

How are your pets doing? One of them was sick, was it the cat? Did you have a work change?
All my animals are good. Remy was having some issues but we got that straigtened out with some medicine. No job change for me yet, still working on it. My weekend job switched my weekends around but I think it will still work out. I thought I was losing a shift but at the end of the month, it evens out.

Didn't watch any TV last night until the Reds game was on ⚾. They're on the west coast so the games on TV are late, I can only stay awake until around the 3rd inning.

Tonight I get my haircut and then stop at Meijer to grab dog & cat food. They have the best options for dog food and the only place I've found that consistantly carries Fresh Pet cat food.

Off to grab some breakfast, have a great day!:wave:
Supposed to be hot later today, so the cats insisted on early walks, and my schedule was already a little off because of a change in DH's. So right now, I'm sitting outside with one of the cats, playing on my phone and realizing all the things I should have done before I came outside. :laughing:

Oh well, the birds are singing, so that's nice!
Good morning. Yesterday was so nice outside, today we're back to rain. Same for tomorrow, and then again on Saturday. Long range forecast for Lily's graduation shows rain so I hope it changes before then.
I got the garden tilled 2x, then raked and then flattened and raked the area we shortened the garden by and planted grass seed. I planted 2 big pots of rosemary and put some Dianthus around it. It rained lightly overnight, so everything got a gentle watering.

Have a nice day

68 here going to 69. It's voting day here and DD is working from home. Have to remind her to do her duty.

Meanwhile my painter is busy doing his thing and my house is definitely starting to freshen up.

Then I messed up by tripping on the floor protection and going headfirst onto all fours. My left knee is a bit purple and swelling. My left hand took the second worst. Now I'm feeling all stiff but I'm still moving. Went to Sherwin Williams for more supplies.
Ordered Chipotle lunch for all of us and decided to dust of my 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea snowglobe and put new batteries in it.

Then I checked it out on Ebay. They are going from $150 to $250. Maybe I should consider it a part of downsizing my stuff.

It was on a shelf in the corner collecting lots of dust. Not being showcased, and I guess I don't really care to keep it.
It's voting day here

I went this morning on my way into the office. 7:50 AM and I was the only one voting:(, although one person came in while I was finishing up. Hopefully I just caught the lull from folks going on the way to work and those going later on today. I'm watching the Balt City race with some interest even though I'm on the Shore...it's a shame there is such apathy amongst the voting block there (and in general). And the Senate race, can't wait to see who wins the primary there.
I hope you recover quickly from your fall.
That reminds me, I was thinking of you late last week as I went by Ma & Pa's - they are open for the season. Isn't that the place you like to stop at?

Looks like we are up for some T-storms later today around 5 or 6PM then rain for most of the evening I think. I took some pork chops out for dinner this evening, we will have them with some of the pico I made on Sunday.
Mona Happy belated birthday.

Pea-n-me. Good to see you. Love the Grady pics.

Just checking in from Boardwalk. We have a Boardwalk view. I am taking it much slower than I would do if I was with Chris or by myself. My friend does not do alot of walking so needs to stop alot and we are back to the room by mid-afternoon. We did go to Epcot last evening and got soaking wet when a sudden rain came through. Today we were at MK when the skies got so dark. It poured worse than yesterday but we were in Plaza restaurant having lunch. It stopped just as we finished. She wanted to go back to the room so here I am. I want her to be comfortable and have fun. We may go for frozen Margaritas and pizza for supper. Epcot tomorrow then back to the condo Thursday

My DGS Luke is 7 today.

Have a great day
I went this morning on my way into the office. 7:50 AM and I was the only one voting:(, although one person came in while I was finishing up. Hopefully I just caught the lull from folks going on the way to work and those going later on today. I'm watching the Balt City race with some interest even though I'm on the Shore...it's a shame there is such apathy amongst the voting block there (and in general). And the Senate race, can't wait to see who wins the primary there.
I hope you recover quickly from your fall.
That reminds me, I was thinking of you late last week as I went by Ma & Pa's - they are open for the season. Isn't that the place you like to stop at?

Looks like we are up for some T-storms later today around 5 or 6PM then rain for most of the evening I think. I took some pork chops out for dinner this evening, we will have them with some of the pico I made on Sunday.
I called my 4 voters (children and DIL) and reminded them to do their duty. My belief is that participation is the key to future success.

I'm interested in the Senate outcome as well. It's going to be quite interesting come November.

I'm also watching Harry Dunn. He went to high school with my older kids.

edit: Ma and Pa's - my Ophthalmologist rec'd it to me for some tomatoes he loves, so I went by there but never figured out his tomatoes.


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