Priceline/Swan Dolphin?


DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2000
OK, so its been almost a year since we first ventured off to Disneyworld on our honeymoon. Well....we now have the bug and are dying to go back. Last time we stayed at CBR and used these boards almost a full year before finally going on the honeymoon. At that time there was a lot of talk regarding Priceline and Swan&Dolphin. Is it still a possible option on the 4 star level? If not, what are the other hotels like? Do you still get early entry and the "special" treatment? Are the resorts just as exciting and fun?

We loved the steel drum music every night at our hotel at CBR and how when we returned at 2am there were still a ton of people out at the pools etc.

How about Expedia? I know that Swan/Dolphin used to come up on Expedia. Does anyone have any information about this?
I know that S/D were listed as the only 5* hotels on Expedia, but, never heard of anyone getting them,even with some pretty hefty bids.
Expedia discontinued it's PriceMatcher service for hotels a few months ago, so you can't bid on Expedia for hotels any longer.


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