Price differnce cat4 and cat3?

The price difference is huge, but so is the difference in the staterooms. Anyone who can afford a Category 3 or better should sail in one. The one and two bedrom suites are two and three times the size of the Category 4's, and since they are not simply bedrooms, the space is put to much better use.
When we were pricing out the difference between a cat 4 and a cat 3 we were seeing prices of about $1,200 per adult more for the cat 3. The kids price is the same no matter what category you are in, but it looks to me like the category 3 would be about $2,400 more.

allseastravel is correct however, if you can afford a category 3 or better than by all means do it! The suites are phenomenal and really make for a great vacation...of course it's a Disney cruise so you can't go wrong no matter what stateroom you're in!
the price difference is very huge, but as stated, so is the room! I just couldn't ever jusity those cat 3 prices for my family. We could pay for at least one additional cruise for the price differences! I don't have my catalog handy, but if you look in there, you will see the difference!
Did the Dec 7th Western Cruise Cat 3 room 8532.....PHENOMENAL
will never go less than Cat 3 again..a lot pf perks to it..i know I read before the cruise peoples commit about cannot justify spending that much for a room,etc....To me it is like anything else in life..If you can afford it..than do it, I'm sure you will have a good time in a lower category..Think of it as a mercedes and a volkswagon..they both get you to the same place


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