Pre-selection DAS questions


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2006
I apologize if this has been asked 62,000 times before, but I'm struggling to find a current, up to date answer.

Can you still make two pre-selections during your DAS registration?

If so, can those pre-selections be modified on the day, once you're actually in a park?

Thank you! :)
I apologize if this has been asked 62,000 times before, but I'm struggling to find a current, up to date answer.

Can you still make two pre-selections during your DAS registration?

If so, can those pre-selections be modified on the day, once you're actually in a park?

Thank you! :)
They were originally an incentive for people to register for DAS using the advance video registration instead of doing it in person at the parks.
After the new changes took effect at WDW on May 20, DAS Advance Selections (pre-selects) are no longer part of the program. Some sites had written they MAY still be available on a case by case basis for a very, very small number of guests. But, I have not seen anything that confirms that.

They will also be discontinued at Disneyland when the new program begins there on June 18.
DAS Advanced Selections are no longer automatically granted. In fact, since the new rules went into place on Monday I don't think I've read a single report of anyone given this option.

But to further answer past on past history (until this week) -- Advanced Selections could not be easily changed, definitely not within the parks. I believe you could recontact via chat and ask to change, but that involved cancelling what you had to see what might be available. And it had to be at least 2 days prior.

OOOPS! I see SueM in MN answered at the same time!
I apologize if this has been asked 62,000 times before, but I'm struggling to find a current, up to date answer.

Can you still make two pre-selections during your DAS registration?

If so, can those pre-selections be modified on the day, once you're actually in a park?

Thank you! :)
You have to go back and log on to the DAS site and request a live video chat . You will then get two options, one is to register ( which you would have already done ) and there is another that I cannot recall what it was labeled as but that is the one you need to click on for the 2 advance selections for each of your park days. You have to be ready with what you want.
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You have to go back and log on to the DAS site and request a live video chat . You will then get two options, one is to register ( which you would have already done ) and there is another that I cannot recall what it was labeled as but that is the one you need to click on for the 2 advance selections for each of your park days. You have to be ready with what you want.
It is still available for Disneyland until June 18, but not WDW since May 18
Weird question related to the preselects... if someone was approved (under old system when the 2 preselects were given) the preselects were set up for 7 days & then you were supposed to do the chat after you used 1st day on your trip to make the rest...

So now can they still go on after 1st day if they were approved on old system & told that? Only an issue to the June trips folks whose 30 days for approval in CM chat fell b4 May 20 but obviously now the preselects are gone so it's a gray area for if they still do that ON their trips for days beyond 7 like they did in past.
Weird question related to the preselects... if someone was approved (under old system when the 2 preselects were given) the preselects were set up for 7 days & then you were supposed to do the chat after you used 1st day on your trip to make the rest...

So now can they still go on after 1st day if they were approved on old system & told that? Only an issue to the June trips folks whose 30 days for approval in CM chat fell b4 May 20 but obviously now the preselects are gone so it's a gray area for if they still do that ON their trips for days beyond 7 like they did in past.
The CM that approved my daughter’s DAS before the changes said I could go back in and change preselects after 5/20.
The CM that approved my daughter’s DAS before the changes said I could go back in and change preselects after 5/20.
Thx, thats good to know! We were offered them/booked 7 & she said "after using 1st day can chat to do rest" but I didnt know if she said out of habit or was for sure still do-able till the folks who registered b4 May 20 are all gone/trips done. I thought since was under old rules it should work that way but wasnt sure since that is "gone" now

Gotta love a trip that straddles this already tough time! 🫤 if we try & can't make them that's ok but figured if we knew if others were able to it'd tell me whether to bother trying!
Okay, I'm still a bit confused about it. Some people are saying they've still been able to make preselections in the past couple of days, and on the WDW website, this is in the FAQ section...

"What attractions are available for Guests using the Disability Access Service (DAS) Advance planning option?"
(With the whole list underneath it.)

I guess we'll just wait and see what happens over the next few weeks / months.
Some people are saying they've still been able to make preselections in the past couple of days,
I believe those who have been making Advanced Selections this week were registered for DAS prior to 5/20 under the old rules. They may not have done the Advanced Selections immediately, want to change something, or had a (current) trip longer than 7 days so need to schedule the rest.

ETA it was rumored that some (few) individuals registering for DAS under the new rules may be given the Advanced Selections as part of the accommodations. I have not come across any reports of this but it may be possible.
I believe those who have been making Advanced Selections this week were registered for DAS prior to 5/20 under the old rules. They may not have done the Advanced Selections immediately, want to change something, or had a (current) trip longer than 7 days so need to schedule the rest.

ETA it was rumored that some (few) individuals registering for DAS under the new rules may be given the Advanced Selections as part of the accommodations. I have not come across any reports of this but it may be possible.
We were able to make advanced selections after we registered on May 21. We never had DAS prior to this.
Okay, I'm still a bit confused about it. Some people are saying they've still been able to make preselections in the past couple of days, and on the WDW website, this is in the FAQ section...

"What attractions are available for Guests using the Disability Access Service (DAS) Advance planning option?"
(With the whole list underneath it.)

I guess we'll just wait and see what happens over the next few weeks / months.
How did you find it? It used to be a planning link in the DAS information. The only way I can get it to show up now is by doing a search
How did you find it? It used to be a planning link in the DAS information. The only way I can get it to show up now is by doing a search
We when back into the DAS registration site and there are two links one for registration and one for planning. We clicked on planning and had to wait for a CM for chat. They asked the dates of our visit and we had to give them 3 choices for each day and they would give us 2 of our 3 for each day. If none or only one of our choices was available they just gave you what was available.
We when back into the DAS registration site and there are two links one for registration and one for planning. We clicked on planning and had to wait for a CM for chat. They asked the dates of our visit and we had to give them 3 choices for each day and they would give us 2 of our 3 for each day. If none or only one of our choices was available they just gave you what was available.
That I knew because we’ve used it many times.
I was wondering how @AussieAngel found the FAQ she posted a screenshot. It used to be linked in a Planning section of the DAS webpage.
I can’t find the planning part anymore and could only get to that FAQ page by doing a search
That I knew because we’ve used it many times.
I was wondering how @AussieAngel found the FAQ she posted a screenshot. It used to be linked in a Planning section of the DAS webpage.
I can’t find the planning part anymore and could only get to that FAQ page by doing a search
I think I stumbled upon it via a search too! I was looking for a list of attractions that were available to use with DAS.
That I knew because we’ve used it many times.
I was wondering how @AussieAngel found the FAQ she posted a screenshot. It used to be linked in a Planning section of the DAS webpage.
I can’t find the planning part anymore and could only get to that FAQ page by doing a search
As information only, during the registration interview the cast member did not mention anything about advance selections I just remembered seeing when logging on the DAS site where you registered the planning button.


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