POR-refillable mug distance ?


Jul 8, 2001
Can I use this mug at other resorts?.... False alarm,just kidding :rotfl:
My question is...how far is the food court from the Ol'Man Swimmin' Pool? I'm just wondering if it'll be worth it for our family to buy the mugs. We bought them at WL, totally worth it. But Aug. will be our first stay at POR. We've req. bldg 14 or 15 which I believe is closest to the food court so in that aspect theywould be worth it. I might end up getting them as souveniers. Every day I take my coffee w/me in my WL mug. Are the POR mugs hot and cold also?
Cheryl :cool1:
It's not that bad of a walk. You are pretty close to the pool when you are at the food court. Yes they are hot and cold.
A short 2 or 3 minute walk. Just over the bridge, and the building is right there. We used our mugs a lot.
I wanted to tack on another question. :) Are there 2 different types of POR mugs? I've noticed that some resorts have the mugs with the smaller bottoms. I'd really like one that will fit into my cup holder. :)
Yes they have both types of mugs. I hear the skinny bottom, cup holder size ones actually hold more! We really got our money's worth out of our mugs since we loved the resort so much we spent ALOT of time there in April! I am envious of your upcoming trip, have a great time!
I also believe the ones w/the skinny bottoms have the covers that you can twist\slide to close. I don't believe the wider ones do. I can't remember if they are the same price or not. When we bought ours the CM at WL was saying w/the skinny ones you can slide the cover shut so if you drop it, it won't spill on your clothes. I was already thinking of using ours as a travelling mug:).
Cheryl :flower:
My old DxL mugs are the big fat type and my newer POR ones are the mug holder size, with the sliding opening on the top. They are the same price to the best of my knowledge.

As to how far the walk is...about 2 minutes from Ole Man Island. I stayed in AB waaaay off to the rear of the resort on our first stay there. I think it was bldg 35. Anyway, it was about 7-8 minutes walk to the food court. Very nice peaceful walk every morning to get our coffee. I loved it. Looking forward to going back in June.
The food court will be on your way to the pool if you are in 14 or 15. The mugs are the same price and the same size inside. The sliding tops on the car sizes cups have saved my upholstery more than one time!! A great investment IMHO.

Have a great trip!


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