

DIS + IOA Veteran
Dec 11, 2000
Many of you know that if you buy a popcorn bucket that you get it refilled free. Well you used to...Say good bye to that perk. Now you will pay $1.49 + Tax.

Saw it today. Guess the cost of the corn went up? Probably not.

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
I thought that they would keep free popcorn. People eat the salty popcorn and need a drink. They buy a drink. I would have thought the drink prices would have offset the cost of free popcorn.

Oh well... :(


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Yes, Sure did...He was scary & mysterious... ;-)

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
Too bad. We used to fill up our bucket for the ride home on the boat back to the Portofino. Kids would munch away and a bedtime snack was done. Oh well I will have to see if the $1.49 is worth carrying my bucket around. Maybe we should let them know we liked the free popcorn!
To be honest, I tossed my bucket into one of the convienient storage facilities (trash can). Just don't be to hard on the venders...comments to guest relations would be appropriate.

A sad day. There $.22 refill of popcorn that brings in $3 in profit, and $1.50-1.75 in profit wasn't enough.

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
Yep, that's me, good old scary and mysterious...

BTW, I think that popcorn refill is more like 23 cents, and we did wait almost a week to adjust ticket prices. You know that revenue has got to be made up somehow.
Hey Earl, you are picking up all kinds of names.

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
What the difference comma placement makes. Now I'm old. Well, being old makes me tired and somewhat feeble. Don't suppose I'll be able to walk out an meet people from Hawaii. I'll save my last strength to meet JessicaR. She seems like a nice person who knows about puncuation.
I'm so excited Earl! I can hardly contain myself. Meeting you is better than FOTL! :D



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