Polynesian Resale Listings

setting aside the fact that they’d get sued 7 ways to Sunday by their members, what would the business case even be for Disney to make that swap? How does it make them more money? Or enough to bother?
Good luck suing over point reallocation that’s explicitly allowed.

What’s the business case? The bungalow point charts are too high. Studios are low. They’re building a new tower. Perfect time to reallocate.

And no one is getting sued.
Good luck suing over point reallocation that’s explicitly allowed.

What’s the business case? The bungalow point charts are too high. Studios are low. They’re building a new tower. Perfect time to reallocate.

And no one is getting sued.
There was an issue with this before in the past and DVC was threatened with legal action and then backed down. They can reallocate the points across different dates (as much as 20% across a date from year to year), but they cannot reallocate points across the room types. Here's an article that covers some of these issues when they first brought to light - https://www.themeparkinsider.com/discussion/thread.cfm?page=1982
What’s the business case? The bungalow point charts are too high. Studios are low. They’re building a new tower. Perfect time to reallocate
But how does that make Disney more money? If it doesn’t make Disney more money, why would they do something that will tick off so many owners?
Good luck suing over point reallocation that’s explicitly allowed.

What’s the business case? The bungalow point charts are too high. Studios are low. They’re building a new tower. Perfect time to reallocate.

And no one is getting sued.

Except DVD doesn’t have a problem with the bungalows because they get booked in the end and that is all that matters.

If they wanted to reallocate, or are even allowed to, then it would happen.

The piece is that if the plan is to reallocate…let’s assume they can legally do it that way…it means they have to account for those points when selling the new tower…which means selling fewer points in each unit so those bungalow points could be shifted in later.

Dont see a reason to do it, because, as I said, the bungalows get booked eventually.

Also, they made the language different in the new trust that hold CFW cabins that specifically allows for reallocation across different sites and units. My guess is that is because doing it at other resorts may not be as allowed as one thinks.
As with everything shiny and new, Poly tower will be hard to get for the first few years....then we'll move on to the next shiny thing, refurb or new resort and demand will balance out. Long term, the annual fees and points charts will dictate most difficult demand.

There will be plenty of owners who buy into the shiny new Poly, have a wonderful stay and then realize they can stretch their points elsewhere in the system.

As with the other resorts, lots of points will start to chase the crappy (sorry, I mean "standard" or "value") views and those with the points will grab the more premium views (of which, enough will be available at 7 months).
Just a reminder that the DIS does not allow actual listing details to be shared for contracts for sale. General trends, ranges, etc are fine but no specifics.
But how does that make Disney more money? If it doesn’t make Disney more money, why would they do something that will tick off so many owners?
Exactly. Why would Disney care? They don’t get paid for the points when you use them at a resort, they get paid every January when your maintenance fees are due and when a contract is bought the first time. If anything I think they’re incentivized to make these rooms that not many people can book like the bungalows because it means more oppprtunities for people to pay cash for them and Disney essentially gets to double dip. Why is Disney only now building 1/2BRs? It’s not out of the goodness of their heart to make prior Poly owners happy. Disney would’ve been content letting it sit as just studios and bungalows for another 30 years. The only reason is to sell more points.
Exactly. Why would Disney care? They don’t get paid for the points when you use them at a resort, they get paid every January when your maintenance fees are due and when a contract is bought the first time. If anything I think they’re incentivized to make these rooms that not many people can book like the bungalows because it means more oppprtunities for people to pay cash for them and Disney essentially gets to double dip. Why is Disney only now building 1/2BRs? It’s not out of the goodness of their heart to make prior Poly owners happy. Disney would’ve been content letting it sit as just studios and bungalows for another 30 years. The only reason is to sell more points.
I believe Disney can only book out the rooms it already owns for cash (like the two percent of points they maintain at the resorts). They cannot accept a cash reservation for an open DVC that is bookable by points. The DVC rooms that are bootable by points and the DVC that are bookable by cash through Disney website come from two separate pools of rooms.
I believe Disney can only book out the rooms it already owns for cash (like the two percent of points they maintain at the resorts). They cannot accept a cash reservation for an open DVC that is bookable by points. The DVC rooms that are bootable by points and the DVC that are bookable by cash through Disney website come from two separate pools of rooms.
You are correct that they are separate inventories but at 60 days (someone correct me if this number of days is wrong) Disney can pull from the DVC inventory to book it for cash.
I believe Disney can only book out the rooms it already owns for cash (like the two percent of points they maintain at the resorts). They cannot accept a cash reservation for an open DVC that is bookable by points. The DVC rooms that are bootable by points and the DVC that are bookable by cash through Disney website come from two separate pools of rooms.
That’s not correct. Disney can rent unbooked rooms for cash. There’s not a lot of hard rules around this either, they don’t have to wait until like the night before. That’s why DVC cash inventory is good at 11 months (the points they own), non-existent at like 5-9 months, and then goes through another spurt of decent availability close to the deadline (the unbooked rooms, officially called “breakage”)

Disney has to pay the condo association for the rooms they rent, but with a catch - there’s a cap of a few % on the amount of revenue Disney needs to give the condo association, but not a cap on how many unbooked rooms they can rent!

Last year each Poly owner saved about 16.6 cents in dues from this revenue Disney paid into the condo association:

You are correct that they are separate inventories but at 60 days (someone correct me if this number of days is wrong) Disney can pull from the DVC inventory to book it for cash.
Disney can set it anywhere between 30 and 90 days, AND, if I’m reading this right, has the right to predict breakage and rent based on that prediction:IMG_0295.jpeg
I believe Disney can only book out the rooms it already owns for cash (like the two percent of points they maintain at the resorts). They cannot accept a cash reservation for an open DVC that is bookable by points. The DVC rooms that are bootable by points and the DVC that are bookable by cash through Disney website come from two separate pools of rooms.

They are allowed to rent for cash any rooms not booked by owners at 60 days. They can anticipate that as well and pull them early.

So, they benefit from points not used by owners and for specific rooms as well.
Lets get this thread back on track - I have been a 20+ year DVC member BUT never bought Poly as it was Studio only (and I am ignoring the overpriced and hyped bungalows). That said, I have stayed there a few times and always enjoy it. So when the tower was announced, I decided to buy a Poly resale and was glad I bought it before the priced spiked.

In summary, the Poly Tower will only make Poly MORE desirable as the demand for Poly is very high for both DVC point renters and the Disney cash rates are outrageously high. So I predict this new tower will be a raging success and that is good for everyone. Initially for a few years it will be very hard to book the tower at 0-6 months.
Ah got it - didn’t know that part. Thanks for the info, all who replied 😁
For the sake of being complete, in addition to the 2% DVC owns, they also have points they got from foreclosures, members booking cruises and non-DVC hotels with points, and trading out via Interval International. They can book with those points before 60 days out, too. I have no idea what percentage of points that might be at any given resort, any given time.
I think you can count the total number of PVB resale contracts listed right now on just your fingers. No toes.
Hard to imagine a worse time to buy a resale contract.

I remember in 2021 when there was a run on AKV and there were less than 20 AKV contracts on the entire market and some of the largest brokers had 0. Now there’s over 200.

People should remember how these things ebb and flow.
If I was a PVB resale owner, I'd definitely be seriously considering selling right now unless I really needed those points in the short term. With contracts going for over $200/pp, it seems likely that a seller would be able to wait and at some point in the next year or so be able buy direct points for less than what they would get from the sale after considering incentives, or alternately wait a year and buy back a resale contract after the frenzy for what will likely be much less.
If I was a PVB resale owner, I'd definitely be seriously considering selling right now unless I really needed those points in the short term. With contracts going for over $200/pp, it seems likely that a seller would be able to wait and at some point in the next year or so be able buy direct points for less than what they would get from the sale after considering incentives, or alternately wait a year and buy back a resale contract after the frenzy for what will likely be much less.
I absolutely would if it wasn’t for that bothersome FIRPTA tax I have to pay as an international seller! Means that 15% of the total sales price is withheld until we can claim it back from the IRS!
If I was a PVB resale owner, I'd definitely be seriously considering selling right now unless I really needed those points in the short term. With contracts going for over $200/pp, it seems likely that a seller would be able to wait and at some point in the next year or so be able buy direct points for less than what they would get from the sale after considering incentives, or alternately wait a year and buy back a resale contract after the frenzy for what will likely be much less.

I might be interested in swapping contracts. I believe board sponsor did that for a little while a year or so ago.

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