points/cash booking question

Johnnie Fedora

My cup is not 1/2 full or 1/2 empty, it's just 50%
Jul 4, 2001
We used our 11 month widow to book at HH. Since we have a confirmed point reservation for the entire stay, can we easily convert our last day (Fri) to a cash ressie and take points back to our use year?? When can this be done?? Do we have to wait for the seven month window, or can we do it now??

You can make cash reservations at the 11-month window. If there is availability they can put your points back only to the current use year. If the points are borrowed they stay in the current use year, once borrowed they can never be put back to the original year. They won't actually convert the point night to a cash one. They must have a room available for cash. You can link the reservations together though.
There are different ways to get cash reservations....the DVC member discount using DVC inventory or booking like any other paying guest to HHI. If you know you don't want to use the points, you might call now and see what's available. The one thing I'm unsure of is where to call for a "regular" cash reservation. I'm guessing if CRO isn't right, they can tell you where to call. There are discounts for Disney Club members also.

As Eva said, you aren't converting anything. You are simply making a cash reservation and cancelling your point reservation. The same rules apply to cancelling that one day as would apply to cancelling the entire trip.

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