Please help with Skyauction!


Earning My Ears
Sep 21, 2000
I am so totally confused about bidding on Skyauction. I know I sound really dumb, but I can't seem to figure this one out! If anyone can explain the process to me, I would be forever indebted! Can you actually pick your exact dates? I didn't register yet, because I'm not ready to bid, but would I find more information if I registered now and bid at some other time? Is this only for short notice trips, or how far in advance do they have listings? We were not planning a trip until November. Please!!! Thank you!!!:confused: :confused: :confused:
I'll try to help. You will get the same information if you register as non-registering. However, if you register you could put various auctions on your "watch list' and then you're able to see how the bidding is going. We registered over the summer, bid, won and will be using our vacation starting this weekend. They are great to work with, professional and timely! I can't wait to bid again on another trip. I've seen stays thru December 2002. Just keep watching. Remember to add the service fee on to your bid, it's usually $195 per stay, but varies if you have a package with airfare. Any other ??'s


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