Paying in full before Arrival date?


<font color=blue>beagle boy mom<br><font color=tea
Dec 15, 2000
I see many posts from people claiming they paid for their rooms before arrival to help spread out the "financial pain". What happens if you're vacation plans have to be cancelled? Are you going to receive a full refund? Any thoughts or experiencesx out there with this?
I booked the WDW land/sea vacation last summer and had the entire trip paid for before our trip. The only thing I needed was souvenir money. I loved having it paid for. I booked a year ahead and had plenty of time to make payments. I bought the trip insurance because it would have covered sickness on the cruise and cancellation. If you cancel within a certain length of time, you get full refund. However, even if you don't pay ahead and you cancel at the last minute, you will probably still be billed. Better check it out first.
If you pay for your room and park ticet in full before you arive in WDW can you still charge the rest of the things that you buy onto your hopper pass and have them billed to your room? If you can can you pay for it in cash when you check out or does it go right onto your credit card.

I've often wondered why people pay for their room in advance. I understand that packages have different payment plans, but room only ressies have to pay only one night in advance. If you pay for your whole stay ahead of time, instead of just one night, and you cancel the day before you are due to arrive, do you loose all your $$$? Or does Disney refund everything but the one night deposit that was actually all that is required? I have my vacation "paid", but I put everything on a charge when I get to the resort (more airline miles!)and pay the charge in full (with the $$$ I've saved for the vacation)when I get home. Has anyone ever had to cancel ( less than 5 days before their arrival date) a room only ressie they have paid in full - and did you get a refund? I'm just curious... <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

<img width="200" SRC=""><font size=4 color=blue><marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Resort Cheerleading Team!!!</marquee></font>

I am also wondering about this...

I want to have our resort paid for before we get there, just mainly so that it will be paid and that will be one less thing to worry about, but also wondered if I did this and say something comes up, will they refund me?? I am assuming so, but only in the case that it is cancelled 5 days in advance, as when I placed my ressie, the cm told me in order to get a refund I would have to call at least 5 days in advance before my scheduled arrival..

anyone know for sure?

we went through AAA and this was a concern of ours since we have a small child and who knows when a bad cold or flu or whatever can strike. We got travlers insurance and it ensures that even if we cancel the day before the trip we will be refunded in full. I cant remember the cost (I think it was 50 but could be wrong) but the security is well worth it
If you have a room-only reservation and pay for it in advance, you will receive a full refund if you have to cancel your reservation ONLY if you cancel up to 5 days in advance of your scheduled arrival date. If you cancel within the 5 days, you will be charged one night's room rental as a penalty and the remainder will be refunded.

The package reservations have an entirely different cancellation policy. Since this question didn't ask for it, I'm not going to comment. Not to mention, I don't remember that policy off the top of my head.


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

I paid for our room in three installments ... just called Disney and told them what to charge my card... and I cannot tell you what a wonderful feeling it was going on the trip knowing the room was all paid for. I charged our meals and spending money... and everything else had been paid in advance. It was wonderful. Disney would definitely refund your money if you had to cancel. Just save all your credit card bills for proof , but I am sure there would not be a problem.


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