Part 2: IOA


Dec 2, 1999

Me: 38 - high tech worker, ride wimp from New Hampshire
DH: 39 - works way too much, coaster lover from New Hampshire
DS: 11 - coaster lover like his dad, but would rather snowboard
Mom: 61 - ride wimp looking for some warm weather
Dad: 70 - loves thrill rides but can't do them due to a bad back

Monday 1/15

Woke up around 6:30, hit the shower then down to the Gelateria for some breakfast. Sal's had been the breakfast place on our earlier trips, so at first I was surprised to see it closed, then noticed that the Gelateria was open. DH and I had been to IOA a few times, but this was my son's and parent's first trip there. We usually tour commando style even with FOTL, but had to get used to moving at a slower pace with my parents in tow. Got on the boat around 8:00 and was entertained by a young man singing "opera" to his girlfriend. His "song" was about the cost of stuff at Portofino and his lyrics included " a $12 dollar carton of milk". Very funny!

We had to buy tickets for my parents and son so we got 2 day tickets with 10% off using my annual pass. First stop was Spiderman (of course). My father waited outside while my mom went on with us. She usually checks the ride out first to see if my dad's back can handle it. Everyone loved it but mom said "no can do" to dad. I had really wanted him to see this, but it wasn't worth the risk of putting his back out on vacation.

Next onto the Hulk for DH and DS. I waited on the bridge with my parents. DS was a little pale after he got off and said "No thanks" when DH asked him if he wanted to ride it again. Next we went thru Toon lagoon, The Bilge Rat Rafts weren't open (sign said it would open at 11am) and we decided to do Ripsaw Falls tomorrow. We walked thru Jurassic Park. DH and DS went on Pteranodon Flyers while we sat and enjoyed the Florida sun. My parents are real easy going and it didn't bother them at all the they couldn't go on a lot of the stuff at IOA.

We then went into a few shops in the Lost Continent, listened to the talking fountain awhile and on to Poseidon's Fury, finally something we all could do. We arrived 10 minutes before the first show of the day. Didn't use FOTL for this since there were very few people waiting. After the show we headed to Suess Landing where DS, mom and I hit Cat in the Hat.

By this time it was a little after noon and decided to head over to USF so my parents could do more stuff. After a quick stop at the Half Moon Bakery for lunch we walked over to USF.

All of us had been to USF before but my parents and DS had not seen Twister so we went there first. Did FOTL for this and were lead into a corridor with a TV on the wall playing the same pre show as out front. When the movie ended an attendant came in and brought us to the show area. We walked in ahead of the crowd and Dad was feeling brave and decided to stand on the platform instead of the stationary area even though I told him you get a little jostled at the end. Everyone enjoyed this attraction.

After that we split up, mom wanted to watch the Blues Brothers and DS and I wanted to go on Hanna-Barbera. DH sat this one out. We did FOTL for this which worked out well, it was MKL Day and the park was fairly crowed. After that we did MIB and then back to the hotel for a swim. We were very fortunate. The weather for the week was in the 80's. We go every January and usually expect mid 60's to low 70's and don't usually spend too much time at the pool.

We all met up at the main pool where we swam and lied in the sun for a few hours. Decided to go offsite for dinner, so back to the room where a large bag of goodies was waiting for my son, compliments of the assistant to the Manager who also left a voice mail welcoming us. The bag contained a spiderman hat, t-shirt, pen and note pad, trading cards, comic books, Portofino water bottle, IOA pin and other items. I called her back to thank her and tell her how wonderful everything was, my son then got on the phone to thank her for the gifts.

We then headed out to dinner at the Olive Garden with a quick stop at the Yacht Club to see my brother, sister in-law and nephew who had flown in earlier that day.

After dinner, back to Portofino. Tommorrow IOA and USF.
I was there in Dec. I was surprised to see you had breakfast at the Gelateria?? What did they offer? And Sal's was closed? Interesting. That suite sounds soooo lovely! Did you take any pictures? Maybe you can post a few? Pretty please :D How nice that you were able to have great weather and enjoy that marvelous pool!! Ahhhh I miss it! :D Thanks again for a great report....More? :)

What an absolutely wonderful time you seemed to have had! :) You were certainly treated royally by the Portofino. Do you happen to look like someone famous? ;) I really enjoyed reading your posts and hope there will be more. Mahalo again.
Thanks again for the report. I'm glad you had a fun trip with your parents!


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