Pam's Low Carb Road (Comments Welcome)


Six weeks today. Due November 29, 2004. I must REALLY like this time of year. 2DD was born Dec. 16, DS was born Nov. 22, and now this one. What is it about March?? :D :o

Had an Atkins bar for breakfast today because there wasn't anything else in the house. I don't think I've had one of those for over a month. I used to eat those things almost everyday. They are good in a pinch, but I won't make a habit of it.

A girlfriend of mine wants me to be her walking partner. So I will be walking with her 4 times a week and then 1 time with my other friend on Wed.. Yaaaaaahhhhh! I'm finally getting in some more exercise.

Lost another pound today, can't really believe it because I'm not being very good. Weight was 253, two more pounds and I can claim my 15 pound clippie. I'm not in ketosis, and I'm going to start to add more carbs in today. Also going to keep the flaxseed oil in the diet.........that's good for the baby's brain. Gotta have those good Omega's!!:D

Breakfast - coffee, cream, Atkins bar

Carbs = 4

Lunch - lettuce, tuna, dressing, flaxseed oil, cheese

Carbs = 7

Snack - whole pear

Carbs = 35

Dinner - Chicken, carrots

Carb = 17


GREAT Morning Pam!

My buddy's having a baby, my buddy's having a baby!!!! I know I sent you a PM to say Conratulations, but now I get to say it here too! CONGRATULATIONS

Walking should be a great thing to help keep you and baby healthy, just make sure you don't overdo it! And don't worry about the scale going down now, this is a good reason for it to go up! OK, OK I'll stop being such a mother hen :D :bounce: :Pinkbounc :D

Cheryl :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :wave:
hey pam, i posted to your thread on the main wish board, but i wanted to add to your journal as well...

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :jumping1: CONGRATULATIONS :jumping1: :bounce: :Pinkbounc

i'm so happy for you!!! what a blessing, a new little baby coming into your family :lovestruc

i'm so glad you're going to continue on your healthy living journey through the pregnancy, even if it has to morph a little bit. you're doing a great thing for the baby, being healthy and making a concerted effort :)

hope you're doing well, and that you have a wonderful day :sunny:
Thanks Marcia! I must admit, I'm very excited, too. I'm trying to think only positve thoughts. There's no need getting uptight about something that might not happen. I'll deal with it if it happens, right?

Today, the sun is shining but it is very cold outside. I would like to go bake somewhere in the sun and get warm. I can't wait for August when we go to Myrtle Beach. Ofcourse, then I'll be so HOT I'll want air-conditioning.:)

Went walking last night. I walk with my one friend 4 times a week, and my other friend on Wed., so that is 5 times a week I am walking. I feel good about that. I want to go and get a preg. video and start doing that too. That would help the muscles that I haven't used in a while.

Feeling good today. No real nauseous feelings yet. Kind of hoping that starts soon. That would be a good sign.

I'm also going to use my "cheat free bear" to keep track of how many days I am cheat free for this pregnancy. Maybe that will give me some more motivation also. I have 34 weeks to go, so that is 238 days, plus the 9 I have now, so that would make a total of 247 days if I make it to the end. That is what I will shoot for.........247 days. Ofcourse, I don't expect to be perfect, but I need to aim for something. So here 10! :)

Breakfast - 3 eggs, butter, tea, splenda

Carbs = 3

Lunch - lettuce, chicken, cheese, Newman's dressing, flaxseed oil

Carb = 7

Dinner - Fish, 1/2 potato, green beans

Carbs = 26

Snack - whole plum

Carbs = 17

TOTAL CARBS = 53 May need to add some carbs somewhere today. Maybe a small latte. :)
PS: getting these extra carbs may like having extra spend money burning a whole in your pocket- everyday you can say "goody, where can I spend my extra carbs today...yum,yum" It should be fun.
Heehee, CheapMom...........that's why I don't understand why I'm so overweight. Running after three kids should keep the pounds away. Maybe it has something to do with all of the BK Whoppers over the years? :rolleyes: Do ya think??:rolleyes: :D :o

I must admit, it is kind of fun choosing how I will spend the carbs. And it really helps me keep my portions in check because I am so scared of going overboard with the carbs. I guess Atkins has brainwashed me. :teeth: In a good way, ofcourse. ;)

Today is the busy day. Oh, for summer when Wed. are not a killer. Swimming lessons at the Y all morning, dinner at church tonight and then teaching my 2nd/3rd grade class. I am walking today with my friend at the Y, we will get in around 40 minutes. Last night I walked with my other friend and we went 35 minutes around the neighborhood. This is starting to get addicting. I feel so good. And I'm hardly sore at all, which makes me think I'm doing just the right amount. Don't want to push too hard during this time.

But here is the best news of all. I LOST ANOTHER POUND SO I GET TO CLAIM MY 15 POUND CLIPPIE!!!!
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Boy, if I would have known that walking was going to help me out so much, I would have done it a long time ago. :rolleyes: :)
Like, what is up with me?? Takes me a while, doesn't it?
Weigh in today was 251 pounds. A total of 35 pounds, gotten RID OF, right? Still have a long way to go, but for now I just want to live a healthy lifestyle. If some weight comes off, fine. If not, fine. Just want to keep things going like they are.

So, for today...............

Breakfast - 2 eggs, spenda, tea

Carbs = 2

Lunch - Broccoli, flaxseed oil,mayo, splenda -2 , cheese, cucumbers, low carb tortilla

Carbs = 19

Snack - mixed nuts, cheese, 1/2 banana

Carbs = 22

Dinner - chicken breast from KFC, coleslaw

Carbs = 20

Let's see, you're pregnant, eating more carbs and LOSING?? Good for you, Pam!!! :sunny:

:cool1: :jumping3: :cool1: 15 POUND CLIPPIE - YAY!!!! :cool1: :jumping3: :cool1:

That walking is really doing the trick, and walking with a buddy makes it sooooo much easier!! The time and distance pass so quickly that it really seems more like a treat than exercise!

Hope you get some relax time tomorrow after your busy Wednesday!! :sunny:
Thanks Doe. I made it through Wed. and I'm so glad it is Thursday.

I think I might be starting with some pregnancy insomnia. I could hardly sleep at all last night. I had no caffeine yesterday, and I've been pushing the water, and I exercised. I can't blame it on anything else. I don't remember getting insomnia this early before. And there is absolutely no time for a nap today. Oh, well. I'll try and crash before 10 tonight. I have a baby shower to go to so I won't be able to get to bed real early.

The piano teacher comes at 2:30pm until 3:30/4:00. Then I am walking with my friend at 5:00. Shower at 7:00. I guess I am having a busy day again.

Last night after church I kind of wanted to snack on something. So I had more mixed nuts. I haven't put them in my journal for yesterday though, too lazy I guess. :o But I didn't measure, so I really have no idea how much I had. Boy did they taste good. I haven't had nuts for a while. yummy.

I think I am also going to start keeping track of my exercise. Maybe I'll see how many days in a row I can go. That might be fun. Let's see. Today would be 4 days in a row. Gotta start somewhere. :teeth:


Breakfast - 2 eggs, butter, 1/2 oz. cheese, tea, splenda

Carbs = 3

Lunch - Broccoli, 1/2 oz cheese, mayo, splenda, flaxseed oil, 1 low carb whole wheat tortilla

Carbs = 14

Dinner - lettuce, tuna, Newman's own dressing, 1 oz cheese

Carbs = 7

Snacks - apple, 1 oz nuts,coffee, cream

Carbs = 22


TOTAL CARBS = Have no idea......somewhere in the stratesphere, I'm sure.
WOW buddy, another new clippie!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: Congratulations !! The walking is really great for you!!! I think it's a great idea to journal exercise also. That's what I've been doing and then in the future I have a way of looking back and seeing how I'm improving. Keep up the great work!!!

I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight! :wizard: :hug:

Cheryl :sunny: :wave2:
Well, last night after I came back from the shower, I ate the mac. and cheese that was left over. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhh! :rolleyes: :mad: Why do I do this?? I woke up this morning and felt absolutely lousy!! Ofcourse, if I would have only had one small serving, it probably wouldn't have affected me as much. But today I'm back on track and I'm going to put that behind me. I'll go add it to my Thursday post when I'm done here. And because of that mess up, I don't get to roll my bear. :mad:

Later today, DH and I are going to see "The Passion". Then we are going to have fish fry at a friends house and then off to church.

My DH took us all out to breakfast this morning which was a real treat. It's always a good day when I only have to cook one meal. :p I LOVE cooking, but sometimes a girl just needs to be pampered!!princess:

Breakfast/Lunch - 2 eggs, butter, sausage, broccoli, cheese, one slice toast, coffee, cream

Carbs = 21 (estimating)

Dinner - Fish (with a little batter on it), some kind of veggie

Carbs = 15-20 (estimating again)

Snack - apple

Carbs = 15

TOTAL CARBS = 51- 56
Hope everyone had a blessed Easter. It's my favorite day of the year.

Saw "The Passion" on Good Friday. WOW!! Let's just put it this way. It's a life changer. Cried so hard I thought my eyes were gonna fall out. Communion will never be the same. DH cried too. I was prepared for some of it, but overall, I don't think you can be totally prepared for that movie. God is so good.

A little busy the last few days. I wasn't exactly on plan on Sat. and Sun. but wasn't too bad. Today it's back on plan, though. Had a great night sleep. I think baby is starting to make me tired. And I think I'm a little sick today because I had sugar over the weekend and now I'm withdrawing from it. :rolleyes: This too shall pass, right? :D

Not doing school today. Going to try to concentrate on cleaning. Yuck!! But it has to be done.

One thing I am really excited about is that I am exercising regularly. I did my WATP DVD on Friday and Sat. . I LOVE IT!! My DH is even impressed. I work up a really good sweat. I did the one mile the first day and the two mile the second day. I do watch it though. I want to exercise but I don't want to overdo it. When I walk in place, I don't pound my feet so hard into the ground either. I should have gotten this one months ago. I didn't do anything on Sun.. But last week, I managed to get six days in a row of exercise. WoooooHooooo!!!

Breakfast - 2 eggs, butter, tea, splenda

Carbs = 2

Lunch - salad, tuna, blue cheese dressing, cucumber, cheese
Oh, almost forgot to add my flaxseed oil.

Carb = 9

Snack - 1/2 banana, HB egg

Carb = 15

[/B]Dinner[/B] - 5 oz. ham, green beans , 1/2 potato

Carbs = 40

Pam, you are going to be such a healthy momma for ALL your kids!! Your food looks great and your exercise - great job!!!

You sound so sunny! I bet your newest little one will have the happiest personality! Don't they say that your emotions during pregnancy mirror your baby's temperament? Don't know if it's true or just an old wives' tale but keep that sunny attitude going! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
thanks, Doe. I must admit I love being pregnant. If it weren't for pushing them out, I'd want to be pregnant all the time! :p :earseek: You're a sweetie, Doe!

I feel so bloated today. Maybe it's the higher carbs, I don't know. Anyway, I really need to stick to the plan today. Already took my meds. Having a cup of is good. :cool:

It was raining and my friend didn't want to walk, so I did 1 1/2 miles of my WATP dvd. My younger daughter did it along with me. She loved it. I must look really funny doing it. We kept laughing, I could hardly catch my breath.

It's rainy again here today, so maybe I'll do my dvd again today. We'll see.

Breakfast - 2 HB eggs, tea, splenda

Carbs = 2

Lunch - low carb choc. shake with heavy cream

Carbs = 8

Dinner - Breakfast casserole (ham, ww bread, cheese, eggs, milk), green beans

Carbs = 43

Snack - 1/2 apple

Carbs = 8

Well, I must have lost a gallon of water yesterday and last night. I feel so much better. I think it was the carbs on Sunday. When I have potatoes AND lots of sodium (ham), watch out!! I feel like I lost 2 pounds. :p

I am going to save some carbs for tonight when the kids and I go to Barnes & Noble. I want a latte. Hopefully they have sugar free syrup. I'll make sure I bring splenda just in case.

Everyone is on spring break this week except us and another homeschool family we know. We are going to take our break when it is warmer, May 5-9. We are going to stay at my mom's in Harrisburg, and then take day trips to Annapolis and Baltimore. I think this will be a lot of fun. I've been both places but the kids haven't. It will be nice to go somewhere. We haven't really gone anywhere for a while.

Feeling good today. Chest really sore, but other than that, no pregnancy symptoms. Hopefully something will start soon.

Breakfast - 2 eggs, a little butter, tea, splenda
(so glad I never get tired of eggs. I have my father's genes. He ate eggs every morning of his life and never had a cholesterol problem. Now my mother who used margarine for years........she's the one that had a triple bypass. :rolleyes: Can everyone say.......medical community lie, medical community lie!! )

Carbs = 2

Lunch - lettuce, tuna, cheese, newman's dressing, flaxseed oil

Carbs = 7

Dinner - Chicken sandwich from BK.without bun but with peppers and onions. Side salad with ranch dressing. Got carbs from website

Carbs = 13

Snack - apple
cup milk in latte

Carbs = 29

Hey. Does everyone know that lets you choose what on your sandwich you will eat and gives you the nutrional rundown on each menu item?? It is fantastic! I put in the Sante Fe chicken sand. and it let me "click off" the bun, then gave me the carbs and everything for the rest of the sandwich, which was 6 or 7, I believe. I could figure out what a whopper was without the bun, too. This is great. My hats off to BK. I think they are the leaders in this area. Hope more follow in their footsteps.

I also went to and figured what my cappucino was going to "cost" me, as far as carbs go. Haa!! No more guessing at what I am eating/drinking. Sometimes, technology is great, isn't it??

Had a great time last night with the kids. Went to the arcade, to an educational store (that the kids don't know is educational ;) ), shopped for some earings, ate dinner........then off to Barnes and Noble. Bought the girls an American Girl book/stationery set. Didn't get home until after 10:00pm. Whew!! Needless to say, school didn't start on time today. They are doing their math work right now. We might be going to school until dinner tonight. :p But last night was worth the sacrifice. We (the moms) had a lot of fun and the kids had a blast.

Can't spend a lot of time on here today. Got to get school done and some cleaning.

Breakfast - 2 hb eggs, tea, splenda

Carbs - 2

Lunch - lettuce, egg, cheese, dressing, flaxseed oil

Carbs - 7

Dinner - 5 oz. roast beef, 1/2 sweet potato

Carbs - 23

Snack - 1/2 apple

Carbs = 8

Pam, your menus always look so yummy to me! I just wanted to pop in and say a quick hi! :wave2: I hope all is going well! :sunny:
It is two days after my miscarriage. I'm feeling ok. It hits me every once in a while. But overall, I think I'm doing pretty good. God is still good, and he is still in control of things even when things go wrong. I look at my 3 beautiful children, and I'm so grateful. He didn't have to give me any and he chose to give me three. He knows if there are more in my future. I'm willing to accept whatever he plans. He knows what is best for me because he knows and loves me better than anyone. :)

Just went to the doctor to check things out. My preg. hormone level went from 1900 the day before the miscarriage, to 190 the day after. Will keep getting blood tests to make sure it comes down to 0. Another check up in two weeks to make sure everything is in working order again. ;) He really didn't have any answers for me, not that I expected any. They will check my hormone levels after my next cycle.

My DH wants to lose a few pounds in his tummy, so he is doing low carb with me for a few weeks. So it's back to 20 or less carbs a day.

Tonight we are going to a Dinner Concert- Charles Billingsley, a christian contemp. singer. Tickets were bought months ago, and even though I am kind of tired and sort of want to stay home, we're going to go. Might as well. It might be good to get out and get my mind off things.

I don't know what they are going to be serving, but I'm sure there will be meat there. :teeth: This diet is so easy when you go out for dinner. As long as there's protein, you know you're OK.

Tried the new slim fast low carb shake today. Not too bad. DH wanted to try them so we picked some up at Sam's. We bought Choc. and Vanilla. I had the Choc. Pretty good. It's sweetened with splenda which is good. I think I'll use these when I'm on the run or something.

Take care everyone and have a great one.

Psalm 33:4 ............He is faithful in all He does.
Pam, I'm sending you many :hug: :hug: and will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

Take extra good care of you!


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