Our WILD Fairytale Wedding and Honeymoon Trip! And We're off!!!


I think the Tamu Tamu Courtyard looks like a fantastic place for a reception!

I was wondering what you are doing in terms of photography?
Amanda, I think it's a bit disappointing that they couldn't have done a little bit of research regarding the 'Disney' aspect of this trip. (i.e. how to get around, which parks they may be interested in):sad2:

I really hope you agreeing to somewhat 'babysit' them won't stress you out during your wedding week! It's really nice that your doing this for Eric, I"m sure it means a lot to him!

It does...after his super failure of a bachelor party I am going to do whatever I need to so that his Best Man doesn't dissapoint again. I don't think he does it on purpose but....


I think the Tamu Tamu Courtyard looks like a fantastic place for a reception!

I was wondering what you are doing in terms of photography?

Thanks! We are really excited!! We hired some great photographers that will capture everything up until the reception! Then it's party time :banana:
On a side note, I need to vent about our Best Man and his wife. They are really great people...very nice and Eric and Eric have been best friends forever.

However...they are NOT Disney people. They do not plan to go to any parks with the exception of our wedding. And that's OK! But they just don't get it.

Their mom paid for the hotel stay as a Christmas gift. We just found out a few weeks ago because they couldn't remember the name of the hotel. All they said was it's new!!

It's Pop Century:cutie: So we were super excited because they are staying on site.

Eric just called me today and repeated this conversation. For confusion puproses, Eric is my groom and Bloomer is his best man. Don't ask...

Bloomer- How do you get your bags to the hotel?
Eric- We pick them up and put them in our rental car:laughing:
Bloomer-Oh, we aren't renting a car
Eric- Well how are you going to get everywhere (Mostly wedding events...but they mentioned going to the beach)
Bloomer-We'll just take a bus
Eric- The buses only go to the Parks, you can't get to the Boardwak
Bloomer- Oh well, we'll just take the monorail.


We try to explain this stuff to them but they just don't get it...or don't care. Or maybe a bit of both.

So it ends up we are going to be their personal taxis during the week.

Monday-Pick them up and take them to dinner...and back
Tuesday- Pick Bloomer up for golf, take him back. Pick them both up for the rehearsal
Wednesday-Pick them up for the wedding. The shuttle we have for the wedding will take them back to their hotel.

I'm just a bit irrritated because it's our wedding week and now I have to babysit grown adults. I know I don't have to...but I don't want Eric to be disappointed when they don't show up somewhere because they are late or got lost.

Thanks for letting me vent!

Whoohoo! A TR & a wedding! Congrats and good luck!!

Question about your DF's best man; why can't they just take Magical Express? Forgive me if someone posted that, but I didn't finish reading yet.
Hi Amanda, I saw your post in Queen's PTR and couldn't resist checking out your PTR from the title...plus love reading about DFTW. Turns out we'll be there at the same time too :) We're going for the Royal Family 5K (3/4-3/7).

Good luck with the rest of your plans and with the Best Man issues!

Have a wonderful wedding, I'm sure it will be a "fairytale" as promised by Disney!
Whoohoo! A TR & a wedding! Congrats and good luck!!

Question about your DF's best man; why can't they just take Magical Express? Forgive me if someone posted that, but I didn't finish reading yet.
Hi and thanks for readng!!!

It's not that they can't take Magical Express but without a car it will make some of the wedding events trickier...

Monday Night- Raglan Road. Not a problem, we'll pick them up on our way
Tuesday- Golfing (boys) Eric will pick him up. Tuesday night is the rehearsal and we'll have to pick them up. Otherwise they will have to take a bus to MK and then get over to the GF and walk to the Wedding Pavilion (could be tricky since they've never been to Disney)

Wednesday-Eric will have to pick them up for all the wedding events.

It's doable. I just didn't plan on driving people around the week of our wedding.

Hi Amanda, I saw your post in Queen's PTR and couldn't resist checking out your PTR from the title...plus love reading about DFTW. Turns out we'll be there at the same time too :) We're going for the Royal Family 5K (3/4-3/7).

Good luck with the rest of your plans and with the Best Man issues!

Have a wonderful wedding, I'm sure it will be a "fairytale" as promised by Disney!
Oh how exciting!! We are hoping to run a Disney event someday. Good luck!!!

I'm sure everything will turn out great. And if the Best Man issue is our only one...well things could be worse and I should be grateful;)
Thanks for reading!
Let's talk dining shall we???

We are pretty happy with our ADR's but I figure there is ALWAYS room to improve. This was sparked last night when Df mentioned going to Jiko again (we loved it!!!)

Here are our current ADR's.

We have a 2 night ressie at AKL with the DP
4 TS credits

We then have a 7 night ressie at BWV with the DP

We are staying one night at the Poly with no DP.

Friday-Teppan Edo
Saturday-Liberty Tree
Sunday-Wolfgang Pucks
Monday-Raglan Road
Tuesday- Rehearsal dinner
Wednesday- Wedding
Thursday- Le Cellier
Friday- Whispering Canyon

So the obvious decision would be to skip Teppan Edo and Liberty Tree for Jiko. But I feel like that might be a waste of the DP.

But at the same time, for $200 could we have 4 CS and a dinner? I mean if I trade those two in for Jiko we could use our CS from Friday for lunch and dinner on Saturday and snacks for breakfast.

We had a great dinner at Jiko last time. I could honestly take or leave Liberty Tree but Df likes it.

So what would your pick be?
Hi Mandy!
I would encourage your BM to either rent his own car or plan on using Disney transportation. We had to cart around a member of our bridal party and it was a hassle and a pain and if I could do it over again, I would have told him to shove it. What happened with the Bachelor party? I bet there's a story there!!

I personally would skip LTT and Teppan. You can get Stouffers at home and there is a Japanese place on every corner. You don't get Jiko everywhere!
Hi Mandy!
I would encourage your BM to either rent his own car or plan on using Disney transportation. We had to cart around a member of our bridal party and it was a hassle and a pain and if I could do it over again, I would have told him to shove it. What happened with the Bachelor party? I bet there's a story there!!

I personally would skip LTT and Teppan. You can get Stouffers at home and there is a Japanese place on every corner. You don't get Jiko everywhere!

Hey Lindsay!!

Trust me...that's what I want to say!!

Today's update...he talked to his best man again and Eric kinda questioned what his wife would be doing the day they go golfing.

Apparently hanging out with me.:scared1:

Except I'm spending the morning with my dad, Kayaking and then EPCOT.


Quick story about the bachelor party.

Best Man only invited one other person besides Eric. When he arrived at their house they watched a bit of the SU game before heading to a local casino. They stopped at Taco Bell on the way. After staying at the casino for 2 hours, they headed home stopping at Burger King.

That's it...see I told you it was quick.:mad:

They couldn't be bothered to even pick up his fast food for him and made him chip in $5. The both dropped $200 (Each) at the casino but told Eric the basketball game that THEY suggested they go to was too expensive.

Apparently they mentioned something about doing a "Real" bachelor party the night before the wedding.:headache:

In a city they don't know...while on vacation with their families....

Hey Lindsay!!

Trust me...that's what I want to say!!

Today's update...he talked to his best man again and Eric kinda questioned what his wife would be doing the day they go golfing.

Apparently hanging out with me.:scared1:

Except I'm spending the morning with my dad, Kayaking and then EPCOT.


Quick story about the bachelor party.

Best Man only invited one other person besides Eric. When he arrived at their house they watched a bit of the SU game before heading to a local casino. They stopped at Taco Bell on the way. After staying at the casino for 2 hours, they headed home stopping at Burger King.

That's it...see I told you it was quick.:mad:

They couldn't be bothered to even pick up his fast food for him and made him chip in $5. The both dropped $200 (Each) at the casino but told Eric the basketball game that THEY suggested they go to was too expensive.

Apparently they mentioned something about doing a "Real" bachelor party the night before the wedding.:headache:

In a city they don't know...while on vacation with their families....


What a mess with your BM, you would think people would realize it's your wedding, and they should be doing whatever it takes to make your day special, not making you worry about all that! I would suggest having them take the Magical Express, and then pick them up for the other stuff, or see if someone else can do it who will be there for the wedding.

I deff. don't think you should have to entertain your BM's wife while the guys golf either. You have a special day planned with your dad and it will be your last day before you are married, I'm sure he is excited to spend that time with you.

Oh my, the bachelor party! I know my DF would be very upset too. His brother recently got married and he was the best man, he threw his brother a HUGE bachelor party with 50+ people and spent a lot of money, which he did not have BTW, as any good BM should do!

Sorry to vent myself! :lmao: that just makes me mad!

Anyway, dinning choices sound great. I have never been to Jiko, but am planning on going in December, and I am really excited. It looks like such a romantic place. Liberty tree is nice too. I would lean towards doing Jiko though.
Hi! I finally got over to your PTR. I'm so excited to hear about your fairy tale wedding and honeymoon! popcorn:: Your plans look great so far.
What a mess with your BM, you would think people would realize it's your wedding, and they should be doing whatever it takes to make your day special, not making you worry about all that! I would suggest having them take the Magical Express, and then pick them up for the other stuff, or see if someone else can do it who will be there for the wedding.

I deff. don't think you should have to entertain your BM's wife while the guys golf either. You have a special day planned with your dad and it will be your last day before you are married, I'm sure he is excited to spend that time with you.

Oh my, the bachelor party! I know my DF would be very upset too. His brother recently got married and he was the best man, he threw his brother a HUGE bachelor party with 50+ people and spent a lot of money, which he did not have BTW, as any good BM should do!

Sorry to vent myself! :lmao: that just makes me mad!

Anyway, dinning choices sound great. I have never been to Jiko, but am planning on going in December, and I am really excited. It looks like such a romantic place. Liberty tree is nice too. I would lean towards doing Jiko though.
Thanks Amy!! They are really nice people, but for some reason they are just kind of all over the place!!

I know Df didn't expect them to spend a lot of money, but I think he just expected a little more effort, ya know??

Anyway, regardless of what happens I know we are going to have a great trip!

Hi! I finally got over to your PTR. I'm so excited to hear about your fairy tale wedding and honeymoon! popcorn:: Your plans look great so far.

Hi! Thanks for reading!!!

We are still trying to decide on our dining plans. We are considering going to Teppan Edo OOP and keeping the DP for breakfast, lunch, and Jiko!!! Hopefully this week we'll get everything nailed down.

Oh and I just did my taxes...yay for a refund!! That's vacation money right there!!:cool1:
WOHOO!! I just found you PTR....now I am going to have something to do tonight!!!! (yup, that is what my saturday night is consisting of). It is coming up so soon, yay!
WOHOO!! I just found you PTR....now I am going to have something to do tonight!!!! (yup, that is what my saturday night is consisting of). It is coming up so soon, yay!
YAY! Hi!!! I can't believe it...tomorrow I get to say we are leaving THIS MONTH!!:cool1:

Congrats on the Wedding!! I would have loved to have gotten married in WDW.

Hi and thanks for reading!!!

So since I used to be a CM there isn't a whole lot I haven't done, attraction wise anyway. This will be Eric and my 3rd trip together so I figured I would make a list of things we still haven't done.

-Space Mountain. I really hope he likes this...he was suprisingly dissapointed with ToT!!
-Lights. Motors. Action!
-Swiss Family Robinson
-Jungle Cruise during the day
-Honey I Shrunk the Audience

Some things Eric is really looking forward too:
-Everything at AK (lol it's his favorite park!)
-Anything with animatronics (lol I found someone who loves Carousel of Progress as much as me!!!)

We also made a decision on our ADR's...as much I wanted to go back to Jiko Eric suggested that we try some new things:scared1: :rotfl:

So we are keeping Teppan Edo and Saturday night we are going to try The Wave or Grand Floridian Cafe. We both agreed we could take or leave Liberty Tree but since we'll be at the MK we'd like to stay close by.

26 days and counting!
I've never eaten at the Wave but I've heard it's good. The Grand Floridian Cafe is nice, but it's all "normal" food like burgers and pasta. Nothing I would go out of my way to eat at, just good if your staying at the GF or if you know your going to be there for something.
We ate the The Wave on Dec 4th and it wasn't very good. We had a crab cake appetizer and that was probably the best part of the meal. We were really looking forward to the meal too. Service was great, restaurant was great, but food lacked.

We really enjoyed Teppen Edo, but we left hungry. The food and "show" were excellent, but there just didn't seem to be enough food and we're not huge eaters. We thought it was just us, until the family next to us said the same thing when the Chef left.

I almost forgot, bread pudding at Ragland Road, was awesome. The food there was very good too we enjoyed that meal, I just learned that you don't eat outside in December after the sun goes down, it gets cold.

Times getting closer Mandy, I'm excited for you.
I've never eaten at the Wave but I've heard it's good. The Grand Floridian Cafe is nice, but it's all "normal" food like burgers and pasta. Nothing I would go out of my way to eat at, just good if your staying at the GF or if you know your going to be there for something.

We ate the The Wave on Dec 4th and it wasn't very good. We had a crab cake appetizer and that was probably the best part of the meal. We were really looking forward to the meal too. Service was great, restaurant was great, but food lacked.

But really on the trip, our favorite meal was Teppen Edo, but we left hungry. The food and "show" were excellent, but there just didn't seem to be enough food and we're not huge eaters. We thought it was just us, until the family next to us said the same thing when the Chef left.

Times getting closer Mandy, I'm excited for you.

Oh you guys just confused me, lol. I've eaten lunch at the GF cafe and enjoyed it. I am off to go double check menu's and see what we'd like better.

Eric and I have been stocking up on clothes for the trip. We went on a bit of a Target shopping spree the other night:rolleyes1 We got lots of plain t's, tanks, a new bathing suit for Eric, socks...etc. It was a lot of fun. He also got his rehearsal dinner outfit:woohoo: He got a great pair of khaki colored golf pants from Dick's which will be great for golf after the rehearsal.

I also got him a great personalized Golf shirt from The Disney Store that has a vintage Mickey and his name...plus a personalized golf towel. Right now I'm shopping for a few more shirts.

Thanks for your opinions on our Adrs:flower3:
YAY! Hi!!! I can't believe it...tomorrow I get to say we are leaving THIS MONTH!!:cool1:

Hi and thanks for reading!!!

So since I used to be a CM there isn't a whole lot I haven't done, attraction wise anyway. This will be Eric and my 3rd trip together so I figured I would make a list of things we still haven't done.

-Space Mountain. I really hope he likes this...he was suprisingly dissapointed with ToT!!
-Lights. Motors. Action!
-Swiss Family Robinson
-Jungle Cruise during the day
-Honey I Shrunk the Audience

Some things Eric is really looking forward too:
-Everything at AK (lol it's his favorite park!)
-Anything with animatronics (lol I found someone who loves Carousel of Progress as much as me!!!)

We also made a decision on our ADR's...as much I wanted to go back to Jiko Eric suggested that we try some new things:scared1: :rotfl:

So we are keeping Teppan Edo and Saturday night we are going to try The Wave or Grand Floridian Cafe. We both agreed we could take or leave Liberty Tree but since we'll be at the MK we'd like to stay close by.

26 days and counting!

Hi! Joining in. :woohoo: Still need to go back and read the other pages.

I was NOT a fan of Space Mountain at Disneyworld. Thankfully, neither is my hubs.

I really like Lights, Motors, Action. It's intersting and entertaining.

Oh you guys just confused me, lol. I've eaten lunch at the GF cafe and enjoyed it. I am off to go double check menu's and see what we'd like better.

Eric and I have been stocking up on clothes for the trip. We went on a bit of a Target shopping spree the other night:rolleyes1 We got lots of plain t's, tanks, a new bathing suit for Eric, socks...etc. It was a lot of fun. He also got his rehearsal dinner outfit:woohoo: He got a great pair of khaki colored golf pants from Dick's which will be great for golf after the rehearsal.

I also got him a great personalized Golf shirt from The Disney Store that has a vintage Mickey and his name...plus a personalized golf towel. Right now I'm shopping for a few more shirts.

Thanks for your opinions on our Adrs:flower3:

This post needs pictures! I want to see the personalized shirt and towel!
Hi :wave:

Just popping over from my PTR, saw yours on your siggy and just had to come and check it out :)

You guys are so cute.

Your plans sound so exciting, checking into AKL and BWV, not to mention the Poly too. What an awesome wedding and disneymoon this will be :goodvibes

How cool that you will be having a Dessert Party and in the UK Pavillion and a great way to gather together before the big day :) Loving the dessert menu too :goodvibes

How awesome that your reception is in AK Harambe, that pic makes it looks so beautiful, like you are in the boma on Safari :)

Love the Disney Bride and Groom t shirts, esp the Disney Bride one.

I think you should try and convince BM to rent because its not fair to expect you and DF to chauffeur them around, even if you weren't planning a wedding. I am sure that DF would not be disappointed and that he would understand completely.

I am secretly glad that you are going to Teppan, it is a great restaurant with a great atmosphere :thumbsup2


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