Our Honeymoon Redo! PTR: 11/15/15 - 11/20/15 - Trip Report Link!

11/18/15: Revisited - ?/Hollywood Studios

This is the day I’m struggling with a bit. I know I want to spend the afternoon in Hollywood Studios so I can FINALLY catch F!. Yes, I am one of those people that have NOT seen this yet! My struggle right now is the plans for the morning.

I was thinking this might be a good opportunity for us to sleep in a bit. However, my sleeping in is very different than Keith’s. I’m from the same school as our friend @Tracy161. My idea of sleeping in is about 8am, but Keith could easily sleep to noon with no issue. So, I talked to him over the weekend about the possibility of letting him sleep in while I went on my own. I was surprised when he said no and that he would go along with me. We will see how this actually plays out during the trip, I could see him changing his mind when we are actually there and in those comfy beds I keep hearing about at CSR.

My original thought was to head back to Epcot, but after looking at the calendars it appears that AK has AM EMH. I know not everyone is a big fan of EMH hours and advise to stay away from the parks on those days, but I’m thinking Keith and I could make good use of this time. We have both said we want to explore AK a bit more this trip because we haven’t done so in the past. So, I think this might work out well for us. This would be a good opportunity to catch anything we missed the day before, and redo our favorites and with it be AM EMH I think we could do all of this without the use of FP+ which I would like to save for HS later that evening. However, the whole sleeping in thing would be completely out the window on this one. I guess it will come down to what kind of mood we are in and what we feel like doing.

I honestly do not have a laid out plan for this day because I like the idea of having some unplanned time, and without having any FP+ for that morning we can decide to go to whatever park we want or stay around the resort. Wherever we end up will use a QS for lunch. Now when it comes to food I do like to have some type of plan. J Here are some QS options depending on which plan we end up going with, I’m thinking we should have an earlier lunch since we have an early ADR for Dinner (so glad we finally have those lined up):

Animal Kingdom: Restaurantosaurus or Pizzafari

Epcot: Sunshine Seasons, Liberty Inn or Yorkshire County Fish Shop

CSR: Pepper Market or Siesta’s Cantina

Magic Kingdom: Maybe this is where I could possibly squeeze in a lunch at BOG (even though I don’t think Keith will be a big fan of the lunch menu…just a thought). I will have to keep checking for an ADR for an early lunch on this day.

Well, after our unknown morning, we will head over to Hollywood Studios for the afternoon/evening. I will be selecting Fast Passes for this visit. Here are my thoughts on the plan:

· 12:00pm: Leave for HS

· 1:00pm: Estimated arrival…really depends where we will be coming from that morning

· I would like to head over and take a ride on the Great Movie Ride.

· 2:00pm-3:00pm Tower of Terror (FP+)

· 3:00pm-4:00pm: Star Tours (FP+)

· 4:35pm: Sci-Fi…ADR made and confirmed!!!! I am very happy with this time because I feel it will give us plenty of time to eat and enjoy one of DH’s favorites!

· 5:30pm-6:30pm: Toy Story Mania (FP+) – my plan is to go on this right after dinner and then head over to F! area. So, I’m hoping to get on this as close to 5:30 as possible.

· 6:00pm: Head over to F! to scope out a place to watch the show. For everyone who has seen this show…does this give me enough time to find a decent seat for the two of us for 7pm showing?

· 7:00pm: F! Woohoo…looking forward to seeing this for the first time!

· 7:30pm: Head out with the crowds...we might head over to MK since they have PM EMH hours this night until 10pm. We will have to see how we feel.

So, there it is our ?/HS day! I like keeping the morning open for different possibilities. If I was a betting woman, I think we will end up in Animal Kingdom, but then again who knows! I think that is what I like about this day...that and F!
I like the crazy plan!!! Jumping all over you can do all four parks in ONE DAY!!! :)

I hope you all wake up in enough time to do it all!!!
you have two of my FAVORITE rides ever.. ToT and Star tours!!! Just LOVE THEM!!!
we will be in Epcot this day!
I like the crazy plan!!! Jumping all over you can do all four parks in ONE DAY!!! :)

I hope you all wake up in enough time to do it all!!!
you have two of my FAVORITE rides ever.. ToT and Star tours!!! Just LOVE THEM!!!
we will be in Epcot this day!

You never know...we might end up there too! LOL!!
Real Life Update: Memorial Day Weekend – Gatlinburg Trip with the kids!

So, I thought I would share a Real Life update and provide a mini-trip report on our family trip to Gatlinburg this past weekend with the kids!

Keith and I decided at the last minute to price out a quick trip to Gatlinburg, TN with the kids over the Holiday Weekend. I lucked out and found a hotel with some availability (and decent price), and I was somewhat familiar with the hotel because it was where some of Emma’s Dance Studio Parents/Kids stayed when we were there for her Dance Competition. So, I booked 2 nights at the Oak Tree Lodge in Sevierville, TN (short drive from Gatlinburg and home of Dolly Parton!).

5/22/15: Finished up with work at 5pm and started packing. Luckily, Keith had done the laundry…well his version (wash, dry and throw in a laundry basket…no folding involved). So, as I was folding the laundry I threw what we needed into the suitcase.

I soon discovered that Keith did not get all the dirty clothes into the laundry because I could not find any of his clean shirts. I looked in the bathroom and lo and behold a pile of dirty clothes…UGH! I packed what I could and went down to get the kids situated for dinner and into bed since I was planning for an early departure.

After dinner and a bath I got Joey into bed, and fell asleep myself…oops! So, that was the end of the day before we left…not exactly as I had planned!

5/23/15: I woke up around 2am and went downstairs and proceeded to wash the rest of the laundry and get the rest of the packing done. Joey woke up from a bad dream around 5am so I went back to his room and fell asleep again (ugh…I blame it on his dark and cool room). My plan was to wake up around 6am so we could be on the road by 8am, well that didn’t happen. I woke up at 7:15…UGH! Oh well.

I got the family fed, the rest of the packing taken care and everyone ready and out the door by 9:15.


Let's go!

The drive from my house to Gatlinburg takes between 3.5-4 hours. We got a ways down the road and stopped for an early lunch at Hardees. The kids were getting a bit restless and hungry which is never a good combination.


After some lunch we hit the road again.


Time to break out the shades!

We arrived at the hotel a little before 2pm and luckily they had our room ready for us. The kids had spotted the pool with splash pad and slide, so I knew we would be making our way over there at some point.

I took the kids up to the room while Keith unloaded the car. Once I had unpacked (yes, I’m one of those that likes to unpack everything even if it’s just for 2 nights), we asked the kids what they wanted to do and of course it was swimming. I was fine with this because we had been in the car so this would help them get their yayas out! After getting the kids in their swimming suits I realized I had forgot to pack the sunscreen…oops! So, Keith offered to run down to the store to get it while I took the kids to the pool.

We had a blast down at the pool and my “baby” went down the slide with his sister!! He loved it! Joey started to get a bit cranky so I decided to get out with him and lay on one of the lounge chairs and let Emma play with some friends she had made. The pool was located right by the main street so I could see the traffic was bad and this helped explain what was taking Keith so long with the sunscreen. Joey ended up falling asleep for a bit while laying on me, I made sure to cover him with some towels because he inherited my Mom’s British pasty skin!


That is the top of his head peeking out from under the towel.

Keith soon arrived with the sunscreen and he played with Emma in the pool for awhile. Joey ended up waking up and I decided to take him back up to the room. So, Joey and I had some Mommy/Son time…he had some snacks and played with his play doh we had brought with us.

Keith and Emma came back to the room not too long after us. We decided to get dressed and go for a ride to find something for dinner. Of course everything was super crowded because of the Holiday, and Joey was a bit overwhelmed and tired since he didn’t get a true nap. Keith took me and Joey back to the hotel and he and Emma went to grab something from the Olive Garden which was right next to hotel (so much for trying something we can’t get at home). They brought me back something to eat, and then they headed back out to check out the Outlet Mall across the street while I got Joey ready for bed.

We brought an air mattress for him to sleep on and he loved it and was asleep pretty quickly…poor baby. I barely remember Keith and Emma coming back to the room, they were both asleep soon after they got back.

5/24/15: I woke up about 6:30 thanks to Mr. Joey. I figured I might as well get up to start getting things ready for us to head out for the day. I got up and spotted a Disney Store bag…WHAT????? Apparently, there was a Disney Store over at the Outlet Mall across the street…woohoo. Emma had picked out a Winnie the Pooh Tsum Tsum for her brother and he LOVED it (what a great big sister)! She had picked out a Marie for herself which Joey promptly started calling Hello Kitty…LOL. These were such a big hit we knew we would be heading back there to start a collection. (see there is some Disney in this Real Life Update).

Emma and I went down to partake in the free continental breakfast and brought some stuff back up for the boys. Once everyone was fed and dressed we were on our way and heading to Gatlinburg.

We parked and started checking out the shops and different activities…I forgot just how much there is to see there. One of the first stores we stopped in we had these made for the kids



The weather was perfect that morning and it was so nice to be outside and enjoying the time together as a family.



Joey was not in the mood for a photo shoot at this time!

Emma and Keith checked out one of the arcades while Joey and I walked around outside (the boy loves to be outside). About this time we were starting to get a bit hungry and decided to stop for lunch. Our choice was Johnny Rockets. This is always a fun environment for the kids, and not to mention the cheeseburgers are yummy!

Once we had lunch we headed over to the Skylift for Emma and I to ride…this is definitely a no-no for Keith…he does not like heights. Emma was a bit nervous but ended up enjoying it.


The view from the top!


On the way back down

After that we decided to head over to the Outlet Mall (aka: Disney Store) and back to the hotel.

We made it to the Outlet Mall and found a close spot to the Disney Store. Both kids picked out 4 more tsums tsums (using the money their Mamaw gave them for the trip). At this point, Joey was hitting his limit so we headed back to the hotel.

I got Joey down for a nap while Keith took Emma to a place called Wonderworks. It’s basically an inside amusement park/science museum type of thing. Joey took a pretty long nap (2.5 hours), and I just enjoyed the quiet time in the room.

Keith and Emma grabbed some Subway for dinner on the way back from Wonderworks to eat in the room. After dinner we all headed down to the pool…we started at the outside pool, but then headed for the indoor pool hoping for a bit more quiet (not so lucky).

We all went back up to the room and got ready for bed. Joey ended up not being as excited about the air mattress and woke up around 2am and ready to play. Keith ended up getting him back to sleep. So, none of us had a real restful sleep thanks to Mr. Bud.

5/25/15: I woke up about 6:15 and started packing everything up since we would be heading home that day. We headed out about 9:15 and decided to go for a drive in the mountains. It was just a pretty view and Emma was hoping to see some bears…I however was very happy we did not come across any!!

We went to Pigeon Forge around 10am to a place called The Island…it has a bunch of little shops and restaurants. The kids and I rode The Wheel (a huge 200 foot Ferris Wheel that have little air conditioned gondolas that you sit in…again this was a no go for Keith). It was a fun ride and an amazing view.



That little tiny red dot would be Keith!


After our ride we headed over to grab some lunch. I just have to say I will be glad when Joey can sit through a meal at a restaurant without me having to inhale my food and try to entertain him! Luckily, the hostess took a liking to him and kept him occupied for a bit while we finished our lunch.

We then decided to go look at some of the shops. Keith took the kids to one of the toy stores while I went to check out the Thomas Kinkade store, where I saw these beauties:



See I fit Disney in this update again!!!

Oh, how I would love to have these in my home...a girl can dream! After a quick potty break we caught the tram back to the parking area where Emma proceeded to tell me it reminded her of the Disney Tram (but she quickly added Disney’s tram was better…I had to agree).

We loaded everyone up in the car and decided to head home…we took a more scenic route home and went through Cherokee and Maggie Valley. All in all it was a fun trip, but Keith and I are definitely looking forward to our trip next weekend to DC…just the two of us! It will be good practice for our Disney Trip!

I hope you all enjoyed this real life update!
I will be certain to yell out POLO! I think you will be easy to spot with those 3 cute little munchkins of yours!! :)

What are ya trying to say? We are loud and boisterous?

well can't argue with that.

what a great weekend you had! and SCORE on an outlet!!!!! woohooo!!!!!!! love little weekend getaways.. need to take more of them!!!
I think your 11/18 plans look great! It will be good to have some unplanned time, especially since you are on an adults-only trip! We have tried Pizzafari, and it was okay but I wasn't blown away or anything. I thought I'd throw out the suggestion of Yak and Yeti. Y&Y has both table service and quick service. We enjoyed the QS very much on our last trip. Also, we always love going to the outdoor Dawa Bar in Africa (right outside of Tusker House). It is a fabulous place to rest, grab a beverage (alcoholic or not), enjoy the outdoors and people watch and even watch the drummers/band if you get there at the right time. :)
I think your 11/18 plans look great! It will be good to have some unplanned time, especially since you are on an adults-only trip! We have tried Pizzafari, and it was okay but I wasn't blown away or anything. I thought I'd throw out the suggestion of Yak and Yeti. Y&Y has both table service and quick service. We enjoyed the QS very much on our last trip. Also, we always love going to the outdoor Dawa Bar in Africa (right outside of Tusker House). It is a fabulous place to rest, grab a beverage (alcoholic or not), enjoy the outdoors and people watch and even watch the drummers/band if you get there at the right time. :)

Thanks for the feedback on Pizzafari and the suggestion on Y&Y...I will keep that one in mind!! I'm hoping for more of the opportunity to just sit back and enjoy things and take in the atmosphere, and sitting there with a yummy drink and watching the drummers is a great example of what I hope we can do on this trip! :)
I absolutely adore Thomas Kinkade's Disney prints. Someday I'll have a few in my house... Someday... :cloud9:
Lots to catch up on --
WOOHOO! Congrats on free dining and your upgrade to CSR! I thought it was absolutely beautiful when I stayed there but if you get put in some of the further buildings and don't have the patience to wait for the bus loop it can be a decent trek to the main dining area so the closer you can get, the better!

I'm glad you were able to get most of the reservations you wanted -- looks like you've got some yummy choices!
I absolutely adore Thomas Kinkade's Disney prints. Someday I'll have a few in my house... Someday... :cloud9:

They are all so beautiful! :)

Lots to catch up on --
WOOHOO! Congrats on free dining and your upgrade to CSR! I thought it was absolutely beautiful when I stayed there but if you get put in some of the further buildings and don't have the patience to wait for the bus loop it can be a decent trek to the main dining area so the closer you can get, the better!

I'm glad you were able to get most of the reservations you wanted -- looks like you've got some yummy choices!

I'm so excited about CSR! I noticed it is definitely spread out, but we will have our rental car with us since we are driving down from NC. We usually opt to drive to the parks, but we usually have the kids with us and it's easier with them in the car. So, we might give the buses a try. We shall see :)
Ok Gang, I'm back from my trip with DH to Washington, DC. Overall it was a wonderful trip and I plan on doing a mini-TR once the pics are uploaded to the computer. We will just say there was a point we missed our babies so bad that there was actually talk about not going to Disney in November!!!!! However, we ultimately decided to keep the trip in place. I will share all the details soon! I missed you guys and I'm in the process of catching up on everyone's TR/PTRs!
Washington DC - 5/29/15: Travel Day!
Thank you for indulging me while I share some RL updates about our DC Trip :)

5/29/15: We had a very early start to our day. Our train was scheduled to leave at 7am from Charlotte. My wonderful brother-in-law agreed to drive us to the station so we didn’t have to leave our car parked at the station (which is not located in the greatest part of Charlotte). We left our house at about 5:15 and were at his house at 5:30. He was already for us and we left our car at his house and headed to the station.

We arrived at the station at 6am and got all checked in, before we knew it we were boarding the train. My Mom and I had taken the train for our trip to DC back in 2009, but this was the first time my DH had been on the train to DC in 30 years (he went on a school trip when he was in elementary school). We grabbed our seats in Coach and got settled in. Compared to airplane seats there was a lot of room to stretch out some.


All was well until we got to the Cary, Raleigh and Durham stations. At each of these stations groups of people got on that were all traveling together to DC for a Comic Con type of event. They were all very excited to see each other which is completely understandable, however that excitement lasted the ENTIRE time to DC. They were all so loud the entire rest of the trip…so much for a relaxing train ride to DC.

We ran about an hour and half behind schedule and arrived in DC at 6pm. We collected our stuff and grabbed our checked suitcase. On our way out of the station we stopped and bought out tour bus tickets. We used Big Bus Tours and it was a double decker bus tour that was good for 48 hours, and you could hop on/hop off at the different stops. We also got a few free tickets to other attractions with this package, the total cost was $118 total for the 2 of us. This is when I also found out that our hotel was a stop on the red/blue loop…score!!

We walked to our hotel (Hyatt – Regency) which was only 3 blocks away from Union Station. The hotel was very nice and it felt great to drop off our bags and freshen up a bit after being on the train for so long. We decided it would probably be easiest to just walk back to Union Station to grab some dinner because we knew they had a bunch of choices there and it would be quick and easy.

We headed back that way and grabbed some dinner…nothing exciting at all. I had some Teriyaki Chicken and Keith opted for Taco Bell (really??? All the way to DC for Taco Bell??). We also grabbed some items for breakfast the next morning, and then headed back to the hotel. We were both pretty warn out because we had been up early and I knew I wanted to get an relatively early start the next day because we only had 2 full days in DC. We checked in with my Mom to see how Joey was doing (this was only about the 10th time we had checked in…thank God for texting). My Mom then told me I had a limit of 3 calls/texts a day because I was supposed to be on vacation…yeah, that didn’t happen! He was having a blast having his Nanny all to himself. We called Emma and told her Good Night and we fell asleep soon after that!
Opinions Needed!!!

Ok, Gang! As you all know I was not able to grab a dinner ADR at 'Ohana on 11/16 (still trying but no success yet). I reserved The Plaza Restaurant as a back up, but the other day I was able to snag a dinner ADR at 8:20 at Whispering Canyon. I have never eaten there before so I would love for you to share your opinions on the dinner! I have read about the antics that take place there and think that will be so funny, but I'm curious about what your thoughts are on about the food. So, please share your thoughts and opinions :)
I love this picture! :rotfl2:

Ok, Gang! As you all know I was not able to grab a dinner ADR at 'Ohana on 11/16 (still trying but no success yet). I reserved The Plaza Restaurant as a back up, but the other day I was able to snag a dinner ADR at 8:20 at Whispering Canyon. I have never eaten there before so I would love for you to share your opinions on the dinner! I have read about the antics that take place there and think that will be so funny, but I'm curious about what your thoughts are on about the food. So, please share your thoughts and opinions :)
I say 100% go with WCC. I went in 2009, and had a GREAT time, and the food was awesome. Not to mention those BOTTOMLESS MILKSHAKES! Do it, girl! :thumbsup2
I love this picture! :rotfl2:

I say 100% go with WCC. I went in 2009, and had a GREAT time, and the food was awesome. Not to mention those BOTTOMLESS MILKSHAKES! Do it, girl! :thumbsup2

I'm so glad to read that you like WCC, Billie! I've heard mixed reviews about the food, but I guess that is like any other place. I'm still holding out hope for Ohana for this night, but I really think WCC is a strong back up!
Another step taken for our trip! I just reserved our rental car with Enterprise Rental Car. We will be picking it up the day before we are scheduled to leave and returning it the day after we get back (7days total). I reserved an Intermediate Size and it came to $200, I think that is a pretty good price for a week and for that size of a car. It's getting real!!!! :)
Can't wait to hear about your DC trip!!! love that picture on the train!!! so funny.

congrats on your rental car too!


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