Our Grandest Trip Ever... Literally! - August 2019 PTR *TR LINK POSTED 8/25*

Woo your trip is getting so close!

I remember how tough it was to say goodbye to college friends from so far away. I had friends from college that lived in Hawaii and Guam that i haven’t seen since. The good thing about social media these days is it’s super easy to keep in touch still. One semester is sooo close to being done!!
That's so exciting!! That's such a great way to look at it too because 99 days never seems so bad!! I always find the problem with summer trips or late summer trips is that I don't want to wish my whole summer away even though thats usually what I end up doing! lol

99 days definitely doesn't seem bad at all!!

In the past, I was REALLY bad with wishing away my summers for our Disney trips, which almost always happened in August. This summer, I'm really trying to take everything slowly-- it's my last summer as an undergrad, so I definitely want to appreciate summer break while I can!!

Woo your trip is getting so close!

I remember how tough it was to say goodbye to college friends from so far away. I had friends from college that lived in Hawaii and Guam that i haven’t seen since. The good thing about social media these days is it’s super easy to keep in touch still. One semester is sooo close to being done!!

So close!!

I said goodbye to my best friend yesterday and it was definitely hard. Thankfully, like you said, social media makes keeping in touch so easy! Just one semester away from my degree!!
The Worst Last Day of School Ever?
Oh boy, do I have a story to tell you guys. :upsidedow I'm NORMALLY being dramatic when I call something "The Worst ____ Ever" but yesterday was QUITE LITERALLY the worst last day of school I've had in my entire life, but naturally, since I lived to tell the tale, I now HAVE to tell the tale. It's my sworn duty as a DISBoards OverSharer™. Disclaimer: I'm safe and healthy(ish) and nobody else died or got hurt, but... whew.

So yesterday, I was supposed to take my last two finals. The plan was to take those finals and spend Friday packing up the rest of my dorm and saying goodbye to my friends who are graduating before my parents picked me up at 6:00 in the evening. I was super prepared for my finals, I had been studying for about two weeks, I was ready to knock out this semester. And then the semester knocked out me.

I was sitting in my dorm, studying for my last final. Admittedly, I had been stressed about my last two exams all week, and in hindsight, it's obvious that I wasn't getting enough water. I was reading through the study guide, and there was about an hour left before I had to take my first of two finals. So I slide my chair back and stand up to go to the bathroom. As I stand up, I hear the most horrendous cracking sound in the entire world and I feel the worst pain I've ever felt in my life on my lower back.


So I, of course, immediately start panicking. I sit back down again and that's when I realize this is not just some regular back pain. I did something WRONG somehow. And I have two finals to take, and I have to pack my dorm up. I call my mom first, who tells me to go to the ER if it hurts, but that is the last thing I want to do in this scenario, so I take three Advils, I take a deep breath, and I tell myself to calm down. I have to go take this final.

I grab a book that needs to be returned to the campus bookstore, I pack my backpack, and I slowly start making my way over to campus which is less than a block away from me.

I return the book and as I'm making my way up to my classroom, I come to the conclusion that there is absolutely 100% no way that I can take this final. So I ask to speak to my professor outside of class and just start crying. Like sobbing to her about how bad my back hurts and she is thankfully SUPER understanding of the whole thing, she tells me to go lie down and see me in her office later to make the final up or we can figure something else out.

I HAVE to go to this evening final, so I go back to my dorm to see if laying down and putting on an icy hot patch help. That absolutely does not work and 10 minutes later, I call my mom and tell her that I have to go to the ER. Remember how I said I was lucky that my campus was less than a block away from my dorm? Well I was even LUCKIER this day, because NY Presbyterian hospital is literally the building that I have to walk past to get to my dorm. So I slowly make my way over there and get admitted to the ER. I have never been to the ER, so I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but everyone there was so helpful and kind. I get admitted, and mom and dad text me that they're on their way home so they can pick up Grace and come to me.

I basically sat in the ER for 2.5(ish?) hours. The Dr. told me I had a muscle spasm in my lower back, so they tried two different pain killers with me. They gave me something that didn't work, and then an hour later, they gave me Percocet which helped a little bit and also put me to sleep in the ER.

The family gets there around 3:30 and I'm discharged, then they come with me up to my dorm. Most of my stuff had been moved out last week, but Grace and mom are really great and pack up the rest of my stuff for me so I can just go home after I take my second final.

I worked out something with that first professor I spoke to, but my evening class professor? He's not budging. I'm going in to take this final. Time to do the darn thing, WITH my hospital bracelet still on my wrist. My sorority sister took an AMAZING photo of me walking into this final with my bracelet on, but the caption has some non-DIS language, so I won't attach it here. My professor knows the situation, so he's kind of understanding, but since there's no way for me to take this exam at any other time I have to take it then and there. I end up not completing it-- we were supposed to do 5 essay questions, I did 3 before I absolutely could not focus any longer because of my back. He accepted it, but I don't know what my grade is going to look like.


I leave the final exam and I start bawling to my parents about how everything went today. They come with me back up to my dorm to move everything into dad's truck and I get signed out of my dorm. There was ONE bit of good news today-- my roommate/best friend had gotten out of work early that day, so he was around and I was able to wish him goodbye in person before my family and I went back to NJ. He and my Big ended up being the only people I was able to say goodbye to in person, which I'm happy about, because they're the two most important people in my life that are leaving and will be far, far, away from me.

So now I'm back in NJ. The hospital prescribed me some pain killers, so I'm veeeerrrrrryyyyyy slooooooowwwwllyyyyy getting a little bit better. I think it hurts more when I'm sitting down, so I try to get up and walk around the kitchen and living room every once in a while. I'm also drinking a LOT of water, since that seems to be part of the reason I had a muscle spasm.

So that was my last day of Spring 2019. :upsidedow I had to write this down somewhere, I'm still processing the events of yesterday and writing has always been what helped me make sense of things. It was definitely a day for the books. I can say with 100% sincerity that I have never felt more grateful to be back in NJ. I'm blessed to have an amazing family, blessed to have amazing college friends, and blessed to be home and not in the hospital with something any more serious than a muscle spasm. I am SO looking forward to the next three months... so here's to summer 19, I guess? Started off on a rocky note, but I have so much to look forward to and I'm in a great place to relax and recover.

That me running all the way from NH to NJ to shower you with love, pixie dust and emotional and physical support. The worst day ever happening on the worst day for it to happen, nuh-uh, that is CANCELLED.
Oh my goodness! Bless your heart! I'm so sorry your semester ended that way, but I'm glad you've got some pain meds that seem to be helping. Sending lots of pixie dust your way!!
How awful of your professor for your second exam to give you absolutely no slack! Maybe when it comes time to grade they'll be kind and exclude those questions? I mean you had your hospital bracelet on!!!

Hopefully you'll recover soon to enjoy your awesome summer! I mean I guess at least it happened during school and not at Disney? :confused3

Priorities right :rotfl:

That me running all the way from NH to NJ to shower you with love, pixie dust and emotional and physical support. The worst day ever happening on the worst day for it to happen, nuh-uh, that is CANCELLED.


That me accepting and RETURNING ten-fold the love, pixie dust, and support!!!! This day was TRULY cancelled but I knew I had to write about it here because wow I can't wait to look on this moment when I'm feeling down and remind myself that at one point in my life, I went basically straight from the ER to a final exam.

Oh my goodness! Bless your heart! I'm so sorry your semester ended that way, but I'm glad you've got some pain meds that seem to be helping. Sending lots of pixie dust your way!!

Thank you so much, hun!! The pain meds are definitely helping a little. Hopefully, everyone who my mom spoke to at work today seemed to agree that the pain won't last long, anyway!! 'Twas a scary day, but we're full-speed ahead on the summer train and looking forward!! Congrats to you on finishing your Sophomore year!!

How awful of your professor for your second exam to give you absolutely no slack! Maybe when it comes time to grade they'll be kind and exclude those questions? I mean you had your hospital bracelet on!!!

Hopefully you'll recover soon to enjoy your awesome summer! I mean I guess at least it happened during school and not at Disney? :confused3

Priorities right :rotfl:

He is REALLY... really something else. :upsidedow Him and his class have been a mess since syllabus week. As long as I don't fail this class, I truly don't care what he gives me on this midterm. All I need is to pass.

Thank you for the well wishes! You're absolutely correct-- this could have happened to me getting off of the Safari, or Expedition Everest, in the middle of the summer and that would have been HORRIBLE! :scared: We LOVE having our priorities straight :rotfl:
Oh my - not a good day for you but like you say, you survived it. I'm mostly a lurker on your PTR/TR's but I enjoy reading about your planning and awesome trips!
Omg that definitely sounds like the worst day. Thank goodness your first professor was understanding. I’m so amazed that you were even able to make it to your second final! The professor should’ve given you credit for that alone!
Oh my - not a good day for you but like you say, you survived it. I'm mostly a lurker on your PTR/TR's but I enjoy reading about your planning and awesome trips!

I've definitely seen better days, but like you said: I made it out alive! Recovery has been going well so far, and I'm thankful to be home with my family!

Thank you for your kind words! I very much appreciate you coming out of lurkdom to share them-- thanks for joining along! :hug: :welcome:

Omg that definitely sounds like the worst day. Thank goodness your first professor was understanding. I’m so amazed that you were even able to make it to your second final! The professor should’ve given you credit for that alone!

It was DEFINITELY a whirlwind. I'm super grateful for professor #1, and as for professor #2... well, I'll reserve my final thoughts on him until I get that grade back. :duck:
Oh girl, I am SO sorry :( The worst day for something like that to happen. Props to you for even making it to your second final and keeping your spirits up the way they were!

I am sure you are relieved to be home and with your family now! Feel better :hug:
Playing catch up... so first double digits!


2nd ugh what a way to end a semester! I hope your feeling better soon! I am sure that is not how you wanted to stay your summer or end your semester!
Oh girl, I am SO sorry :( The worst day for something like that to happen. Props to you for even making it to your second final and keeping your spirits up the way they were!

I am sure you are relieved to be home and with your family now! Feel better :hug:

Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words and good vibes!! I'm definitely feeling relieved and recovering :hug:

Playing catch up... so first double digits!


2nd ugh what a way to end a semester! I hope your feeling better soon! I am sure that is not how you wanted to stay your summer or end your semester!

YAAASSS!! Thank you so much!!


It was deeeeffffffinitely a rough way to end the year... but at the end of the day, I'm home and recovering, so all is well that ends well!

That sounds awful! I hope you're feeling better!

Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it :hug: I'm well into recovery right now!

Oh no! I hope you feel better and your grades work out just fine!

Thank you so much, I appreciate it!! I'm recovering well and my grades are going to be posted soon! Fingers crossed! :hyper:
Post-Birthday Update
I just want to start this update with a follow-up to my last post real quick. Thank you to everyone who wished me a speedy recovery! I'm a lot better than I was last week! The lower left side of my back still hurts just a little bit, so I'm still following my discharge instructions, but other than that, I'm feeling good.

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday! Look at this adorable not-so-hidden mickey cake my mother ordered for me!

I kept yesterday super low-key. I relaxed on the couch for most of the day, we had gnocchi for dinner, then we cut the cake and called it a night. My mom got me a Adobe Creative Cloud subscription for my birthday, which includes all of the apps like Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, Etc. so I'm excited to start learning how to use them! I'm so glad I have Premiere Pro now-- I might film parts of this upcoming trip! She also got me another "piece" of that surprise I have planned for June ;)

Grace got me some swag from the Disney store! She got me a tank top that says "Living my Best Disney Inspired Life," a set of Oh My Disney pens, a cute little Mickey Mouse notebook, and a stuffed Kevin!


All in all, it was a nice, easy-going birthday! On Saturday, we're going to go to a really nice seafood restaurant in Weehawken to formally celebrate. It's technically a chain, but it's one of my favorites, and I'm looking forward to a nice glass of Prosecco to ring in Y22. :drinking1

So now that I'm out of school, I'm well into recovery, and I've celebrated my birthday, it's FINALLY time to go back to focusing on planning this trip! :hyper:

I don't have plans for FP+ yet, despite the fact that our FP+ date is approaching in just under a month. I'm really gonna hold out another two weeks. June 5 is when we get to try and book Moonlight Magic! I'm feeling really hopeful about this event, but if we can't get tickets, it won't be the end of the world.

In lesser news, the MagicBand ordering page was updated with new design upgrades a few days ago! Nobody in my family saw any designs that really struck us. I don't think we're going to spend the $10 to upgrade, especially when I might just buy a plain Millennial Pink band anyway.
Happy birthday!! That cake is adorable and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better!

I'm so surprised they didn't add the other "plain" colors to order. Even if they charged $5 for them, I definitely would've picked one.
Happy birthday! And I'm glad you are feeling better!

I got suckered into the magicband upgrade haha I love the cream one with the castle on it :lovestruc

I am kind of surprised that they didn't include the special color ones? Like I would think the millenial pink and black ones would do well
Happy Happy Birthday!! party:

Glad you are feeling better!

Girl you are always coming into my town! :goodvibes Enjoy your dinner! Have you ever done Sunday bunch there? SO good!
Happy birthday!! That cake is adorable and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better!

I'm so surprised they didn't add the other "plain" colors to order. Even if they charged $5 for them, I definitely would've picked one.

Thank you so much!! I definitely loved the cake, and I'm definitely feeling better!!

Honestly, I'm unafraid to admit I probably would have eaten the major discount and paid $10 for a "plain" band that retails $15 if everyone else in my family really liked the bands! Disney DEFINITELY needs to step their game up and add them!

Happy birthday! And I'm glad you are feeling better!

I got suckered into the magicband upgrade haha I love the cream one with the castle on it :lovestruc

I am kind of surprised that they didn't include the special color ones? Like I would think the millenial pink and black ones would do well

Thank you so much!!

Oooh, that was a CUTE one! If the rest of my family was gonna go for it, I probably would have gotten that one or the one with the Genie in his vacation garb!

Right?!? People DEFINITELY would have ate those ones up!!!

Happy Happy Birthday!! party:

Glad you are feeling better!

Girl you are always coming into my town! :goodvibes Enjoy your dinner! Have you ever done Sunday bunch there? SO good!

Thank you so much!!

I didn't realize how often my family was in your neck of the woods until I realized we'll have been to CH three times in two months! :upsidedow I did the brunch ONCE when I was very small for my aunt's birthday. We considered booking the Mother's Day brunch, but I wasn't able to go home that weekend so we did a brunch in my part of Manhattan that was also very good! CH Brunch is 100% on my list for the future!


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