Our Celebration of a Sad Occasion...Oct 2016 PTR

We've never eaten at any of your restaurant choices. I can't wait to hear your reviews when you return (I'm already planning on you writing a TR :thumbsup2). Since it looks like you're changing your DHS day, maybe you could try Beaches and Cream at the BC. We love it there and eat there almost every trip. You could also give Cape May Cafe a try. I know you said no buffets but it is really good.
Just wait.. Put on the brakes here a moment...


This is the end of an ERA!!! I am devastated..

What about the Wave at Contemporary??? Suzi and D now rave about it?!??!

For a 2 TS i would look at Hoop De Doo too.. talk about a LOAD OF FUN!!! and OMD (delicious) food!
UH OH!!!! Some little nagging feeling told me to check the dining plan...and now I realize Brown Derby is signature! Back to the drawing board on where to eat for HS day. Any suggestions outside of the park? Somewhere at Boardwalk or Beach, maybe? Has anyone tried Captain's Grille or heard anything about it? Beaches and Cream could be another possibility. Do they take reservations?

Let me respond to this one before I move on to your other posts. We ate at Beaches & Cream and loved it! It's nothing fancy but I had the best grilled cheese sandwich there! The tomato soup was fantabulous too. You can take the boat from Hollywood Studios to the Beach Club or you can walk. They say that the walk is just 10 minutes but we were hot and sweaty by the time we got to Hollywood Studios. They do take reservations but Beaches & Cream is small so the restaurant fills up fast.
Oh wait a second, I think that I forgot to respond to your comment about Be Our Guest for lunch. You can book that online via the Walt Disney World site and, yes, you can order your food ahead of time. We have had lunch there twice and will be eating there again in May. It's a nice place for lunch.
We do movie nights too at our house and ours all seem to turn into big productions as well. We're actually doing one in a couple of weeks (but not Disney-themed) & I've decided that themed food or decorations. I just can't do it this time.

I love all your dining locations. I agree with Mo. We loved Hoop Dee Do!
I've eaten breakfast at Captain's Grille and it was delicious. I've heard good things about lunch and dinner as well.

Jill in CO

Thanks for the Captain's Grille info. I believe I am leaning towards Beaches and Cream. Will have to see how the family feels about it.

Can I jump in? You will LOVE The Yachtsman! Our favorite restaurant on site. I love your movie night idea - we have two girls as well - but both in their mid twenties and off on their own enjoy EVERY minute..........

Welcome!!! We really are excited to try the Yachtsman. We have heard a lot of great things about it. Oh, you make me so sad....

We've never eaten at any of your restaurant choices. I can't wait to hear your reviews when you return (I'm already planning on you writing a TR :thumbsup2). Since it looks like you're changing your DHS day, maybe you could try Beaches and Cream at the BC. We love it there and eat there almost every trip. You could also give Cape May Cafe a try. I know you said no buffets but it is really good.

I do hope to write a TR. I just seem to not be on the Disboards as much as I used to. But, I guess as long as I have a FEW friends here, I will do my best to report. :-) I am thinking Beaches and Cream is going to win out on this one. Will let you know when we make a definitive choice.

Just wait.. Put on the brakes here a moment...


This is the end of an ERA!!! I am devastated..

What about the Wave at Contemporary??? Suzi and D now rave about it?!??!

For a 2 TS i would look at Hoop De Doo too.. talk about a LOAD OF FUN!!! and OMD (delicious) food!

We ARE still having movie nights...just scaled down a bit. And, since a promise is a promise...when YOU come for one, it will be FULL ON!

Not sure if we would want to go all the way over to the Contemporary for our DHS day. We will probably try to stay closer to the park. Have D or Suzi had lunch or dinner there? We are not big breakfast eaters. We usually just have something quick and easy in the room for breakfast.

Hoop de Doo...loved your pictures, BUT- believe it or not, this is just not something we are interested in at all. Since we live in the south, neither the food or the show interest us. Yes, we are weird. We just like to do more out of the ordinary stuff while at Disney. Southern cooking and silly redneck antics are a way of life around here. LOL!!!!

Let me respond to this one before I move on to your other posts. We ate at Beaches & Cream and loved it! It's nothing fancy but I had the best grilled cheese sandwich there! The tomato soup was fantabulous too. You can take the boat from Hollywood Studios to the Beach Club or you can walk. They say that the walk is just 10 minutes but we were hot and sweaty by the time we got to Hollywood Studios. They do take reservations but Beaches & Cream is small so the restaurant fills up fast.

I am thinking Beaches and Cream is going to be just the ticket for us. We may even try the Kitchen Sink....

Oh wait a second, I think that I forgot to respond to your comment about Be Our Guest for lunch. You can book that online via the Walt Disney World site and, yes, you can order your food ahead of time. We have had lunch there twice and will be eating there again in May. It's a nice place for lunch.

We are SO excited about BOG! It seems like everyone has eaten there except us!

We do movie nights too at our house and ours all seem to turn into big productions as well. We're actually doing one in a couple of weeks (but not Disney-themed) & I've decided that themed food or decorations. I just can't do it this time.

I love all your dining locations. I agree with Mo. We loved Hoop Dee Do!

Yes, I LOVED making a big to-do about the movie nights. But being in school and having such busy schedules now, it just became too much. I had gotten to where I kind of dreaded trying to put it all together. It should NOT be that way, it is supposed to be fun. Trying to get back to that place with it!

Sadly, Hoop de Doo is just on our list of things we want to try...see above comment to Mo.

Hoop de Doo...loved your pictures, BUT- believe it or not, this is just not something we are interested in at all. Since we live in the south, neither the food or the show interest us. Yes, we are weird. We just like to do more out of the ordinary stuff while at Disney. Southern cooking and silly redneck antics are a way of life around here. LOL!!!!

ok i can see that.. Living North it was a different experience!

YAY! I really need to set a date of when we will drive down!
This past weekend we had an epic CRUISE MEET as our countdown activity!!!!

(No, I have not forgotten last week's acitivty- we just have not finished it yet. Promise I will post as soon as it is finished.)

So, now back to the cruise meet. When we went on our Disney cruise in 2014, I was very active in a FB page for over a year. We ended up making the BEST friends through that page, and it is STILL a very active page. Two or three times a year, those of us who live in Tennessee or close by meet up for some fun together. This past Saturday we met up for dinner and an ice hockey game in Knoxville. We had the BEST time. Seriously, we LAUGHED and acted absolutely goofy the whole night. It was fantastic! And of course, there had to be pictures to document the occasion!

We are trying to get Jillian ready to help us with a bit of the driving for our October trip, so she took the first leg of driving on Saturday.

I did not try to take pictures at the restaurant, since it was crowded, and we were all HUNGRY. Nope, I am a bad Dis'er and did not even take photos of my food. :-/ We ate at Calhoun's and I had the Southern Catfish with Fries and Coleslaw. It was delicious, and way too much for me to eat it all.

After dinner we all loaded up and headed to the hockey game. One of our fellow cruisers is the team optometrist...there is a funny story assciated with that. One of our craziest friends (FUNNY to the max), commented to him the first time they met that he was the team OBSTETRICIAN! So yeah. we have fun with that one. Anywho....he got us some AMAZING seats for the game:

I did not even use the zoom on my camera, we were this close. It was GREAT!

So, before posting pictures of our silly antics, here are photos of all who went:

This is Timothy, our team obstetrician ( ;-) ): His wife was out of town at a convention. This is his son and his girlfriend, and his youngest daughter. She was SO SWEET to Gabe. Their seats were closer than ours, and she traded seats with Gabe, so he could be closer.

Next is Joy and Bert, such amazingly sweet people. They live in Knoxville, and volunteered for EVERYONE to just stay overnight at their house next time we do this.

Next is our girls with Connor (Connor belong to Scott and Brandi):

A selfie with my hubby (he commented on how he always squints in photos, he seriously has a hard time taking a nornal picture, LOL!):

There are more people in our group, BUT but we were the bad kids who sit in the back of the classroom and crack jokes the whole time. There will be no more normal photos...that is your warning.

First up is me with AJ, Brandi and Scott:

Yeah, Scott and Brian pretty much spent the night pretending like they had no idea who we were. LOL!

More gangsta antics with our free Knoxville Icebears hats (another perk of being friend with the team obstetrician):

Connor and Charity:

After the game, we stuck around a bit, then got someone to take a group photo:

We all walked back to the parking garage together to say goodbye. We had such a GREAT TIME!!! We will definitely do this again. Before leaving, Timothy took this cool picture:

Yes, I am hard on my car...

Your cruise friends meet up looks lke fun and you know that I see absolutely nothing wrong with acting like big goofballs!
Catching up! I didn't read the comments in between so if someone already helped you, then go ahead and ignore my comments.

At the start of January I made up a countdown activities jar. We will be doing an activity once a week.

Awesome, I love reading about your activities!

I have not really heard anything great about Tony's at all

I'm sorry to report that I was not impressed when I ate there last year. The food was edible but there are definitely some better options for Italian at WDW.

We do plan to go to BOG for lunch. Has anyone used a FP to do this one at lunch? Is getting the FP for it recommended?

No FP anymore, now you have to have an ADR for lunch so make sure you add that to your list to get on your 180 day mark. It's not as hard to get as dinner is, I managed to snag one for our trip a few weeks ago at 2 months out.

I have also heard you can place your order ahead of time.

Yes, there will be a link next to the ADR in your MDE account. You can't order right away but there will be a date there telling you when you can order. Jim and I did not order ahead of time this trip and we ended up waiting about 15 minutes in line to order.

Hollywood Brown Derby

Never eaten there, the food is too adventurous for me and I was going to say that it's 2 credits but I see that you figured that out. I would recommend Mama Melrose to you but I since you are already doing Italian at Tony's you probably don't want to go there. Plus who knows if MM will be around in October since they are closing most of the area around it in April. :sad: I have eaten at both Beaches and Cream (just OK in both Jim and I's opinion. I was a bit miserable though because it was freezing in the restaurant and I could barely eat for the shivering) and Captain's Grille (once again OK, food was good but nothing to write home about). Have you considered the new Minnie dinner at Hollywood and Vine? I did the Christmas version and the characters were fun and the food delicious. I know they extended it for the full year, October will probably be Halloween costumes.

Another one that is too adventurous for me.


Haven't tried this one but want too. I've only read really good things about it.

we do not go to the daytime parades.

I'm not a daytime parade person myself but boy do I love this one especially the Maleficent Dragon!

This past weekend we had an epic CRUISE MEET as our countdown activity!!!!

So awesome that you guys are still friends!
Looks like a fun Dis meet!

Jill in CO

It was SO MUCH FUN! We have all just gotten completely comfortable with each other, so we can truly have a blast.

Your cruise friends meet up looks lke fun and you know that I see absolutely nothing wrong with acting like big goofballs!

Yes, I can only imagine the antics that you girls have when you meet up! LOL

Catching up! I didn't read the comments in between so if someone already helped you, then go ahead and ignore my comments.
Awesome, I love reading about your activities!
I'm sorry to report that I was not impressed when I ate there last year. The food was edible but there are definitely some better options for Italian at WDW.
No FP anymore, now you have to have an ADR for lunch so make sure you add that to your list to get on your 180 day mark. It's not as hard to get as dinner is, I managed to snag one for our trip a few weeks ago at 2 months out.
Yes, there will be a link next to the ADR in your MDE account. You can't order right away but there will be a date there telling you when you can order. Jim and I did not order ahead of time this trip and we ended up waiting about 15 minutes in line to order.
Never eaten there, the food is too adventurous for me and I was going to say that it's 2 credits but I see that you figured that out. I would recommend Mama Melrose to you but I since you are already doing Italian at Tony's you probably don't want to go there. Plus who knows if MM will be around in October since they are closing most of the area around it in April. :sad: I have eaten at both Beaches and Cream (just OK in both Jim and I's opinion. I was a bit miserable though because it was freezing in the restaurant and I could barely eat for the shivering) and Captain's Grille (once again OK, food was good but nothing to write home about). Have you considered the new Minnie dinner at Hollywood and Vine? I did the Christmas version and the characters were fun and the food delicious. I know they extended it for the full year, October will probably be Halloween costumes.
Another one that is too adventurous for me.
Haven't tried this one but want too. I've only read really good things about it.
I'm not a daytime parade person myself but boy do I love this one especially the Maleficent Dragon!
So awesome that you guys are still friends!

Hmmmm~ I did not know about the Minnie dinner at H&V... but again, my family just has no interest in a buffet at this point. We talked at the dinner table, and everyone wanted Beaches and Cream. Thanks for the heads up on grabbing the ADR for lunch at BOG...I would have missed that one!
Last night we FINALLY finished our activity from two weeks ago!!! We made a disc of all of our favorite Disney movie songs, to listen to on our way down in October! Thanks to a GENEROUS gift from our friend Ariana, we had LOADS of Disney movie soundtracks to use.

It was so fun coming up with the list. We started it, then just left it out so that we could add stuff as we thought of it. Brian had NO input DURING the process, but as he was actually burning the disc I got comments like "you didn't list ____?" "Well, no...you can add it if you want." "I AM!" Alrighty then. So, since EVERYONE ended up getting involved, I would say it was a successful activity.

We drew our next activity from the jar, and will be doing it this weekend...
What a great DIS meet you had with all your Disney friends! Do you think there is a chance you all will be able to cruise together again someday?

The CD sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm sure it was fun to put together.
What a great DIS meet you had with all your Disney friends! Do you think there is a chance you all will be able to cruise together again someday?

The CD sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm sure it was fun to put together.

I am quite sure it will happen someday. There are a group of them cruising together this September, actually. But, we had told Jillian she could choose our vacation this time for her senior year, and she wanted to go to the parks. I do look forward to cruising again with our friends someday, though!
We made a disc of all of our favorite Disney movie songs, to listen to on our way down in October!

That sounds like so much fun! I need to start loading some Disney songs onto the Ipod I just bought. So far I've only gotten some audio books loaded. I held out for years buying one but my new car doesn't have a CD player. :sad2: Most new cars don't these days.
Yay for Disney music! I do the same thing before every trip, although I put them on my mp3 player because I don't have a CD player. It definitely helps travel time go by faster.
Loved the pictures of the cruise meet - it looks like every one had a lot of fun!!! I love that you all live close enough that you can do this! :woohoo:

The Wave... Ahhhh yes - The Wave... Yes, it's breakfast... Yes, many people do NOT do breakfast... but I assure you - you wouldn't regret it. I am now DONE talking about this restaurant on The Dis - It was much busier when we went this last time - and I would hate for it to become a hard to get reservation because I can't shut up. ::yes:: Try it... Love it... Thank me later. :lovestruc

I love you and your family Connie - I cannot believe how much they all have grown!!! We've been friends for so long - our kids were just youngsters when we first met... Sad how quickly time flies...

YAY! fun music to listen too!!! Love making Disney Music! i have loads of CD's! I can send them!
That sounds like so much fun! I need to start loading some Disney songs onto the Ipod I just bought. So far I've only gotten some audio books loaded. I held out for years buying one but my new car doesn't have a CD player. :sad2: Most new cars don't these days.

I am going to be in BAD shape when I do get a car without CD player. I do not have any other sort of listening device... I am a dinosaur! LOL

Yay for Disney music! I do the same thing before every trip, although I put them on my mp3 player because I don't have a CD player. It definitely helps travel time go by faster.

Like I just told Ariana, I do not have any other listening device besides the CD player in my car. I am toast when I get a car without one! I am OOOOOOLD! LOL

Loved the pictures of the cruise meet - it looks like every one had a lot of fun!!! I love that you all live close enough that you can do this! :woohoo:

The Wave... Ahhhh yes - The Wave... Yes, it's breakfast... Yes, many people do NOT do breakfast... but I assure you - you wouldn't regret it. I am now DONE talking about this restaurant on The Dis - It was much busier when we went this last time - and I would hate for it to become a hard to get reservation because I can't shut up. ::yes:: Try it... Love it... Thank me later. :lovestruc

I love you and your family Connie - I cannot believe how much they all have grown!!! We've been friends for so long - our kids were just youngsters when we first met... Sad how quickly time flies...


I love my cruise group. Our FB page is called Rocking the Docks. We had t-shirts made for the cruise. And now every meet we arrange, we make an event on the page and give it a title that matches the group name. Our hockey game meet up was called Rocking the Rink. We have so much fun together!

Too funny about making The Wave a popular place now. Watch out, or they may turn it into a 2TS restaurant like they did LeCellier! :-/

I know, D~! I look at photos from that first time we met, and I am AMAZED at how little my kids were! :sad:

YAY! fun music to listen too!!! Love making Disney Music! i have loads of CD's! I can send them!

Don't worry, Ariana keeps us WELL supplied with Disney music! :yay:


I would like to interrupt our normal Disney trip planning for a special report...and it is bad news, VERY bad news...



How could they do that to me??? There are just TWO snacks that are on my must have list, Jalepeno Pretzel and School Bread. I was perfectly fine with making myself sick from the amount of gluten contained in these two snacks, I love them that much. I love you, Disney, but WHY???!!!???



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