? on modifying rental car reservation


Make a miracle!
Aug 18, 1999
I have a reservation with National right now at an okay rate (hoped to get better). But the rates now are ridiculously high. I'm thinking of changing our flights around (still waiting on low rates there too) and getting into MCO earlier. If I just make a new reservation through National it will be at the much higher rates. If I go in to modify my current reservation, can I get the new dates or times at the lower weekly/daily rate I already have reserved? I don't want to start messing with my okay rate and lose it totally! Thanks!
I have a similar problem. I have to return the car 9 hours later. I was apprehensive about changing the ressie around on the internet, so I called. The agent told me that would add another day to my ressie resulting in an additional $50!!!! She said I wouldn't lose my original rate by adding a day.
I had two reservations with National, one I needed to cancel, so I messed around with that one to see what would happen when I tried to modify (coming in a day earlier). It changed everything to the new higher rates. I cancelled it now. But it did show the two options of the old reservation cheaper rate and what it would be, giving the option to keep the original reservation or make the change.

I wonder if I try calling like you did, DisneyHumbug, to see if they could manually change it without going to the higher rate for every part of it.
Are you getting in earlier the same day? If so,I wouldn't even change it. I had a reservation arriving at around noon, we ended up flying in the night before, staying at an airport hotel and getting the car at 8:00am. No problem. Watch your times though. If your pickup time changes to before your dropoff time of day it could add a day. For example, if you were picking up at noon and dropping off at noon but change it to picking up at 9:00am, it will add a day. It also works the opposite, I had a reservation picking up at noon and dropping off at 1:00pm, but ended up dropping off at 11:00am, they changed the charges to one less day.


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