On DVC, would you buy at SPR or BCV?


Earning My Ears
Oct 9, 2006
I am thinking about buying a DVC. I have thought about buying a resale at the BCV. I really like that area of Disney. I have also weighed buying a DVC direct from Disney at Saratoga Springs. Could someone give me some insightful help. Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated. Thank you.
The conventional wisdom on these boards is to "buy where you want to stay."

With that said I will add my 2 cents. I think that's the best advice to avoid potential disappointments with not being able to stay where you prefer to stay (in this case BCV). However, others will suggest that if you have lots of flexibility as to when you can vacation then buying where you want to stay may not be a hugh issue (unless you want to stay at your preferred resort at Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, the 4th of July, and certain long weekends).

I'm sure you will gets lots of good advice. One final point, only you know what's best for you so take the time to think it through.

Best wishes as you deliberate and mull this over.
I don't think there is an easy answer, so much depends on the individual situation. If you really only want to stay there, then definately buy BCV. If you vacation at popular times for BCV such as during Food and Wine, then you will also want to own there.

If you want to stay at different DVC locations and would be happy to stay at BCV one in a while and often travel in lower demand times, then I'd say SSR is the best choice. If you are thinking about the long term, then of course you realize that SSR contracts last 12 years longer, so depending on your current age, that might be an important factor.
I agree with the above. Also notable is that SSR has the lower dues at $4.12 per point. I am not sure of the BCV dues per point. Conventional wisedom is that, in the long run, your dues can outweigh your buy in price if you hold the timeshare long enough. But Disney cannot raise dues more than 15 percent a year.
Are you a planner? Or can you be a planner?

Because if you are not everyone is equal at 7 months before vacation arrival. Ie. where one owns at that point is irrelevant. Everyone has an equal opportunity with nabbing a booking. So go with SSR for the extra years if you can't see yourself ever using the 7-11 month booking window.

If you are a planner, love BCV, and can handle the 2042 end date, buy it for sure. You won't regret that decision.

All the best,

The extra 12 years would sway me to buy at SSR, I own SSR and stay at BWV 90% of the time and have on problem 7 months out. If you are pined in to a vacation travel time you might have a problem with 7 month window. If you haven't bought, you missed the SSR discount price. I think disney will have another discount promo.
I am thinking about buying a DVC. I have thought about buying a resale at the BCV. I really like that area of Disney. I have also weighed buying a DVC direct from Disney at Saratoga Springs. Could someone give me some insightful help. Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated. Thank you.

Have you stayed at BCV? Because you *think* you would like an area does not mean you will.

Me - I thought I would love LOVE love BWV :mad: stayed there and did not.

Was drug kicking and screaming to VWL :love: just added on.

I do love SSR and do own at BCV (although those points are probably going to go bye bye so I can consolidate to SSR?VWL)

So my vote is don't be too stuck in preconceived notions because what you think you may hate you may really love.
I would buy where I want to stay. DVC's membership is getting larger and the Home Resort 11 month window is going to be more important than ever in the future. If you love Saratoga, then I would buy there, you do have the plus of the extra years and the maintenance fees are lower right now. If you love BeachClub then buy there. It is a highly sought after resort. I love the area but that is my opinion. I just bought a resale at BeachClub. Location, Location, Location...
Definitely go with SSR. Resale prices at BCV are never going to come down if everyone keeps buying there. ;)

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