"Ok, we'll humor Mom and meet the princesses..."

oh gosh - your daughter was in the ER!:scared1: I guess everything turned out ok, but my goodness that must have been stressful

Oh, and our AC was broken and it was annoying here in NY - can't imagine Texas with out AC!
We interrupt this ongoing Trip Report for an important snack report:

Before my WDW trip, I read about food at Disney obsessively (hardly shocking, as I read about EVERYTHING obsessively). At some point in my surfing, I came across a blog article regarding the food options at Typhoon Lagoon and I paid particular attention to that as I didn't expect much from water park food options and wanted to have my best shot at enjoying the food there. The Disney Tourist Blog clued me in to the glory of the mini donuts and how they are only found at Typhoon Lagoon. Tom went on and on so much about these donuts that I was truly intrigued and wanted to find them.

Luckily, Dennis and I found them after riding Crush'n Gusher.

Ladies and gentlemen, there ARE NO WORDS to describe the deliciousness of these mini donuts. I've never put anything so amazingly delicious into my mouth (except maybe the soup at Boma...but that's in a different category and we're not to our Boma day yet in the trip report....so I digress). I honestly believe I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk in stunned silence. :love:

Some people think Disney made a financial mistake by investing so much into their new technology instead of new rides. That might be a valid point, but I don't pretend to have great accounting and financial insight so I remain agnostic (although who wouldn't love new rides?). I will tell you one thing...Disney is passing up a GOLD MINE by not having mini-donut carts every 15 feet in the other parks. Wow.

Just.....wow. You must buy mini-donuts, people. Here's the only picture - 2 left for my kids in the bucket sitting next to my daughter's chocolate covered funnel cake (which was also pretty good but not very photogenic). A side benefit of this picture is that you can see how small our reserved table was under our Typhoon Lagoon umbrella.
The hot chocolate bribe totally worked. It was a long morning walk, but to be perfectly honest - it wasn’t a burden at all. I truly enjoyed the early morning light, the quiet, the huge polka-dot bird I saw flying noisily over the lake (I know that sounds strange but it seriously had polka dots...wish I’d had my phone with me to take a picture) and loved starting the day with a private walk as I began to get excited about our Star Wars Day.

Sure enough, the kids were perky and ready to tackle DHS - they hopped up on the rocks outside our building to prove it. (Spoiler - this wasn't what caused the trip to the ER...)

Do I even need to tell you how I Bounded on my Disney Hollywood Studios day? This was the day we had our Jedi Mickey meal so I was Princess Leia, of course! (Yes, Leia counts as a DisneyBound now that Disney owns Star Wars.) <*sticking fingers in ears and pretending not to hear anyone who disagrees with me on that point*>

I informed my family that there would be none of that “back-of-the-rope-drop-crowd” nonsense on our DHS day. No, sirree! We were going to be up there near the front. To be honest, we are ALL certified Star Wars fans so this is probably the day that excited all of us the most. This becomes obvious because we had SO much fun with the various Star Wars stuff hanging around the park during the day.

I grabbed a Jedi Mickey ADR at Hollywood and Vine the first day they became available (it pays to stalk those Disney forums, people) and Dennis asked a few times each day for the exact date we’d be going to the Star Wars dinner - so he was clearly excited about that meal, just like me. Truthfully, we were all pretty psyched about getting to DHS and I’d warned them it would be a looong day so everyone needed to be rested so we could make it all the way from “true” rope drop to the first Fantasmic. (That was the “plan”…and you know what they say about the best laid plans, don’t you?)

The PhotoPass photographer at the front of the park came up with another kissy shot for us (we didn’t even ask for it but loved it!).


And I’m sharing this one because it perfectly sums up how my kids relate to each other. We’re lucky parents - they look out for each other no matter what.


I’m glad we stopped for those pre-rope drop pictures.

During the bus ride to DHS, my son announced he planned to try Rock n Roller Coaster. I was pleasantly surprised and his decision was probably one of the highlights of our trip. The original plan was for my husband and daughter to do RnR themselves and I didn’t think I’d get to do it. Not only did I get to do it but my son LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it. (We all did.) He sat with his big sister on all the rides he could and my husband and I could hear him yelling during that first ride. We asked him later what he was saying and Kathryn told us he was yelling “I am so awesome!” Gotta love it. We rode it again that night before we went home.
Here we are on our first RnR ride:

And here we are that night, when we rode it again...I was so proud I managed to hold onto the heart shape with my hands long enough! When I saw that my daughter and husband had matching expressions I couldn’t stop laughing. :)


The entire family loved that coaster and couldn’t wait to go again. After RnR, the plan was to go straight to ToT. (In hindsight, I should have gone again with Dennis while David and Kathryn went to ToT.) My son was less sure about ToT but I encouraged him to go through the queue because I told him we could enjoy all the theming then get out before getting on the elevator. I also told him it was bound to be less scary of a ride than RnR or Expedition Everest. Here’s the problem: I was thinking of velocity, loops, and G-forces - I wasn’t considering the spook factor. That turned out to be a mistake. This is the ride that taught me that my son doesn’t like “spooky.” Scary, fast rides are fine - but the Twilight Zone, spooky aspect was NOT OK with him. We didn’t ride it (of course) but even the line bothered him until we took the optional exit out. Now we know. David and Kathryn liked the ride all right but said they wouldn’t have waited in a long line for it. Hmmm. I’ll probably try it some day but I don’t feel as if I was missing much.

We rode:
- Star Tours 3 or 4x,
- RnR 2x
- David and Kathryn did ToT
- we all went to the animation class early (thanks to advice I got on the boards) so we didn’t have to wait very long for our class
- we met Wreck it Ralph with only a 15 minute wait (it was only character “line” we waited in...but it was important for us because we are the Reck family)
- TSMM with our FP
- GMR with FP (the Alien scene wasn’t pleasant for my son….because the creepy/spooky factor isn’t fun for him.)
- we all enjoyed the museum and movie at One Man’s Dream
- and we also spent a good amount of time in the Star Wars shop where my daughter bought most of her goodies and my son made a lightsaber. (That line was a bit long, but worth it.)

Oh - and of course we went to the Muppets. They were great! You might be thinking that this schedule doesn't account for all our time but there was quite a bit of time we spent in the Indy theater (more on that later) and also just wandering around a bit, getting the kids' pictures taken on the Star Wars speeders, grabbing a vodka lemonade for yours truly, and other enjoyable activities.

We particularly loved the ducks wandering all over the place. It was a pretty rainy day after about 2:00 and at one point we came across a momma duck with her babies following her. They just hung out under a bench during a rainstorm so we all oooohed and awed over the cuties. Don’t let yourself get so caught up in your mission that you fail to stop and smell the roses, or play with baby ducks as the case might be.

Stay tuned for my next update, in which I shall offer more priceless advice and tell you about the only two let-downs of our DHS day.
Just a quick question regarding your waterpark day. I see your son is wearing a BSA shirt. Is he still active in Boy Scouting? I and my entire family got a lot out of Scouting. I and both of my brothers are Eagle Scouts, my older brother and myself worked a couple of summers as staff at the local council's Scout summer camp, and now my brother is a scout leader in my nephew's Cub Scout pack, where my nephew is a Webelo.

Enjoying the trip report!
Joining in a little late. I LOVE you Disney bounding!!! You did a great job on Anna's top! You guys are a great looking family!!!! I am really enjoying your trip report! can not wait to read more!:thumbsup2
Were in the world was the back drops for the photo opps??? Those are great!!! Honestly our SWW day was a little rough. It was the park I just did not feel prepared enough for. I would have loved to have the kids pictures by those back drops. Did you have to wait in line to take them?
Loving your TR and your writing style:goodvibes!
TL has become a fav day for me and DGrD10 - this time I also rented the chairs/umbrella so we don't have to rush over at RD. I'm wondering what location your umbrella was in and how convenient it was. Any other pics of that area? I am hoping to take my nap at the park because we also have HDDR for 8:30 that night.
It looks like MM worked well for your family - something else we'll prob try this trip - I have always loved having photopass.
Just a quick question regarding your waterpark day. I see your son is wearing a BSA shirt. Is he still active in Boy Scouting? I and my entire family got a lot out of Scouting. I and both of my brothers are Eagle Scouts, my older brother and myself worked a couple of summers as staff at the local council's Scout summer camp, and now my brother is a scout leader in my nephew's Cub Scout pack, where my nephew is a Webelo.

Enjoying the trip report!

Yes! My husband was our cubmaster for our pack and my son crossed over to boyscouts a few months ago, so they just started that journey. I really hope he sticks with it!

Joining in a little late. I LOVE you Disney bounding!!! You did a great job on Anna's top! You guys are a great looking family!!!! I am really enjoying your trip report! can not wait to read more!:thumbsup2

ah....:blush: You're so nice! The bounding was a boatload of fun for me. I told my husband next time we go to DHS he's got to bound as Han Solo....

Were in the world was the back drops for the photo opps??? Those are great!!! Honestly our SWW day was a little rough. It was the park I just did not feel prepared enough for. I would have loved to have the kids pictures by those back drops. Did you have to wait in line to take them?

We just came across them near the Star Tours/Tatooine Traders area. The white one in particular may have just been there for SWW weekends - if I had to guess, I suspect the characters maybe meet there during the weekends? But...we went on a weekday. I wonder if they were just there during the SWW weekend time and because we weren't going on the actual weekend itself, where you had characters meeting, we were able to get pics? (I'm sure other disney experts could chime in here...) No - there was no line. My daughter saw them, ran over, put her hands up in the gun position, and had me take her picture on her cell phone so she could send her friends a picture! Then we took more with our regular camera. The speeders are always there - I've heard of other people who've waited in line for those b/c a PhotoPass photographer is there but my husband just took the kids over and grabbed a photo himself - no line. (He wanted the speeder pics b/c we got them 5 years ago!)

Loving your TR and your writing style:goodvibes!
TL has become a fav day for me and DGrD10 - this time I also rented the chairs/umbrella so we don't have to rush over at RD. I'm wondering what location your umbrella was in and how convenient it was. Any other pics of that area? I am hoping to take my nap at the park because we also have HDDR for 8:30 that night.
It looks like MM worked well for your family - something else we'll prob try this trip - I have always loved having photopass.

I wanted umbrella 24 (recommended on another board here somewhere) but didn't get it. I think maybe it was 22? Maybe? No, that would have been great to take pics of the area for more info. Hmmm. Sorry about that! In essence, if you are looking AT the wave pool, we were to the right of it. Nice area. The umbrellas further up (like 24) could see the wave pool but we couldn't. But it was ok b/c I could walk into that area and look down if I was looking for someone. Yup. I'm very happy with the photopass, especially since the ride pictures are included. That's just fun!

Is it wrong that the thing I'm most looking forward to at the water park is the donuts?:rotfl2:

No. No it is NOT. :thumbsup2 (Now I'm sitting in my office wishing I could have some right now!!!!)
Mini-Update about Mousekeeping, Towel Decorations, and Room Decorations:

You didn’t expect my trip report to go in chronological order, did you?

Silly readers!

Instead of talking about room decorations and such in the order in which they occurred, I’m lumping all of them into this post. Why am I doing that, you might ask? Um. I saw a towel decoration picture and it reminded me I hadn’t mentioned it earlier.

But... now I’ve convinced myself that it was an intentional artistic decision on my part to post all towel and window decorations in one post. <*POOF! Memory that puts me in a better light inserted here…*>

Moving on with this decorative post….

On Monday (our water park/HDDR day), we were in our room for quite a few hours at the time when Mousekeeping was on our hallway. (Actually my family was in the room and I was doing laundry...minor detail.) So our “do not disturb” sign was up for a while...but we made sure to take the sign down when we left. Unfortunately, when we got back late that night, the room wasn’t cleaned. So...I needed to call for towels and such. The nice lady on the phone was very apologetic and told me to be sure and call her tomorrow so it wouldn’t happen again. It wasn’t a huge deal - I got my lovely H2O shampoo and a clean towel - I’d be fine.

It seemed odd she wanted me to call the next day but I was tired and said “ok.” I’m nothing if not obedient. When I called the next morning before we left for DHS, I assured them we planned to be gone all day. When we got back to our room that night, we found these lovely towel flowers.

Oh, happy day! (Or, technically, happy evening…)

Speaking of decorating the room and doing fun little extra things for your family...I’d brought some window decorations with me. I didn’t see any others up at Coronado Springs but I didn’t let that stop me. I had our window decorated before we went to Animal Kingdom on arrival day! Here I am with my teddy bear (he’s been with me since my freshman year of college, longer than my husband!) as he and I peek out of our decorated window.

You’re about to read about our Magic Kingdom morning, which (spoiler alert!) was particularly rough for my daughter. After an exhausting morning, we came back to our room and I wasn’t expecting it to be cleaned yet - but it was. Not only was the room clean, but Mousekeeping set this on the edge of our bed.

The Ariel doll was my daughter’s Tinkerbell present that morning (yes, I had Tink gifts for my 15 and 11 year old every morning). After a rough morning (that turned into a wonderful afternoon and evening), it was a beautiful thing to find on the bed!

Needless to say, I made a point of going down to the concierge and leaving a compliment card for our great Mousekeeper and telling them how much we appreciated her! (We didn’t get any towel animals during our last trip and I was always sort of bummed about that. If these towel animals showed up out of guilt because Mousekeeping missed one day of cleaning, then I am totally fine with missing a day of cleaning!)

(Yes, we tip Mousekeeping in case you’re curious - but we tipped last visit also. They deserve tips no matter whether or not you get towel animals!)

For those of you planning a trip to the World, may you be the happy recipients of towel decorations! <*pixie dust sprinkled in your general direction*> Of course, if they don’t head your way - I promise that there will be plenty of other pixie dust out there for you!
During my last spellbinding report (well, other than the towel and room decorating mini-report), I told you about our great start at DHS. I was DisneyBounding as Princess Leia, our whole family fell in love with Rock n Roller Coaster right off the bat, and we met baby ducklings. Of course, no day is perfect, even if you’re at Disney World. My mission for this trip report (other than my obvious attempt to share family photos) is to let you know what worked for us and what didn’t work for us, in hopes that another family might benefit from our experience.

Here are some touring/itinerary notes, which might come in handy as you plan your own trip:

- Although the animation class used to be a “hidden gem,” as indicated in some of the forums, that’s not really the case anymore. The word is out and it’s quite popular. We went over to the Animation Building right after David and Kathryn rode ToT and made it into the waiting area for the next class. The waiting area was already pretty full and we needed to wait a while to go in as the class before us finished up. There were people behind us that ended up waiting through our class also, so I’m glad we went straight there after ToT and didn’t have to wait through 2 classes. The animation class is definitely worth the time - it’s cool. Warn any perfectionists in your family that there won’t be an eraser on the pencil and they need to try to go with the flow. My daughter is an artist and I love the picture my husband got of her as she was concentrating.


Here’s her Pluto. I know, right?


- As mentioned above, we only waited in line to meet Ralph. After the animation class, we went down to find him. He and Vanellope weren’t out yet and there was already a line that looked sort of long but as it turned out, it was just a 15 minute wait (and I think that included us waiting for them to start meeting). The Wreck it Ralph queue is sort of fun, so don’t be scared of the wait, especially if you get there before they start meeting.


I told Wreck it Ralph that we wanted to meet him since our last name is Reck. He went bananas with excitement when he heard our name and started pounding his hands up and down showing us how to pose for the picture. So we did. Perfect! Here are the Recks wrecking it up with Ralph….


- Some of our most fun PhotoPass pictures are from our DHS day. A word of advice, if a photographer asks you to be silly, you should totally go for it. Luckily for me, I just had to follow my kids’ lead…


- If you meet the Green Army Men and one of your dreams is to get a picture of your son with them, make sure you do that too…


- When we went to Star Tours the first time, it was our FastPass time and the standby line was just 10 minutes. I was going to use our FP anyway, but my brilliant daughter pointed out that we should do standby then come back through to do it again with our FPs. Of course! I’d even read that suggestion on the boards but I was so singularly focused on my plan that it didn’t occur to me. As it turned out, that was a fabulous suggestion because by the time we got back around to use the FP, the standby line was much longer. EDITED because I forgot to mention that I WAS THE REBEL SPY the first time we rode!!! (How did I forget that, people???)

- If one of the outside shows is important to you, make time to go earlier in the day so if you run into a hitch you’ll have time to go again later. (See disappointment discussion, below.)

- Family traditions are fun. Back in 2009, we sprung for a Star Wars family portrait and we all four wanted to do the same thing this time around so after our first Star Tours ride, we posed again. This is our 2014 portrait which looks almost EXACTLY like our 2009 portrait. Except....now that I look more closely at this, I can tell that I look rather older and more worn out in this one. So...if I was a smart blogger I would post the 2009 version and tell you it's the 2014, but that would require me to go find it on my other computer and right now I'm very comfortable...plus you guys have already seen me without makeup in the other pictures...so....whatever. What was I writing about? Oh, yeah....our Star Wars family portrait tradition. Voila!


- Ponchos. Pack ponchos.

- We ate lunch at Starring Rolls because I’d read good things about the food. It was way too much food (we used 4 CS credits there instead of splitting meals like we did on other days) but it was pretty tasty, especially the obscenely huge butterfinger cupcake.


- We tried to carry my daughter’s cupcake with us for the rest of the day but that was a big messy fail in my Baggalini. (No photographic evidence of that, but trust me….if you really think you will want to carry leftovers, use a bigger backpack and bring plastic containers.) For those of you wondering why on earth I would even consider carrying leftovers…I don’t have a good explanation other than the fact that I have this thing about wasting money and food. By the end of the week I got over it….

Now for disappointment #1: my son and I were both very, very excited to see the Indiana Jones show. I thought we’d catch an earlier one but it didn’t work out (we were so busy re-riding Star Tours and such) - but no worries, right? The shows happen all day long and we made it in time for seats way up close for the 4:00 show. Dennis was looking forward to it. I told David I was going to try to get picked as an extra. I jumped up and down like a crazy woman when they wanted volunteers and was chosen first off. So far, so good! Sadly, once we got in our outfits, the casting director said bad weather was heading in so they had to cut the whole show short. We went on stage in our outfits and “acted” a bit (really, nothing) but that was it. I’m in the red robe.

But, hold the phone sister! The casting director said that if we wanted to come back for the 5:15 show we could be volunteers then. My Disney math brain started buzzing. Our ADRs for Jedi Mickey were at 5:50. Hmmmm. I posted on the Lines App: “Fast! Tell me...how long does the Indy show last?” Got the answer - 30 minutes. (whew) Called the ADR line and asked “If I’m a few minutes late for my ADR will I be ok?” Got that answer - yes as long as you’re there within 15 minutes.

Good news for the family! We went on Star Tours again (so much fun!) - I think we got two more FP+s for this ride during the evening since nothing else was available that we’d want like RnR. Then we came back for the 5:15 show. Long story short - it was a total repeat. We got there early and got great seats, I got to be a volunteer, but they canceled the show AGAIN for weather reasons after Act 1. Same jokes, same spiel. My son said “Well...that sucked.” Yup - but we tried! In hindsight, the 2 hours we spent either waiting for the 4:00 and 5:15 shows to begin (so we could have good seats) and watching the same Act 1 two times would have been better spent elsewhere in the park. HOWEVER, this was a big thing for us so I’m actually glad we gave it our best shot.

H&V was fun because we got to see Chip and Dale as Ewoks, Jedi Mickey, Princess Leia Minnie, Stormtrooper Donald, and Darth Goofy.


The food was (of course) not entirely impressive, especially for two table credits, although none of it was BAD and I have to say the lobster mac and cheese was rather tasty. My husband still talks about it. Here’s a picture of the Yoda cupcake.


I insisted that my daughter pose with me in a lightsaber battle. Everyone had a paper placemat thing that you could roll into either a blue (light side) or red (dark side) light saber. My kids prefer the dark side, which is probably not a parenting “win” on my part, although it could just be that they’re way cooler than me. ;)


From a weather perspective, we lucked out because it poured while we were eating and wasn’t as bad when we got out (at least not at first). Our H&V dinner was a Fantasmic dinner so I had our passes for the first show. Back in 2009 I hadn’t seen any nighttime shows (Kathryn and I rode Spaceship Earth while Dennis and David took Illuminations photos on that trip) and it was a big deal to have one planned for this trip. Yea!

Except...not so much. It was raining off and on all afternoon and this led to disappointment #2. Sadly, the rain increased during the course of the evening so the 9:15 Fantasmic was cancelled and nobody (not even me...the insane Disney mom) was up for staying for the second showing because who knew if the second one would also be cancelled, we’d been there since 8:10 a.m. with no break...and tomorrow was Magic Kingdom.

Other than those two let downs it was a great DHS day.

Great but exhausting….we were very wet at the end of the day from all the rain, as you can tell from these lovely before (at the bus stop) and after (heading out of the park) pictures…(notice I'm smiling just as much at the end of the day because I am THAT MUCH OF A DISNEY/STAR WARS NERD - who wouldn't be on cloud nine when she's dressed as Leia and exploring Disney World???)


Regardless of our exhaustion, we found our new favorite ride that day (Rock n Roller rules!). I loved singing the wrong words to Aerosmith as I rode it although I didn’t realize until later that it’s “Dude looks like a lady” - not “You look like a lady.” I was a nerd in the 80’s. And that was before being a nerd was cool.

Anyway...we went back to the hotel and even though I missed my shot at a night show, I was secretly glad for the extra sleep. The next day was Magic Kingdom rope drop. If my family thought I was being a dictator for an early start at DHS...well they hadn’t seen anything yet!

But we were all going to have a nap tomorrow and I had a great MK touring plan. I wasn’t worried at all. I went to bed confident that our Magic Kingdom day would run perfectly.

Boy was I in for a few surprises...
glad you had a fun day and found a new favorite ride - bummer about the rain though ... in general and that it cancelled some shows you wanted to see

oh, and Darth Goofy should never do that pose again ... ever

pretty cool Star Wars family picture! Never saw that before

nice tease for the next update ;)
OOOOOhhhhh, a cliffhanger!

*Bum Bum Bum!!!*

glad you had a fun day and found a new favorite ride - bummer about the rain though ... in general and that it cancelled some shows you wanted to see

oh, and Darth Goofy should never do that pose again ... ever

pretty cool Star Wars family picture! Never saw that before

nice tease for the next update ;)

Ha! You crack me up about Darth Goofy. And you might just have a point....
(I know it probably looks silly to have a bunch of my posts in a row...but that's the way I roll, people. Once I get going, I tend to KEEP going....) :moped:

We managed an AWESOME rope drop at MK. I’m reasonably certain I made another hot chocolate run on our MK day because this time I managed to get a few pretty morning pictures of our resort!


No DisneyBounding for me on this day, it’s the only day we wore matching t-shirts. We bleach-decorated our t-shirts with Mickey. Here we are on the bus to MK…


By the time we got through bag check and scanned our handy-dandy Magic Bands, there was plenty of room on the left side of the entryway and we grabbed a spot right near the tree. We waited 30-40 minutes for the Welcome show to begin (I think), I told my family they weren’t allowed to laugh at me when I cried during the countdown to open MK, and we made our way down Main Street.

Side Note: For those of you who haven't been to a Magic Kingdom opening show yet and have no idea why it's worth being right up there for it (other than making it onto the rides without a long wait!) - my 14 second video of it might give you a little bit of a feel for it!

Our plan (which began well enough) was to go straight to Frontierland for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Mountain. We made it over to the spot where some CMs had the sidewalk sort of blocked. They warned us that BTMRR might not be up and going yet, but Splash was, then they had us put our hands in our pockets and mosey down the street behind them. Although I could see some guests who’d sort of gone around them I have to say I thought the mosey-ing down the street was rather fun.

We hit Splash Mountain first - the kids couldn’t wait and I think we were probably on the second or third boat with humans because the boats going down the hill as we floated around it were totally empty. I highly recommend taking an artistic 15 year old on all family trips. Kathryn instructed all of us to put our sunglasses on and look cool as we went down the hill for the Photopass picture. As an added bonus for our picture, it turned out that the couple in front of us kissed on the way down the hill.

Have you ever seen a better Splash Mountain picture? Love it!


After Splash, we went on BTMRR with no wait, then I led my family over to Liberty Square so that we could pick up Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom trading cards for my son. I figured we’d all 4 use our Magic Bands so he would have 4 packs, then we’d go on Haunted Mansion together and split up (boys playing SOTMK and girls doing other things) before lunch.

As we were waiting for our cards, Tiana walked by. She is so gorgeous!!! There was no line yet since she’d just started visiting with people, so my family humored me and we went over to meet Tiana. I guess there wasn’t a photopass photographer there, but my husband took pictures. Dennis wouldn’t join me and Kathryn so it’s a ladies picture. I was terribly impressed with Tiana. She had a perfect accent, asked if we’d ever to been to New Orleans and I told her I went for the first time last year with my husband. She asked if we’d eaten at her restaurant. I thought for a second and told her we tried, but the line was so long we just couldn’t get in. She told me that does happen sometimes but we should at least have her beignets at some point, and informed me that the restaurant over at Port Orleans French Quarter uses her recipe. Too cute! And, honestly, the most naturally lovely princess we met on our trip!


Then it was the Haunted Mansion, no real line at all at this point in the morning. The interactive queue is fun, even when you’re walking right by it. Dennis had a little bit of ambivalence (as mentioned previously, he doesn’t like “spooky”) but I assured him it was a jokey-scary sort of ride, not a ride with spooky surprises or anything. We had a good time and I had fun noticing some of the details along the way this time. After that, our FP+ time for 7 Dwarfs Mine Train was open, so I had us boogie on over to that ride.

Thank goodness for FastPass when it comes to the 7DMT because….the line, people...THE LINE! We waited a bit with FP but no more than 10 minutes. As we were waiting, however, my daughter almost doubled over in pain. She suddenly started hurting pretty badly. We finished the ride and we all enjoyed it. It really is a cool ride. Lots of fun with great details.

David and Dennis went off to start SOTMK and made a point to stop for a PhotoPass photographer "so Mom would be happy." What great guys...


Kathryn and I went off on our own. I was beginning to think that I might need to get her to first aid and I was also beginning to fear appendicitis. At first, she insisted that she would be fine and she didn’t want to stop because she knew this day was a big deal for me. She said maybe she should get some food and something to drink. We went over to Cosmic Rays and got some french fries and orange juice for her.

As we sat there, she was in more and more pain. When she finally said “Maybe I should go to First Aid,” I feared it was a serious situation. Kathryn always puts others before herself, to a fault. If she was stopping our only Magic Kingdom day because of pain, I knew I needed to get her right to First Aid and probably the ER. :eek:

As we head over to First Aid (which is near the Crystal Palace restaurant), I’m texting David. The First Aid guy (who was awesome) calls an ambulance after telling me that Disney will pay for the ambulance. Kathryn wants her dad to go with her because, as she said, “You’ve planned this day, Mom, and I want you to enjoy Magic Kingdom.” (She actually started telling me this at Cosmic Rays and repeated it many times so I didn't argue. I just began to stress out. A LOT.) :(

Although I gave awful directions to David via text, he finally showed up to join Kathryn and the nice EMTs while I went off with Dennis. In case you're curious, it's an important but very difficult mental exercise to coach yourself through something like that as a parent. You know that things will probably be fine and that your awesome co-parent is right there. You also know that you have another kiddo still in the park with you and you want to make the most to keep the morning calm and fun. Luckily for me, I have a very sweet son who was also worried about his sister but probably was trying to stay calm for MY benefit. He didn't even fuss when I asked him to stop with me for photos right outside the First Aid station where I don't THINK I cried when I told the photographer all about how my daughter was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. She was very supportive and took some cute pictures. You can just tell that Dennis is doing a great job supporting me through this morning!


Since I’m sure you’re very curious at this point - the good news is that Kathryn did NOT have appendicitis. I won’t go into the details of her diagnosis, but they figured out what was going on, it wasn’t anything critical, and she and her dad ended up back at our hotel around 1 or so that afternoon, after spending a few hours at the children’s hospital in downtown Orlando. :dance3:

There are always silver linings, my friends...even in situations like this! Here were our silver linings:
- We were able to enjoy our morning rides before the pain started and the pain wasn’t anything dangerous.
- We all ended up back together later that afternoon and had a great day after all.
- Dennis got more SOTMK time. According to our original schedule, he really would have just played one round before I insisted the family do stuff together again. Once it was just him and me...and he preferred SOTMK to rides, I wasn’t going to argue about it and I enjoyed doing the Adventureland SOTMK with him.
- Kathryn got to ride on a gurney and in an ambulance. “How is this a silver lining?” you may ask. Well, Kathryn’s always been fascinated with medicine and her dream is to someday be a pediatric ER nurse. She ended up bonding with the ambulance driver, the doctors, and the nurses at the hospital. They told her she was the best patient they’d had all day (yes, it was still morning, but still!).

See - she was ok....

There’s a lot more to our MK day, which will probably take up a few more posts. I’m proud of myself for powering through and finding the joy with Dennis, even though we were both worried about Kathryn. I’m so grateful to David for being an awesome Dad, going with Kathryn, and keeping me in the loop and keeping her laughing all morning. I’m grateful to Dennis for taking pictures with me and being great company when the two of us were on our own (we ended up having a son/mom date at Be Our Guest for lunch - such a gorgeous restaurant and I'll post more about it later). So, although I had grave worries about the status of our day that morning, we all ended up loving it and actually having an excellent family vacation day. (More details about the good stuff in future posts!)

I’ll end this post with a picture of my awesome son playing SOTMK. It’s cool to see grownups and older kids with their huge books full of cards. If we lived closer, that would be Dennis!

Wow, y'all handled that well. I'm so glad it was nothing serious and your vacation was able to continue.

Also, I love the MK Opening Show!
Wow, y'all handled that well. I'm so glad it was nothing serious and your vacation was able to continue.

Also, I love the MK Opening Show!

Ah, thanks - but honestly, if I've learned anything in life it's that we are super blessed. THere's no such thing as a perfect day but there are definitely silver linings all over the place! Plus...we have great kids.

I know....the opening show...right???? I have goosebumps thinking about it! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Great report, thoroughly enjoying it. So glad your DD was ok, what a bummer though.
How scary! I'm glad to hear your daughter's okay and everyone seemed to be able to make the best of it.

Excited to hear more about your trip!


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