OK here I go....My first ever TR! DAY 5 ON PAGE 21

Awesome start Cathy :banana: See, you can do this! Can't wait for more (and hopefully more food porn!!)!!
I'm on board!!!!
I love Cafe Orleans and Mimi's and Buca, so I'd say your food choices for the first day get an A+.
I'm on board!!!!
I love Cafe Orleans and Mimi's and Buca, so I'd say your food choices for the first day get an A+.

LOL I realized looking back at our receipts that we basically ate our way thru Disneyland, it was RIDICULOUS! you'll see, LOL

And a big thank you to everyone for their supporting comments, really makes me feel good, I was so worried that no one would read it and that my TR would just go to the bottom of the page, thanks to everyone for keeping it up towards the top! I feel honored!!
Hi Neighbor! I just read through your report and realized we live in the same town!

Great report! I can't wait to read more.....

Really? this is super awesome! PM me and tell me more about you! Im always looking for friends here, havent really made any since I moved here, would be super fun to have one in GP and especially one who shares my love for all things Disney :thumbsup2
Day two started pretty much the same as day one, breakfast at Mimis at 7, back to the hotel to drop off the van and wait for ART. Today would be our first day at California Adventure. We were worried about DS15 riding California Screaming because he has always been cautious about riding roller coasters any bigger than the ones found at DL. But he was a super trooper and loved it and it became his new favorite. :thumbsup2

We did Toy Story next, which is our favorite ride in C.A. I'm pretty sure DH got the highest score but I wasnt far behind. I really wanted to do this again but everytime we would walk by the line was sooooo long, even though everything else was walk on. :confused3

DH is originally from Alaska, he only moved here to the states about 4 years ago, so when he heard a friend of his from his home state was down visiting DL he go ahold of him thru facebook and we met up with him and his wife and his DD. Our DD's hit it off immediately and wanted to go on Jumpin Jellyfish together while DH and his friend caught up on whats going on in Alaska. They got the back side of the Jellyfish so we didnt get a great picture, just the back of their heads. LOL :laughing:

After this ride we headed over to Whitewater Snacks for some yummy nachos. DS12 and I got beef and DH and BFF got chicken. DS15 got an egg salad sandwich and DD8 got a pb&j uncrustable meal. The nachos were delicious and now I understand why they are a hit on the Dis boards!


After DH and I took both the girls to the bugs life area and let them ride the little kid rides while DS15, DS12, BFF and visiting Alaskan friends went on Calif.Screaming. The girls acted like they had known each other for YEARS and were best friends :hug: They had a great time riding Heimlichs Chew Chew Train.

They also liked Fliks Fun Fliers

After we finished up there we headed back to Calif Screaming to see the group on the tail end of Calif Screaming waiting to launch, we were able to get a pic before they took off.

We said our good-byes to DH's AK friends and headed off to do Tower of Terror. I stayed off this ride because I was already feeling a little queasy (yeah I know, Im a wimp :scared1: ) and went around back and waited for their pics to come up on the screen.

I guess we hadnt said good bye to the AK friends because I just noticed in this pic that they are the family in the back left row behind my family :-)
Im pretty sure we said goodbye after this?!?!
We headed over to soaring and got to take this fun pic with Mater and Lightning McQueen.

Also had this pic taken by BFF of our family. I always strive to get the perfect family pic to use on our Christmas cards so we are always taking pics like this. I got one over in Pooh corner that I think we are going to use but if we dont then I MIGHT use this one, still not sure. Im not all that fond of the fact that the boys have their sunglasses on?!?!? :cool2:

I'm not 100% sure where we went or what we did after this, but I do know that there are no more pics between this and when we went out for dinner that night. LOL We headed back to the hotel and grabbed the van and headed to Red Robin (yummmmmm) and we all ordered the Prime Chophouse Burger (their special of the week, it was $5.99 for the burger and all you can eat fries...where else can you get a deal like that?!?!?)

DS15 had the Monster Burger which he demolished in about 8 bites. My BFF and I spoiled ourselves with margaritas, mine was mango and hers was strawberry.


This made my ears warm <3 :cloud9:

After we got back to the hotel DH took the kids to the hot tub and swimming while BFF and I stayed in the hotel room and checked email and updated facebook and all that fun stuff.
This marks the end of our second day at Disneyland/California Adventure. Day 3 coming soon! stay tuned! Thanks everyone! :grouphug:
Great family picture! And how fun for your DD to make a new friend. That will make a good memory for her. :goodvibes
What a fun day!!!

Isn't it fun meeting up with people at Disneyland!!!! Glad the girls hit it off & had fun together!!

The margarita looked delicious!!!! :upsidedow

Love the family pic by GRR....my kids always grumble for these, but it's nice to have a picture with everyone in them once in a while!!
I thought I was the only one who's ears got warm when they drank. :rotfl: Great trip report Cathy, I am really enjoying it.
Great family picture! And how fun for your DD to make a new friend. That will make a good memory for her. :goodvibes
Too bad they live in Alaska, Katelyn would really have fun with her if she lived around here!

You do a great trip report!! Im living vicariously through your TR until our trip in November :)
Awww, thank you! I know how it is, I did the same thing all the way up until we left!

What a fun day!!!

Isn't it fun meeting up with people at Disneyland!!!! Glad the girls hit it off & had fun together!!

The margarita looked delicious!!!! :upsidedow

Love the family pic by GRR....my kids always grumble for these, but it's nice to have a picture with everyone in them once in a while!!
I really take way too many family pics but its just my thing and the kids know that they have to suffer if only for a few seconds! lol

I thought I was the only one who's ears got warm when they drank. :rotfl: Great trip report Cathy, I am really enjoying it.
I always get hot and red when I drink?!?! oh well, I look cute with rosy cheeks :thumbsup2
Too bad they live in Alaska, Katelyn would really have fun with her if she lived around here!

Awww, thank you! I know how it is, I did the same thing all the way up until we left!

I really take way too many family pics but its just my thing and the kids know that they have to suffer if only for a few seconds! lol

I always get hot and red when I drink?!?! oh well, I look cute with rosy cheeks :thumbsup2

Hey that's all you can ask for!!:cutie:
Day 3 started out exactly the same as day 1 and 2. What can I say? we arent that fond of change?!?! LOL Dont worry, on Day 4 Im pretty sure we ate at Carnation Cafe for Breakfast so there will be some changes. We ate at Mimis, again, because those muffins are AWESOME! :thumbsup2 It was strange but we were the only ones in there for breakfast, im not sure if it was because it was only 7 or because not many people know about this hidden gem! I sure do wish we had one around my neck of the woods! :confused3

We made it to the park right around opening and found that again, no lines! this is really spoiling us, even Peter Pan had no more than a 5-10 minute wait. Oh, I forgot to add that on our way in we had to stop by the guided tour booth to trade in the vouchers for our GAD program, we opted for the fast passes and after DL give you the tickets you have to redeem them for the 6 special fast passes. While there the kids were excited to run into Alice, The Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit

After taking pics we strolled over to the Wishing Well by the Castle and we all took turns making our wish. :wizard:

I really didnt keep track of what we did, ride wise, so im going off of the order of our pics. Next was Autopia. Everytime were at DL Im the one who gets stuck in the car by myself because we always have an odd number of people, this time we were 6 so I got to ride with DH, although maybe it was a blessing in disguise to have my own car! we were squished and looked like clowns in our car, LOL :sad2:

Of course BFF and DD looked perfect in their car, geez, some people have all the luck lol j/k!!! :rolleyes1

Next on our camera was the Tea Cups. This trip marks the first time EVER that Ive been on this ride, Ive always had a weak stomach on things that spin but I braved it and took dramamine in the morning but still got a little queasy when BFF thought she would try and spin the cups, one threat of vomit on her lap by me got her to stop REALLY quick! :sick:

We took Katelyn to meet the fairies but only Silvermist (not really her favorite) and Tinkerbell were there. She was thrilled to meet Tinkerbell again, but commented on how different she looked than last time. cute lol.
I personally thought this Tink looked more fairy like than the other ones ive seen before, shes got something cute about her and it totally works!

By this time we were getting hungry and decided to stick with the tried and true...Cafe Orleans :love:
first is the Blackened Caesar Salad

and the bowl of gumbo

Next is the Gumbo Crepe, yum

Both of the boys each demolished a Monte Cristo but for some reason I didnt get pics of that?!?! Katelyn only wanted fruit (shes strange like that, she'll always choose fruit or broccoli if she has the choice) so she didnt order, just ate all of our fruit :cutie:

Later on in the day she wanted some ice cream so we headed over to Gibson Girl and she got Strawberry ice cream in a sprinkle waffle cone. We headed over to the Partners statue where she ate and people watched on the bench in front of us and I got a few really good pics, this is my favorite

Along with this one...

Im guessing next we went on the Astro Orbiter, for some reason DD kept pulling the lever up and down and it was seriously making me sick and everyone laughed at me for screaming like a baby, lol what can I say? I told you all I get sick!!! maybe next time I will keep my feet on the ground!

This pic was obviously taken before the nausea began hahaha

Space Mountain was next, DS15 REALLY loved this ride, more than I thought he would, we all had a great time, until it broke down. Right at the end where you go thru the tunnel of lights we just abruptly stopped, so strange! then they turned on the lights and played the announcement that someone would come by soon and push us into the station. This took about 15 minutes and when they finally released the brakes and someone pushed us in we came around the corner to the loading area and the whole waiting area broke out in applause! it was fun being the center of attention for a few minutes!

I'm pretty sure we went back to the hotel after this and DH went out to get some Taco Bell (hey there are times you have to eat a little cheaper!) then the kids swam and I took a shower.
Thats the end of our third day. Stay tuned for tomorrow, we literally ate our way thru the day beginning with Carnation Cafe for breakfast and ending with Napa Rose for dinner, :cloud9: so yummy and I got some really good pics!!! thanks for reading!
Next on our camera was the Tea Cups.:rotfl: I totally love that line. Tagfairy where are you!!
Ooohhh...I especially love that picture of your daughter sitting on the bench with her ice cream, turned around and watching the people. My son used to be like that...choosing broccoli over stuff like pizza. When he was 2 he would wake up and ask for "bocky" for breakfast. :) Looking forward to more of your report!
Love the trip report. The pictures with Tink and the princess are my favorite. I'm glad to hear you are/were having a great time!
You're doing a great job Cathy! Looking foward to Napa Rose!
I agree, there is something about that Tink..........

Thanx for sharing more Cafe Orlean's pics....these are items we've never tried or seen.....so I enjoyed drooling on my screen... :rotfl:

Not big on spinning?? Hubby talked me into looking up at the lanterns on our first night (it was dark) & then he spun the heck out of the cups....first time I'd ever gotten green on this ride.....bad hubby!!!!

Can't wait for Day 4!!
Just starting in now. Great report! I think you've convinced me on Cafe Orleans. Love that your daughter only wanted fruit and ice cream, can't fault her for that!
Next on our camera was the Tea Cups.:rotfl: I totally love that line. Tagfairy where are you!!

Seriously, your not the first person to say that but she is never around, someone on another thread said I should bribe her with chocolate, which im totally willing to do :thumbsup2

Ooohhh...I especially love that picture of your daughter sitting on the bench with her ice cream, turned around and watching the people. My son used to be like that...choosing broccoli over stuff like pizza. When he was 2 he would wake up and ask for "bocky" for breakfast. :) Looking forward to more of your report!
That was my favorite picture too, something about it just made me fall in love with it :love:

Love the trip report. The pictures with Tink and the princess are my favorite. I'm glad to hear you are/were having a great time!
Thanks, it was definitely my favorite of all the trips to DL that Ive been on, everything was just perfect and totally worked in our favor. I love when that happens!

You're doing a great job Cathy! Looking foward to Napa Rose!
Napa Rose was AWESOME I guess I didnt know what I was missing! Im going to try and work on day 4 today!

I agree, there is something about that Tink..........

Thanx for sharing more Cafe Orlean's pics....these are items we've never tried or seen.....so I enjoyed drooling on my screen... :rotfl:

Not big on spinning?? Hubby talked me into looking up at the lanterns on our first night (it was dark) & then he spun the heck out of the cups....first time I'd ever gotten green on this ride.....bad hubby!!!!

Can't wait for Day 4!!
Yeah she is definitely the cuter of the Tinks they have! and I will never ride the teacups. ever. again. :sick:

Just starting in now. Great report! I think you've convinced me on Cafe Orleans. Love that your daughter only wanted fruit and ice cream, can't fault her for that!
Yeah, its definitely a must do and I used to feel that way about BB but its just over priced, even if the ambiance is good. I mean I have no problem what so ever with paying a little more if the food is worth it, but to me the food at Cafe Orleans seems just a little better and for half the price! just worth it to me to eat there!


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