Oh, Just A Few GALLONS of Pixie Dust! - A July/August 2012 TR

All I could think of for your honeydew restaurant is that Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker HAVE to be the spokesmen!!! :laughing:

Glad to hear that you enjoyed your meal at Akershus! The ceilings there really are pretty, I don't blame you for taking lots of pictures of them!!
Aaaaaahhhhhh, I'm finally all caught up! I'm on Twitter all the time because my new job has a big social media component, but paying attention to the real world means my Dis time has been slashed and I fell woefully behind. I took notes as I read everything, so this response post is going to be slightly disjointed. :rotfl:

I thought it was funny how you were pairing different attractions at DHS to tray and remember their locations. That park has lots of nooks and crannies!

Animation class is so much fun, I'm so glad you guys tried it! I can't draw, but it has become my go-to DHS activity.

Our first trip to BLT is in May, that was a great tip about the BLT pool being smaller than CR. We'll keep that in mind!

You had never been to the Poly?!?!? How is that even possible??

Don't discount the 'Ohana salad, the dressing is to. die. for. For real, Franklin doesn't voluntarily eat anything green, but I have to remind him there's food other than the salad coming when we eat there.

'Ohana's pork and chicken can be hit or miss, but the shrimp and steak have always been winners for us.

At our first dinner at 'Ohana they put either tw or three leis on each of us, it was quite a sight (especially with it puffing up my alread-curly hair).

Thanks for the tip about Spaceship Earth, now I need to look for the outlines of the triangles.

Disney bacon -- blech. How can a place that is such perfection when it comes to so many yummy foods have such terrible bacon?

We haven't done the safari on our last two trips, maybe January?

Finally saw FotLK, so glad I did since it's closing next month!

The Disney pillows! I bought three, it's going to be a problem when I go back again. I probably should have limited myself to one on each trip, but they were all so FREAKING cute.

I don't get why Mickey gets a cute Garden Grill outfit, but Pluto, Chip and Dale don't?

Watching Wishes from your balcony = pure Disney heaven. Consider me envious.

You mean there are people who DON'T sing "Three Caballeros" on Gran Fiesta?

We've never ridden Maelstrom, like ever.

I was so happy to see that you guys enjoyed Akerhaus, we've got a breakfast ADR in January. I feel very lucky to have a fiance that puts up with princess dining for me. :goodvibes
I'm telling you we are the same person!!! I don't like soup either!! I've never met someone else with the same dislike of soups!!
Sounds like a really great lunch! :thumbsup2 The food all looks really good...especially that mushroom pasta. I'm so sorry Kim was married. Why did he have to go & ruin the fantasy? :headache: :lmao:
Your pictures of random things cracked me up! Yes that is exactly what I was waiting to see :rotfl2:

Creepy belle picture is also a winner. I have way too many creepy character pictures.

Good work for capturing Kim on camera! Too often these attractive WS CMs slip away before you can document the attractiveness that they possess.

Everything looks so delicious there! We still haven't eaten there and but I know we are missing out!!
Gahh so ridiculously hungry after your pictures, as always :goodvibes
Haha, I'm glad you finally got to experience the hunks of World Showcase. When I went with my mom one year and we ate at Tutto Italia, I seriously fell in love with our server, Luca. Even now, it brings a smile to my face to think back on him. :lmao:
But why'd Kim have to go and ruin the moment by mentioning a wife.:rolleyes2 Someone should've told him to keep that on the down-low.

I'm glad lunch was fun, even if you had to eat a sandwich with no top bun. (that seems so odd to me.) All the princess interaction stories were fun to read! And I love that Ariel is there!
:rotfl2: I am sorry - that is too funny.

Please know I am not laughing at your expense, but I definitely heard the record screech before the "his wife" part. :rotfl2:

Maybe they should tell Kim to keep the "wife" part on the low-down. At least he waited until the end of the meal.

OK - then - getting back on track - great pictures. Yummy looking food. Fun update. I have always wanted to eat there, but I definitely need to take a girl child with me and there are none in my family. Boo!

Hahaha, don't even worry about it. It IS really funny. I mean really, it's not like I actually thought we were going to run off and get married, but I think I could have done without knowing about his wife! :lmao:

Thanks! Aw, maybe someday you'll be able to! It's a fun little spot.

We really loved our breakfast at Akershus and wondered if lunch or dinner would be just as good.

Didn't you just love Ariel's dress ?? It was so pretty.

I am so sorry that when you finally found your dream man ..... that you found out he was married. Life is hard.

Yes, lunch was definitely great!

Yeah! I love all of their dresses, but Ariel's is the best. Everything about it is so pretty!

Hahahha that is okay. Nothing was gonna happen either way! :rotfl:

Haha too bad Kim is married! I love Jacobs conversation w Ariel!

It is, isn't it? :laughing: That's okay, he and his wife probably make a very cute couple. Hahahha yes, it was too funny!

Ok so you had a nice meal, thats great and all but I'm gonna have to see the video of this Kim guy.....;)

Hahahah! He's only in it for a couple of seconds, but that's what the pause button is for! I would honestly go back to Akershus and request him. My mom and I both joked that we should have pretended like we thought he was a 'prince' and taken our picture with him! :lmao:

All I could think of for your honeydew restaurant is that Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker HAVE to be the spokesmen!!! :laughing:

Glad to hear that you enjoyed your meal at Akershus! The ceilings there really are pretty, I don't blame you for taking lots of pictures of them!!

Oh man, of course! So now it has to happen. I'd definitely go if they were there! :rotfl:

Thanks, we really did! Hahha yeah, I just couldn't stop!

Aaaaaahhhhhh, I'm finally all caught up! I'm on Twitter all the time because my new job has a big social media component, but paying attention to the real world means my Dis time has been slashed and I fell woefully behind. I took notes as I read everything, so this response post is going to be slightly disjointed. :rotfl:

I thought it was funny how you were pairing different attractions at DHS to tray and remember their locations. That park has lots of nooks and crannies!

Animation class is so much fun, I'm so glad you guys tried it! I can't draw, but it has become my go-to DHS activity.

Our first trip to BLT is in May, that was a great tip about the BLT pool being smaller than CR. We'll keep that in mind!

You had never been to the Poly?!?!? How is that even possible??

Don't discount the 'Ohana salad, the dressing is to. die. for. For real, Franklin doesn't voluntarily eat anything green, but I have to remind him there's food other than the salad coming when we eat there.

'Ohana's pork and chicken can be hit or miss, but the shrimp and steak have always been winners for us.

At our first dinner at 'Ohana they put either tw or three leis on each of us, it was quite a sight (especially with it puffing up my alread-curly hair).

Thanks for the tip about Spaceship Earth, now I need to look for the outlines of the triangles.

Disney bacon -- blech. How can a place that is such perfection when it comes to so many yummy foods have such terrible bacon?

We haven't done the safari on our last two trips, maybe January?

Finally saw FotLK, so glad I did since it's closing next month!

The Disney pillows! I bought three, it's going to be a problem when I go back again. I probably should have limited myself to one on each trip, but they were all so FREAKING cute.

I don't get why Mickey gets a cute Garden Grill outfit, but Pluto, Chip and Dale don't?

Watching Wishes from your balcony = pure Disney heaven. Consider me envious.

You mean there are people who DON'T sing "Three Caballeros" on Gran Fiesta?

We've never ridden Maelstrom, like ever.

I was so happy to see that you guys enjoyed Akerhaus, we've got a breakfast ADR in January. I feel very lucky to have a fiance that puts up with princess dining for me. :goodvibes

Hooray!!! :yay: Hahah don't worry about it. I get it!

Hmm... I'm actually not sure what you mean! Hahah I don't remember!

It is so much fun! I'm glad we finally did it, too. We all really enjoyed it.

Yeah! The BLT pool is definitely worth a visit as well, it's just a lot smaller. It probably just depends on the day/season, but both pools are great!

Hahah I have no idea. :blush:

I liked what I had of it! I just really wanted to get my fill of the main courses without feeling like I was going to die. :rotfl:

The chicken was amaaaaaaazing. Oh my goodness gracious.

Hahah that's awesome. I had to work for mine, but I'm so glad I have it! It's the little things I guess.

Oh, yeah! It was pretty cool to see that!

I have no idea why the bacon there is usually so terrible. I've come to accept it though, hahaha. I must say though, the bacon that was on my 'sandwich' at Akershus was great!

Yeah! That's funny, I skipped it two trips in a row, as well. I love that safari!

NOT PERMANENTLY, THOUGH! NEVERRRRRR!!!! (Sorry. I just really, really love FotLK.)

They are! I just really really want one or two or seven.

Hahha well I guess Pluto never wears clothes, but sometimes Chip and Dale do, so who knows? They're cute regardless!

You shall be doing that soon enough!

There are. It's very weird.

You must!

I've heard good things about their breakfast! I hope yall enjoy!

Thanks so much for catching up!!!
Loving reading about your magical trip!

Aww, thank you so much! I'm so glad! Thanks for your comment! :goodvibes

I'm telling you we are the same person!!! I don't like soup either!! I've never met someone else with the same dislike of soups!!

BAHAHA. That is TOO funny. We seriously must be! I do like broccoli cheddar soup, but that's IT. I'm so glad someone understands. :rotfl:

Sounds like a really great lunch! :thumbsup2 The food all looks really good...especially that mushroom pasta. I'm so sorry Kim was married. Why did he have to go & ruin the fantasy? :headache: :lmao:

It really was! Yeah, my parents really loved that meal! I don't do mushrooms but I'm betting someone who liked them would really enjoy it!

Hahah, that's okay. The fantasy can still be. I mean, Eric and Eugene are married too, so it's fine. I guess married guys are the type I go for.


Your pictures of random things cracked me up! Yes that is exactly what I was waiting to see :rotfl2:

Creepy belle picture is also a winner. I have way too many creepy character pictures.

Good work for capturing Kim on camera! Too often these attractive WS CMs slip away before you can document the attractiveness that they possess.

Everything looks so delicious there! We still haven't eaten there and but I know we are missing out!!
Gahh so ridiculously hungry after your pictures, as always :goodvibes

Oh good! I'm so glad I could help. ;)

She had no idea I was taking that picture. It's too funny. I wish there was a 'watching from behind a rock' smiley. Or a 'rubbing the hands together while saying MWAHAHA' smiley. Wow, I'm creepy.

Thank you, thank you! It was a total accident too! I hope it's good enough for yall to see his beauty!

It was so great! Hahah I'm sorry I made you hungry!

Haha, I'm glad you finally got to experience the hunks of World Showcase. When I went with my mom one year and we ate at Tutto Italia, I seriously fell in love with our server, Luca. Even now, it brings a smile to my face to think back on him. :lmao:
But why'd Kim have to go and ruin the moment by mentioning a wife.:rolleyes2 Someone should've told him to keep that on the down-low.

I'm glad lunch was fun, even if you had to eat a sandwich with no top bun. (that seems so odd to me.) All the princess interaction stories were fun to read! And I love that Ariel is there!

Oh my goodness, ME TOO! I was sure it was just a myth or some kind of fabrication, because up until that day, the only world showcase waiters I had were waitRESSES. WOMP WOMP. Hahah, poor Kim probably thought I was just being polite asking him about his life, he probably had no idea I was planning a wedding. :lmao:

Hahha I mean, I guess that's what 'open-face' means, but it still weirded me out! It's okay, I enjoyed a nice hunk of chicken, sans bun. :laughing: I'm glad you enjoyed it!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Oh, isn't it always a let down?? :rotfl2: OMG too funny!

I'm glad you had a great meal especially with a great view! ;)
Sounds like a great lunch! I made sure to check your plate to check that you'd sampled my salami. :thumbsup2

Great princess photos! Love Jacob's interactions with them too.

If Kim isn't your waiter next time, look for Sebastian. He was our waiter for breakfast in April. Let's just say that if I were a few years younger (and not married of course) I'd have been very smitten with him. ;)
Aww, Akershus looks adorable! I was hoping to go there on the trip with my sister and niece, but I guess my sister decided against it! :confused3 Guess that means I'll have to drag Brandon there someday!

The princesses all seem so cute and sweet...I feel like I should just go there and meet them all at once and get over my fear, like immersion therapy or something! :rotfl:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Oh, isn't it always a let down?? :rotfl2: OMG too funny!

I'm glad you had a great meal especially with a great view! ;)

Hahahah! YES! It always, always is! :lmao: Thank you! Oh yes. That view just couldn't be beat! ;)

Sounds like a great lunch! I made sure to check your plate to check that you'd sampled my salami. :thumbsup2

Great princess photos! Love Jacob's interactions with them too.

If Kim isn't your waiter next time, look for Sebastian. He was our waiter for breakfast in April. Let's just say that if I were a few years younger (and not married of course) I'd have been very smitten with him. ;)

Oh good, I guess I did have some, then! I honestly don't even know what was on that plate. I just picked up stuff that looked good. :rotfl:

Thanks! Hahha he was funny.

Oooh... Sebastian. I think it's a law of nature that someone who is given that name will turn out to be extremely attractive. I'll be on the lookout! ;)

Aww, Akershus looks adorable! I was hoping to go there on the trip with my sister and niece, but I guess my sister decided against it! :confused3 Guess that means I'll have to drag Brandon there someday!

The princesses all seem so cute and sweet...I feel like I should just go there and meet them all at once and get over my fear, like immersion therapy or something! :rotfl:

It seriously is too cute! I loved it. Hahha aw, well he's a trooper so hey, might as well!

Bahaha you're silly. You crack me up. They really are sweet! Just do it! Rip off that bandaid, Jen! :cheer2:
I want to see Kim now! Where is this video you speak of???

For real, let's have the video! :cool1:

If it helps you to move on, we will tell you that his nose is too big, and he probably has financial issues and stinky feet. And he never shuts the refrigerator door all the way. I'm sure of it. :upsidedow There are finer unhitched fish in the sea. :thumbsup2

But we still need to see him. ::yes::

I have only been to Akershus once, which was this past summer, and it was pouring down rain from whatever tropical storm was hovering over. My immediate memory when I think of it is the sea of poncho-clad people who were herded into the front waiting area and the wet floors and wet floor signs all over the place. It was a miserable walk (slosh) from the entrance of Epcot back to Norway.

We had breakfast. The meal itself was good, not great, but of course our girls loved seeing all the beautiful Princesses, so that's what it was all about. I agree with you, the ceilings are cool.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time, we've got a breakfast ADR for Akershus in April and I'm looking forward to it even more now I've seen your photos xx
I want to see Kim now! Where is this video you speak of??? I love the World Showcase waiters too!

Hahah! Well, I only got him for a few seconds, but it works! It's a compilation video, so I'll post it when I'm done posting all the updates that has stuff from the video. (Hopefully that made sense. Hahah.) :thumbsup2

For real, let's have the video! :cool1:

If it helps you to move on, we will tell you that his nose is too big, and he probably has financial issues and stinky feet. And he never shuts the refrigerator door all the way. I'm sure of it. :upsidedow There are finer unhitched fish in the sea. :thumbsup2

But we still need to see him. ::yes::

I have only been to Akershus once, which was this past summer, and it was pouring down rain from whatever tropical storm was hovering over. My immediate memory when I think of it is the sea of poncho-clad people who were herded into the front waiting area and the wet floors and wet floor signs all over the place. It was a miserable walk (slosh) from the entrance of Epcot back to Norway.

We had breakfast. The meal itself was good, not great, but of course our girls loved seeing all the beautiful Princesses, so that's what it was all about. I agree with you, the ceilings are cool.

I'll post it, I promise! :rotfl:

Hhaha well thank you, I'll try to picture him with a bigger nose. Or maybe a unibrow. :laughing:

We really enjoyed lunch! Hahha, it's a much different experience without all the rain! That sounds hectic! Those princesses are so fun to meet. I'm glad the girls enjoyed it! :goodvibes

Sounds like you had a wonderful time, we've got a breakfast ADR for Akershus in April and I'm looking forward to it even more now I've seen your photos xx

Oh, how exciting! I've heard several good reviews of breakfast. I hope yall enjoy! :woohoo:
I got my Disney Movie Rewards Limited Edition New Fantasyland Grand Opening pin (try saying that fives times fast) in the mail yesterday! I literally got this puppy RIGHT before they went out of stock, as they were only available for a limited time on December 6th.

It's SO pretty. I love it.


So the moral of the story is this: Yall ALL need to do Disney Movie Rewards if you don't already. This is not the first thing I've gotten from them and it won't be the last! And it's FREE!
Yay, Akershus! It's been years since I've been there. Haven't eaten there since it was the traditional buffet, pre-princess.

Hahaha. Storybrooke. Nice. I'm in withdrawal right now. Stupid winter finales!

No, the Hot World Showcase Waiter is not a myth! It's for real man! They're everywhere. And Norwegians are seriously smokin'! :rotfl2:

Okay, I have to agree that you are a freak of nature for not liking soup. :rotfl2: Just kidding, just kidding!

I do love rice pudding, so that sounds awesome to me. The chocolate mousse cake sounds divine!

Hahaha, the glass shattering on HIMYM. Classic.


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