October 11-18, 2008 Disney Magic Parrothead Pirates in Paradise Chapter 12

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Steve just came home with a bag of those Volcano Tacos from Taco Bell. Oh My GOD!!!!! not gosh, GOD! My mouth is burning something HORRIBLE! Either I had the one with the most spice or I am a WHIMP! Steve ate like 3 and the boys each had one and no one seemed to think them HOT! :furious:

Oh they're hot alright. Merkie wanted one a few weeks ago and she took one bite and literally cried her mouth and throat burned so bad. Those things should be illegal.
Steve just came home with a bag of those Volcano Tacos from Taco Bell. Oh My GOD!!!!! not gosh, GOD! My mouth is burning something HORRIBLE! Either I had the one with the most spice or I am a WHIMP! Steve ate like 3 and the boys each had one and no one seemed to think them HOT! :furious:
:lmao: I haven't had one yet, but Mary say's they are not hot to her. :confused3

Hi Everyone! :yay:

Slowly, I'm getting things done for the cruise but I am nowhere near you guys in being ready! :worship:

:cool1: I booked our excursions today through shoretrips.com. We're doing the St. Martin Island and beach tour and, in St Thomas, the Coral World & Coki Beach excursion. I was planning on just taking a taxi to Coral World/Coki Beach to save some money but I chickened out and booked the excursion with the transportation back to the ship :rolleyes:

Anybody else's dds planning on getting their hair braided? :hippie: Both mine have never had it done before and want to try it. I read that they can get it done in a headband style - that sounds really cute. I guess we sign up for that after we board. I heard that the spots fill up fast.

Good idea about photocopying the passports. I never would have thought of that!

Judy - Thanks for adding us to your FE list! :woohoo: I have added your family to ours and I will confirm by email as well (PM does not work for me and I don't really have time at this point to figure it out :rolleyes1 ). I am planning on making some door signs and I love the Lady and the Tramp one you posted. If I have time, I might just have to make an anniversary sign with it! :goodvibes

Laura :flower:
If you want PM's to work, you have to turn it on in your User CP.:thumbsup2
hey Candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
want us to send our freezing weather?
Sure....I'll take some!!!!
Ill take some of it here in Miami but the bad part is that no one would want to be in FL if it was that cold...I think it would be hilarious if it snowed here one day...but then again everyone forgets how to drive when it rains so I would HATE to see IF it snowed what the roads would be like :eek:

Good to hear :thumbsup2

LOL, Same here in CA!!!!
I does snow here up in the mountains....it's pretty cool, we can go play in the snow up in the mountains and then lay out at the beach all in the same day!!!! If the weather is just right!! LOL
Oh they're hot alright. Merkie wanted one a few weeks ago and she took one bite and literally cried her mouth and throat burned so bad. Those things should be illegal.

YES! I feel her pain. It's just insane!!! I told Steve, Thanks for bringing me a taco, but next time, make mine a regular ol' boring taco!!!
Steve just came home with a bag of those Volcano Tacos from Taco Bell. Oh My GOD!!!!! not gosh, GOD! My mouth is burning something HORRIBLE! Either I had the one with the most spice or I am a WHIMP! Steve ate like 3 and the boys each had one and no one seemed to think them HOT! :furious:

Oh man, I didn't see those on the menu until I had already orderded on Friday night. Now I really wish I would have gotten one! I love Spicy!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I need one very soon.

I was googling images of snow storms and snowball fights but how do I say this? I don't want to get shot :rotfl2:

Yep, I'll shoot you! I don't want to see snow any sooner than I have too!!!
Dont tell Mike...he is computer guy and he is definantly not into Dial-Up anymore :lmao: I think he could talk him into it IF he found out and they got into a conversation about it :rolleyes1

Im glad that I could help Nancy :hug: I think I got all of the paperwork printed and such...now I just need to pack everything :thumbsup2 :worship:

Just remember, that subtlety is key:rotfl: If Mike hits him over the head. I'll hear about it the whole trip and he will not go near Mike again:rotfl:

The sad part is my husband uses a computer all day long at work. With internet required for what he does, though mostly its inter compnay and Navy stuff. But he swears dial up is just fine for our house.

Well after doing a little bit of searching, I'm tired of dial-up.
Sure....I'll take some!!!!

LOL, Same here in CA!!!!
I does snow here up in the mountains....it's pretty cool, we can go play in the snow up in the mountains and then lay out at the beach all in the same day!!!! If the weather is just right!! LOL

Maureen---Yea Mike is a real talker...especially about computer stuff (that I have no clue about) so when he goes off talking about stuff...I smile and shake my head (like on madagasgar..."Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave") :lmao:

Gail- It was nice that you got to catch up and gossip tonight instead of having to run the concession...a nice little break for you :hug: Congrats on your team winning Varsity :thumbsup2 :cool1:

Are you still finding nasty feet pictures?
Eww Lets not go there again :scared: :laughing:

I ate taco bell for lunch today and saw them...I didnt read what the were but I was thinking "Wow what pretty red taco shells" till I read where it said VOLCANO TACOS...umm no thanks...I already get bad enough heartburn from my acid reflux...I dont need more than my daily dose :sad2: And the bad part is that I USED to like spicy things but spicy things do not like me anymore :scared:
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