OceanGdss SBP/Ariel's December 2008..PS TR finished!!

And for our late night readers....a picture..nothing much..but it should hold over your addictions until the morning...
I would just like to let you know that I AM in suspense so I can't wait to read your TR ;)
YAY Meg!!!!!! I'm so happy for you both!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes yay for a dessert party!!!!!!!! Meg the 7 months are going to fly by..when your day is here enjoy every moment..it gos by soo quick!!!!

I'll be waiting for more pics..very nice picture of you 2!!!!!!!!!!

Cute pic Meg! I'm sure you're wiped out after all of that! I just found out today that the day I get back from our trip, I work an extra 2 1/2 hours. We have registration and the departments have to stay "womaned" until 6:30. I will be a very sleepy Lisa!

I'll catch up with you some more tomorrow! :surfweb:
How exciting about the dessert party!!! I am also looking into doing a dessert welcome party. It sounds like a lot of fun (though no illuminations at Disneyland). Can't wait to hear how the planning session went... :)
Very cute picture!!! but unfortuantely it did not hold me over... serious PS TR Withdrawl!!!! :scared1:

j/k :laughing: can't wait for more...
I would just like to let you know that I AM in suspense so I can't wait to read your TR ;)

LoL..its coming!

YAY Meg!!!!!! I'm so happy for you both!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes yay for a dessert party!!!!!!!! Meg the 7 months are going to fly by..when your day is here enjoy every moment..it gos by soo quick!!!!

I'll be waiting for more pics..very nice picture of you 2!!!!!!!!!!


Aww..thank you!! I'm very excited. I know the next few months are going to zoom by...and its funny, because I have spent so long anxiously waiting for my wedding to come, and now I've reached the point where I don't want the fun of planning to end. I don't want it to go by too fast. Strange how we change our minds lol. I'll be posting more pics today!!! :goodvibes :hug:

Cute pic Meg! I'm sure you're wiped out after all of that! I just found out today that the day I get back from our trip, I work an extra 2 1/2 hours. We have registration and the departments have to stay "womaned" until 6:30. I will be a very sleepy Lisa!

I'll catch up with you some more tomorrow! :surfweb:

Thank you!! Yes..its more of a mental exauhstion lol. :headache: Thats going to stink to work the same day you get back....ugh...well..drink A LOT of coffee!!!

How exciting about the dessert party!!! I am also looking into doing a dessert welcome party. It sounds like a lot of fun (though no illuminations at Disneyland). Can't wait to hear how the planning session went... :)

Its very exciting!!! I would LOVE to hear about a DP at DLR!!! DF and I went out there this past January and LOVED it. We are still talking about how great California Screamin' was lol. :thumbsup2

:surfweb: patiently waiting!

Cute pix! How awesome for the dp:dance3:

i have Marion and Laura too!

lol...I'm about to post more..just a few more minutes :rotfl:
Aren't those two awesome!!! They're SO friendly! And Marion cracked me up :lmao:

Very cute picture!!! but unfortuantely it did not hold me over... serious PS TR Withdrawl!!!! :scared1:

j/k :laughing: can't wait for more...

haha....ok..I'll get right on it..I don't want you spending your Friday in the hospital or anything :rotfl2:
Okies..I'll get this started lol

We don't live very far from WDW, just a couple of hours, so we just went down the night before the PS, then drove back home the night of. It was a wonderful little trip.

We invited FMIL to go with us because she is wonderful at planning, decorating, flowers, and food! lol And she just finished planning FBIL's wedding (married April 12th) and we wanted her to be involved in ours. Ours is a little different, we're paying for everything out of our pockets, and I'm planning pretty much everything..so its everything WE want, no one else. But we wanted her to be involved..so this was perfect!! (She's coming with us to the tasting session as well!! That will be June 5th)

Unfortunately my mom lives in NC, so she couldn't come with us, but I'm emailing her ALL the pics so it will seem like she was there!

Ok, so we left Wednesday around 4pm. We picked up FMIL and some stuff from the store and then we were off.
Here's a pic of my planning materials I brought...can you tell I was overprepared?? lol

The drive was great, FMIL sat in the front and I drove, so we chatted the whole way (she is the sweetest woman in the world) while DF sat in the back and read the paper...he always stays in his own world when it comes to girl talk and wedding stuff lol

Then we arrived at...*another drum roll*...Animal Kingdom Lodge!! (yay DVC!! lol)
The Lodge:

Here is our room..

When we were checking in the CM asked why we were there for only one night and I explained we were there for our PS...so maybe thats why we got a Savanah view?? :confused3 Because we had just booked a standard...yay for pixie dust!! :yay:

This was waiting in our room...

How cute!! I love mickey's!

And DF checking out our view...

We could see the new DVC Villas building from our room..we are very excited for that to open!! (though not as excited for that as we are for another building currently under construction...more on that later lol)

I was SO excited and showing FMIL everything. I'm such a dork lol..but hey..thats me! She thought it was SO cool that we could see animals right from our balcony.

Me & DF on our balcony...
Don't I look excited??

So we checked out the room, got settled, then headed down to the Mara for a quick bite. I had chicken fingers & fries...not picture worthy lol.

After dinner we walked around the grounds and showed FMIL all the savanahs and animals. (Btw...in our house we're really silly, and we call animals "aMiNals"...switching the "n" and "m" around. Well....we've been doing this SO long that the entire weekend I kept saying "aMinals"..it was funny..I couldn't help it!:rotfl: )
There were TONS of animals out and about...



And this is a blurry pic...but you can see a baby giraffe next to his mom...he was 7 weeks old!!

Some little ducklings me and FMIL found...there were at least 12 of them!!

Then we grabbed the car (Oh...did I mention that with DVC membership you get FREE..yes FREE valet parking at any DVC resort??? Pretty neat!:thumbsup2 ) and headed to DTD.

DF decided to tell me a different way to go (gotta love backseat drivers) and nearly got us lost. Now...we have been coming to WDW for YEARS...and I used to be a CM...so I know these roads like the back of my hand..so how and why he decided to get us nearly lost is beyond me. We've been going the same way from LBV to DTD for years...he's just wierd lol.:rolleyes:

We get to DTD and head straight to Arribas Bros. Our goal this trip was to get our champagne flutes. (We're trying to spread out our purchases for the wedding..so everytime we go down I get something different)
We thought we would have to buy them tonight then pick them up tomorrow after they were engraved...we figured it would take at least one day. Well..when I asked the lady how long it would take she looked at the guy's work station and said "Oh..well you're next, so 15 minutes?" :yay: FMIL suggested we stay there so we could actually watch him engrave our names....how romantic!:lovestruc

Here's the guy engraving our names...


Now..funny thing..when we wrote out the design we wanted I wrote the names next to each other like this:

Megan (heart) DJ

But I thought it was standard to do them like this:

So I thought thats how he would do them...
Well, as he was engraving FMIL looked and said quietly "He's putting them next to each other, not on top of each other..."
At first I was going to stop him and have him start over, putting the names on top of each other, but after we saw it..we really liked it!!! Sometimes mistakes happen for a reason!! And make things better! :goodvibes

So here is the finished product:



I LOVE them!!! So excited to have them! :cloud9:

Ok..going to eat lunch...then I'll post more!!
CUTE glasses!

My family is in Gainesville- about 2 hrs from WDW and we are in NC!-----

More, more, more!
Those glasses are so cute!! my df and i got engraved glass mugs (his mickey, mine minnie) from the place in Epcot near Germany when we got engaged! never thought to take pics though :laughing: this is a great pj can't wait for more! thanks for all the wonderful reading! :thumbsup2
ohh..can't wait to read more :yay: !!!! Love your pictures so far. Wow, there really were a lot of animals out and about at AKL. The duckies are still cuter though. Your toasting glasses turned out great. I love Arribas bros.
Awe I love your glasses! We are staying at the AKV for our honeymoon and I am over the top excited!
CUTE glasses!

My family is in Gainesville- about 2 hrs from WDW and we are in NC!-----

More, more, more!

how awesome!!! We're very close to your family!! :)

Those glasses are so cute!! my df and i got engraved glass mugs (his mickey, mine minnie) from the place in Epcot near Germany when we got engaged! never thought to take pics though :laughing: this is a great pj can't wait for more! thanks for all the wonderful reading! :thumbsup2
Thank you! Yes, I would have never thought the take pics...thank goodness for my FMIL! She has such great ideas!

ohh..can't wait to read more :yay: !!!! Love your pictures so far. Wow, there really were a lot of animals out and about at AKL. The duckies are still cuter though. Your toasting glasses turned out great. I love Arribas bros.
LoL..yes..the duckies were SO cute! We watched them for like 20 minutes! They kept diving down and their little duckie butts would stick out of the water haha :rotfl:

Awe I love your glasses! We are staying at the AKV for our honeymoon and I am over the top excited!

You are going to LOVE it!!! When you go, go to the bar at the pool and ask for a Paw-Paw...its a non-alcoholic drink they make. (I know how they make it, but I'm not telling lol..its very simple..but SOOOO yummy!) yummers!

Love the galsses the view from your room was great.
Thank you!! :)

YEY Megan for starting...WOOHOOO:cool1:
cant wait to read more

LoL...I'm going to post more soon!!! And I'm keeping up with your PS TR!! :goodvibes
Love the glasses! :thumbsup2

Thank you :) They turned out so cute..we're so happy with them!
Ok, part 2...

After we got our glasses we walked around DTD for a bit. FMIL got a coffee at Ghiradelli's (i got a free sample of their peanut-butter square..yumm) and I got a churro from a cart...I forgot how yummy those things are!! mmm...craving one right now!! We checked out Once Upon A Toy so DF could check if there were any new monorail items out..there weren't. But I did find the plush toys for our table markers (using Disney characters). I didn't buy them yet, but I was able to show FMIL. She approved.

We didn't stick around long...we headed back to AKL and up to our room.
(Actually, DF made a stop for the gift shop because he has a doughnut addiction and needed some before he went to bed)
Once we got up there we all started getting ready for bed. FMIL was on the pull-out and DF was already almost asleep in the bed, so I sprawled out all my planning stuff on FMIL's bed and we looked at all the plans I had so far. Since she had been planning FBIL's wedding until recently, she didn't know a lot about ours and all the things we had been doing/planning. So it was like a cram session for her. lol
We started chatting and ended up talking from 10pm-1:30am! :scared1:
DF woke up a couple of times and kept saying "Aren't you guys going to sleep?!" hahaha...:rotfl: he's really silly and grumpy when he's sleepy. But it was a good thing we stayed up so late!! At 1:30 FMIL and I started to head to bed, but I peaked out the window one last time to check for any animals....there were 3 zebras right outside our balcony!!! It was so cool!! DF even got out of bed to see them!!
So we watched them for a little bit then went back inside to go to bed. Well after seeing the zebras we were all awake so we layed there talking for a while about the next day....then about 20 minutes went by and we were about to go to sleep again...I got up to go to the bathroom and happened to peek outside again....there was a giraffe walking right by our room!!! Now its 2am and we have a zoo outside!!! lol :lmao: So here we were again..all three of us on the balcony ooh-ing and aaah-ing at the animals.
Finally we went to bed. But honestly, I couldn't sleep...I was SO jazzed up about the PS the next day!
(no pics of the night-time animals...didn't want the flash to scare them away!)

Day 2~ Thursday May 15th

I woke up around 6:45am. Our PS wasn't until 1pm, so there was NO need to be awake..especially since we were up until 2am. But I just couldn't sleep at all. I layed there tossing and turning for about 30 minutes until DF grumpily said "Just get up..you know you want to" lol. So I did. Then FMIL was awake...and with both of us up DF woke up eventually to. (That man can sleep more than anyone I have ever known!! lol)

After some debating as to whether we should all get up and go get breakfast or send someone, we decided to send DF.
He went down to the Mara, and I made coffee in the room. (gotta have my coffee!!)
FMIL got the breakfast platter...(no pic)
DF got the Mickey waffle with bacon..

I got the croissant sandwich and grapes...it was YUMMY!!! (disney grapes are always yummy!)

After breakfast and coffee we all started getting ready and packed up. We left AKL around 10:30.

DF is on his way home from work...I'll write more soon!


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