Non Fancy Fanatics Head to the Grand Floridian

Candy Orlando said:
They must have thought one shower would be enough for you and your husband. They probably give the two shower rooms to larger groups.


That's where mind was too, that we should keep it so a larger party doesn't get stuck with it. Grizzly insisted that he had to have the rain shower. Sigh...Better be a nice rain shower.
Taking a break for a few minutes to relax before heading to dinner and then on to our race tonight. Can you believe the race starts at 10pm? I'm normally in bed by 10pm. So lets go back to departure day. We were excited because for the first time on our anniversary trip we weren't flying through Atlanta. We had a wonderful direct flight from Buffalo, and for the first time we were going to get down to Disney at a reasonable hour. Um, of course that didn't happen! Our 6:55pm departure was delayed until nearly 10pm. Yikes! So we get on the plane and I have 16 drink coupons to deal with. I gave 2 each to the row behind me, and 1 each to the folks in the row in front of me. The guys behind me were happy and were saying things to themselves like "we chose the right seats!". I ordered a baileys and vodka. It was delicious. I was all prepared to pay for it with my drink coupons, but the flight attendant never took them! How nervy of him to not take my coupons when I had so many. So we all had to order a second drink. The guy in front of me even ordered a third drink, and since I still had plenty of coupons, when he was going to hand the attendant his credit card I jumped in and said "hey, use this!". They guy was happy saying "Are you kidding me?" Nope! So I think I did a pretty good job of being the drink fairy, even though I still have 3 coupons left to burn, and they expire before we can use them again. :( Anyone want them? I'd be happy to mail them to you. Just send me a private message. I think they need to be used by December 2014.

We arrived at the Grand Floridian around 2am, maybe later, via the Magical Express. Can't wait to share with you exactly how I feel about this place, but for now we are off to dinner. There have also been lots of ups and downs this trip, including FP+ completely going down yesterday, park wide. Coupled with the pouring rain, yesterday was a real Disney gem. But that's for a later post.
Good luck with the race! 10:00 is a strange starting time.

We got a HA room once, called the front desk right away. I don't like it and I don't (thankfully!) need it.

I look forward to hearing about your trip...I hope the rain has stopped!
I can't wait to hear more. I really hope you are enjoying the resort and your second room exceeds the first. :)
I'm back home! Overall it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to tell you all about it. In our short 4 days in the parks we experienced pouring rain, the FP+ system going completely down for an entire day (yes you read that correctly, complete and utter FP+ system failure, park wide), our first adult Run Disney race in the freezing cold rain, a couple new restaurants for us, and our first Magic Band failure. But lets start first, with the good stuff, the Grand Floridian Villas.

We arrived at the wonderful hour of 2am-ish. Skipped happily over to the villas and arrived in room 1428, a room on a corner facing the Poly. Our arrival was saddened a bit because Grizzly immediately bristled as we were assigned a handicap accessible room. For some reason, don't ask me, Grizzly was completely fixated on the rain shower, and he was just not going to be happy unless he had a rain shower. Good grief. He called the 'front desk' (in quotes because who knows where these people actually are) while I did what any good DVC person does when entering a new DVC room for the first time. That's right, I went on the hidden mickey hunt. Well I had plenty of time for this hunt, and you know how many Mickey's I found? Take a guess? Nope not 7, not 3, not a respectable number like 5. One. I found 1 hidden Mickey in the whole studio. How pathetic was that? There was a questionable hidden mickey on the shower curtain, but Grizzly said it didn't count. I was totally disappointed in the lack of hidden Mickeys. All throughout my hidden mickey hunt I got to overhear Grizzly's fantastic conversation with the cast member. It went something like this:

Grizzly: I would like a studio room with 2 showers, not one shower.
Cast Member: All the studios only have 1 shower.
Grizzly: I'm looking at your website right now, and the pictures show 2 showers.
Cast Member: All the studios only have 1 shower.
Grizzly: I'm looking at your website right now, and the pictures show 2 showers. We are in a handicap room, and there is only 1 shower.
Cast Member: Room 1428 is not a handicap room, it is a hearing impaired room.
Grizzly: Well, there are bars on the walls in the shower and around the toilet, and I'm pretty sure those aren't necessary for the hearing impaired.
Cast Member: Well, all the studios only have 1 shower.
Grizzly: Well can I please switch to a non-handicap accessible room?
Cast Member: We are fully booked for the night, but we'll try to find a room for you in the morning...

Needless to say Grizzly was in a less than magical mood when he got off the phone. How could the cast member not know that the studios had 2 showers? That's the best part of the GFV studios! So we were told to sit tight for the night, and in the morning before heading off to the parks, to store our stuff with Bell Services, and we would be assigned a new room later that day. Sounded like a reasonable plan, little did we know this small decision would actually cause us a number of significant hassles!

So the room. While Grizzly was on the phone, I had plenty of time to survey the room. My overall impression was that the room was very nice. I think they did a great job with all the details, and the finish work was nice. But of course you only get to know a room after living in it a for a few hours. I went to bed thinking, 'oh this room is nice and fancy', but by morning I woke up feeling like 'Oh my goodness, I'm going to be eaten by crown molding'. Seriously overnight it went from fancy, to 'could there BE any more crown molding in this tiny space'. (Said in Chandler Bing's voice for those of you who watched Friends). I was just overwhelmed with fancy to the point where it felt like they were almost trying to hard. It was like smack you in the face fancy, where what I was really look for was a more subtle fancy that sneaks up on you. There was nothing subtle about this room. The crown molding was HUGE. Almost too big for the space. The marble floors screamed fancy! The giant 6 inch plank wood (maybe pergo?) floors screamed "I'M A FANCY WOOD FLOOR!" After a while I just couldn't take it! And then since they were clearly into details with these rooms, the details that they missed drove me bananas. Here are a few:

1. The cabinet under the wet bar did not shut. This seems to be a common theme because the cabinet in our next room also did not shut. For me, the number one job of a cabinet is to stay shut. Not slightly ajar, shut. Apparently Disney has a different set of standards because the doors did not stay shut, and for such a fancy room, I expect my cabinets to shut properly.

2. You know all that talk about extra storage in the rooms. Well, in the ADA room the bed didn't even have the drawers under it, so there was essentially a grand total of NO storage in that room. While in the second room there were 2 drawers under the bed, however, you could only open up one of the drawers, the other drawer being blocked by a night stand. For us drawer-using unpacking-people, the single drawer just did not cut it, and living out of my suitcase for a few days drove me bananas.

3. Shall we talk about the rain shower? No, lets not because there was no rain shower. There was, however, this device attached to the ceiling that shot out needles. It was designed to look like a rain shower, but in no way shape or form was any sort of rain shower. When I think rain shower I think big sumptuous drops of water cascading sensuously down over your body, making you feel like those old Herbal Essence shampoo commercials. Apparently, Disney ordered the rain shower from the same people they ordered the cabinet doors from. Someone who knew nothing about what they were designing. The rain shower was evil. It hurt when it was turned on. If you managed to get it to a setting where it wasn't hurting you with tiny spikes of water, then it was barely dripping. Maybe it was a drizzle shower? Who the heck wants a drizzle shower? No-one. Needless to say we felt a bit foolish for demanding to switch to a room with the rain shower because it was complete and utter crap.

4. Since we're talking about the shower, lets discuss the sheer lack of ability of the door to keep the water in the shower. Again, a shower door has one job. Keep the water in. Disney's door could care less if the water stayed in. In fact it practically shooed the water out of the shower. There was a gaping 1/4 inch gap at the front of the shower, a gap on the under side of the door, and guess what? The door didn't actually stay closed. I know, just shocking. Grizzly and I took a normal shower, nothing fancy, and the bath mat was completely soaked when we were done. Not damp. Soaked.

5. Not really Disney's problem, but have you ever tried to talk to someone taking a shower in one of the stall showers with a door? Well it's impossible. Grizzly and I spent so much time screaming back and forth at each other with the person in the shower just screaming "WHAT?". Until the person outside the shower physically walked over to the shower, opened the door, and screamed at the deaf person in the shower. Another point goes to the tub shower for not making people deaf. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why the ADA hearing room didn't have a stall shower. :)

6. The pocket doors. I have a love hate relationship with the pocket doors. If you've read my SSR post you will know that I felt like that room just had waaaaaaay too many doors. GFV effectively solved this with the pocket doors. I loved that. However, Disney was clearly talking with their door vendor (pretty sure it's the same guy who sells lousy cabinets and showers), and Disney described their need of doors like "We would like a pocket door, but we want a complicated one that no-one can actually figure out how to use". Seriously, what is up with these doors? One of the doors even has instructions, and I read them, and I still had trouble. So we basically just didn't use the doors, but those of you with tweens and teens who want their privacy are going to have at least one person locked in a bathroom, I guarantee it. Seriously, watch your little kids too because you could talk a tween out of the bathroom, but I have no idea how you would get a 3 or 4 year old out if he locked himself inside. I could barely get me out, and I don't even remember locking the door!

Next up, some room pics and the view. The view, the view, the magnificent view. If you ever feel overwhelmed by the fancy, just step outside to enjoy the 'standard' view.
So I heard you guys like pictures!

The views and room photos:
First room, room 1428:
This, according to the cast member we spoke to is a 'hearing impaired bathroom'

Toilet where the stall shower should be:

The vanity. All the bathroom things are together in the ADA room:

Grizzly on the phone on hold (plus the main room):

The only hidden mickey in the room, can you see it?

The toiletries. I tried the foot rub to be all fancy, and it wasn't all that great.

The bed in the ADA room does not have drawers!!!!!

I'm not exaggerating about the crown molding. You get two layers of it!!!!

The balcony:

Room 1428 from the outside:
Room 1428 Room view at 3am:
Looking Left to right from the balcony:

Overlooking the porte cochere (sp?) with the poly in the distance!

The monorail zooms right past this room!

Parking lot and basketball court to the right

And finally, around the corner, the Grand Floridian main building and monorail station:

The view from 1428 Room at 10am, looking left to right from the balcony:


So we were moved across the hall to room 1429. I was worried the room wouldn't have as good a view, but it turns out room 1429 beat the pants of room 1428.

View straight out from our balcony, the pool is just beyond that greenery. You could hear it, but it wasn't loud. To the right notice the lake!!

Better view of the lake:

Still can see the monorail:

The monstrous expanse of building to the immediate right:

Even the parking lots are pretty at the Grand Floridian!

And then the reason why 1429 beats 1428, you can see every firework of Wishes!
So I lied I have one more story for the day...

I have a little anecdote from our trip down that I thought you guys might enjoy. We were at the luggage carousel collecting our bag when this man scooted in next to us and started collecting his bags. As he pulled each bag off he proudly showed us these giant bright pink fish oven mitts that his wife had attached to each of their bags. "Look what my wife came up with! Wasn't she brilliant?" He said as he pulled each bag off. With every bag we were reminded how brilliant his wife was. It was sweet. I smiled. It was late. And then the snarky side of me took over because you have to see the full picture to see just how ridiculous this was. You see, not only had his wife tied humongous bright pink fish to their luggage, but their luggage itself was bright pink! I'm not sure how they felt the fish added anything to their ability of finding their luggage, but he sure was enamored with their brilliant idea.

Here we see 'brilliant' fish oven mitts attached to bright pink luggage:

And here we see a sample of the general color of baggage on the luggage carousel:

Good thing they had those fish or they never would have found those bright pink bags!!!! (I hope you can sense the sarcasm, cheers!)
I'm back home! Overall it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to tell you all about it. In our short 4 days in the parks we experienced pouring rain, the FP+ system going completely down for an entire day (yes you read that correctly, complete and utter FP+ system failure, park wide), our first adult Run Disney race in the freezing cold rain, a couple new restaurants for us, and our first Magic Band failure. But lets start first, with the good stuff, the Grand Floridian Villas.

We arrived at the wonderful hour of 2am-ish. Skipped happily over to the villas and arrived in room 1428, a room on a corner facing the Poly. Our arrival was saddened a bit because Grizzly immediately bristled as we were assigned a handicap accessible room. For some reason, don't ask me, Grizzly was completely fixated on the rain shower, and he was just not going to be happy unless he had a rain shower. Good grief. He called the 'front desk' (in quotes because who knows where these people actually are) while I did what any good DVC person does when entering a new DVC room for the first time. That's right, I went on the hidden mickey hunt. Well I had plenty of time for this hunt, and you know how many Mickey's I found? Take a guess? Nope not 7, not 3, not a respectable number like 5. One. I found 1 hidden Mickey in the whole studio. How pathetic was that? There was a questionable hidden mickey on the shower curtain, but Grizzly said it didn't count. I was totally disappointed in the lack of hidden Mickeys. All throughout my hidden mickey hunt I got to overhear Grizzly's fantastic conversation with the cast member. It went something like this:

Grizzly: I would like a studio room with 2 showers, not one shower.
Cast Member: All the studios only have 1 shower.
Grizzly: I'm looking at your website right now, and the pictures show 2 showers.
Cast Member: All the studios only have 1 shower.
Grizzly: I'm looking at your website right now, and the pictures show 2 showers. We are in a handicap room, and there is only 1 shower.
Cast Member: Room 1428 is not a handicap room, it is a hearing impaired room.
Grizzly: Well, there are bars on the walls in the shower and around the toilet, and I'm pretty sure those aren't necessary for the hearing impaired.
Cast Member: Well, all the studios only have 1 shower.
Grizzly: Well can I please switch to a non-handicap accessible room?
Cast Member: We are fully booked for the night, but we'll try to find a room for you in the morning...

Needless to say Grizzly was in a less than magical mood when he got off the phone. How could the cast member not know that the studios had 2 showers? That's the best part of the GFV studios! So we were told to sit tight for the night, and in the morning before heading off to the parks, to store our stuff with Bell Services, and we would be assigned a new room later that day. Sounded like a reasonable plan, little did we know this small decision would actually cause us a number of significant hassles!

So the room. While Grizzly was on the phone, I had plenty of time to survey the room. My overall impression was that the room was very nice. I think they did a great job with all the details, and the finish work was nice. But of course you only get to know a room after living in it a for a few hours. I went to bed thinking, 'oh this room is nice and fancy', but by morning I woke up feeling like 'Oh my goodness, I'm going to be eaten by crown molding'. Seriously overnight it went from fancy, to 'could there BE any more crown molding in this tiny space'. (Said in Chandler Bing's voice for those of you who watched Friends). I was just overwhelmed with fancy to the point where it felt like they were almost trying to hard. It was like smack you in the face fancy, where what I was really look for was a more subtle fancy that sneaks up on you. There was nothing subtle about this room. The crown molding was HUGE. Almost too big for the space. The marble floors screamed fancy! The giant 6 inch plank wood (maybe pergo?) floors screamed "I'M A FANCY WOOD FLOOR!" After a while I just couldn't take it! And then since they were clearly into details with these rooms, the details that they missed drove me bananas. Here are a few:

1. The cabinet under the wet bar did not shut. This seems to be a common theme because the cabinet in our next room also did not shut. For me, the number one job of a cabinet is to stay shut. Not slightly ajar, shut. Apparently Disney has a different set of standards because the doors did not stay shut, and for such a fancy room, I expect my cabinets to shut properly.

2. You know all that talk about extra storage in the rooms. Well, in the ADA room the bed didn't even have the drawers under it, so there was essentially a grand total of NO storage in that room. While in the second room there were 2 drawers under the bed, however, you could only open up one of the drawers, the other drawer being blocked by a night stand. For us drawer-using unpacking-people, the single drawer just did not cut it, and living out of my suitcase for a few days drove me bananas.

3. Shall we talk about the rain shower? No, lets not because there was no rain shower. There was, however, this device attached to the ceiling that shot out needles. It was designed to look like a rain shower, but in no way shape or form was any sort of rain shower. When I think rain shower I think big sumptuous drops of water cascading sensuously down over your body, making you feel like those old Herbal Essence shampoo commercials. Apparently, Disney ordered the rain shower from the same people they ordered the cabinet doors from. Someone who knew nothing about what they were designing. The rain shower was evil. It hurt when it was turned on. If you managed to get it to a setting where it wasn't hurting you with tiny spikes of water, then it was barely dripping. Maybe it was a drizzle shower? Who the heck wants a drizzle shower? No-one. Needless to say we felt a bit foolish for demanding to switch to a room with the rain shower because it was complete and utter crap.

4. Since we're talking about the shower, lets discuss the sheer lack of ability of the door to keep the water in the shower. Again, a shower door has one job. Keep the water in. Disney's door could care less if the water stayed in. In fact it practically shooed the water out of the shower. There was a gaping 1/4 inch gap at the front of the shower, a gap on the under side of the door, and guess what? The door didn't actually stay closed. I know, just shocking. Grizzly and I took a normal shower, nothing fancy, and the bath mat was completely soaked when we were done. Not damp. Soaked.

5. Not really Disney's problem, but have you ever tried to talk to someone taking a shower in one of the stall showers with a door? Well it's impossible. Grizzly and I spent so much time screaming back and forth at each other with the person in the shower just screaming "WHAT?". Until the person outside the shower physically walked over to the shower, opened the door, and screamed at the deaf person in the shower. Another point goes to the tub shower for not making people deaf. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why the ADA hearing room didn't have a stall shower. :)

6. The pocket doors. I have a love hate relationship with the pocket doors. If you've read my SSR post you will know that I felt like that room just had waaaaaaay too many doors. GFV effectively solved this with the pocket doors. I loved that. However, Disney was clearly talking with their door vendor (pretty sure it's the same guy who sells lousy cabinets and showers), and Disney described their need of doors like "We would like a pocket door, but we want a complicated one that no-one can actually figure out how to use". Seriously, what is up with these doors? One of the doors even has instructions, and I read them, and I still had trouble. So we basically just didn't use the doors, but those of you with tweens and teens who want their privacy are going to have at least one person locked in a bathroom, I guarantee it. Seriously, watch your little kids too because you could talk a tween out of the bathroom, but I have no idea how you would get a 3 or 4 year old out if he locked himself inside. I could barely get me out, and I don't even remember locking the door!

Next up, some room pics and the view. The view, the view, the magnificent view. If you ever feel overwhelmed by the fancy, just step outside to enjoy the 'standard' view.
I'm sorry you didn't like the the VGF. I take it you will not be staying there anymore. You must have gotten some reverse pixie dust for the room switch. The room I stayed in was perfect in every way. Can I please ask a question? Are the bulk of your complaints actually real or was that done tongue in cheek? The way I'm reading this you were not happy because you couldn't figure out how to use the pocket doors, the shower, and you had trouble holding conversations with people in the shower. You do know you can adjust the shower heads right? You can even make the water come out of both heads at the same time. Marvelous. Now the leaking shower door is quite a concern. Did you tell the staff about it? Well overall I am truly sorry you didn't like the resort. I'm sure you have your favorites and not every resort is a one size fits all. Many people will feel the same as you.
Thisdman said:
I'm sorry you didn't like the the VGF. I take it you will not be staying there anymore. You must have gotten some reverse pixie dust for the room switch. The room I stayed in was perfect in every way. Can I please ask a question? Are the bulk of your complaints actually real or was that done tongue in cheek? The way I'm reading this you were not happy because you couldn't figure out how to use the pocket doors, the shower, and you had trouble holding conversations with people in the shower. You do know you can adjust the shower heads right? You can even make the water come out of both heads at the same time. Marvelous. Now the leaking shower door is quite a concern. Did you tell the staff about it? Well overall I am truly sorry you didn't like the resort. I'm sure you have your favorites and not every resort is a one size fits all. Many people will feel the same as you.

Hi Thisdman! I can say I did not love, nor hate the resort. All the things I mentioned were just small details that were missed or that bugged me, small details, nothing more. I think the only thing on my list that would actually make me think twice about staying there again is the lack of storage. Other than that the rooms are beautiful, but just not my taste at all. The rain shower though was a serious disappointment. We did spend significant amounts of time messing with it, we did get both shower heads to turn on at the same time, but as I mentioned the rain shower was vicious, not a gentle rain at all unless it was practically off. But yes, you interpreted me correctly, mostly tongue and cheek, that's how most of my reports tend to be. Thanks for reading.
I doubt we will ever stay at VGF, though we may try BLT. I would agree that Disney construction is not always of good quality, we've been DVC since 1999 and have seen our fair share of faulty craftsmanship. Marble and crown molding suggest "fancy" but a cabinet that doesn't close is just sloppy.

We have a tray ceiling in our bedroom, but both the crown molding as well as the ceiling are painted white. Maybe because the Studio ceiling is not white the crown molding stands out more?

At BWV, the view of the porte cochere is considered "standard view" so your second room was definitely better! Although, watching the monorail from my balcony vs. the stinky WDW buses would be nice.

Don't you just love it when you know more about Disney than the people who work there?? SO frustrating!

Totally funny about the pink luggage! I would have thought the same thing as you, though, why'd they bother? I have been known to be snarky, especially at that hour of the morning.
Hi Thisdman! I can say I did not love, nor hate the resort. All the things I mentioned were just small details that were missed or that bugged me, small details, nothing more. I think the only thing on my list that would actually make me think twice about staying there again is the lack of storage. Other than that the rooms are beautiful, but just not my taste at all. The rain shower though was a serious disappointment. We did spend significant amounts of time messing with it, we did get both shower heads to turn on at the same time, but as I mentioned the rain shower was vicious, not a gentle rain at all unless it was practically off. But yes, you interpreted me correctly, mostly tongue and cheek, that's how most of my reports tend to be. Thanks for reading.
And the shower door problem? Reported, yes? Water, great stuff, unless your bathroom is flooding.
Here we see 'brilliant' fish oven mitts attached to bright pink luggage: And here we see a sample of the general color of baggage on the luggage carousel: Good thing they had those fish or they never would have found those bright pink bags!!!! (I hope you can sense the sarcasm, cheers!)

I have that luggage!! Love it
I am sorry about the issues with the room. I would be disappointed with a H/A room myself but am very grateful I do not need one. Two showers are a big draw for DH and I. That being said I was wondering do you still feel the resort was too fancy for you? or Did you feel comfortable and like you belonged too?
Sorry to disappear in the middle of a trip report. I must have tired myself too much on the trip because by the plane ride home I was getting a soar throat and by Tuesday I was dreadfully ill. Ended up in bed sleeping most of the day both Tuesday and Wednesday. :( Definitely feeling better today though, just quite a bit sniffly. Serves me right for staying up until 2am running around Animal Kingdom.

I doubt we will ever stay at VGF, though we may try BLT.

At BWV, the view of the porte cochere is considered "standard view" so your second room was definitely better! Although, watching the monorail from my balcony vs. the stinky WDW buses would be nice.

I actually found the monorails going by quite pleasant. For some reason, even though I have ridden them a bazillion times, I had in my head they would sound like the trains going by in NYC that rattle the entire apartment building in movies. The 'el' trains I think? Anyways, they were nothing like that. The monorails had a nice gentle rumble when you were outside on the balcony, and we could not hear them at all inside.

I definitely want to try BLT. Part of the appeal of GFV for me was the monorail, and it was actually down twice in the four days we were there. So frustrating!!! At least at BLT I would have still been able to walk back to my hotel.

And the shower door problem? Reported, yes? Water, great stuff, unless your bathroom is flooding.

Thisdman I did not report the shower leaking. It seemed to me to be a major design flaw, not something that could easily be fixed with a call to maintenance. I'm not sure what they would have done had I called them. With subsequent showers, when we were not using the awful rain shower, there was much less water outside the shower.

I have that luggage!! Love it

I think it's pretty awesome luggage actually, but then again I have a fondness for flamingos.

I am sorry about the issues with the room. I would be disappointed with a H/A room myself but am very grateful I do not need one. Two showers are a big draw for DH and I. That being said I was wondering do you still feel the resort was too fancy for you? or Did you feel comfortable and like you belonged too?

Great question! I think my biggest worry about staying at the GFV was mainly directed at fellow guests. I can say that I never once felt uncomfortable or made to feel like I didn't belong by other guests or staff. And this is coming from someone who wears a Goofy hat or other ridiculous headwear almost every day while at Disney. I did notice that I was the only one wearing a Goofy hat other than my husband, but that didn't bother me. There is this charming grandfatherly guy that they have stand outside the GFV in the morning. I think his name was Richard. He was adorable. I asked if we could take a picture with him and he was very pleased and kept thanking us for letting him be in our picture.

I think the picture sort of epitomizes how we fit in at the GFV, in that we really didn't fit in at all, but they were happy to have us:

Both my husband and I have no plans to go back to the GFV anytime soon, but we are glad we got to try it out. It's nice, but just not for us and our tastes.

Back to the trip report soon, I promise.
Due to our late arrival we decided it was best to miss rope drop the next day. Instead we set our alarms for 10:30am, and got up just in time to vacate the room by our 11am deadline. After enjoying our gorgeous view for a few minutes we headed down to bell services with our bags, and headed off to the parks for the day. We normally always go to Magic Kingdom first thing, but neither of us felt like going there if we were going to miss rope drop. We need that tear jerking opening lip sync extravaganza to really get us in the mood, without it, the Magic Kingdom is just not the same. So we switched plans and headed to Epcot instead. Our daily plans included a few simple goals: 1. Try an avocado margarita, 2. Get a 4th FP+ to see what is available. Surely we would be able to accomplish these goals.

We arrived at the park around 11:10, and SURPRISE it was flower and garden festival time!! (Not sure how I missed this in my planning) Thank god I didn't show up with my mother. Gosh the park is beautiful though. Anyways, we had other goals than flowers, and headed straight to the tequila bar in Mexico. It was closed! What to do for 20 minutes? We were about 5 steps from getting on the Mexican boat ride when we veered off and instead had some chips and guacamole from La Cantina outside. Big mistake! All chips and guacamole are not created equal in and around the Mexican Pavilion. La Cantina chips, by my estimates, are made of an edible cardboard material designed to resemble chips, but taste like I imagine wood filler might taste. The guacamole is green which is about the only thing going for it. We also had the chicken tacos, and I spent every bite wishing we had some Lloyd Taco Truck tacos instead. If you are ever in the Buffalo area, find that truck, they are delicious! So after a disappointing snack, we headed to our Soar'n FP+ before making our way back to the tequila bar. The Soarn FP+ worked perfectly, no backed up line at the entrance, walked right onto the next show.

Now in our chip eating mediocrity we came across a small problem. Our Magic Bands were not working for charging. This wouldn't have been too much of a problem with the exception that I had $400 of Disney gift cards sitting back at bell services, so using my credit card was really not my first choice of payment methods. Ugh. After Soarn' we headed to Guest Services to see if we could reset our pin. Turns out it wasn't our pin. It was the darn room change! Darn this room change!!!! We were in room reservation limbo. The system had checked us out of our old room, but we hadn't checked into our new room, so what this all amounted to was that we couldn't charge to our Magic Bands. Booo! Off we headed to the tequila bar to drown our sorrows. I had read multiple people talk about the avocado margarita in a 'get your drink on thread', so I figured it must be good. Ha! It was awful. It tasted exactly like drinking a lousy salad with too many of the greens that no-one actually likes in it, like arugula. (Don't even pretend to like arugula, it's an awful bitter beast of a green). Grizzly tried mine and agreed it tasted just like a salad. Yuck! Here is a picture, seeing as I'm smiling, I'm going to guess that I had not tried it yet:


Now that I think about it, I'm honestly not sure what I thought it would taste like, but I wasn't thinking salad. I worked my way through my $13.50 alcoholic salad, and while doing so noticed the much more delicious chips available at this fine establishment. Oh how I wish we had ordered the chips and guacamole from here instead. The chips looked thin and crispy. The guacamole had clear chunks of avocado visible. It looked marvelous. I will definitely be trying those next time, but without the alcoholic salad drink.

Because we were having a meandering slow paced kind of day, we meandered through the butterfly tent. Unfortunately, with only my cell phone this was the best I could do, but I was really impressed by how many butterflies they had in there:

Can you imagine being in this park with my flower obsessed mother? We would have never gotten out:


Up next we try to find Constantine the world's most dangerous criminal (from the new Muppet movie, Muppets Most Wanted), and subject ourselves to two rides just so we can get a fourth FP+ for science.
Following along! I am sorry you didn't fall in love with GF...we have never tried it, but I would like to at some point. I CRACKED UP at the reaction to all the crown moulding...I agree that it was too much, but The Hubs and I LOOOOVE us some crown moulding! We have been documenting some of our house renovation in our PTR, so I just lost it when I read that and saw the photo! :rotfl2:
LOL. Your witty honesty has me cracking up! I am just imagining the avocado margarita! Now I will say the cucumber margarita is quite refreshing, and I don't even like cucumber!


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