No more Confisco's character lunch?


Earning My Ears
Feb 8, 2000
First of all, the new message board is really nice. Next, I must say that I have been busy and haven't visited the boards for about a week. What has happened? Some people are saying Confisco's isn't having the character lunch anymore. Barry said not to pay attention to this on someones post. Please clarify! Where else can you go for a character lunch or dinner? Thanks for your replies.
Actually, I said not to pay attention to the Confscio's character lunch in one of my articles. The character lunch was indeed cancelled a few days ago. :(
Thank you for your reply. Where should we go for a character lunch/dinner. BTW, how did you get to be roller coaster king? Have you ridden the Millenium Force?
They are still doing character dinners on certain days at the resort hotels

At PBH they are on Mondays & Fridays at 5pm in th4e Trattoria del Porto. For reservations call PBH 407-503-1000.

At HRH they are on Tuesdays & Saturdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Sunset Grill. For reservations call HRH 407-503-7625.


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