No CB @ Olivia's


6 AM and already the boy ain't right.<br><font col
Aug 18, 1999
Deb Wills's site is reporting that Olivia's will no longer be serving a character breakfast. It's too bad. Although it wasn't a great meal, our grandkids always had fun there. It was a little tradition for us on our check out day. My SiL and I would take the kids there while the ladies packed.
By the way, here's the link to her page about the changes.

More than anything I'll miss all of the street performers at World Showcase. They gave WS the atmosphere that made it so charming.
The loss of Yacht Club Galley is major to me as my girlfriend and I adored it, and it was just a hop, skip, and jump away from BWV... That being said, the idea of Caravan of Characters, to me, is an improvement on Early Entry, but we'll see how it is actually done...

Noon for World Showcase? Yesh!

I guess no EE days needed a change and a character caravan is a nice idea. But cutting out character breakfast at Olivias is a mistake. Recently they did this at WL(Artistis Point) another DVC location. I beleive all hotels should have at least one character meal(IMHO) but especially OKW because of its seclusion from other hotels. It is easy to travel from WL to Poly or GF for a character meal but not as easy or convenient from OKW which is why I would have kept it there.

It is easy to travel from WL to Poly or GF for a character meal but not as easy or convenient from OKW which is why I would have kept it there.
My guess that is exactly why they canceled it. I'm kinda bummed. I always wanted to do the CB at Oliva's, but I never got around to it. Oh well, it's too late now.

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